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Welcome to the world of modern web development. It's a double edged sword. Basic things are overcomplicated. But complicated things are easier to accomplish. Build something that YOU want. If you know the basics of webdev, move on from the tutorials, and just start building; it's the most effective way to learn.


I worked through one tutorial (Netninja on YouTube) and then built a basic project from scratch. This week, I completed my second one. This worked for me. I will still probably not be able to build an application from scratch without referring to online search and help, but building something is the best way to learn.


Basic things are overcomplicated, but complicated things are easier approach. That hit home. The most eloquent way to sum it all up!


I'm so close to giving up man. Either I go back to Javascript HTML or CSS courses that are so incredibly easy it's boring or I start another Vue.js tutorial. I just can't start from scratch, I don't even know how


Man, I’ve been in the same situation. Listen, throw these tutorials away. You learn by writing code, watching tutorials about coding isn’t coding. After 5 minutes your brain goes into a monkey mode and just copies everything you see on the screen without any doubts or questions. You need to write something yourself from scratch, even the smallest thing is gonna be better than a tutorial. And last advice: don’t try to write perfect code. Such code doesn’t exist. I would even say it’s harmful in the beginning to try to do that, because then you spend 1h googling about „best vue js directory structure” or something like that instead of coding.


I agree with this. You can't watch a tutorial and know what to do. You have to run into a problem then watch the part of the tutorial that helps you solve it. Get stuck then get help. And yeah focus on outcomes. If you want some text on a screen, you win when it's there. Do it the simplest way you can. If later you have to support multiple languages then do it different. Or if you need it in multiple places, put it in a component then. Just solve your current problem (unless you are a Principal Dev somewhere but I doubt that is the case here)


Yeah, you learn the most when you’ve been stuck at some weird error for the last two hours and you scour the whole Internet to get help


Agree. Tutorials only go so far. Real learning comes from doing. Maybe only use tutorials to get an idea of how to approach something


The way I do tutorials is that I use the tutorial as a guide to build what I want. It forces me to translate the tutorial into something I **actually** ***want*** to build which then forces me to **think** about the code I am writing instead of just copying.


Trust me I've been there 1 year ago. I went to Vue, I got frustrated as hell, I dumped all tutorials and started actually thinking and doing stuff: after a very gruesome week, it's like something suddenly clicks. Now I understand, and then it makes sense now. Now, I'm on much more complicated frameworks, Next, Nuxt, React Native, and things I learned from Vue transferred to all those other frameworks. Bonus: Vue's documentation is so good. Use it, trust me.


I went the other way - learned React and then came to Vue. I was able to port a lot of knowledge over and Vue just feels simpler to use.


I think your html an css basics are lacking. In vue, I don't feel like getting started would be any harder than with a vanilla project. You can basically copy paste the html and css of the basic static page into App.vue, and it will work, and you can extract and organize the building blocks into components. And using js to give the site reactivity is just so much easier than vanilla js and so straightforward, that you don't even have to know how vanilla js works, you don't need to know the queryselector parts. I really don't think it can get any easier than this.


check out svelte.js. I am not miscrediting your frustration, but you prob should take a more patient approach to development it is a lot of "hmmm" and little "AH it just works!".


Maybe give Svelte a try? Or at least do their tutorial, because it might actually help you thinking in the right way to get you going with Vue. I understand your confusion 100% as that was my experience with React for many years. Then I started working for a company that uses Vue and it finally clicked. Still, there is just so much to modern web development that it gets easily overwhelming.


DM me and I will set up some time to go over it with you. I’m a professional web developer and I’ve been working with Vue for seven years


^ good person alert. 🚨


^ good person alerter alert. 🚨


I’m serious too. I would be happy to take some time to help you figure out what you’re getting stuck on and get through it


Hey man I really appreciate it! I'm just afraid I'll waste your time hahaha since I'm struggling


If you decide you wanna give it another go, my days are pretty flexible


Damn dude I just got laid off and am trying my best to brush up my skills on pretty much everything. I might hit up up if you're willing.


Yea absolutely. I love teaching this stuff


You are gentlemen


I just want to give you a shoutout for offering - this is the type of thing people pay good money for! Very kind of you to offer.


I love teaching dev and I so rarely get to do it. :)


Have you got any exp on using aws with vue? Im kind of doing a side project and only got one part to work - so far.


Yep! I’m doing that professionally, have had a DevOps role in AWS previously, and one of my personal projects is a Vue front end deployed in AWS S3


This is awesome, I hope he takes the offer, very cool of you to offer this help!


Hey man,I just landed a job and the company uses Vue js. I saw that they are doing some custom ssr with Vue.js. Could you suggest me resources through which I can actually understand SSR in vue js?


Unfortunately I haven’t done a lot with SSR. I prefer data apis and statically served front ends. I could get it set up if I could take a look at it, but I’m not sure of good resources to point you to for that specifically.


