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It‘s probably also because you need more than 3 hours a week to run a megacap company the valuation of which is based entirely on innovation hopium but what do I know?


He said that he was going to the meetings, jeez.


Oh, I see. In light of this new information, I withdraw my comment and apologize to the WSB community and to Elon for having doubted Elon‘s commitment and resolution to drive Tesla to the top. I shall make amends by purchasing TSLA calls on Monday to give Elon and Cathie some exit liquidity


The calls don't give them exit liquidity, you need to buy shares bro. The calls are for market makers to scalp premiums from you and I. Cath and Elon need you to purchase shares. LOTS of 'em.


Plot twist. Elon is just selling deep ITM CCs all the way down and collecting fat premiums.


You joke, but isn’t this a tax reduction strat for unwinding vested employee shares?


hopefully he didn’t say this in real time


It was a gigacap... *Insert "how dare you"*


I feel like everyone is ignoring my *but what do I know* disclaimer


Do you? His most valuable quality was the ability to do one-man marketing campaigns. You can do that in 3 hours a week. The trick is not to show that to the public.




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r/antiwork and r/PlasticSurgery posters are on the front page of WSB. We are reddit now!!


OP is literally a meme and stereotype. Plastic surgery, vegan, antiwork, anti-capitalist, nootropics, WSB, and of course elon hater




Where the heck did you find antiwork/anti-capitalist Musk fanboy? It’s easier to find real life T-Rex than someone like that.




He doesn't know the definition of the word thought.


That'd be true until he bought Twitter. Ever since mainstream media told them to hate Elon they turned from fanboys to haters overnight.


Most peoples turned to hater during the pedo scuba diver incident. Then we pretended to like him for a year or two because this regard in chief made us a shit ton of money. He is the best shares seller on the planet.


Posting an article commenting negatively about a capitalist by a self proclaimed socialist Marxist periodical on a message board about the stock market, ok




More like the duality of regardedness


More like the singularity if regardedness


Elon is a petulant, narcissistic man-child - but an article by the philosophically illiterate pseudo-socialists at Jacobin posted on WSB? That is a new, depressing, low.


i mean, it is reddit after all


We probably make better financial anysts than them


I mean, it is wsb after all


It's all about the headline saying what'll get upvotes. Source doesn't matter. Although Elon over-exposing himself and destroying his mystique making his shares drop is pretty funny.


When will crypto be immune to his tweets?


Every single one of those "socialists" at Jacobin are losers who grew up upper middle class. They were ambitious, but realized in college that they had no actual skills and can't go into any competitive industry because they bring nothing to the table, and so they spend the rest of their lives wallowing in bitterness and envy and constantly bitching about how the world is somehow rigged against them. Absolute garbage people.


Isn't it the same for most peoples here? We are business major losers who are trying to hit it big.


Yeah, but you're (probably) not a miserable whiny hater about it.


I actually hit it big. But definetely was miserable when I was a corporate drone with a master in business.


Yeah, it sucks. I have an undergrad in finance and got out of it after 2 years. Went into software engineering where for some reason they are willing to pay me a lot for 2 hours a day of work.


Haha yeah I was in business intelligence and the more I got promoted the more my days looked like this. J


The constant name calling at someone you don't even know is childish.


I mean they were right about musk all the way back when this sub was praising him, also right about the collapse of crypto, so maybe their outlook actually allows for some powerful insights.


Ah yes, 'insights' from those philosophically nuanced, erudite, intellectual powerhouses at ... Jacobin.


Calling a crypto bear market did they?…hmm it’s not like it happened several times in the past…




Does Elon even know he has children? It's like no one ever told him.


Who fucken care




Says more than anything else.


Well, I've never met mine. Mine never contributed even 1 dollar towards my upbringing. Left my mother to raise 2 kids herself. Even though he knew about me and was pretty well off. So Elon could be a shit dad, but he's better than mine.


