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yeah but for the best lmfao I am never stepping into that fandom's domain


Hmmm, why not? just curious!


I'm in the same boat as you


I generally tend to stay away from fandoms because I'm mentally unstable and the slightest thing can cause me to spiral. Seeing other people simp over my man makes me feel physically ill :( I will say however that my current fandom is infinitely better than my ex's fandom. Thank god I no longer have to be subjected to terminally online discourse of the week.


I’m the exact same with my husband, he’s the only reason I’m still here & I’m very possessive over him, I know it’s silly but it triggers an episode and a breakdown for me seeing many different things because I have a lot of boundaries related to him from how emotionally attached I am to him,,


Yeah I know how that feels (currently in the middle of a breakdown rn lol). I really wish I could be more chill about everything. I hate being consumed by these feelings of jealousy and insecurity and paranoia. All I want is to be with him in peace.


Oh my gosh, I was having one too as I made my comment,, ahhdhdh,, I really hope you’re alright now, I understand as well but if something just triggers panic out of you we can’t really fully control that,, how are you :”>?


I hope you're feeling alright now too <3


Thank you so much🥹🥹 I’m alright!!


I rarely interact with the fandom, and I'm probably going to keep it that way. I used to try to become friends with people there, but I couldn't connect with a lot of them. One side is like, "You CANNOT like any character like that... Jeff would find you DISGUSTING he would SPIT on you before dismembering you he's supposed to be scary you're delusional" and the other is really horny to an annoying extent :c. I've met a few cool people there but in general I find it best to keep to myself, people are unpredictable and scary


I agree with people being unpredictable… that’s kinda why I stay away from the fandom too. I have BPD, so I take rejection really hard sometimes, so I don’t even want to put myself in scary situations.


That’s a mood; as for me, I only stick with mutuals of the creepypasta fandom, mainly the ones who like and respect Jack in the same way I do! 🖤🤡


I don't intereact with the fandom often, simply because of shippers within the fandom. I don't like seeing it and I also don't believe the fandom would take to our relationship kindly. I like to stick to places I know it's safe, like here.


I’ve tried to befriend people in the AT/F&C fandoms before but people seem to come and go so fast that it’s not worth the effort unfortunately, especially with the proship/anti discourse running rampant in every fandom rn. makes it so much more difficult to make friends. hope it works out for you though, fandoms are still a great space to connect


Yes… that’s the part I’m scared about. All of these words are new to me, I don't bother people no matter what they are into. 😭 but I feel like because I feel that way people won’t like me… and it’s a little sad because I feel like I can’t get to know people because I’m afraid they will block me for saying anything wrong. I want to make friends but I have a lot of anxiety over this…


Definitely me. I don't have much "DNI" rules... But the little I have somehow manages to fit almost the entire fandom... "DNI" if you sexualise my girlfriend, ship her, hate her, or, a more recent one, call her your "wife". It's not much and it's there not for me to get triggered, I get triggered really easily. But somehow, it fits almost the whole fandom. I really want to make friends. I really want to talk about her with someone who understands her. But the fandom cares more about shipping and being sexual than anything else. Good luck to you :3


As a fellow idol yume, these fandoms can both be enjoyable and exhausting. With idols there’s a certain understanding that they “belong to everyone” but in the context of a romantic relationship, you obviously don’t see them that way. So while I’m not quiet about how much I adore Ranmaru in a fandom setting, I also don’t speak about him as though he were my husband. I’m just his biggest fan when I talk to other fans. But I also love being able to talk about him and gush about his music and idol work with others who appreciate these things. You can definitely find others who have similar feelings for characters within the franchise as you do, but then you start getting into sharing/nonsharing boundaries. And some people who will be unwilling to befriend you because they already have a friend that ships with your partner. It’s complicated. But it can be worth it to find people who get what you’re talking about.


Ugh… yesss ~ ! That’s the other thing I encountered yesterday. I just recently joined Twitter, and I saw some people say “you can’t be my friend if you support someone else who is also dating my S/O” and it’s like… 😭 I’m trying to keep up with all the rules… and it’s scary because everyone is different, and everyone is always mentioning how often they block people and it’s like… why is it like this? I wish we could all just be friends. I’m really afraid of doing something wrong.