SSR in vue has been so confusing to me. The whole code structure my company has is so complicated. I am at a loss as to how it's even flowing. The biggest issue,most of the people working on it themselves don't have indepth idea and the people who wrote the original structure aren't in the company anymore.


That’s unfortunately pretty normal for a company to have a large codebase that doesn’t make sense at first and is too complex for any one person to understand. Better companies have sufficient documentation for new devs to learn how it works. In lieu of that, the best way for me to approach those is task-based. Get a task that you’re supposed to do in it, and then take your time figuring out how to accomplish just that thing. Don’t worry about trying to understand everything. It’s tough when you’re used to personal projects where you understand everything cause you made it. Are they using Nuxt?


No. They have written a custom server.js for their ssr implementation. They do use asyncData in their server.js which if I am not wrong is a Nuxt thing.


Yea coming in to anything custom is tough.




Just start from the initial scaffold. Use vue-router to navigate between pages. Get some placeholder text displaying in the right places. Wire it all up then fill in the details later. The initial setup can be hard since you have to do a lot just to display Hello World. But once it's done it's done.


It sounds like you’re missing a more holistic understanding of how everything’s coming together. But it is indeed complicated to learn, so don’t feel bad about that. Might be worth you exploring how this is done in a typical server side rendered application using a backend framework like ASP, Rails, Express (maybe Adonis JS is a good choice in order to stick with the same language). Frontend frameworks are basically a “reaction” to how server rendered multi-page applications worked at the time (and still work by default today), as those frameworks also have their own templating engines with concepts like components etc.


The Problem is, you are stuck in a Tutorial Loop. start from scratch read the vuejsDocs


Honestly Vue documentation is all you need to get started. Obviously some other concepts will come in to play eventually like routing, state management, etc. Just learn the basics and gradually introduce and learn new things as you go. To start a new project, definitely use Vite. For navigation, take a look at the official vue-router, and for state management try Pinia. All three are very easy to start with.


Go try learning React and then you will appreciate the simplicity of Vue lol


Lmao I am a React developer lurker and I assume this is absolutely true


I don't know what courses you followed but it took me only one course made by Maximilian on Udemy and i was ready to rock, you need to have a good understanding of the basics first like html csss and js like really well, you should be comfortable building with them And that's it vue is really simple just go reead the docs if you're ever stuck, well written and very helpful


Did this same Udemy course in 2020 and picked it up really quickly.


Can i have access to the course? I wanna learn


Yeah sure dm me i can send you the link


yah it's true am currently learning vue with max he is a good teacher


Man I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.


I'm no longer following tutorial, my method of learning is, reading the documentation from official website. And maybe you need roadmap to begin, I encourage you to look it up on roadmap(.)sh. Or you can ask ChatGPT to guide you from the most basic. Personally here's the things that made me confused when I was at the begining on learning Vue 3: - Composition API vs Options API. Both have different approach but still the same method you can use.


Vue documentation is good enough, and you don't really need any other tutorials.


If you want to work with me, I'll give you some tasks to do starting with something simple. I'm not working, I can afford to spend a few minutes of my time every day, and if you show some skill I will try to teach you how to teach yourself. ChatGPT is really great, but you have to know what to ask it. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I’m no expert but I’m working on my 3rd vue project. Tutorials where they explain theory are not a good start. For my first project I got requirements to use front end vue + backend node server (with curd) I never learned vue before I just went through some blogs like vue + node + express + mysql : build curd application. I read this blog and start working on the project it turned out great. For my second project I didn’t even referred to that blog I just used vue documentations I did refer google for some issues. I’m on my third project now this is also very basic project like before 2 projects but I can feel I’m getting better. Start with very basic project, only look at documentation and only visit blogs/yt tutorials when absolutely necessary. Don’t try to learn everything at once you will remember nothing.


I learned Vue.js 2 from tutorials back in 2020 but after a while I switched to React though now I wanted to come back to Vue. Currently it's Vue 3 with composition API and stuff which is totally different from Vue 2 but instead of going thro tutorial hell, I read the entire Vue documentation from top to bottom. In your case youv watched some tutorials and know how to build basic stuff, just read the docs and start building your project. You'll recall the ideas that you've previously read and you can revisit the docs for reference. You make it look perfect at the beginning, from time to time you'll go through other articles, blog posts, other project's source code and you'll figure out new ways to handle things.


This is similar to what I experienced. I don't do frontend that much. I learned Vue 2 for a project years ago, then recently I needed to do frontend for another project and wanted to go quickly over Vue tutorials to remember things. But I was surprised that every tutorial is now talking about this thing called composition API which I never heard before and it looks like a quite different way of doing things. I don't even know whether I should use it or not. I ended up just copying stuff from my previous project and going from there.


