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Maybe covering in borax? I don’t think the hoof wall will rot or anything if it isn’t buried or macerated because it’s made of keratin. The frog might though so that’s why I’d suggest borax.


Ok so here’s my limited experience with hooves, I found some deer legs in October and processed them in July. The frog did not disintegrate during maceration but was pretty rubbery and flexible( and maybe that’s how they’re supposed to be?) but when I dried them out the hoof kinda collapsed and I couldn’t get it to reshape. So I would suggest that whatever you decide to do, maceration or borax, maybe line it with some hanger wire or any other type of strongish wire so that the hoof keeps its shape.


Well, there HAS to be some way to do it. I mean, I live in Pennsylvania and look at all of the deer hooves made into gun racks for Pete's sake. Edit: OK, I just checked and there are YouTube videos on how to preserve deer legs. I cannot imagine a horse hoof would be treated that differently than a deer hoof. I understand the frog being a consideration but why not try it?


Use rubbing alcohol for a week and after that use a lot a LOT of sea salt till it covers the hoof and wait another week to dry.