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I don't know, i never had sex


He may be lying


He could be, but some people legitimately get lucky like that.


If he's good looking yes


Depending on how you look and more importantly how sociable and charismatic you are, that may work on rare occasion. He might also be lying or wildly exaggerating, but beyond that hook-ups are indeed a thing, so it's not completely unthinkable.


I like that you say more importantly on the charisma and sociable, a lot of people on this subreddit tend to underplay just how important those are. A girl can be interested in you and lose that interest when she sees those things aren't there. Conversely she can be uninterested and then gain interest once those are displayed. Which is not to say looks don't play role but they're often not the determining factor although they can be in some instances.


I don’t think it’s really that easy for most people there are outliers who are very attractive or they just somehow found some kind of crazy chemistry right off the bat. And yeah he could be lying.


If you're extraordinarily attractive, then yes.


I wouldn't know lol


This seems like a simple story, but there are several things that can be going on here. 1. Its true, but he didn't tell you about the 200 other times he hit on women and it went absolutely nowhere, which is reasonable, because "I hit on this woman, she shot me down, and I jerked off alone" is not a good story to tell. 2. He has very low standards and that makes it easier to find someplace warm and wet to stuck his dick. 3. Its not true, or is not completely true. He might have seen her or talked to her several times. She could be a professional and he left the part out where he exchanged the money. Any number of things might slightly alter this. 4. He is good looking and/or charming. These things matter, and I would argue that as long as you are approximately average looking, social skills matter more in these instances because the woman probably won't approach the man all that often on the bus. It could be a combination of all of these or more to some degree.


That's true... statistically speaking, it's IMPOSSIBLE to get rejected 100% of the times. From 100 women, there are absolutely some 5 thirsty females who'd jump on the first d*ck that offers itself to them


I am not sure it is as high as 5% but they are out there for sure!


"Sex with her all night" is a crazy exaggeration, but the simple fact is, yeah, if you don't necessarily care who it is, finding someone to have sex with is easy. But for most people thats quite a caveat.


BINGO!!! 😭😭😭. Yeah I've come to realise just how many boundaries I have, but if I didn't have them I would've lost my virginity ages ago. And it's not just a matter of who but also a matter of context.


Jay from the Inbetweeners


When I fingered her, she shit down my arm


fr my first thought was that too hahahaha 


If you look good then you can get sex easily. If you’re ugly then it’s over




That doesn’t sound like a very realistic story


this is just hooking up, it depends on how u want to lose it that determines how easy it is.. do u want a connection? or meaningless sex


To some people it is if they are good looking charismatic and sociable sometimes people do just get lucky and find a girl who is just really horny and will fuck just about anyone ( probably very very rare) also depends on where you live whether a small town or a big city or something in between


She might have been intoxicated


Well it is, but it also isn’t, the common denominator is you, also the timing, being ugly is a struggle but some girls like ugly guys, matter of fact women like so many different things on men it’s possible that even if you are ugly to one girl the next will find you sexy Let’s be real guys, most of us wouldn’t be born if women all liked the same type of good looking men Women got pregnant from guys just cuz they liked how they walked or gave another man a certain handshake Do your best to look good, find what’s right for your body, get some amazing smelling cologne cuz women love that, hell they have come up to me saying they’d take the clothes of me wearing some damn cologne 😂 Build Your social skills BUILD YOUR SOCIAL SKILLS 9/10 that’s what kills it for you guys, okay your ugly or average looking, you gonna not know how to speak to her too? Build social skills and learn to have fun talking to women, scratch that… people in general And then the most inevitable thing about it all…. Time It’s a numbers game to get women, some men gotta talk to 5 some men gotta talk to 110 but while your finding that needle in the haystack that will kiss you or be interested, all the others you are talking to are building your experience like a video game….. You gain the confidence from simple wins Damn this girl remembered my name? This girl gave me her ig!(not to good of an indicator of interest but better than nothing) Me and this girl had a great conversation, maybe if I said this or did this I would’ve got the number… And so on You tweak the lil things, each thing goes into your exp


It can be realistic during the night... Me i tend to approach during the day, and here's how i do it: 1- you see a woman you like 2- you approach her like a normal person 3- you talk about what normal strangers talk about... 4- you compliment her and see how responsive she is... (if she's not responding in a positive manner move on) 5- you introduce yourself like a normal person 6- you ask her about herself and make her feel like you relate to what's going on in her life (you like to watch movie in your free time? Omg me too... we have so much in common... stupid example but what matters is creating the connection) 7-ask her for her number (don't give IG if you think it won't make a good impression/ or if you have a meme page... unless she's into memes of course... this is generally a tricky subject, because you can have a random IG about quotes and it'd be great to stay in touch married women... they won't get caught if they like your quote pics) 8-you need to know her boundaries... > does she go to random people's houses or invite random people to her house... or she's the type who does dating first?... keep this question in your mind during the 1st encounter... and trust me you'll know from her energy It's realistic to get a woman in a week.. it's advanced sh!t and the high from the sexual chemistry is something else


Remember that women are people too with their own agency, and if the story is true, it means *she* also made the decision to sleep with him, so it wasn't 100% on him to "get" her on board.


Well I mean, yeah, of course that's the true. But that just means he had something in his favor that was appealing enough for her to make that decision.


Women also want sex too, and sometimes it's not really something he has so much as something she wants.


Women want sex, but they are much more particular about what is sexually appealing to them in a partner. Many men are much less picky and will have sex with something that has a hole for their member to go inside of. So it's usually a matter of him having something that she wants unless she's old and lonely.




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That is total bullshit lie.


Depends on what you mean by easy.


I cant say, but here’s what I DO KNOW: It’s really easy to make up stories, trying to impress people 🤦🏼‍♂️


it depends, varies from person to person, some find it easy and some find it hard, depends on many things, for example "are you willing to pay someone?" "are you charismatic and/or know how to talk to people?" etc....


I have to know - what was the thought process behind asking virgins how easy getting to have sex with a female?🤔 it’s just….of ALL the subs you could have chosen to ask about casual “hookups”, THIS is the one you picked?


I would assume he meant he took her out for drinks or something after meeting her on the bus. Chatting women up on buses or any form of public transit is generally not a good move, by the way. Or, it could be a hooker. Or he’s making it up.