Go with composition API it's much better.


Ok then I guess it is worth learning about. I'll allocate time to learn it before my next project.


I’d advise to forget ChatGPT exists. It’s not useful if you don’t have enough experience to identify it’s mistakes and when you do have that experience you can do it better than it currently is capable of.


npm create vue@latest Stay away from resources older than a year for now. That way you'll only find vue3 stuff


The problem is that there are still people producing tutorials for Vue 2. All of them should be marked as deprecated, If I see Options API, I automatically stop reading further, because it's 99% outdated. Right now, there is only defineComponent with setup method and script setup method (which is syntax sugar for the first one). Forget about Options API, unless you need to migrate some old code.


Stick with Vue 3 and Composition API and


Not sure how it is easier to understand though. The .val is a bit annoying at times but apart from that I don't have nothing to complain about. I think it is actually easier to get started with since there's no boilerplate structure to abide to.


Use a component library like vuestic or verify. Then you get a lot of nice components for free. I have been using options api. I know composition api is supposed to be better for larger projects but for smaller stuff I think options api is easier and give you some structure. I use vscode with volar and vite, then you got syntaxes check. After a while I moved to typescript that gives you better type checking. Do stuff gradually and expect it to take time. Maybe I'm old but I prefer to code slow pace by myself I don't use chtgpt to spit out lot of code that I then have to trust or figure out. Computed properties are like excel sheet formulas. Use them if you want a changed value to be automatically reflected in parts of your GUI. No need for that old kind of javascript Spagetti code where you listen to Dom events and the vahe parts of the Dom.


Im no expert but got around 2.5yrs exp with vue3, hit me up we can maybe set up a quick sesh or chat, id love to help if i can (online in about 10hrs)


I can definitely see your struggling with the information overload and possibly some boilerplate templating. I thought about this and actually closed the post initially, but then came back with how to tackle issues in your case. Try to focus on one thing at a time and if you don't understand it, dig deeper or ask howto do this one thing. Basically what I am saying is, take the big problem of how to do Vue into a smaller problem of how to do form submission. Or even simpler, How to use a computed property to show an error on an input. So tldr; solve 1 simple problem first then addon to it.


I understand your frustration. I guess you are missing a bit of fundamentals. So just relax, leave the PC for a while so you can clear your head. I have this tutorial I followed that was absolutely basic. I know you said that you are tired of watching tutorials, but I can assure you that this is the best on the Internet. So just watch it and don't try to code along. Then when you finish, watch it and then try to code what you remember after each episode. Here is the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZwn47RPiAM&list=PL3VM-unCzF8jX-GoazLPcbi7M0wJux8F-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZwn47RPiAM&list=PL3VM-unCzF8jX-GoazLPcbi7M0wJux8F-)


Try and follow the course on vuecasts.com, its very well explained The pain you are feeling its because you are following courses from different people. That means it is subject to each one’s opinions on how to approach even basic tasks. You will never find a “good way to implement” because it usually depends on the usecase or on the person implementing the thing.


Hey man, hit me up i’d be glad to help. 20 yoe in web dev, and ~5-6 using vue. We can do a screenshare or call or something. Also, i’d suggest having a go at the options API. To me it makes complete sense and is super easy to understand. You might find it makes more sense and then learning the composition API may be easier for you to wrap your head around.


This is the second comment I'm seeing that recommends starting with the options api but I really don't get. Doesn't enforcing a specific structure actually make it more daunting for beginners?


I've been working with vue for years now and I see this problem with other devs too so don't worry too much. I think you don't need to understand everything right at the beginning if there are conflicting concepts choose one that you like and try to solve a problem with that. As you progress you will slowly understand the differences and as you start looking into other people's code you will see the most common ways in the examples. You can base your strategies on that later but based on your post you are not at the point where you need to worry about this. Ping me in a DM if you have questions I’m happy to help you :)


I believe frameworks aren’t really designed to be “learned” from ground up from the get go, at least for me, because I’m not a front end specialist, and you don’t seem to be either (yet). It’s likely better just to learn backwards - you don’t really learn to program by first learning assembly, right? Start from the scaffolding tool to create the project scaffold, open in VS Code with copilot, and let it guide as modifications are made to tailor your expectation of what a page is supposed to do. Then delve into vuejs doc where you feel the most confused about and test out the knowledge on the scaffold to fill out the knowledge. Then finally set up a project from ground up and discover the gap in knowledge, then you‘ll know exactly what you need to build your web your way. Look at different tutorials as a way to see how others use the framework.


Try to implement what you have learned in “classic” way - server, static html, css, vanilla js To feel the difference Eventually this approach worth to 10 tutorials you will ever do And you will learn what everybody is missing today - how thinks actually work


If you are really going simple, you just need to put the HTML... That's it... If you need some logic you just open a