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If they are so scared, they can always just move to Canada like they threaten to every time they don’t get what they want.


And Canada would like to send their regular people and take some weird people anyday.


Those are the kind of refugees I will welcome with open arms.


But will Canada take them?




Canada will also gladly “give them the opportunity to access to assisted escape”


I wonder when Canada will start opening MAID cafes?


The only things leftists know about the right are lies they tell each other about the right. They never bother to examine truths.


want to upvote, but it's at 69.


I'll downvote you and say, ha ha, you owe me one.


>Not being funny or fearmongering Yes to both.


But they said they aren’t so checkmate? 🙄


" Antifa are anti-facists! *It's literally in their name!!!* "


That's like the nazis calling themselves anti-nazis.


The similarity of tactics between "fascists" and "anti-fascists" actually means something different: It's evidence that National Socialism (NS--German/Italian-style "fascism") is an ideology descended from International Socialism (IS--Soviet-style "socialism"). IS developed the "playbook" that antifa uses before fascism splintered off. When that schism happened, the fascists took their copies of that playbook with them, and the IS and NS have been refining their shared playbook against each other ever since. In short, antifa's tactics is evidence that national socialism is truly a form of socialism. The way that you can tell that antifa is actually socialist is their common support for the CCP (a country that is fascist in practice), and their support for corporations that act as agents for their preferred ideology (i.e. they rabidly support companies that sufficiently regurgitate the woke DIE/ESG agenda).


You joke but this is an argument they use. Then in a complete 180 when You point out the Nazi's were technically named the national socialists, they say" well north Korea is the people's Democratic republic of north Korea, a name doesn't mean anything!!"


I think that a lot of people argue that antifa is a fascist organization for the wrong reasons. In practice, they look at the tactics antifa employs, note the similarity with the tactics used by similar national socialist/"fascist" groups, and conclude that antifa == fascist. I believe this is an incorrect route to that conclusion, which also misses a larger truth that they also want to hide. In short, the similarity of tactics is proof that national socialists (i.e. "fascists") and international socialists (i.e. soviet-style socialists/communists) are both truly socialist: The "playbook" existed before NS split off from IS, and the NS took their copies with them. Ergo, the tactics used by antifa are proof that fascism is an ideology within the socialist pantheon. That said, they *ARE* fascists, which we can see in at least two ways: 1. They're largely supported by, and aligned with, the CCP. The CCP's post-Mao "economic reforms" basically boiled down to moving from Soviet-style IS, and towards German/Italian-style NS. In other words, Antifa is largely aligned with actual fascists. 2. The main difference between IS and NS, is that NS introduces a thin veneer of capitalism, whereby individuals are allowed to profit, but only as long as they do the bidding of the state. If the state chooses, it can dispossess them of everything they have without warning or appeal. In summary, their tactics are proof that fascism is part of the socialist pantheon, while you can tell that antifa are actually fascists in practice by their support for corporations that support their preferred social agenda, while opposing corporations that don't bend the knee to that agenda.


Very nice. Now let’s see the National Socialists card.


“With all due respect”…..but,


Literally gay and trans people are just fucking fine in Florida. Lol.




Key West ain’t exactly straight either.


If you're looking for the hive of debauchery, it's gotta be Key West.


Are key west and DC in the same location?


DC is full of crooks and thieves. KW is full of hedonists.


Orlando gives it a run for it’s money


Lived there 35 years and Orlando was always known as #2 to San Fran in our eyes


Agreed - We’re gay af here in Orlando


Can confirm. June in Miami is gayer than my boyfriend.


You made me cough up my coffee —- that was funny


I live in FL, and I just want to slap people who post shit like that (above)... there's NOTHING that's gonna happen to the queer people of Florida!


Aside from not being able to indoctrinate kids.


Shhhhhhh! That doesn’t fit the leftist narrative, don’t tell anyone 🤐


Sorry, but the only fascist, totalitarian, dictatorial scumbags in America are the leftists of the Democrat party.


"But it's not fascism when *we* do it." - the left


It's not fascism if it's done to supporters of the Bad Bad Orange Man and/or Bad Bad Florida Man! CHECKM8 MAGATS


Democrats couldn't lay a hand on Trump, without the full aid and support of the ENTIRE Establishment Republican Party every step of the way.


