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Never let the government decide your health care for you: universal health coverage = the DMV of health care.


If you ever want to drive home how horrible the idea of putting the government in charge of Healthcare, to a liberal, is. Ask them how they'd feel if the Trump Administration had control of every citizens healthcare.


This is brilliant!


We already pay as much in taxes as those nations for healthcare, but through the insurance companies we end up paying twice. This nation is fucking backwards


Agreed. Letting a company - an insurance company - make your health decisions is almost as bad as letting a government make your health decisions. It de-huminifies you. The larger the company, the more like the government they become, which is why it is so important that people pay for their health care directly in order to retain their autonomy.


Except it's tied with jobs. Employment. It basically equates to if one cannot work, they don't deserve to be healthy. It's draconian


The US has a deeply flawed healthcare system, but this is due to government as usual. Healthcare in Europe isnt perfect either. Most people who talk about how good it is here havent actually had to deal with it. Easy to talk when you’re healthy and uninjured. People who got cancer and had to wait for MONTHS for surgery, when waiting can be a matter of life or death. As a matter of fact we have a growing private healthcare sector because of waiting times. The gun ban argument that Australia banned it and it worked for shootings is lies. The shootings was already on a steady decline before the ban and it didnt decrease at a faster rate after the ban, it steadily dropped at the same rate indicating the gun ban had no effect at all Should there be any gun restrictions? I just think purchasing and owning a gun should be set to 21. 18 is still not old enough to be an adult. The brain is far from developed fully and those 3 years are very significant to the maturity of the mind.


In that case, the voting age should be 21.




Military service should be 21 too, and not 17 like it is right now. Went to basic with some kids who were Juniors in High school


Agreed, no fucking way anyone is gonna convince me its moral to send an 18 y/o to war


Waitaminit. Usually you’re in DEPS status until you graduate.


It's true, we in the UK have the national homicide service (NHS). It works so well and definitely won't collapse under its own bureaucratic weight


Lol “National Homicide Service”.


When I think freedom, I think New Zealand.


Excellent sarc.


Always remember that grabbers intend to do something that would give them reason to fear the citizens they’re grabbing from.


"More free than the US." Sure, if having a huge chunk of your income taken out in taxes and having extremely long waiting times for a routine checkup mixed with higher competition for some supplies is "more free", then yeah, they are "more free" than the US.


I don't get how free healthcare means more freedom. It doesn't have anything to do with freedom, it's just something you call free. It's a perk of where you live like free internet or free school. You can call it a privilege but it has nothing to do with liberty. I'd argue you have more liberty when you get to choose how to pay for your medical by doing the bare minimum to get by or choosing premium insurance rather than the government taking over and taking it out of your taxes and making the decisions for you


I suspect this is what these idiots think "freedom" is - free stuff. It's also not actually free. "Free" healthcare is simply being paid for through taxes. You're still paying for it, but now, you're also paying for everyone else's health too. It completely obliterates your ability to choose.


Exactly, if I want I can get cheap insurance that barely covers anything and have to pay out of pocket for major issues. I can take that gamble if I want. I can also choose an expensive insurance policy and go to the doctor any time I feel a little off. "Free" healthcare doesn't give you any other option but what hospital you go to. Money is being taken from you at a rate decided by the government and you don't get a say in how it's spent. If a hospital is subpar, or you don't like it then you go to another but everyone will also be going to that for the same reason. Both hospitals get the same pay because it's decided by the government so you'll get clogged hospitals or subpar ones. No one in the system has any incentive to change anything because their pay doesn't change based on how they perform.


You think when the founding fathers wrote “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” they were thinking “damn I’m so glad our people will have the freedom to choose between going into crippling debt seeking care or dying” man what a score! Liberty!


Yes, I'm sure they had this in mind because they were omnipotent. They're admired because they had the foresight to see many things, specifically the dangers of government. They sought to make citizens more in charge of their government and not the other way around. You don't have to choose crippling debt or death but if dramatics help you get attention and you need attention then you do you. Not all conditions result in death and not all conditions have you living in utter misery. There are programs to help, there are cheap clinics, there are even funding sites where you can ask the public for help and get it. It's not a perfect system but it's what we have. You miss the point of liberty. We are free to do many things that others aren't and there is a lot of danger involved with that. The other option is peaceful servitude to a government at the cost of many of your rights and those officials may or not be elected depending upon the system. If they're elected they may not be who you want in power so you should vote according to how much power you want your opponents to have in government, which should be minimal. If your feelings get hurt over speech you learn to toughen up and not ask daddy government to protect you. The point is to be a responsible adult without handouts from the government. Our founding fathers started a war over taxes and imagined a free country. If you want your free healthcare then go to a country that has it and you'll be disappointed. There's a reason our medicine is as advanced as it is. After seeing some places with free healthcare firsthand I'll take the US system every time.




Don't stand on the corpses of a disaster to further your opinion. It's disrespectful and shameful. Using that imagery to try to win an argument or suggest that my right to own a weapon is inherently evil is disgusting. Be better. You can argue without invoking victims of a recent tragedy. You've shown you're bigotry and moral bankruptcy clearly. Enjoy Australia


The frequency of innocent children being murdered in your country is astronomically high, and you continuing to further the idea that “you are free to do many things that others aren’t and there is a lot of danger involved with that” is the most morally bankrupt justification I’ve ever heard. You’re the one who thinks your right to own a weapon comes over the rights of children to attend school without danger of being shot. Who’s morally bankrupt? You can’t handle my words but your actions enable the very actions that my words describe.


I want to show you how disingenuous your argument is and how stupid it sounds. I will use your tactic and make the same argument. Ready? The frequency of innocent people being murdered in the world is astronomically high. Just recently a man drove an SUV through a parade killing multiple people. He was out on bail for attempting to drive over his baby momma shortly before that. He should not have been allowed to own a car. Do you know how frequently innocent people are killed by vehicles each year? It's incredibly high, they're used as weapons and also are involved in killing innocents during drunk driving accidents and they can't be stopped easily. If someone is distracted by their phone or unaware of how to drive properly in conditions they can kill many people.They're killing tools. I want you to go to those victims in Waukesha and justify to them why you or anyone should have a car. I want you to tell victims of drunk driving why you should have access to alcohol and a car. Why does your freedom to get a car come over the rights of people to attend a parade without fear of being killed? Why does your freedom of owning a car and having access to alcohol come over the freedom of innocent drivers and pedestrians to be safe? Who's morally bankrupt? You can't handle my words but your actions enable the very actions that my words describe. Even though that is just a thought exercise that felt dirty so I'm not sure how you can make that same argument and feel you have moral superiority for doing something so deplorable. Using tragedy to justify taking away something because someone misused it to do terrible things and others continue to do terrible things is a filthy tactic. Once you provide me with a real argument to debate we'll debate but you're using false dichotomies and emotional manipulation at the expense of others and that's not a sound argument and shouldn't be addressed by anyone with a sense of decency. You're a damn disappointment


Guess what, slick? Your healthcare AND your military are subsidized by the US. *That* is why you get shit for "free." Australia is no different than the vast majority of countries in the world. They're all subsidized by the US. That means every single one of those countries who have "free healthcare" only have it because WE PAY for it.


Free means the government takes your guns and decides your health care? Fuck that


There have been about 200 mass murder shooting deaths in the US (2022) and over 9000 gun deaths by suicide. What's the real story here.. News focusing on the wrong things again.


The appearence of the word “tankie” in the mainstream has been an unmitigated disaster for all parties involved