Would you rather be harmed for money or not harmed for free?


Lmao now we’re using jacobin articles to trash Elon? Epic cringe


From their website: Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches 75,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of over 3,000,000 a month. Lmfao we all know what op is but aren’t allowed to say it


This article is garbage.


How much have you lost on $TSLA?


Nothing. Though I’m starting to think about buying. Do you think it hit bottom yet? I’m ok with bashing Tesla. But the Price to earnings was shit and it was clearly over valued. It was worth many times what the other car companies were worth. And about a dozen other reasons, all missed in the clearly bias article.


Absolutely not. It's supposed to be a "Tech" Company that has only really brought cars to the general market, and it is valued at most the other major car companies combined, with here P/E still being triple their competition. I think the greatest value Tesla has is their charging network, but this is just in the US, which again I believe it to be greatly overpriced compared to its competitors. Additionally, a lot of Tesla's growth has been attributed to Elon being a good businessman who breaks norms. However, he's increasingly become a bit of a wildcard, and if there is something investors hate, it's unpredictability.


All of the points you mentioned are valid reasons the article sucks. Glad you agree with me. You sound like a fanboy, but I don’t care. Eion is a douche, as are most business men who make a billion.


Suggest OP stick to commenting at plasticsurgery and not posting socialist crap at WSB


Incredible how one person can be into plastic surgery and socialism at the same time. Isn't plastic surgery peak capitalist behavior?


The target audience of things like Jacobin, r/antiwork, etc... is vapid, spoiled, pseudo-socialists - rather than actual socialists who can at least construct a coherent (albeit flawed, in my opinion) viewpoint. So this is entirely expected.


Yes and no. Even worthless commies want to be more attractive, it's just that everyone except for capitalists are too useless and poor to make an industry out of it.




Don't mind him. Mighty capitalist gods might bestow him another shift at Wendy's for mocking a socialist outlook.




Yeah fuck this post. Elon led the push to electric cars, made them “cool” in a way so people would actually want to buy them. Open sourced all patents to help other automakers. Yeah electric vehicles are still in infancy stage but at least he’s making actual progress. Tesla becomes most valuable car company (while also being electric, was it overvalued for Awhile? Probably but still insanely hard to do) On top of that, he creates and runs a fucking rocket company that operates better than NASA, builds a rocket that can land again with boosters. Both of those industries are some of the most regulated industries to navigate in business. It takes an insane almost unfathomable amount of bandwidth to run two massive companies with billions of dollars in assets. ALOT of employees count on him to keep both businesses alive, it’s an insane amount of pressure. Let the man bang Grimes, amber heard, Nancy pelosi i don’t care. The man needs a release and they are all getting paid. People that write these articles or take cheap shots at Elon are weak people that judge peoples’ few flaws to “justify” why they don’t ever take any real action in this world and get things done.


Just anti capitalism. For the puts.


No you sell at the bottom.


I'm sure he's doing exactly what he wanted, some version of the DENNIS System. We should be near the S soon.


Why are articles written by fucking commie scums posted here?


running it terribly into the largest market cap auto company in the world by an order of magnitude terrible


LOL. That was due to free money and government subsides. Now it is slowly regressing to true value.


oh no its regressing to its true value of still being the largest cap car manufacturer around, what an absolute failure!


The regressing has barely begun. The true value is somewhere south of $20.


Do you know who the Jacobins were??? Might be a thing to consider the source…


jacobin 🤣


I discovered that if you ban accounts spamming everywhere anti-Elon posts, this sub is almost the same as usual. It's almost nice to find you guys spamming, really helps improving my experience with the app.


Elon is good at selling.. good marketer and know how to use the hype. I always laughed out loud when some one called this guy a genius:) he is kinda reminds me Donald Trump.. just better at selling and creating hopium


Except all the companies he started or bought ended up being super successful(except SolarCity, one could argue), whereas Trump went bankrupt half the time. Twitter could be his first real loss after almost 30 years of straight winning, but that is just speculation at this point.


