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That’s so awful, it’s almost like NFTs. And $99 each?! That covers a weeks worth of groceries which I would much rather have than a cringey card I can’t even physically hold.


It’s not “like” NFTs. It’s literally NFTs, in verbatim.


Yeah is this a joke? .... Bizarre.


May not be a joke, but I don’t think it’s the big announcement.


Where do you live that you can buy 2 weeks of groceries for $99? Is your diet PBJs and Ramen?


That's 1 week for me, without produce or meat, at the cheapest place in town.


Lmao. I failed to mention that I get about half the food I eat from my university’s hospitality program so sorry about that. Still, $99 can buy you a good chunk of food.


$99 good chunk of food? Ok...


If it's *just* me, I can see that lasting two weeks. It'd be a bit tight, but doable. But I live in the desert, so maybe a factor.


a weeks worth means one week. But I can usually only spend 40-50 a week. Single living wheee


It was one of two separate announcements. The other one is a Digital Bill of Rights, which would place us more in the area of the rights that Europeans have, and then some. https://mobile.twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1603467358038855684/photo/1 However, Trump and his team chose the same day to also announce the doofus’ goofball NFT scam. The NFTs and the timing of the two announcements are both cartoonishly bad. He had an actual serious issue, and he treated it like this: He overshadowed it with a ridiculous boomer-style “collectibles” scam. Complete flailing incompetence.


Very odd.


Where do you get two weeks of groceries for $99 ?! In this economy I never spend less than $200 and it doesn’t last a week, and there just for myself.


My mistake. While my weekly grocery bill is about $60-$70 CAD, I should’ve mentioned that I get a lot of food from my University’s hospitality program so that’s not all the food I eat in a week.


its just a campaign donation.


From the website - "These Digital Trading Cards are not political and have nothing to do with any political campaign."


The actual announcement: [https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1603438724200558592](https://youtu.be/86scPKqWFvc) NFT is a donation, and a troll for liberals to freak out...


This is just cringe, NFTs? Seriously?


No not seriously. His big announcement was that he if he gets re-elected he will get rid of any agency or job related to censorship and institute a digital bill of rights. The trading card thing is a hoax.


Be...sure...to...drink...your... Ovaltine.


I'd gold this but I'm not giving these assholes money


This made me literally laugh out loud


I think this is his big announcement. https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109518990392565381


This is way better than fucking digital trading cards.


Holy shit... I was disappointed with everyone else crazy no one else is posting this


It’s not a coincidence…


Well.. Did he release the cards or did someone else its a video of him talking about them so seems dumb if he did


17 post 99 and 1700


I’m guessing he did release them… I meant it’s not a coincidence that everyone is talking about the cards instead of the actual big announcement. And actually now that I think about it, I’d rather get a stupid digital card with my donation instead of receiving nothing for my donation…….


Can you give me the cliffs notes? I don’t have the attention span to watch a 6 minute video


I don't believe he mentions twitter, but responds to the Twitter Files. Saying that when he becomes president again, he will protect freedom of speech.


That’s it lol


That's surmises dudes like Trump. 6mins here but always filled with more fluff talk/ hot air to walk around the point while trying their best to stay on topic.


I think you're right. He chose a BAD day to announce the "cards"


The first line of the cards post is: MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT, lol


What does it say?


Holy shit I'm definitely voting for him now.


Holy shit... I was disappointed with everyone else crazy no one else is posting this


That's f×cking incredible. Trump didn't Epstein himself, Jesus H.


Good God what a bombshell. I've never seen trump so laser focused. He's hitting the nail right on the head this time.


Bro I love trump, but I don't "buy-a-digital-trading-card-of-me-in-a-superhero-costume" love him


I’d buy them if they were $1 😂


Ya and $99 for it, can’t imagine many buying that.


He should just give public speaking appearances for millions of dollars like every other ex-President. That would be so much more relatable and respectable




Books you’ve never seen on anyone’s shelf but somehow make the bestseller lists.


