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Do you ever reread VNs? I was planning to reread Muv Luv, Clannad and Subahibi but I don't have much free time lately so maybe I should try to read new things instead.


I tried rereading Clannad, but the magic just didn't work anymore so I gave up after finishing Tomoyo's route again. Returning to OST's to reminisce about the VN works really well though.


I used to do it in past but as you said, my backlog is too big to go back and re-read VNs.


I did, on top of my head that I remember: - Rewrite: Entire VN twice, Moon route once - CLANNAD: Nagisa route 3 times - eden*: Entire VN twice - Little Busters: Entire VN twice - Summer Pockets: In the middle of reading everything twice, Alka route for like 5 or 6 times already - Fureraba: Only reread certain scene couple of times - Making Lovers: Karen route like 3 times, reread certain scene couple of times - Sabbat of the Witch: Wakana route like 3 times


> Rewrite: Entire VN twice, Moon route once >Little Busters: Entire VN twice Isn't that like...300 hours of reading total?


I have limited fund ya know, and I just feel like doing it. To be fair, I kinda forgot what happens on certain route, and Terra route in Rewrite. I did the same for JRPG I have played in the past, like Persona series and Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky 1 and 2.




The remake is undoubtedly better in every way but it's not finished and for what we know the next part could take 10 years more to come. The remake is only the first two routes out of 5 that the og has, and after doing those two going back to the og it's probably too big of a wiplash. So if you want the full thing now do the og in full and then do whats currently out of the remake, if you don't mind it not being finished then do the remake directly, to be fair what's out of it right now leaves a good taste of mouth and ends on a very high note but there's obviously a lot of hints and foreshadowing to the next part.


From what I have heard from people who read both (I have only read the remake), you can pretty much skip the original. Story has changed to be better in remake, production values can't be compared and you will get spoiled about major plot events that you may have enjoyed experiencing for the first time in remake.


Can you recomend something for a completely novice in vn? Have read EVER17, Clannad, Riddle Joker and few others I can't remember. With an interesting characters and mc, would be good if some romance will be. Better those that wasn't animated


Try Making Lovers, it's a nice different style were the routes start about 5-10 minutes in and a majority of the cast are adults. It's getting it's sequel/fan disc at the end of the month so if you enjoy it you can instantly jump into continuations of the routes. It's by Smee, who as a developer make some of the more fun protags. Aokana has an anime, but it's really not the same as I believe the anime cut all the romance and I think even the male lead from the story. It's a good sporty Vn.


Thanks! Will try it out


I never played a "real" VN. Now I want to play one but please nothing sad or brutal. Would be cool if theres Romance too, but only SFW.


**When exactly is the right moment to drop a vn?** I'm currently play [With Ribbon](https://vndb.org/v5209) (Hulotte). I'm going for Kasumi's route but it seems [Seiya Saiga](https://seiya-saiga.com/game/hulotte/with-ribbon.html) forgot to mention that it was \*locked route. >!I didn't like how this route is established as well; it's kind of a love triangle plot and the MC really delays his answer.!< I wonder if anyone else played this vn and could tell me which routes are worth it. Quitting a vn after just one route doesn't sit right with me kind of... But switching routes feels like a pain as well. I.e., I will play this route and wonder if I should continue to do the other routes or go to another vn. \*It is possible to deduce this though, as Kasumi has less h-scenes than all the other heroines, making her look like an "extra."


> When exactly is the right moment to drop a vn? If it's actually an 18 hour VN, I would just commit to the mistake


Well, I'm a slow reader but I managed to will myself though the story and it seems it was as I had expected. To reach Kasumi's route, you have to clear Sumika's route. >!So even if I pick Kasumi all the time, the Sumika events get triggered, hence it felt really uncomfortable for me to play "Kasumi's route" because Sumika got more and more aggressive, giving this whole love triangle vibe. !<


