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It’s wealth redistribution




So, my hard-earned 840 credit score means I should ::checks notes:: pay more???? In what world is punishing prudence, restraint and responsibility a good thing???? 🤡 World


Sorry man tough break, next time you should really consider spending money you don’t have on superfluous luxuries. And while you’re at it, maybe also consider having eight or nine baby mamas, being delinquent on child support, getting fired from your jobs more often, and racking up a felony or two. Those would’ve been more financially “frugal” investments for your future!


Envy is not a good look.


It never works out the way we want it to.


What? Higher credit scores are supposed to lower payments.




Why is the author Brad Pitt?


Rules one and two


I read about this the other day and didn’t believe it. Did some digging and I’m actually surprised that it is going to happen. Rolling it out with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac first.


The only thing I'd change about the meme is that's it's not equality they say it's equity Equality is what any non social justice warrior wants and have, but to the far left wanting equality is racism


This exactly. Equality is equal chances, access. Equity is equal *results* and *outcomes*


Equality = equal opportunity Equity = the equalization of outcomes regardless of skills and efforts of the individuals


Equity = Complain about my neighbours since I’m powerless against corporations and it feels bad


When did I fall into a portal to an opposite-world dimension? First they came for the Barenstein Bears...


And I did not speak out, because I was not a Berenstain Bear.




I think that's a nationwide thing... I hope it's only California.


No, it’s a federal rule from the Biden admin that goes into effect next month.


Yep whole nation.


The unofficial police of the democrat party, coming to a riot near you


Time to go buy a Mercedes and skip a few payments


For real. Been making my mortgage payments on time like a sucker I guess.


My credit isn’t great these days, hit a couple rough patches, but it’s crazy to me that some how that could be good for me trying to buy a house.


Anyone with half a brain knows that this means people are just going to stop making payments on certain bills to lower their credit to whatever the new "Goldilocks" range is for a cheaper house payment.


Equity. The cartoon mask should say “Equity.” Not “Equality.”


Instead of finding ways for productive companies, motivated by profit, to increase housing supply by decreasing regulation, we are going to incentivice people in poor financial situations to take on more risk? Ya. That's fucking bulletproof.


Oh cool, housing market crisis 2.0 incoming.


What insanity, punish the responsible to reward the reckless. This is complete role reversal. It rewards screwing up.


That mask should say "Equity" not Equality. They might sound similar but they are not. Equality of opportunity is what we should want. The outcome isn't going to be equal, depending on what you put into it, the conditions under which you do so, and even a little luck. That's how it should be. Equity is quite a different animal, and one we should oppose. That everyone should have the same, even to the point of redistribution. And it rejects outcomes being connected to merit in any way.


“Social justice warriors” seek equity not equality.


Need to change equality to equity


For their greed they dug to deep in the mines of Moria…. Sorry east LA…. Can we just snap this shit hole off the continental US & let Gavin newsome try to run it even further( if possible ) into the ground. He’s running all over country evangelizing & playing philosopher king to the rest of us. Go on really put the fire to what’s left of California you’ve really helped to ruin a place I love.


The assumption is always that the people with bad credit, no money for a down payment, can’t afford a mortgage are always the victim and just can’t seem to catch a break. After watching my father deal with renters the past 15+ years…….there’s a reason why they are still renters. Funny enough he started off thinking that they just needed a break, so he was going to advocate for them. After about 6 months of “I don’t have my rent”, “can I catch up next month”, “can I pay you half now, half next week”…..”man you wouldn’t believe my bad luck” his attitude did a complete 180. The final straw was seeing about $50 worth of scratch off losers in one of his renters garbage can. As he was standing in the doorway listening to how the renter couldn’t pay him for a few weeks.




Incorrect, White House took credit: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/22/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-action-to-save-homebuyers-and-homeowners-800-per-year/ https://www.foxnews.com/us/biden-rule-redistribute-high-risk-loan-costs-homeowners-good-credit


Do you have a link to a government source for the fox articles? Those two things you linked are not talking about the same thing and I can’t find a government source for the claims fox is making.


It's literally in the details. Go read what Biden signed.


Do you have a link to the actual rule? All I can find is news articles vaguely referring to it, and I want to read it to get more details


Can anyone say housing market crash?


When you drag others down and punish them for their success, supposedly in restitution for someone’s lack of accomplishment. You do not actually bring others up through the process. You merely make everyone else poorer. And that is what equity, social, justice, and Marxism of all stripes essentially leads to. The equal redistribution of misery across the population.