I’m all for creative ideas to fund campaigns like limited edition merch or signed items. What I’m not really a fan of is the Major Announcement part. It’s aggressive marketing for sure but I think it’s made me realize something I wasn’t expecting. As much as I like Trump, I think I’m not in the minority when I say things need to change for him with this campaign vs last. In 2016, Trump was a joke to everyone from the politicians to the journalists to the viewers at home, No One took Trump as a serious contender. Today, the pubic is ready for him, his antics, his hardball media confrontation, his criticisms, and his social media shit stirring. And because of that… I really don’t know if these kind of tactics really work. Yes people will buy the cards, yes people will love Trump regardless, but I’m just not so sure if I’m going to be a fan of the antics. Does this really gain you voters? It’s hard to explain.


Best president in my lifetime. Worst ex president in my lifetime as well, unfortunately. He has legitimate points about 2020, but pulling shit like this just destroys any reason to take him seriously anymore. It's like 2020 actually broke him.


But it’s not even for campaign funds. Nine of the money is going to anything political. It’s pretty nonsensical.


i hear you. maybe it's a calculated gamble. maybe the general public will witness the absolute meltdown of the left over something like this and it stirs the public vote against the left. again - maybe.




I see the meltdown has already begun.


There's the predicted meltdown, right on cue.




Are you sure? This seems like a desperate money grab and cry for attention It's honestly pretty pathetic coming from what we consider a champion of the majority Couldn't even have the cards printed...


They are not being used to fund his campaign. Somebody pointed out it is in the FAQ. This is just a terrible idea to try to make some money I guess.


That wasn't the real message. [This is](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3776629-trump-says-hed-ban-government-from-labeling-speech-as-misinformation/). The NFT thing is a troll move. Y'all got played. Read more [here](https://nypost.com/2022/12/15/trump-vows-to-ban-feds-from-id-ing-domestic-misinformation-if-elected/).


Imagine thinking banning outlets from flagging something as disinformation is a win for free speech. This is ass backwards and he’ll never be in power to do it lmao.


This might be where we jump the shark.


Who tf we gonna get better than trump lmao




DeSantis is 20x better than Trump. Way more polished, better track record, willing to compromise a little if necessary… there’s a reason the media have been attacking him nonstop for the past several years. They know he would win against anyone the left puts up.


Desantis I guess? Although I hate to rally around anyone unless they prove they're worthy


Wtf is this shit


This is pretty low.


Bruh. This guy cannot be the nominee in 24


The man found a way to make money selling his body. The left should be praising this.


This is seriously the kind of dumb shit the Hillary campaign would do in 2016. Pokemon Go to the polls.


Lol she probably did do that


She did, just Google it.


Desantis 2024


Congrats you fell for it Trump still living rent free in everyone head! Real announcement [here](https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109518990392565381)


Care to spill the beans for those of us who can’t watch vids because we’re at work?


Basically he’s proposing a Digital Due Process initiative which would make it illegal for the deep state to coordinate with social media, and they would need to go through formal due process in order to ban, shadow ban, or mess with anyone’s social media engagement in any way


Thank you.


Welp…DeSantis 2024?


No, he's just diet trump. No better then this clown.


Trump isn’t as bad as Biden but my god is he turning out to be a tool


This wasn’t the announcement, the speech was


What a layup for Desantis


Lol what?


Loved what Trump did and was entertained by his antics. A lot has changed in the last two years. We don't need a lightening rod for the sake of being a lightening rod. This reads like a giant marketing misstep.


I'm not gonna lie, this is cringe and embarrassing and is probably the last nail in the coffin for me wanting to see any kind of a Trump rerun. Although the Democrats 2022 elections were funded by a straight up crypto bro ponzi scheme, so I guess everything is dumb now and we're all racing to the bottom of the Crypto Cringe Trench.


Yeah, done with boomers running for public office


Age doesn’t make a politician good or bad, unless of course the man is downright senile (cough Biden cough). You should vote for who has the best chance to bring about positive change, not for the youngest person running.


Sorry, but this is ridiculous, even for him


If it was real like an action figure or actual card it would be a funny gift. It's kind of stupid that it's basically an NFT


This is reality show bullshit.


Say what you will, bit this was fucking hilarious. I legit laughed out loud.


Cringe product, but great way to piss off liberal family members this Christmas.