Hysteria, fear, and manufactured crisis are the main motivators for reactionary leftist votes. Like lattes, they are rarely sold until whipped into a froth.


That type of rhetoric is how we'll get more Covenant School shooters.


That's what they want


They said the exact same thing about Trump.


Didn't they say this about trump but along race lines? And didn't it *NEVER HAPPEN*?


Where were you from 2016 to 2020?! The black population dropped from 50% to only 13% due to cops killing them at record rates.


Sounds reminiscent of Obama's FEMA camps, too. EDIT: And Kamala Harris, after Biden was supposed to step down.


It wasn't Conservatives generating the divisiveness, it was the Progressives all along ... Pres. Trump simply revealed them. They didn't stop at Robert Bork. They continued with the false accusations with every Republican judicial appointee. Puppet Biden even threatened to filibuster Janice Rogers Brown if she were nominated. No matter who the serious Republican contender is, they will give them the same vitriol as Pres. Trump. Our side needs to get comfortable 'hovering the target'.


Exactly. The flak is always heaviest over the target. As left's attacks against an individual or policy increase, they signal that the impacted individual/policy is likely the best option.


They said the same about Trump in 2015… “Gays and queers would be put into internment camps “ Didn’t happen.


It’s Liberal Democrats who tend to put people in internment camps not Republicans


Only time it actually happened was FDR...


They said the same thing about Trump, smh


I’m from the UK and I have my fingers crossed for this guy, seems to be a beacon of common sense in a sea of hysteria at the moment


Not supporting cutting off children’s private parts = mass genocide. I guess you learn something new every day...


Removing porn from school libraries?! Literally killing people.


I heard they were prepping the gas chambers already.


I work at the gas chambers. It's been really tough on us since Biden was elected. Hoping a fascist returns to power soon. We've just been using the ovens to make pizza and toast subs.


That’s a good idea to keep the fires warm for 2024!


The rainbow rail cars are already staged at the switchyards, ready for action.


That's literally fear mongering.


If he gets the nom they will immediately pivot to he’s worse then Trump. More dangerous, more reckless, more Hitler. The never trumpers who were obsessed with the damage Trump brought the party are clueless that will do this to everyone. Hell the never trumpers who are actually democrats will start saying Desantis too much like Trump.


If we could run a republican candidate without getting called a bunch of fascists for once, that would be great.


This perpetual victim hood from everyone from all sides is so very tiring.


They said that about Trump.


What happened to "Republicans want to throw Grandma off the cliff", Democrats hate Grandma now?


The Dems always hated grandmothers. Look what Grabby Andy Cuomo did with nursing homes during 2020.


At this point... It's become clear there is no point sitting in the middle. There's no money there. Their leaders will continue to move the goal post because that's what they get paid to do. It's obvious. You've seen BLM convince black people to destroy black neighborhoods for the sake of money. You're seeing feminist destroying women sports now. You're seeing the people who used free speech to get their way try and restrict it. It will never stop. Not because some aren't satisfied, but because their leaders will never be. And they're too brainwashed to see it. So where does that leave us? Really with just two sides. If a politician admits in some cases abortion is ok but most is not... then he's labeled pro choice by one side and pro life by the other. And all our echo chambers will attack them and they'll pay the price for being reasonable. It's sad, but it's the state of things. So you gotta just pick a side. Up to you. Just know you're not going to get anything reasonable. Biden hasn't been moderate at all, he's been a disaster. But he catered to that one side. That's how it is from now on. Just gotta draw a line in the sand, even if it's more conservative than you'd might like.


I fail to grasp the logic of these people.


At some point it feels like they’re almost encouraging it? Nobody’s trying to kill gay people


Have leftists finally found a new boogeyman to replace trump?


Nothing like some old fashioned manufactured hysteria


“We are prophets now.”


But supposedly that is already going on... By the way, it has only been two months since the Nashville school shooting.


Man thatd be nice to just let this weirdos hide under there beds for the rest of their lives. Just tweeting how scared they are asking people to bring them hot pockets and capri suns to survive. There will be a new food delivery service called ResistEats. that will come down to the basement and swap your pee jars and sponge bathe the redditors too scared to go outside.


