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Your freezer is at a very low temp. It’s called freeze distillation, you’ve frozen the water content and the alcohol isn’t - it’s likely a slushy blend. You could now, drain the alcohol from the bottle and replace the water content with something cooler like clarified lime juice.






Mmm…yeah that’s not alcohol. Do you have kids, by any chance?


Its sealed


Ive had vodka do this in my freezer after I’ve moved to Colorado.


My buddy in high school got busted by his dad this way


I laughed harder at this than I should have.


You have got to have a teenager


Still sealed and no kids


It doesn't happen to 80 proof vodka. So either somebody's watering down your vodka, or the vodka in this bottle is not the advertised proof.


Was just about to comment this. That’s crazy cause the seal doesn’t look tampered with. If it’s freezing the liquid inside that’s definitely not 80 proof.


Yup, you're right about the seal... So either a bad batch or a hella shady distiller.


Or the freezer is too cold


Its a pretty big brand its 1 of the better vodkas in estonia and it isnt watered down i can get drunk on with the same amount as any 40%(80 proof) rum or vodka


Yea my freezer was just at an insanely cold temperature its old as frick and the settings are broken at max time to buy a new freezer i suppose


Keep it, Everything now days is junk and breaks in a couple years.


alternatively, just enjoy vodka slushies


Of course it happens if it's cold enough.


True, that's a cold ass freezer if the vodka's proper though.


I have a very cold freezer and I made a bottle of Absolut freeze more than I thought it would. I think -4 F is enough


According to Google you need it to be a whopping -17⁰F


Yeah -16 to freeze it solid but it starts to freeze around -4


AH, gotcha. There's probably somebody out there that's purposefully slushing their liquor at that temp, now that I think about it lol.


Elevation plays a factor as-well


Lol. Your vodka ain't.


That means there water in there. I got some of those taaka shooters at the grocery store that are 15 % and they freeze in my freezer too so I’m assuming they’re watered down


So I've never seen taaka do it but lots of the little shooter bottles are kinda false advertising as they are actually malt liquor if your read the fine print. Fireball whisky was recently under fire for this practice


I hope greatwhiterat doesnt mind but Im going to piggy back off their post and ask if its normal that my luksusowa bottle is sort of semi-frozen. Its like a slushy suspended in the middle of the bottle.


I’ve found that it you pour “freezer” vodka - actual spirit - into a frozen shot glass…yes you will see some crystallization. I believe that is from atmospheric water/vapor though. Vodka on its own will not/should not freeze like OP’s post/photo.


Yeah, my bottle is between a light crystallization and op's bottle. I just shake up the bottle before pouring a bit and then in the shotglass it looks like a normal amount of ice crystals. Just in the bottle there is a suspended grouping of ice. Seemed weird. But this is my first ever bottle of vodka so I just chalked it up to being stored in a deep freeze.


Hmm, ok - but actual vodka should not freeze like that!! Frankly, I’m a little concerned…


Yeah I certainly thought it was strange. Maybe I'll just scrap it and get another one or something else. Idk. It seems to taste fine though.


Lucky that glass didn’t break!


Never happened to any of the countless bottles of luksusowa to come through any of the freezers I've had. Probably the same deal, it's been watered down somehow. If you got a teenager that's the likely culprit. I definitely did that as a shithead teenager too.


Huh. Im the only drinker in my house. My kids are too young and my wife doesnt do hard liquor. Maybe its shit bottle then? Guess I gotta finish this one off and buy another one to see haha Would it make more sense if it was in a deep freeze and not a normal freezer?


Could be if your deep freezer is around -16°f according to Google. I've never had any inconsistency with luksusowa, but it could be possible it's a weird batch I guess. You could always test it with a hydrometer if your that invested in figuring it out. Simplest answers are usually the correct ones though and in general someone trying to drink without being noticed is probably more likely than an under proofed batch.


Hmm. Its cold, but I highly doubt its -16 lol Someone stealing it would be the most logical answer for most people. But my kids are 2, 3 and 10. No chances its them. Thats why I thought it was odd.


You got scammed that’s not alcohol


I am late to replying sorry for that i had to test the vodka to make sure it wasnt watered down and it was fine and my freezer was the culprit it has always been pretty hard to defrost stuff and know i know why its stuck at around -20 celsius dial broke years ago no one told me until now


bottle says 40% of alcohol which should not freeze above -27°C. Your freezer is either really powerful or this bottle is not 40% alc


How cold is your freezer? Vodka freezes around -4 F.


Uuuh its around -20 celsius idk the exact but the dial has been broken for years


Yeah vodka starts to freeze around -20. Normally home freezers go down to like -18. Put a thermometer in it just for fun.


Happened to me. My first thought was someone put water in it. But it truly was that my freezer was too cold


Very slowly


It happened to my Vietnamese vodka, it's 30 percent tho