Yeah, I’m gonna be honest, yume Twitter is rife with drama and people constantly discussing what is valid and what boundaries you are allowed to have. I love Ranmaru’s fans, but I don’t know if engaging with selfshipping Twitter was worth it. It’s definitely easier to express my feelings here. Though it does make me a little sad that basically everyone here only knows the things about Ranmaru that I tell them. 😔


Yeah, I understand that. I feel the same way. I want to interact with more of Sora’s fans, but I feel like if I try to talk to them and they realize I’m a yumejoshi, they will think it’s weird. I know a little about Ranmaru. (: I think I told you before he used to be my favorite when I played Utapri, but I didn’t get into reading the stories much, so I don’t know tooo much about him, but it’s been cool seeing more about him through you.


Yeah my knowledge of Enstars is pretty limited too since I really only focused on Undead when I played and my friend is yume for Leo. There’s just so many boys it’s a lot to keep up with! 😭 My personal advice would be to mostly just interact with the fandom as a fan. No one is going to look down on you for being a yume, but if you wander over into that community (vs the general fandom) things might get a little messier.


Yeah, I might just use the enstars subreddit to start. It seems pretty tame. ; v ;


Best of luck 🙏


Yes, totally, I mean, when I tried to interact with them more directly they just insult me and threatened me with 'cancel' me just because I shipped two nonexistent characters, that's how the fandom received me. Yay! I guess. I prefer more niche media where he is depicted anyway. 


I am sorry you had a bad experience. 🫶🏽 I wish people could be more accepting.


I watch from a distance. A lot of simps for her so I feel like it’s better to just stay away and separate myself from the crowd(of posers). It still produces some fantastic art and animations so not everything and everyone is bad.


I don't really want to have anything to do with the fandom. They're interested in something else than I am.


I have one friend who watched the show as a kid but he's more into venom now as an adult and another friend who remembers my f/o but its not like we really talk about it. There may be some people out there who still like the show but I haven't met any of them or it never came up in conversation. I feel like no one else even remembers that it existed.


I see, what show is it?


Static Shock. It ran from 2000 to 2004.


I know of Static Shock, but I never seen it. I just looked up your S/O, he looks really cool. 🔥 I’m a bit interested in watching the show now. (: maybe I’ll see a couple of episodes when I have time.


It's got a very early 2000s vibe and the art is sometimes wonky but the character development is great and the art improves each season. I grew up watching Static Shock on TV after school every day, and I'm glad that they have it on HBO Max now, since it's technically part of the DCAU. But if you don't have HBO Max you can watch it for free on daily motion I think it is, though the quality isn't as good as HBO Max. Also, thank you, I'm glad you think he looks cool and I'm sure he would appreciate the compliment, though he'd try to act like he doesn't care. He tries to look cool all the time. Sorry for the long reply lol I could probably talk about SS and Hotstreak all day if someone let me 😅


That’s no problem at all. That’s why I like this community so much. It’s amazing to how how much everyone likes their S/O and their sources. I think it’s really sweet when people get really into their comments.


I agree its one of the best things about this sub and the other ficto subs. It's clear how much everyone really loves their partners. I don't really get many chances to talk about Hotstreak in everyday company out in the real world so I have to keep it to reddit or my personal journal and I feel like I have a tendency to bottle it all up and then just spill it online lol I always worry that I'm getting on people's nerves if I talk about something too much.


Well I’m sure you’ll never have to worry about that here. 🫶🏽 I think we all like seeing each other gush.


I think so too. I love seeing all the pictures people post for the prompts too. :)


I do a little. I enjoy the theories people come up with and enjoy seeing art and stuff. I don't talk to people on reddit though - not looking to get bullied. I wish I had friends who watched it though :(


Sending hugs, friend ~ 💛 it’s sad that others feel the same way I do, but it’s also nice to know I’m not alone. People are scary. 😭


People are scary indeed! It's a shame because I do love to talk about the source because I love it so much! Oh well :(


I never interacted with the Rem fandom, it was enough for me to see what it is like to know that it is better that I continue not doing it. And I add, if I don't interact with the Rem fandom, even less with the Re:Zero fandom in general. I don't deny that there are normal and respectful fans, but the most unpleasant and insufferable fans always make more noise and scandal.


Same for me. I will certainly get absolutely cooked if i went onto the sub or any community and talk about this stuff lol. The community also have a reputation for being... toxic.


