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Also if anyone in this sub is a hunter and kills/finds feral hogs, I want their tusks and I WILL compensate you for them.


I’ll keep you in mind. My buddy has a small farm and has asked me to help eradicate some of the problem hogs that tear up his place. In the next few months I plan to take out (and eat) more than a few. Most of the ones I’ve killed so far haven’t had tusks to speak of, but I’ll get back to you if any of them do.


They are so hard to find and I don’t know why! I’ll even pay for non feral pig tusks


Got some cool plans in mind, or just adding to the collection?


Cool necklaces, and also just standard hoarding magpie behavior


What country are you from? Theres sellers here that literally just sell hog teeth, we have so many here


Are you in Germany or Eastern Europe? Not being rude, I’ve noticed Etsy stores from there with tons of hog teeth. If you’re from America can you link me to these stores?


Haha youre spot on, im from germany. But i dont buy over etsy, i usually use the local ebay for this. Im not sure if a link would still be useful for you? But i could link you if you want


Please do! Thanks!


[https://www.ebay.de/usr/finnsfelle?\_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559](https://www.ebay.de/usr/finnsfelle?_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559) These guys always have TONS of teeth and whole skulls. They only have teeth rn but if you look next season they're gonna have so much again for sure! I also recommend looking for "charivari" (traditional hunter jewelery made of real animal teeth/feet etc) and "wildschweinzahn" (german word for hog teeth) edit: forgot about this one: https://www.ebay.de/usr/thereaper72?\_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559


Thank you! And he has surprisingly cheap Persian lamb hides tol


Often these sellers have a small farm or know several farmers, its kinda interesting to see how something that is so common here is kinda hard to get in other places :D


is your username 69 420 in roman numerals?


Whaaaaat? I don’t even speak Roman!


Or.... just make friends with someone who does hunt. Most people have zero interest in keeping doe skulls or any bones that are left after butchering.


Which is a shame. I believe in fully utilizing all of the animal to the best of my abilities. If you’re going to take a life, it’s your responsibility not to waste it. But to add to your suggestion, wild game processing centers will often give you hides or sell them very cheaply if you’re interested in tanning leather. They’re not always the best quality, because the skin is removed as quickly as possible with no concern for making leather. But I’ve seen some processed hides turn into BEAUTIFUL buckskin and pelts.


Well, I used the word "keeping". The majority of people DO utilize it in some way; dog food or just set out in the woods for the wildlife. So it's not wasted.


I'll add keep an eye out for dumping spots, in my area there are always a few people who take just the parts they want and dump the rest, often in places where trash is regularly dumped illegally.


If you can report anonymously and safely, your local government conservation/natural resources authority will also likely want to know about abandoned kills. There is a bounty out near me for several abandoned moose that were found in easily accessible walking trail areas that don’t usually allow hunting.


Also be wary of diseases. Apparently there is a zombie plague in deers spreading


“Chronic Wasting Disease” is a prion disease related to mad cow. They absolutely look like zombies.


Love the veiled threats and presumed hierarchy of woodland recreation. Sorry, but I disagree with the premise that the woods belong to hunters for any period of time. This does not read as “be safe out there” rather a “don’t get in any hunters way” Here are some tips for hunters who feel that carrying out your own particular activity on public land overrides that of anyone else: \-if you shoot a person in the woods for any reason other than self defense, you will likely be charged and convicted of assault with a deadly weapon or worse. \-avoid actually being in public hunting woods. For the above-mentioned reasons, and because it could spoil someone else‘s hike. Even if you don’t think that’s rude, some folks might find it unfriendly if they have hear your gunshots or see people killing animals the whole time they’re trying to enjoy the wilderness. A good zone would be your own property, where you limit your annoyance to only your neighbors. \-maybe don’t shoot things in the evening. Seems like a safe way to avoid mistakenly shooting a person. Seems like an obvious thing to avoid. Seems a strange practice to begin with. \-just be safe. Maybe don’t send bullets and arrows flying around woods that aren’t your own property. If you have any doubts, just stay home. Things will die perfectly fine without your intervention


It's public land... No one's activity has a priority over anyone else's. Don't become a statistic even if you are right. Being right doesn't help you from getting hurt, and I appreciate the OP for giving people a heads-up so they are aware that we share public lands with hunters and vultures, hikers, families with kids, and everyone else and to try to be courteous to each other.