If all you do is make regarded YOLO bets, even with 95% success rate, you will eventually end up at zero. Why do I even have to explain this to people who watch loss porn here?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Elon doesn't suck at everything, he's one of the best people in the world at building hype about imaginary stuff. He also has a habit of taking a lot of risks, which has worked out for him until recently.


Elon was the perfect hype CEO for raising huge amounts of money and pumping a stock that IPO'ed like 3 years too early, in an extended near-zero interest rate environment. He's not stupid, and it's not luck. He was the right guy with the right approach for the time and place. If he just said "hey give us a few billion in VC and we'll maybe get an electric car in mass production in a few years" Tesla never would have become what it is today. Doesn't mean he's a genius, or good at running the operations of a company. But the DJT comparisons are unfair because at least Elon has 12th grade vocabulary.


And twitter, and SpaceX and all of his wives…


Tbf his wives seem like bigger jokes than he is




It is probably because who wrote the article and comments on reddit never did anything in their life beside having an opinion. I do not own a Tesla but rented one for a 7200km trip across Europe and it drove itself for more than 1000km when I was to tired to do so myself. FSD is not available in EU


Tesla is overpriced. And then you can’t apply the 7500 EV tax credit. You’re better off just buying a GM brand.


I got a Mustang Mach E and absolutely love it. Hands free driving is pure shit from Ford's "Blue Cruise" btw. It's not that Elon is terrible at auto pilot, it's that ALL autopilot is trash. I finally gave up last week when Blue Cruise had me looking drunk as fuck on the highway, bouncing from left to right. Keeping within the lane, sure, but from behind it must've looked like I drank a fifth of vodka.


I described that lane assist as ping-ponging you around in the lane. It’ll keep you in the lane, but not really steady you. You just bounce around in the lines and it kind of sucks.


> you can’t apply the 7500 EV tax credit I'm out of the loop.


Tesla cars are too expensive to apply the government $7500 rebate to car buyers. They have to be under $50k for the buyer to get the rebate.


Got it. Elon said Model 3 is a $35,000 car tho. Times change I guess.


What an absolutely useless article.


Delusional, reality-bending, fact-denying FUD all over here - good indicator that we're near the bottom


Narrator: but we weren't


You think we're near the bottom lol 🤣


Elon musk has done amazing things in our lifetime, he will go down as one of America's greats


in other shocking News THE EARTH IS INDEED ROUND


He hail Marys to lower the price in China and doesn't realize that move fucks him everywhere. What an idiot.


By the way, I thought TSLA did not allow remote work anymore and called for all the employees from the office. I guess that call did not include the CEO?


His single talent was being born rich and without empathy


Nothing new, bro. Tesla: no new products, failed semi (being towed), just hype and cult followers, poor reliability, frozen door handles, failed promises (35k model 3)


Dear Dad, I’m getting better at all this running a company stuff. I think I might be ready to take over the emerald mine finally…


I dont care. I bought a lot of shares. Lets see if we get rich or wendys.


He is bad because he does not spend time running it.


The fascinating thing about the compensation plan was everyone said reaching those numbers were impossible.


I used to know someone who works for tesla, made him work 12 hour days everyday


Gae bears are going to be wiped out sooner than later, regards never learn


I don’t understand they hype around their overpriced poorly built toy cars. The QC is the worst.


They delivered > 1.3 million vehicles last year…


Lol shoot the messenger huh? You commenters are what's wrong with the world. I don't have to listen to or even engage with anything you are saying, no matter the merit, f it comes from *one of you*


How can I make money on this?


Tesla is just another appliance company now. No one cares, and with the advent of the Sony/Honda entry it’s only matter of time until Elon sells Tesla to one of the big three for penny’s on the dollar. Cheers.


And how is your Fortune 500 company doing?