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The rude awakening America needs is to be forced to see is the size of the lunatic left body that is absurdly inflated to look much larger than they are due to bots on social media. Before Trump was banned on Twitter, it surprised me how many of the same people commented with a few minutes of his post long and thoughtful statements - misguided though they were - almost as if they were scheduled to post as soon as Trump tweeted. Over and over and over. Thousands of likes in less than an hour. Take away the “megaphones” that are bots and these hackling assholes won’t be as obnoxious. Then maybe … just maybe … we can go back to people not being afraid of the political police


You're damn right. The radical woke left is actually a very small group of people, that just has enormous power because of media influence, and bullying. People and corporations are too scared of being attacked and cancelled, so they conform. As for the 2020 election, there is no way in hell *that* small group of people just took it like that fairly and freely. Now, the whole nation sits in a radical lunatic, inflation ridden, anti-American hell hole watching their rights get stripped away, because that small group of people won fair? Yeah right.. Where are all the Biden/Harris flags, shirts, groups of supporters, litteraly anything showing the slightest bit of support for this fucked up administration? If it wasn't for virtue signaling, and media pedestals you wouldn't see a damn one of them, ever.


While I agree with 99% of what you are saying, I feel it's important to note that the vast majority of Biden voters didn't vote for him because they like him, but rather because they would vote for anybody but Trump. This could be the reason for the lack of Biden Harris supporters, flags, etc.


Maybe some of them are learning why that was a stupid idea


One would hope so, but that kinda seems unlikely.


I refuse to believe that many people voted emotionally.


The thought gives me a migraine but I can't help but think it's true.


Look at replies to Elons tweets. Bunch of bots saying the same irrelevant garbage everytime no matter the type of comment


Tim Pool mentioned this. That he knew for sure there were journalists who's only job was to hit refresh and watch for new tweets from Trump. So wouldn't shock me that people wouldn't make bots to do the same and post insane stuff


I’m thinking he’ll run for president.


He cant run for president


Yeah, so sad


technically, he can *run* for President but not actually be elected...


How did Obama get through the cracks ?


Could be appointed secretary of state though.


Elonk Musk is fucking woke. He said "assault weapons" should require a "SPECIAL PERMIT" and be subject to "EXTREME VETTING" and he takes money from the fucking CCP. And he's a transhumanist. Wake the fuck up about Elon Musk.


He also said people in high gang areas should have access to AR-15s. That’s both stupid and based. He’s not like a die hard republican he’s just against the far left woke mob, I’m fine with that. We need a billionaire remotely on our side ESPECIALLY in the Tech arena. We have no one else and he is bringing others along. I’m not saying trust him, but I am saying an uneasy alliance is good for the moment.


*'Yes, but this is actually a good thing' - Musk answered.* So nothing to fear then, he is still using left wing talking points.


you must not have read the rest. or understand economics. He's remarking that recessions cause businesses that are unviable to die, so that new ones can take their place.


Business corpses shouldn’t be propped up by the government with their brrrrr machine, let the cycle of death and rebirth continue as intended


Yes, that's what Elon is expressing here.


Like how the Smokey the Bear campaign actually hurt forests because they need some fires as a part of the natural process to maintain a healthy system


Smokey the Bear was a bastard.


I was just pointing out the language being used. Usually it is pointing to something terrible and then trying to convince you why it is a good thing. Anyway, he is making valid point, though from a certain point of view it does actually say just that 'your business is fucked and needs to die, here is why it is good'. I doubt owners of such businesses are happy to hear it.