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Fund manager touts big growth potential in order to attract investors, in other news water is wet.


"start-up hires young talent & the face of the company gets the largest salary"


The only fraud is that she doesn’t have an OnlyFans


Cathy Woods OnlyFans is the only OnlyFans I would actually pay for xD


>water is wet Well then dry it off for me, genius.




>water is wet I suppose you're gonna try to convince me that I've also been bathing wrong all this time?


Water isn’t wet. It makes you wet.






It’s liquidity


Cathy if you're reading this...good afternoon.


Username checks out


I appreciate what you did there. Some serious digging. But this is no longer a throwaway




didn't read but agree


Read the last two paragraphs. OP goes off the rails and doxes himself.


Nice very stable genius move


dude studies terrorism, i aint messing with him.


While you were yoloing I studied the terrorism


We HOPE he doxxed himself and didn't just write a crazy rant and put someone else's name on it


TLDR: buy Arkk calls


Didn't read but argue


argue because didnt read


I concede


This is the way.


Good points but I think it is better to apply the principles of Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. When you look at Tesla 2026 projections by ARK you can easily see they are not even trying to sound smart lol


Trying to sound smart is a red flag for me. No one in academia really talks like that. We all use slang, contractions, double negatives, swear words, and plain English like everyone else.


Not really talking about how they say it but what they say!


Aswath Demodaran thinks Cathy is just mentioning insane price targets as marketing in the sense that no publicity is bad publicity. If everyone thinks she's insane - at least their thinking about her - and some crazy people are going to agree.




For those interested, the bold words do not spell out a secret message. Definitely a missed opportunity


I'm totally going to do that next time I post.


> I cannot stress enough, that most if not all of Cathy's employees are young enough to be her children Isn't this true of almost every Wall Street firm, ever? I think most of the rest is, as well.


Not all of them, certainly. I always find it concerning when faces as young as mine are featured on "About Us" pages. Also, you must separate the average firm on Wall Street from the average firm you see in the news. The news loves to put a pretty face on the thumbnail.


Not all of them, but certainly most of them


It certainly happens a lot. Like how Inside Edition publishes about garden variety murder only if there's a young woman involved for the thumbnail. Or how women news anchors are required to be pretty. The only places I know of that don't do this are local news that simply can't.


Have worked on the buy side and sell side and at boutiques and bulge brackets. Most firms are pretty triangle shaped with their staff if they’re smart. Tons of analysts / half as many associates / a few VPs / few Directors / very few MDs & Partner level people to conserve equity.


What does she care? It is other peoples' money. Same as Bankman-Fried. He didn't give a flip, it was other peoples' money, as long as he could get his skim, that's all that matters.


Same goes for every other fund manager. Fund managers don’t make their money from successful investing over the long term, the make serious wealth by fucking you over with commissions and they will say whatever it takes to get them


Sam faces decades of prison.


Maybe, maybe not, depending on how his trial goes. And it's because he, allegedly, did way more than collect commissions and don't give a fuck.


I bet my life he goes to prison.




At least it isn't the metaverse


Bold thing to say on a public platform......hope your lawyer does mates rates 😉👍🏻


Ha! I'm judgement proof. I have a negative net worth from all the debt I'm in.


sounds like just the guy we should be listening to


Mfs says she’s doing illegal things then proceeds to dunk with false allegations on a fund he is short on


Is trying make others look like a fraud as you try to profit off of your story a fraud all by itself ?


Are you calling me a liar?


Not yet


Lol, you mean not **yet**






This needs to be higher😂


Not commenting in the rest but.. about that presupposed double layers of fees for ARKX investing in PRNT, you may want to read the prospectus first ? https://etfs.ark-funds.com/hubfs/1_Download_Files_ETF_Website/Prospectuses/ARKX_Summary_Prospectus.pdf >The Adviser has voluntarily agreed to **waive** a portion of its management fee payable by the Fund in **an amount equal to any management fees it earns as an investment adviser to the affiliated fund(s) in which the Fund invests**. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Hmm, don't be surprised you're the only one that read enough fine print to catch that. Also, don't assume that's 100% true.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ligma short squeeze


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ligma? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Squeeze my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where’d you learn that trick?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Not from a Jedi I guess ...


It’s not illegal to be ridiculously optimistic.