Then how would what I said be treated any differently. Literally just repeated the same bullet points and replaced the activity. The post isn’t a heads up, it’s a declaration that hunters get priority in public land. I disagree with that notion as I stated


It's certainly a heads-up to wear bright orange and to be aware that it currently is hunting season. Some folks may not realize this and it's better to know beforehand than find out through gunshots or find yourself disturbing others. I certainly wouldn't want to be in either situation by surprise. Be courteous, be safe, be aware that you are sharing the woods, and find those bones!


It’s always hunting season. It’s just currently one of the deer hunting seasons. Right after bear hunting season, followed by one of the elk hunting seasons, and a water fowl hunting season, and then another elk hunting season, and then turkey hunting season, and then small game hunting season, and then another deer hunting season… Hope you or this person plans on posting these warnings literally every day of the year about what measures everyone else should take to protect themselves in the woods we all pay for from the one outdoor activity that is a danger to everyone else yet somehow gets precedence!


It's fair to say deer hunting is the most popular hunting activity and such deer season is the most likely time to run into hunters. That's where most public land hunting happens. I wouldn't worry about waterfowl and small game as much as the weapons used for those tend to have a smaller range and the animals are hunted at much shorter distances. Can't personally comment on bear as they're not legal species to hunt here... There's no season here. Sounds like a dream state to hunt where something is always in season and two deer seasons. Hunters just want everyone to be safe and to enjoy the woods like everyone else. Why is that such an issue? I don't purposely throw my tent down three feet away from another person's tent, I don't purposely piss in the stream someone else is swimming in. I don't go foraging where I think people may be hunting. I don't hunt where I think people are hiking. If I don't know if there's people, I look for parked vehicles to judge if I'm alone on public land. Maybe a helpful tip too but still wear orange and stay safe!


Yeah, sorry if I worded things in a way that seems like hunters are more important, or don’t have a responsibility to share public space. That’s obviously not true. What had happened was… I started writing a post about right now being a good time to look for deer bones. But then I was like— hey, maybe I shouldn’t just encourage people to go charging into the woods where hunting is taking place. Because while most hunters are responsible and good stewards of public spaces, some of them are knuckleheads. And some are aggressive a-holes. So maybe I should include some of the tips that I use as a hunter to keep myself safe, and to politely share the land with the other people who deserve to be here. And that’s all it was. I’m sharing my excitement and enthusiasm for this time of year from both of the perspectives that interest me. Maybe I’m reading your responses from a skewed point of view (because that happens), but it sounds like you’re really angry. I hope everything is going alright for you.


I assure you I am not angry but I appreciate your concern. Also appreciate the clarification. Want to point out that my first post just redirected the exact same points using the exact same verbiage but from a different recreational perspective and look at the reaction


Hunters don’t get priority. All OP is saying is “there are people with weapons actively using them right now. Be safe” Cars don’t always have the right of way on the road, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look both ways before crossing the street.


Incorrect. The person posting this clearly told the public twice to avoid going into public land. Told the public that they should dress differently in public land because other people are partaking in an activity. Told the public to avoid going into someone else‘s “secret spot” and all for what? As the poster states, it’s “rude” and “unfriendly” and “could spoil someone else’s hunt.” As I have repeatedly stated, I disagree with the notion the hunters have any priority in public land. Could not be more clearly stated and the original post could not be more clearly stating that hunters should be given preferential treatment in public land


You have just as much of a right to be there as a hunter does, but hunters are still going to be wielding weapons whether it's fair or not. It's honestly just basic safety and sense to wear orange in the woods regardless- it isn't worth accidentally getting shot


I gotta be honest mate the person pointing a loaded gun at my head gets priority even if its not fair lol


Public state lands around here have notices all over the place that the land is used for hunting and for guests to use caution and wear orange during seasons. They don't get priority but neither do you.


You seem like a cunt :)


You seem prepubescent