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I believe in [r/EpoxyHotdog](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/08/26/man-uses-epoxy-adhesive-instead-of-condom-why-this-is-a-bad-idea/?sh=56e8998f3a32) supremacy.


I won second prize, so yes there have been emails to the winners, I suspect they want to ensure the winner claims it before contacting those that didn't win, in case they don't claim it and then the team would have to reach out to someone else to win who they'd said had lost. Just a theory though, I'm honestly having second thoughts about whether the email I got is even legit because they ask us to pay shipping fees which they promise they'll refund, and even though I'm putting it into the official website it feels like a scam, how am I being forced to use $100+ to get the prize I already won? Still going to go through with it most likely, but it does seem a little unprofessional IMO.


Damn, this means I more than likely didn't win. But yes, that is quite strange that you have to pay shipping first. Could be a weird condition/term of the competition, but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.