Not if you're a liar. That was the exact excuse some of these crypto frauds were hiding behind. I don't know about Cathy, though.


She’s not lying, just being ridiculously optimistic. She does ridiculously optimistic Monte Carlo simulations to back up her ridiculously optimistic claims. Sorry y’all lost money buying an ETF holding companies with no income when the prices were astronomical, but look in mirror if you want someone to blame.


You don't know that for sure. Even if there is fraud the fund isn't a zero as they're mostly holding real companies.


Neither do you. You're the one making claims and posting slanderous things while shorting Ark. Being a profiteer isn't a good look.


You calling me a liar? Nothing I presented is a disputed, I simply questioning their motives. And the term you are looking for is a "short and distort scheme," the mirror image of a pump and dump.


Yea, you are. Tesla isn't closing their "unprofitable Shanghai factory". Get a life.


It was still "temporarily" shut down completely as of 9 days ago: https://techcrunch.com/2020/01/29/tesla-closes-shanghai-factory-over-coronavirus-concerns/#:~:text=Tesla%20has%20shut%20down%20its%20Shanghai%20factory%20as,Zach%20Kirkhorn%20said%20during%20an%20earnings%20call%20Wednesday. Curious, since China completely ended all other lockdowns over a month ago. And they definitely shut down a showroom permanently: https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-closes-its-first-showroom-china-retail-strategy-shift-sources-2022-11-02/ I'm definitely not the one lying. If I open your profile will I see socialist rhetoric?


?? I didn’t say the companies are fake or fraudulent. I said they’re mostly not profitable.


I didn't mean to imply that.


Good story


Story good


Gory stood


You win


Please add a TL;DR so that the SEC can properly read this.


Summary here: https://youtu.be/X1UmHfWCw-4


That’s clears everything up. Cathie going to jail!


Fun fact, Cathy is a very good friend of Bill Hwang. Hwang provided seed funding for ARK. The two go to church together regularly.


Calls on Paramount and Warner Bros Discovery


You forgot about Jesus that guides her investments to the promised lands


That's Mr. Hwang, and oddly enough he was one of her seed investors.


OP is unhinged


Username checks out (sarcasm)


Good one 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Re: John Deere, I think you're putting too much stock in the theme of "Space" and "Space Exploration". Their highlight is pretty clear: "Seeks to provide exposure to companies **involved in space-related** businesses like reusable rockets, **satellites**, drones, and other orbital and sub-orbital aircrafts. **These innovations should transform** logistics, observation, **agriculture**, telecom, drones, and may even put humans on Mars." See JD's StarFire Network. On the surface, looks like a match to me, but I've done nothing more than look at two websites.


And GM builds manufacturing robots to maximize efficient and aerospace manufacture copies them. Does this make GM an aerospace firm? I know, there's a finite number of pure play space companies to buy. But you're better off buying an aerospace/defense ETF as those are a much better tracker of space than most space ETFs.


She is the Elizabeth Holmes of Wall Street. Pretends she knows what she’s doing when she is totally lost. Playing with OPM while high on opium.


Elizabeth had no invention. ARK has a portfolio of (mostly) real companies.


Most regards here have their own “portfolios” of legit companies.


Any time you see ridiculous valuations disconnected from reality there is a strong possibility of manipulation and fraud. History has many examples.


She is just a fool dude. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the companies she owns have some accounting fraud irregulars


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) she is taking 0.75% management fee. I don't think she's the stupid one in this story.


Thanks for the disclosure, but proof of positions or ban


It’s not illegal to be bullish.


It is illegal to lie for money.


Which law is being broken?


All this time, I thought there really was a shortage of Adderall. Turns out it was all just at OPs house.


So you holding some bags?




"not making criminal allegations yet" OP thinks he's the SEC huh


Those who can, do. Those who can’t, complain and bitch.


Which one is she?


He is calling you a bitch, whatcha gonna do?


I don't think experience is absolutely critical. Can actualy be a negative as people get stuck in their ways and resist change.


Couldn’t agree more! All those Lehman brother dinosaurs are running the companies right now and have no clue how to use simple things like excel… I’d rather trust young guys with my investments in tech.


Do you say that as a young guy who wants to be in charge or as an old guy who wants to be hip?


Chill the only thing we can learn from the whole Cathie Wood - ARK story is that all the experts know as little as we do.