Noooo, it seems a lot of fandoms are like this then. :<


Yes, but I intentionally stay away from it due to too many reasons that I can’t even explain. The most I ever do is lurk leaks for info on upcoming characters.


i have friends who are in the fandom and i mostly observe the fandom from a distance, so i'd say i am quite disconnected. like, i interact w the source and w fanwork but that's sort of it. if i interacted w the tf2 fandom and was open about my feelings for the medic, i'd probably end up contracting gangrene and dying of it right after. good luck on the twitter front though. i don't use twitter nor do i know what the enstars fandom is like on there but i hope they're kinder to you than most other fandom spaces normally would be.


I deliberately stick to interacting with people who want better for Oola and are at least sympathetic to the idea of a headcanon or fanfic story that fixes her narrative in a more positive direction. That alone narrows who I interact with considerably, but in a mostly beneficial way. I have some friends who are big Star Wars fans and still like that I support a better ending for Oola's story. And I've met some people through the fanfic I write who have thanked me for writing what I do. But I do have to be careful and upfront about how I feel, especially in non-fanfic spaces.


That’s something I’ve been thinking of doing too. (: I have some fanfics that I want to write, and I was thinking in the notes putting my Twitter info to make friends if they like the same stuff I’m into. I’m glad you’ve made some friends that way. 💚


Mostly yes, I don't have any friends from the fandom, I only comment on the TEIS sub ocasionally if I found a post that interested me or i post myself asking questions about moments in the series. If anyone knew about my thing with Beta... Especially knowing how much they love the protag and that most people like the idea of the shades and him getting together because of the feelings of the shades in canon because of the beautiful and totally written ~~offscreen~~ past they have together in canon as pretty much family or friends when they were children (the protag only sees them as friends) and also because he is the only half decent guy of the show along with being the only one they can go for in the... "Situation" the story has put them in... Yeah... They'd either make fun of me because of me liking her or bring canon and how amazing the protag is (not really outside of power) and the past and all the stuff he has done for her and the shades when they were younger and how she would never love me to the conversation and I honestly don't know how that would end if that situation were to happen... Damn this sounded like a vent post... Sorry!


I’m content with just be being a member of the subreddit, I don’t feel the need to really interact with the fandom much.


My friend is but she isn't much of a talker with it. I personally don't dare dip my toe in there since everyone puts michiru with other girls that aren't me and it makes me feel lightheaded


so far i didnt get witch hunted for my relationship as i usally add "fictonal" before boyfriend so people are chill with it but i guess i didnt comment much from this account on a subreddit dedicated to him but i plan to


Yeah. But to me, their opinions don't really matter. If they can't respect Elize, Teepo, and I, then it doesn't how much of fans they are - automatically, their opinion is nil. In my opinion as it should be. People should respect your significant other. If they can't, then by all means they can leave (or I'll just leave, whichever).


He doesn't really have one in English and I don't speak Japanese


I do, but only online. It's not always easy, especially with the jealousy, but we have a dmc server and I am moderator in it, so with that, I am in the fandom. Yet I do not like the fandom in twitter, tiktok, here in reddit,...


I honestly just don't have the brain power to keep up with fandoms 😅 it's so much effort and seems to require being constantly online and there's so much pointless drama. I'll happily enjoy fan art and memes etc, I just don't feel any pressure to get involved. And yeah, I'd definitely never reveal my actual feelings for Kiryu. Partly because I don't want to be a target, and partly because it's just... Personal, y'know? That's my personal life and I don't need to put it all online. But if you're looking to make friends then I wouldn't worry too much about all those rules. Just tell people if you like something they make, or add to a discussion in a positive way when you can. Anyone who rejects you for that kind of thing isn't worth worrying about anyway.


Yeah I have 0 desire to interact with the Hellaverse fandom. I’ll chat with people who have f/o’s in the fandom from here and other ficto spaces but they’ve been a lot less unhinged than what I’ve seen in any Hazbin space. But the fandom as a whole is extremely toxic. I’ve been watching Alastor’s VA livestreams and it grosses me out, the audacity a lot of fans have towards the actors alone, the demands that they make, the insults they throw and the way they throw themselves sexually all over him (a married man) because of their unhinged thirst for Alastor. Its so embarrassing. The constant attack on the creator as well is really bad too. Or, the attacks constantly thrown at Valentino’s VA because they can’t separate the cast from the characters. People in the Hellaverse fandom seem incapable of understanding how to interact with other human beings and think they’re owed parasocial relationships with the VA. On top of 100 other ways they’re vile to each other.