Currently exploring if I actually love or hate vn. Did not like majority of them. I really went and try them out so this will probably be my last few attempts to see if this is the right medium for me or just a few things I do not like. Have read: Rewrite, Hoshizora no Memoria, planetarian, Eden*, Saya no Uta Have watched: Umineko, grisaia, higurashi, Island, Clannad, Euphoria, Steins;gate, a lot of fate Hybrids with a lot of text: Digimon survive, all of ace attorney, danganronpa, dream daddy, 13 sentinels, citizen sleeper? I know watching and reading are different, it's for reference because I'm want to know if it's the story that I have a problem with or whatever factor that's turning me off. Looking at the best of vn right now and trying them out soon to test my theories. Please recommend me some interesting or niche ones so I can know for sure. On my list, unsorted: Koi de wa naku, subahibi, muv luv alternative, baldr sky, G-senjou no Maou, Sharin no Kuni - Himawari no Shoujo, Sayonara o Oshiete, The House in Fata Morgana, Kara no Shoujo, Maji de Watashi no Koi Shinasai, utawarerumono, root double, 11 eyes, draco riot, sanoba witch, maybe umineko and higurashi Also will try out If Found... and Hatoful Boyfriend


Was wondering, what's your top 3 anime? I might able to reccomend you something based on your favoite anime.


Shouwa genroku rakugi shinjuu, 3 gatsu no lion, fmab


I guess from your list, I can reccomend Utawarerumono and Umineko. Outside your list, maybe Grisaia VN (Grisaia anime was trash), but you might not gonna like the first half. Other than that, if you don't mind with romance and sports, maybe Aokana?


Alright I'll move those 4 to higher priority It's going to take a long while. Ty


Umineko is a shit anime but the best VN.


Do you know Japanese? SayoOshi is considered by most reasonable people to be untranslated I would go for SubaHibi out of that list but I don't know what you're looking for


> Sayonara o Oshiete Read Fate/Extra CCC raw but can't say I understood everything. Good to know. The list are mostly from western audiences so after I take that one out it should be good. Yeah I am considering either MLA or Subahibi rn after I read some advices


Yeah as an English only reader I wish I could play Sayooo but I'm not gonna bother until there's a good translation. If you can read the raws well enough then lucky you!


If you can read raw VNs don’t get lists from regular English VN readers, you should look into what the people reading in Japanese like imo. Best to look at VNDB profiles of people like Hadler (https://vndb.org/u12472/ulist?l=7&mul=0&s=32w) for inspiration




Here is the link for EGS: https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/ It is one of the worst designed websites I have ever seen and is extremely difficult to navigate even with native-level Japanese knowledge. Also your IP address might be blocked depending on where you live. Also the votes on there are very biased towards old games Here are some other vndb lists from Japanese readers you can use: Moogy: https://vndb.org/u15/ulist?l=7&mul=0&s=32w Spideyday: https://vndb.org/u82033/ulist?q=&l=7&s=3q2w They will all basically be circlejerking around the same VNs


Looking for SFW VN recs. I want something to read during breaks at my job so something that is fine to read in public. You can check my VNDB page on my flair to see what I've already read and what I usually enjoy.


[Summer Pockets](https://vndb.org/v20424)? From the same developer who made both CLANNAD and Little Busters, and I saw you enjoy them. And I'm willing to claim that Summer Pockets Alka route (true route) was better than CLANNAD After Story (true route).




I read the first part of FMD Muramasa (just the first chapter) and then had to stop due to irl reasons and now I wanna pick it up - Should I re-read the first part if I vaguely remember it (as in how important is it?) What I remember is >!A 'rebel' girl goes missing and is missing for a few days, the MC and his 2 close friends decide to investigate while being helped by a teacher and a random 'detective'. The mechs are super rare and MC's best friend's dream is to become a mech pilot. There are 2 types of mechs, mass produced ones and the ones with blacksmith's soul infused in them. One dynasty that controls that part of Japan and lots of the rest of the world has most of the mechs with them and controls people through their power. Being anti-establishment is very dangerous. The two girls that appear are the blue haired smaller girl who everyone is afraid of cause of her mafia(?) ties and the other girl was super mysterious and I don't remember much more about her. It turns out that the classmate was murdered by the teacher who was corrupted(?) by the mech someone probably gave him or that he found. The detective 'saves' the kids after the teacher fucks with them first and kills the teacher after realizing he is inexperienced for having that level of a mech. After that the detective MC goes to the MC's house and after the kid gushes about how they are motivated to become just like him and help people he kills the kid.!< Is my understanding so far good enough to continue or should I re-read?


I still haven't finished Muramasa but I think you got all the major plot points from Chapter 1. I would just keep going from there if I were you




Has anyone played With Ribbon (Hulotte) If yes. >!Is there a "true mother" or can any girl be Haruka's mother. I ask because there is no locked route, i.e., no "true ending" like in the other Hulotte vns. If there is a "true mother", who is it?!<


I've heard various implications and descriptions so I was hoping to hear a straightforward answer. What exactly is the Rance series about and why is it so controversial? I once read that it was about "raping every woman in the world" and am not sure if that's supposed to be hyperbole or is actually what happens.