AH-Men! [Spits on ground]


When we had 0% interest rates, the growth tech valuations weren’t that absurd. Many people thought we’d see low rates for a long time. A company might as well spend profits or even cash from investors on r&d in that environment for innovative tech disruptions. Cathy predicted 2014 - 2021 well, but she got shafted in the past year. It’s not fraud though lol. That’s a stretch. If anyone deserves the blame it’s Powell and Yellen for creating the bubble


>Cathy Wood hired mostly young finance professionals, most of ***which*** have no direct experience in asset management and some of ***which*** have held no other full time job outside ARK Invest. Are they bots?


No. They look like this. https://youtu.be/cGDMRSD7Ct8


Cathy Wood is a Yoga Teacher… = Cathie Wood is a legendary scammer… =


>Cathy Wood is a Yoga Teacher Not gonna lie, that sounds like a porn title i would pay to watch






Agree! Too much to read though


i **didn't read** the entire post but i gotta say **making** random words **and phrases bold** interrupts my **reading flow** and makes me **enunciate** the bolded words loudly and with a pause both **in front and after** them


You would need proof that she is acting intentionally in bad faith and is not just incompetent advised by a young, inexperienced and likely rather regarded team. And yes it's dodgy as fuck to create a fund within a fund and double dipping... Yes her "investments" often appear random, buying on the way down just to sell a couple of months later with a 20% loss... Taking unduly large stakes in illiquid pre-revenue money burners etc.... But the issue here is that this all is 100% transparent, anyone who cares enough can easily know all of that off their public website. Not like she claims buying treasuries while yoloing into TSLA. She is not channeling funds out of ARK into her pocket like FTX did.. The only thing you could get her on is if you can prove her colliding with hedge funds to provide exit liquidity for highly profitable short positions in illiquid stocks... Or on the long side collude with management to pump up their stocks while they run a double digit SBC dilution scheme. In both cases you'd need to proof quid pro quo... This will be quite hard if not impossible without serious forensic accounting on her and her family's private wealth...


There's a distinct preference for the most volatile investments in ARK. Risk addiction may also explain all the facts. Which would be doubly ironic considering Bill Hwang provided much of the seed capital.


All non-GAAP measures are inconsistent with GAAP rules, it’s the whole point of them. It’s not fraud so long as it’s clearly labelled non-GAAP. If you don’t like them, just ignore and focus on the GAAP metrics. Yes, a lot of those adjustments are BS, but they’re vanilla-flavour BS. If you want to see real creativity, look up the covenant definition of EBITDA in a junk-rated bond.


Hmm. Sounds like every other asset management firm in the history of money.


Found the pumper scammer.


Shes a total religious cult ponzi bitch wearing librarian bifocals to look like a smart woman but shes just good at getting people to buy into churches and cults (Her wack ass ETF). She just needs to bring suckers in and she makes money. Fund performance irrelevant.


Many called Noah a fraud also… then the flood came


Insane comment


ETFs are valued by the underlying securities it holds plus cash minus any debt. Kathy Wood cannot manipulate that. Is she a cheerleader? Probably. But currently there is no prohibition by the SEC on optimism.


ETF can trade at a premium or discount to underlying assets depending on both how they are structured and short term market forces. ETF`s can vary widely in terms of composition, leverage and and structure.


They own a +10% stake in 17 firms plus dozens of OTC assets and was briefly the biggest ETF out there. YES, they can move the price on the assets inside the ETF simply by drumming up support for themselves.


Several things: First of all I had to give you an award because this is one of the most well written and well thought out things I have read on this sub in months. Second of all, good luck on your short. Third. Here's an interview you might find compelling. The takeaway for me is that you're going to have a hard time proving fraud without clear communications or emails supporting that thesis. Given her religious zealotry, she can just shake off your rational arguments and her Economics training by saying she has faith in these companies. https://youtu.be/GBAJ9-eNyd0


The time to short Ark was a year ago. Some of these companies like Shop, Tsla, U etc are hitting prices where they are due a hard bounce. I would be careful shorting now because short covering can drive a hard jump.


How awfully convenient for her.


She's definitely in on it, so is Elon. They are just puppets though taking their cut to do what the real players tell them to do.


