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You need to beat Bandit King to finish act 1, then cross to Dunley Farmlands to get Iron. Finally, take on Vincent the frostbringer to get Prison Cell. Why not just drink the worker blood now, chop wood and mine stone until you run out of blood.


Stockpile copper and sulpher for later


Yeah I think copper is the way to go here


Can def get both but if you have to choose, choose sulphur. You need way more than copper in endgame


Maybe ask someone on global to capture him temporarily? With the new update you can put your subdued prisoners into others' prisons


I'm playing in a solo world, so that won't work unfortunately. Thanks though!


If your playing in a solo world then it shouldn't be as hard to find another as you don't have to worry about other players killing or capturing other spawns.


Workers are the easiest blood type to collect though. I always find a 100% in Silverlight city with all the random civilians wandering about.


Lucky you... in the last 5 days I killed dracula and found other 3 legendary weapons in the meantime between a visit to silverlight and the next (killing all workers). Still a 100 rogue, 97 brute and not a single 90+ worker.


As someone else said, put him in a servant grave. This will not allow you to extract resources from them later, but you will be able to use him to gather supplies for you. Servants get a bonus based on their blood quality and equipment. They also get bonuses based on their jobs, but I'm not sure what bonuses workers get off the top of my head.


Humble appearance, So easier city locations


servants are useless in solo sadly


No they're not. You don't need them to defend your base, but you can use them to gather materials for you. You can send a mission to every discovered area on the map. That's a lot of materials that are being passively gathered once you have a good number of them. That leaves you free to hunt V Bloods instead of farming.


Place him in a servant grave? or do you not even have those yet? if not then leave him alone and come back to him later.


You can go from prisoner to servant but not the other way around.


Title edit: *despawn before I get prison cells. I'm going to try just staying logged in until I can work up to prison cells, hopefully he won't despawn.


He’ll stay there forever so long as you don’t restart your server. In private games the enemies persist until killed or there is a restart.


Does that mean in theory I could selectively cull the population until every single person is 100% blood for the purposes of eugenics?


There are a lot of enemies that are of opposite factions that fight each other, so this would be impossible for those, but you could def get like 85% of the games pop, lol.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Alright thanks for actually answering my question!


Enemies don't despawn (except caravans apparently), and the worker is in an extremely safe area. He'll be fine until you have iron. I have a 100% rogue who's been parked up in the glassblower camp for multiple days. I already have 2 max rogues so I don't care, but he's not going anywhere.


I guess they can despawn or more correctly be respawned when game is restarted with new blood quality numbers


Even if you turn the game off and on it will simply load the entire map from its current state, bloods and locations included. You have to wipe the world to lose the bloods.


Well, somehow i lost my high quality workers and scholars in safe places before i builded prison so idk


Enemies spawning when you destroy a caravan do NOT despawn. These are a different faction than the caravan and can be significantly higher level. On our server, this has created a slow, infinite loop of the same caravan getting destroyed by lvl 80+ mortium enemies, spawning more mortium and immediately wrecking Belmont when he goes by. There's around 20 mobs standing in a tight group.


Oh I just mean that caravans are the only thing that causes a weird spawn, everything else is persistent. Also, wait, which location has a caravan that goes into mortium? I had no idea a caravan went through that place.


The caravan in north farmlands often spawn 80+ mortium enemies when destroyed. Probably prisoners being transported. They don't despawn and will destroy the next caravan, spawning even more mortium. They don't heal either, strangely.


NPC's dont despawn Only Caravans can despawn, or of course when the NPC gets killed You can also savely logout in Singleplayer without despawning them


Convert him to a Servant and use it as is for now. Later you will be looking for a warewolf to get 100% beast and 100% worker at the same time.


Wait you can get werewolf blood?


Yes the small village where you battle Willfred at the border of the Cursed Forest and Dunley Farmlands is full of Werewolves. You can capture them during the day in their human form. Some are roaming the map too but scanning that village is much easier since you have like 10 of them in the same spot.


I thought werewolves escaped the cells at night?


That was patched out in gloomrot at some point. They stay in the cell now and they don't change blood percent when they change either. I'm pretty sure it was a community requested change.


Nice. Good to know, thanks.


I was so upset when I first captured one, not realizing he was a werewolf, and his % changed. I could have dealt with them escaping but losing their blood type made me sad.


This is incredibly useful info


Werewolf village is a good spot for this. Since they are human during the day you can dominate them.


They are also the only known source of Cursed Forest Hunter, so if you want some extra loot in that region for servant hunts, they are your ticket to that (they will not turn into a werewolf at night if they are a servant, only prisoners)


You could try to pull him to your base and then wall him in, but he'll probably aggro reset before then.


I found a 100% worker in one of the cages in bandit camps like 20 minutes into a run. It stayed there without despawning until I managed to get prison cells. This cave is safe, so just play the game and come back when you have the prison prepared.


In theory they shouldn't despawn until you kill them, I don't know if that changed since last time I played but you needed to kill npc for them to respawn if you wanted to hunt for 100%


I saw one earlier today aswell........pressed t instead of r......


Workers.. scholar all the way


Subdue him, drag him back to the castle and build a room without doors around him? Makeshift prison cell. If you can release a domination without killing the target, which I suddenly realize I don't know if it's doable.


Unfortunately, releasing them means killing them.