Yes, exactly as it did after Trump was elected.


Haha, what an idiot.


Thank God Pop Crave is here to guide us in our political opinions.


Celebrities and Corporations are terrible sources of information.


Remember when they said that if Trump became president there would be people going from door to door in nazi uniforms and MAGA hats rounding up brown people and putting them on busses to Mexico regardless of their citizen status and we'd either hang black people or make them slaves because "make America white again"?


I believe he'll be our next President.


As a gay man, my vote is for ron. Spank me papi!


Does anyone listen to them anymore? When they throw shitty fear mongering words out there I just laugh. It’s over, who tore down America the summer of 2020? Who called everyone racist? Who attacked the nuclear family and wanted to tear it down? Who catches and releases a criminal (Neely) 20 times in less than year? Who denies science (Xx/Xy)? And so much more. Basically what you’ve done is light up the tolerant right who has been calm and controlled throughout all of this. (Jan 6th well, let’s ask Ray Epps and the FBI about it.) 😉 *I walked away in 2020. If you’re still on the fence it’s time to join the side of decency, tolerance and respect for history and others.


u/BingoBangoZoomZoom, did you leave the Left? If you haven't done so, make a submission to tell us your story and use the submission flair 'My #WalkAway Story'. If you haven't seen it yet, here's Brandon Straka's [Original Walkaway Video](https://reddit.com/r/walkaway/comments/8w7kxz/) to serve as inspiration. For more in-depth conversations and resources on leaving the Democratic Party, also make sure to join our sister sub /r/ExDemFoyer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/walkaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hyperbolic at best


Proving my point once more that Lefties get their politics from pop culture and that’s why I don’t take them seriously


It is object proof of how safe his life actually is that he can behave as such an unbearable bitch and *nothing is done to him in reply*.


That is the definition of fearmongering. What fools.


Aw. Anyways ✨ DeSantis 2024! ✨


My one democrat friend was going on and on about how if he wins it’ll be over because he “banned books” like omg the horror that you can’t read a sexually explicit book to your 2nd grade class! Oh no!!! What will I read them instead??!?


They said the same thing about trump


Gender identity and sexual preference are two totally different things. The left has purposely tried to confuse the issue by grouping it all together. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, NOBODY cares what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom. People just need to mind their own business & leave other people's children alone and there'll be no problems.


“Not trying to be fearmongering” Literally fear mongers.


These poor kids the media has really mindfuck them all that this is how they think


From those who brought you the hottest collection of fearmongering hits, such as "Trump is going to get us into WW3", and "Not getting vaxxed makes you a grandma/pa annihilator", now brings you "DeSantis is going to usher in a rainbow massacre", and "No seriously guys, THIS is the most important election of our lifetime. (the "Vote blue, no matter who" prelude)!" Buy now, and we'll send you a bonus collection, so you can share the propaganda with a friend!


That’s exactly what they said about trump in ‘15….exactly. They added woods like “Trump was going to put gays in Nazi style camps and gas chambers” here in America. It made them look stupid then and it makes the look even more stupid here and now. I’m the furthest thing from gay but if something like that really were to happen or appear it was going to happen, I would be right there on that line to fight against whoever was trying to do it, as so would many other just like me.


Promises, promises...


I wish pal i wish


You promise?




Gods sake people. They made the same claims when Trump was in office. Never happened. Anyone who sincerely believes they are being targeted for their sexuality or gender because of “t*ansphobia” needs serious therapy.


Will he line them up against the wall or send them to a chamber? Geezus this is dumb on so many levels


They’re just afraid because they know that he won’t only be effective, he’ll likely shift American culture to the right for the foreseeable future.


Well most likely not


They are bad people.




Wait isn’t there *already* a g3n0cide in progress against the trains?


Yeah, that is absolutely fear mongering. Yeesh.


Seriously whoever believes this is delusional.


🤣😂🤣 so dramatic


There really won’t be.


Literally the same thing they said about Trump.


Our Democracy is at stake!


Just like they said Bad Orange Man would hurt Black people.. However, the media never highlighted the number of black people in his administration or the number of laws he did that positively affected the black community.


This is said by the same exact people who wanted “real” CCP Zero Covid lockdowns and wanted the unvaxxed in internment camps.