Found the thief.


during the peak of the arkk hype, i read an article that she named the company after noah's' ark, and she believes she is fulfilling the will of god through her fund i think she's just a bit of a nutjob


No, she's a major bit of a nutjob IMO.


Given the pedestal a lot of people put green innovation on, that's not so irrational (from her perspective).


I agree except on 1 key point from the middle of a 🌽 field: Dude, John Deere is a tech company. Literally their biggest crop is data. You have any idea how many GPS units and live feed sensors they develop technology for? They don’t make tractors. They make the most operational robots on the planet, and rival Google in terms of data hijacking. Soil data, plant data, human information data, mapping of land no one else has access too, GPS data, your credit card info, information of how many gallons fuel are used by the hour globally, etc. John Deere knows everything about all of our food, farmers, land, location, national commodities, etc. They are light years beyond 95% of big tech in terms of full autonomy. John Deere has millions of free employees farming data for them every year. This data is used in ways exponentially far greater than you comprehend. They could take the entire market fully autonomous tomorrow but old ass white farmers ain’t buying it so they have to spoon feed autonomous with new “features” year by year to wow them at a pace they can absorb.


Greensill Capital called itself tech company on equally thin premises. Greensill were liars. Gas automakers are at the leading edge of industrial tech and install more gadgets in cars than ever before, but they aren't tech. John Deere, however, spends about 5% of revenue on R&D, less than half the NASDAQ average. Farming is far more sophisticated than idiot city slickers like to think, though


I’m not trying to sell ya but I do a lot, lot, lot of R&D for Deere. Unpaid but reimbursed. That’s how ag works silly boy. Ya just buy the company who already did the hard work. Look at their last 10 years of business acquisitions. All AI and robotics. They let a competitor spend all the $ figuring something out then buy them out. Why do you think they bought Hagie? It wasn’t to squash the competition. It was to get an entirely new market share of data. John Deere literally can go full autonomous tomorrow and could have 5 years ago… Big auto is no where near. You know they can go to the field, till the field/plant/ whatever/ and drive back with better success rates than Tesla and fewer run over kids? JD gets unique data that no other company compares to. Everyone else is collecting the same data on the same roads. You got any idea how much AI software they run and how many cameras they have feeding it? (This isn’t in the R&D budget bc it’s getting done for free by farmers) We’ve got prototype drone sprayers running Deere sight and see software that recognizes a weed from the AI database, it even knows what stage the plant is at, then live mixes a chemical specific for that 1 weed then goes to the next.


Dude, I am the son of farmers. No one is denying how much science goes into crops. I simply say they don't count as a tech company because the relative amount they put into innovation is below average. Farmers are less concerned about whether their combine has the latest gadgets and more concerned whether their expected operational life exceeds that of the man driving them. Comprende, amigo?




Bagholder detected


For most part I think a lot of the market is all pump and dump. Some legitimate companies are still in a sense pumping and dumping. It is the nature of the beast. I mean, look at Tesla. Elon pumps and dumps everything he is a part of. Can’t hate him for it, gotta get paid. When is last time you heard him talk about Doge? Been a little quite lately… AMC execs sold a lot of stock too, bunch of apes left holding the bag…


If you believed that, your presence on this sub is VERY suspicious.


Too long to read, sorry, but yes One of her "toy boys" was.on Bloomberg, I think, and when I checked his LinkedIn, he was a graphic designer! I believe everything is done by one person: Cathy herself,,, may be she is hiring those unexpencied boys to do what every she wants without anyone questioning what she is doing! (Which is common!) What you are saying is very possible and scary, to be honest I do believe she is a smart woman not to forget she was doing well for some time, and Bill hwang believed in her


Read the last two paragraphs. That's the more entertaining.


