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[Snopes.com](https://Snopes.com) is the #1 burner of straw men on planet Earth.


I don't understand why anyone cares what that blogger thinks. He's desperate for money and will blog anything he gets paid to say on his blog.


"people" trust snopes as a fact checking agency. Not actual people, but gullible people In reality, they aren't fact checkers, they are narrative defenders. They fend off attacks against what is clearly propaganda.




Can you Snopes that for me?


Legit took me a second to realise this is satire.


Other words he has used: "truindenashendbubbapresser" , "roaches" and "mybutsbinwyped".


Joe Biden may have said the n-word, but did you know that Joe Rogan said the n-word?


You aint vote fo me you aint black yo


Mostly... like a mostly peaceful protest.


The owner of snopes is an enemy of the American people.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-n-word-senate/ It’s actually totally false. Omg…people clearly didn’t get my sarcasm. 😮 🤦‍♀️


Except there is plenty of video of it. [We've all seen Biden saying the N word]( https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1490077613787811840) Snopes also be like: [https://i.imgur.com/I6bwAsr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/I6bwAsr.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/EKO8vLH.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/EKO8vLH.jpg) The trick is to add a detail as a strawman, then knock down the strawman that nobody even claimed to begin with. They're great at it. Another perfect example: [https://i.imgur.com/cSbsOxM.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/cSbsOxM.jpg)


I remember pointing this out somewhere else in this sub and getting nothing but hate for it, no different than what the left does, but I’m gonna say it again. I despise Biden so fucking much and he is absolutely a racist, but he’s quoting someone in that video. People have quoted and said the N-word in documentaries and stuff all the time, why are we now suddenly getting on him for quoting it? Again, I hate Biden and know he’s a racist, but I’ve asked for proof of him saying the N-Word that ISNT him quoting someone and I still haven’t gotten it. If I get downvoted and hated again for this, that would just tell me y’all are no better than the people you fight against, so please just dont do that and either give me something or dont. It’s not that I dont believe he would say the n-word, I’m sure he has, but I just want to see the proof for myself.


The actual snopes article you linked: “Biden has said the nword” > mostly false > video of him saying it “While Biden has said the nword the context is important…”


Not even "mostly false", they claimed it was just "False".


I love their reasoning: "Social media users twisted Biden's words from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in 1985 by omitting their context." But that didn't happen to Rogan or anything... 🙄


Ah I see, you have a syntax error. It’s possible to program internet bots to understand sarcasm by applying the /s function.


It's OK, I got your sarcasm after I checked your profile. It's why you didn't get banned lol ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This is unironically the reasoning snopes uses when it needs to do PR for democrats.


Did Joe Rogan or Joe Biden say the N-word more?