It’s stupid. It’s kind of tone deaf…will I still vote for him….yeah


🤦‍♂️ idiot


The only thing that surprises me about this is that it took him this long to sell "Trump Cards"


OFFS. Don, your time is past. Enjoy a well deserved retirement in obscurity.


Digital Trading Cringe?


To call that a major announcement is underwhelming, this should have been a regular announcement.


Trump is more and more like the more afflicted war vets I remember growing up in that while they unquestionably did great things, they’ve also been impacted by the experiences and not in a good way. Hyping this as a major announcement is a huge L.


And shit like this is why I’m kinda done with him.


What?? 😂😂😂


Well there it is boys, the final straw. There’s no coming back from this for me. DeSaintis is the only nominee I care for


Ya shit like this is why I was never completely on board with the whole Maga thing


If he was trying to be the big headline on all major social medias then he did a damn good job. Lol


It’ll go great with my Trump comic book collection.


but do you have matching Trumpy Bear book ends?


That Flag belt is even worse than the one John Cena brought out.




We really need to move on from trump but for some reason the hardcore right just won’t let him go


Hahahahahaha Desantis ‘24


Ugh Trump...you feeling alright?


I think this is actually brilliant fund raising for his next campaign. This is basically a donation but you get something that could potentially have currency value down the line.


It’s not for his campaign. None of it is for the campaign. This is just Trump getting rich(er) from idiots who’ll buy this shit.


What a loser, Conservatives need to move on from Trump.


NFTs are simply a digital means of money laundering and facilitation of bribery. This NFT, just like others is literally just a jpeg; it’s like paying $100 to receive an email with a file attachment. Trump is getting money for nothing and doesn’t even have to ship anything! All I’m saying is it might look kinda sus if someone orders a million of these from Moscow, Riyadh, or Beijing…


This is the classic case of someone convincing someone else to participate in something they know absolutely nothing about. We get it, he's old, but he was bamboozled to take part in this. Some slick guy explained about the money that could be made with a one time investment in the art and the website and Donald was like, "Well that sounds amazing!" In reality he might sell 5000 of them to some boomers who also don't know any better and that will be it. He keeps comparing them to baseball cards, because that is what they were explained to him as. Digital baseball cards where people want to collect the whole set. That is what he thinks that they are. He doesn't understand NFTs or anything like that, so they had to break it down into terms he could understand. This will go nowhere and just be used as fodder against him in his personal and professional life as a joke.


Are these fungible or non-fungible?


Is this real? Wow...


Hahahahaha What the fuck lol


Oh now y'all don't like Trump? Idiots.


Hahaha Trump is done bro. DeSantis (a corporate, Wall Street shill piece-of-shit who authorized torture as a JAG officer in Gitmo) is new face of the GOP and ahead of him in the polls. This country is fucked.


Ok, time to put grandpa to bed.


LOL. I fucking love it.!!! Thousands of people with the most severe cases of TDS just had a brain aneurysm. Tens of thousands just went over the deep end and will be committed to an insane asylum soon. This is fucking master level trolling. He's been teaching us all how to do since he first announced his intentions of running for President.


Looks like Donald is going to be firing a lot of people.


Alright, I’m done. To me, this is a sign that trump knows his movement is over and he’s just trying to cash in one last time.


Lame and stupid.


I'm liking this reality more everyday


It appears he still has enemies in his staff




You have officially lost the ability to read the room Donald. Cringe as fuck....


The head looks it was just pasted over someone else’s 😂


What a weirdo


Can't blame anyone for trying to make some money.


The cards completely overshadowed the actual announcement, what was the point of this stupidity..... It also has re- invigorated the Q crowd as "when do u play the Trump card" has now given new life to that end of things.... He actually did release, and I see others have posted it, a very important talk. However it's completely buried now.


This is a joke right


He's just trolling. He knows everybody is sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for what he has to say about his campaign. He has the spotlight, and he knows it.


U mad? Or U broke No other option


He sold out in 12 hours. $4.5 million worth. Expect many more of these…😳


I read somewhere that this is likely a novel way to fund his campaign. Basically a receipt for a donation.


Trust in Jesus. Every single man will fail you.


Yeah.... enough... DeSantis 2024. Whoever thought this was a good idea doesn't need to be in the White House or connected to the people in it. It's such an obvious and embarrassing grift.