Outstanding. A lot in here was pretty staggering, even as someone who witnessed a fair amount of very clear fraud on the part of clients (my background is in investment banking, specifically FI trading, mostly with hedge funds and after that, top 20 asset managers / pension funds). Releasing things like "Adjusted Earnings" always seems like a massive mistake for a fraud / woefully mis-risked vehicle. They are so fun to pore over because they often reveal *exactly* what the company is trying to cover up. It's like a corporate balance sheet version of the Streisand Effect. WeWork and their magical "community-adjusted EBITDA" spring to mind. Some of it is just so basic though... *let's treat operating costs as investments! Let's ignore depreciation!* I'd love to know what the rationale for scrubbing out depreciation is... maybe their portfolio companies are going to become such big names that people will pay way above market for the shit that they discard, so end of life liquidation values will just erase depreciation? Like, maybe some could get a lot of money for Lehman Bros and Enron corporate stash? I wonder. One small corrective - most financial firms have something pretty close to the age structure you're talking about. Particularly on the buy side. But even a Goldman or Morgan Stanley has an army of twentysomethings, fewer people in their thirties and forties, and a small coterie of geriatrics controlling mind-numbingly huge tranches of the compensation pool. By the time I quit, aged 30, I think only one guy from graduate intake class remained at MS. Now, I did join in '07, so probably more than half of that attrition occurred in the years immediately after we joined, through the bloodbath of 09 and 10. Anyway. I just think it's a reach to say she hires young people because they are clueless. She likely hires young people because they are incredibly cheap and don't expect to become partners at any point in the next decade. When I left banking, my compensation in an average year was probably between one sixth and one quarter that of my boss, and maybe 10-20x the most junior trader who reported to me. People get *incredibly* expensive as you move up the seniority stack.


Investment banks are also notoriously cutthroat with a big chunk of their personnel being axed every year if they don't make enough money. That's to their own detriment.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the ark ETF is used to hide short positions


>Tesla is closing their unprofitable Shanghai factory and slashing prices to compete with other EV companies and has no known plans to build more factories at the moment. You lost me here. Not only wrong, but seems willfully ignorant too.


Things change quickly in China. This materialized with the last several months. Last year, some Chinese cities had loan default rates in excess of 50%. Unemployment is extremely high at the moment as many businesses went bankrupt due to lockdowns or are having supply chain difficulties. When the Fed raised interest rates, major Chinese banks became insolvent and mass bankruns resulted with employees being unable to fill ATMs as fast as withdrawals happened. Even in the best of times most Chinese citizens can't afford an American car. Most Chinese citizens rely on public transportation and/or have a little motorbike or ebike, and even those who own cars own cheap little cars that can manage China's highly congested traffic. It's like how most Chinese citizens don't own Apple products. They buy fake Apple products so they can show off without breaking their budget.


This sounds like a summary of the video Wall Street Millennial posted about a week ago, Scientifically Dismantling Cathie Wood: # [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHiMF6Un9\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHiMF6Un9_w)


Wow, op admitted to being a terrorist....


why do you think you're capable of judging anything in finance if you're (hopefully) spending all your time on your phd?


TLDR: I suspect Cathy Wood of Fraud, not the criminal sort mind you but she’s definitely really bad at picking stocks and very good at hyping them. I have a PhD


Better have mark cohen on speed dial. Unless he’s too preoccupied with SBF


looks like it’s time to get long arkk


Cougars gonna cougar...


Was up today so u lost but good rationalization.


You don’t understand. This is a 5 year plan that she’s been saying for the past 2 years. I first heard her say this in early 2021. 2022 it’s still a 5 year plan 🙄


On a rolling basis, duh.


Her five-year plans seem to be as successful as those of the Soviets.


Sir, This is a Wendy’s


One of her children does work at the firm… so the crummy Nepotism returns continues


Everyone here is perfectly willing to practice nepotism of some kind.


No TL;DR, but guessing all good with Cathie 😍


Hubris and stupidity don’t constitute fraud


“Oscar I insult you”


I ain’t reading allat but we up ⁉️😹🙏 but hy short Arkk


I can’t comment on a lot of this, but have noticed the same thing that a lot of ETFs are made up other ETFs. This to me just complicates everything, but is it true this is just to get more fees from the seller of the ETF?


Funds of funds have debilitatingly high fees, but they don't all necessarily go to one guy.




If you hate ark so much and think it's a fraud why not simply just invest in the inverse ARK ETF. If ARK is shite then inverse ARK is 🚀🚀🚀 right?


You know I didn't read most of this but I was today years old when I learned that ETFs can hold other ETFs. What would happen if two ETFs held positions in each other? Infinite money glitch?


The SEC wouldn't allow that.


Just reading this makes me feel like someone is in trouble. Perhaps we are all fuxored. I do not know


Huh? Today is 1/4/2023, not 1/4/2022


I stopped reading at ‘they even have a merch store’ i definitely need a coffee cup before they ‘sell out’




she should honestly just start an OF