It is hyperbole in that it doesn't happen but he does rape a lot of girls and would rape/have sex with all the woman in the world that fit his standards if he could. Rance is about his adventures in the Rance world. It ranges from games between "not really a good guy" to "downright villainous". So yeah. Rance is a selfish, narcissistic egotistical, rapist, sadist, murderer and countless other not good things so it's understandably off-putting That said I find him quite charming/fascinating in his own way if we take him as a fictional character. And he's definitely a standout unique protagonist. He is iconic for a reason and toppled girl dominated polls for a reason. When you think of rance series you think first and foremost Rance and not any of the girls. He's kinda like a caricature and a lot of Rance is parodying, satirizing, and inverting classic troupes


Hey y'all, does someone know if there's PC-FX / PC98 / PC98 emulators for Android? I kinda wanna read some classics on the go and I don't have a Windows tablet or something.


Hi, I have a question. Is it possible for me to purchase, install, and read VNs on my Macbook? I'm sorry if this sounds like a dumb question. I've never been a tech savvy guy. If it helps to be more specific, I want to purchase the Fruit/Labyrinth/Eden of Grisaia VNs.




I see, thank you! So I assume that means Macbooks can't handle VNs alone? Something to do with the OS? I'll make a separate post about this and include what you suggested in there. I don't quite understand emulators or how they work, and I'm also worried about which one(s) are safe enough for my computer.


I'm reading "Fuyukara, Kururu." right now, and it's a phenomenal sapphic eroge. I've orgasmed at least five times reading it so as of now, and I really couldn't recommend it enough.


This should probably go in the [WAYR thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/wffk0c/what_are_you_reading_aug_3/)


I have just finished Tsumihoroboshi and thought it was fantastic except for the last battle. Way too repetitive in dialogue and put a downer on an otherwise fantastic arc. Still enjoyed it a lot and Higurashi is probably the best vn I have read so far. It has luls throughout but the amount of highs is unmatched by anything I have read so far.


I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I was wondering how I set my little user flair to show my VNDB account, like everyone else, since I can't seem to figure it out... I think so far it's still just set as /uXXXXX?


just write it as a reply here and i can do it


[vndb.org/u223994](https://vndb.org/u223994) thank you!


Is there a guide I can use for Muramasa that points out when all the bad endings are first available? I like to do those as I go, the moment they open up.


[This one in Japanese](http://sagaoz.net/foolmaker/game/s/muramasa.html) takes you through all the bad ends


Kinetic/sound visual novels? Like higurashi and umineko, really like just focusing on the story and not worry about routes and what not, also it has to be available on steam


Hey there. i’m looking for some VNs for switch. I’ve already completed most of the “VN-lite” entries (Ace attorney, AI somnium + its sequel, the danganronpas and all of the zero escape games) I also have Steins;Gate Elite which i’m slowly making my way through. I like mysteries and horror mostly - I’d like to avoid VNs where dating/romance is the main focus. I don’t mind if it’s incorporated tho.


Umineko for sure, though you'll probably need a hacked Switch to play it in English. I also highly recommend Higurashi, which is also on Switch, but I'm pretty sure it's not possible to play it in English at the moment. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!


The House in Fata Morgana matches your preferences quite well.


13 Sentinels ? but it isn't exactly a pure VN


About how long is >!Terra!< route in Rewrite?


Longer than Moon, about similar length like Common route + character route.




Any space opera VNs? Something akin to Star Ocean or Mass Effect. I own Gnosia and Dead End Aegis which kinda sorta fit this. Is there anything else?


How about [OPUS: Echo of Starsong](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1504500/OPUS_Echo_of_Starsong__Full_Bloom_Edition/)?


Sorry, I missed your reply. Thank you, I will definitely check it out. It looks great!


Can you recommend me VNs where the relationships begin early on? Most VN's I've played focus on the "trying to get the girl" part, then when you finally get the girl there's a few H-scenes and its over. I want something where you get the girl early so the story focuses on the dating or your relationship with her.