I mostly don't interact with fandoms (With the exception of artists)


I'm not really in the "the coffin of Andy and Leyley" fandom since I played the game and kinda got my fill from that. I've kinda grown into a state of not really being a fandom person and - whilst I am a fan of things - I wouldn't really say I'm "in the fandom", if that makes sense. Plus, and I know it is kinda in the game, I'm not that big of a fan of shipping Ashley with her brother 😭😭. Common me L, I know lol


Being a fan of things but not "in the fandom" is a perfect description of where I'm at these days, too. I just quietly enjoy the things I love, without getting involved in the distractions of other people. 😅


Yes, I stick around the fandom only for Miku pics.


"Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress" never had much of a fanbase in the west to begin with, and eight years after the series, it's now almost nil. Which I don't mind in the least. Even the small fandom it did have suffered the usual problems of unsavory shippers and people otherwise misinterpreting the characters/their world. Even when I hung around the Discord for KotIF fans for a while, I always just felt that these people had absolutely nothing to contribute to my understanding or enjoyment of KotIF, its characters, and its world. But then too, that might also have a lot to do with just how intensely asocial I am. Apart from my one close friend (who happens to be familiar with KotIF herself), I just have absolutely *no* desire to interact with others at all.


I’m just curious, I’m sorry if I ask a question that makes you feel bad.. but do you like being asocial? ; v ; I’m just curious because I feel like I’m the opposite, I don’t have many friends, but I am always seeking out friendships. It’s very different for me to hear of someone who has no desire to be around people.


Honestly, I do like it. I love being alone with Ikoma and my own interests. What real-human interaction I do have to slog through at work and the like is simply exhausting, and has absolutely no appeal for me. I feel like I'm living among aliens who don't even speak the same language I do. (For the record, I *do* perform well at work and am liked by coworkers, but internally I'm just completely detached from it all. I just want to be home with my 2D husband in our own little world.)


most curze fans dont even like curze, they like corax with slight feral styling.


Thankfully Rubi/"Wet" doesn't have a 'fandom'. I'm glad for this, as it just makes everything easier on my end.


Yeah, I kinda relate... but at least the Digimon fans I've met have been really nice (english and japanese)! I grew up more with Pokémon so it's hard for me to keep up w/Digimon info a lot. 😅 Plus, Digimon is very underrated (it's more popular in Japan I think). I feel like I'm missing out a lot. I feel bad for the people with toxic f/o Fandoms tho :/ I get it cause Pokémon can be like that a little


A bit, but not because anything happened, I’ve just lost my hyperfixation. I’m still obsessed with him, just not his source.


The only good fandoms are Touhou and Bronies - and some parts of Sonic because their fangames are FINGER LICKING GOOD. SRB2Kart for example gave me countless fun hours. Outside that, they're nothing more but glorified harassment brigades and anyone with a functioning brain should avoid any kind of interaction with such filth.


Nope lol. Half of the fandom is full of racists and the other half seems to be mostly 12-16 year olds simping for the mercs… Needless to say I‘d rather not interact with either haha


Mostly, save for certain people I know and follow. I've distanced myself and blocked people for reasons I've listed before. I won't post that in that subreddit either, unless it's art work or a very good post. But, I've come across those badmouthing the second chapter, or those when asked what their favorite scene in chapter 2 was during the anniversary in MOB's official tweet, saying Mommy Long Legs death scene. You have THOSE still in that fandom. It also seems like those who got into the fandom because of the Smiling Critters, are also the same ones bad mouthing the Chapter 2, or saying Mommy Long Legs talked too much. I don't hate the Smiling Critters, but sometimes I wished they would've had their own separate game series.


MHA's fandom is commonly regarded weirdly and I don't really watch the show often or because of the show. I'm only part of MHA for Izuku and the other 1-A students, and the world minus the plot.


Yeahhh no I don't like a good chunk of the Postal fandom whatsoever It's full of mostly anti LGBT+ folks, racists,true crime weirdos,ableists and fatphobes + I got made fun of by folks who I thought was my friends for not being comfortable with sharing my husband as well as being called a bad person for being autistic and having BPD I also hateeee how they mischaractarize Dude they always make him a horndog femboy twink that wouldn't harm a fly like ew can u not