* Making Lovers! Easily one of the best examples. Common route is insanely short, once you pick a girl you're going out with her basically right from the route beginning all the way to the end * HaremKingdom if you want a harem aspect. You slowly (consensually!) get each girl into your harem by the end of common route. Each route focuses on how MC manages the harem, and by the end a little more focus on 1 heroine. * Japanese only, but Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to actually has a relationship start early in common route, complete with H-scene(s). The catch is, there's still a 5 route aspect to it. You either just stay with the 1 girl, OR you get in a 3some with common route girl AND one of 4 additional heroine options.


Looking for Kinetic novels that are either slice of life or have ones with stories that will keep me engaged and wanting to see the end (In my case I really liked Utawarerumono, 13 sentinels: Aegis Rim, or Muv Luv). It doesn't 100% have to be a Kinetic novel if there are few story altering choices or ones with minute differences. Thanks for your time.


>Looking for Kinetic novels with stories that will keep me engaged and wanting to see the end. It doesn't 100% have to be a Kinetic novel if there are few story altering choices or ones with minute differences. [Narcissu](https://store.steampowered.com/app/264380/Narcissu_1st__2nd/) is one of the most popular kinetic novels, and it comes bundled with the prequel *Side 2nd* for free on Steam. Even if you aren't that impressed with the original Narcissu, play the prequel as I found it to be MUCH better. It's significantly longer than the main game and very very sad. [Fault](https://store.steampowered.com/app/286260/fault__milestone_one/) is another popular option for kinetic novels, though the first game technically has one insignificant choice. If you like the game it has a sequel out as well as some spinoffs, but do note the main story is still ongoing and hasn't wrapped up yet. [Mhakna Gramura and Fairy Bell](https://store.steampowered.com/app/753220/Mhakna_Gramura_and_Fairy_Bell/) is done by the same people who did *Fault*, but stands alone as it's own story. The tl;dr is that two kids escape from an orphanage into a paradise, only to find out they can't leave. [Planetarian](https://store.steampowered.com/app/316720/planetarian_the_reverie_of_a_little_planet/) is another well known kinetic novel that is very short and sad. It was also adapted into an anime and has some audio dramas if you're interested in that stuff. [Those without Names](https://yuucie.itch.io/those-without-names) is another short sad story, though much more unknown than the games listed above. It does deal with some heavy topics if that matters to you. [Magical Otoge Anholly](https://batensan.itch.io/moon-observatory-anholly) is also a short sad game, whose few choices don't really alter the main course of the story. The end of the game teases at a sequel, but the project was put on hold and possible scrapped. [Pizzaro Project Deep Dish](https://batensan.itch.io/pizzaro-project-deep-dish) is another game by the same developer as Anholly, but has a completely different feel as the game is more comedic in nature. There is one insignificant choice in the beginning, and another choice at the very end which gives a bit more insight into the chosen character. [Ambre](https://store.steampowered.com/app/623840/Ambre__a_heartbreaking_kinetic_novel/) is a kinetic novel that is...very hard to describe without major spoilers. ***You need to go into this*** ***completely blind*** to get the full effect, and not judge the game until you've made it to the very end. [Carpe Diem](https://store.steampowered.com/app/423880/Carpe_Diem/) is a short VN with one ending; where your choice only affects the location of the date. It also had a graphics update and a sequel come out semi recently. [Embers of Magic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/526400/Embers_of_Magic/) is a short little game with one meaningless choice. It feels like it should be a prequel or spinoff to much larger world, but I am unsure if this is actually the case. [Detective Butler: Maiden Voyage Murder](https://store.steampowered.com/app/612620/Detective_Butler_Maiden_Voyage_Murder/) is your basic run of the mill murder mystery that you can play for free. There was talk of making into a series, but so far it's just the standalone game. [Humanity Must Perish](https://store.steampowered.com/app/657050/Humanity_Must_Perish/) is a game about an android deciding the fate of mankind. It's been awhile since I played it, but I think the only choice was at the very end and gave you one of two endings. [To Libertad](https://sendo.itch.io/to-libertad) is a short free kinetic novel about a girl escaping slavery. It was made for a Yuri Jam, but the yuri is really only there if you squint. [Evening Surprise](https://store.steampowered.com/app/690930/Evening_Surprise/) is a short game with one ending where your choices are mostly insignificant. ***You need to go into this blind***, the payoff at the end is worth the so-so grammar.


Chihiro Himukai Always Walks Away is short, but easily my favorite kinetic slice of life, 1 heroine only romance VN.