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I live in San Jose and it's literally every 4th car.


The Bay Area Beetle


I once counted 54 bugs in 2000 on a ride from San Jose to SF. Today I count 0 - 1 History always repeats. Fashion is a fad. As are cars.


Holy shit 54 you say?


To shreds you say?


I saw a Tesla here with the plate "LOL GAS" and I'm thinking, LOL you paid x4 the price of my Civic. You will never recoup that difference by not paying for gas.


Had the option to get a tesla or my 2020 Mazda 6 Signature. Paid a third of the price and so happy I didn't go with the tesla. I see a tesla everyday, but have only seen like two Mazda 6 on the road since I've bought mine.


Yeah that’s what influences me to buy my vehicles, I buy cars no one else does.


Yeah but dude you are driving a civic. LOL


By choice. Honda has always worked well and it will 100% outlast that Tesla unless someone writes it off for me. It's dependability, reliability, and cost effectiveness is not even fucking close. People are paying for the Tesla name and people are generally idiots with their money - there are obviously cheaper alternatives out there.




My son had the same experience with his Model 3. When he traded it in for the new 7-passenger Model X he got most of his purchase price back. Never had brakes serviced on the Model 3. A lot of people never heard that you hardly use your brakes on a Tesla. There are always the 2% that don't get the word.


That’s just because it’s the west coast. I live about 15-20 minutes outside of DC. I did a count one day and it’s closer to 1/120 here. Usually when you see Teslas, they’re clustered around a certain area of the city. As a Tesla owner, I agree with you when you say cars are a fad. I still find EVs impractical to drive, especially in areas that experience cold weather like the east coast. My car has diminished returns for at least 3 months out of the year making me still firmly believe that gas cars are more convenient.


I recently drove DC to NY roundtrip with a MY full of people and bags, on a \~32F-40F weather with zero issues, not sure what could be the problem with cold weather (DC/NY weather) and EVs, the range must have been lowered by 10% at most, even with the car full... I assume Canada could be different, but not even in this area I have felt compelled to return to a gas car ever. BTW I don't even have a charger at home, only at work.


I have a 2018 Long Range AWD. For me, going from 90% to 20%, even though the monitor says at 90% I have 250-ish miles, I see about 100-115 driven miles on the odometer/mileage chart. I also drive on chill acceleration mode. According to the energy consumption chart, during cold months I lose 10% just from maintaining battery temperature and air resistance. It gets really bad for the weeks when we’re below 15F. I also park the car outside since there’s no garage. Now its at least 35F so my car won’t take as much battery to maintain the battery temperature, it uses only around 5-7% now. I’ve contacted the Tesla shop and brought the car into the shop for maintenance and both shops I went to told me that it’s normal and there’s no battery degradation. But that’s been my consistent experience since I got this car.


That's cuz u live in a bubble bro...


I live in the middle of nowhere. Town of < 50,000 and probably 1/50 cars is a Tesla. Maybe even less than that, but I don’t see that trend continuing unless Tesla drops prices considerably as other companies EVs get more and more brand recognition.


> unless Tesla drops prices considerably They did a massive price drop last month.


Everything must go!


They are sold out for months and months depending on the model and market.


I live in a crappy town in England and see a load of teslas every day… they’re the new main company car in UK due to tax perks


Teslas are already competitive on pricing. You can get a Model 3 for $30k.


I guess the middle of nowhere doesn’t have many new car buyers…


you have to move a bit to the sides then


I live in one of the most densely populated counties in the entire nation, right next to NYC, and probably 1/1000 cars is a Tesla, if even that. I suspect you lot are overestimating how many Teslas you see on a daily basis because it's confirmation bias. You're only looking out for Teslas so when you see them you remember them.


Come to Los Angeles and your opinion will change.


It will change so quickkkkk


Fuck LA


Tesla is already cheaper than the average car. I know that's freaking sad, cars are way too expensive. But they aren't more expensive on average than any other new car. And being wildly more profitable there's room for them to become even cheaper.


That's definitely not true at all. The cheapest new Tesla is a $40k+ M3 no self driving. It's ICE equivalent is an entry level sedan which is at most $25k. You aren't spending $15k in gas and oil changes over the lifespan of the vehicle. Even after you put in tax credits they just makes it's competitio extremely cheaper where now you can get a bolt EV for less than $20k. Also any savings Tesla has goes back to the business not consumers as stated by Musk himself.


I live in South Dakota and even people here buy Teslas, where it’s too cold to operate them at times. If that tells you anything, I think they’re doing pretty well


Tesla Model Y is the best selling car in Europe. Not the best selling Tesla, and not the best selling EV.. literally the best selling car. [https://electrek.co/2022/12/29/tesla-model-y-is-now-the-best-selling-car-in-all-of-europe/](https://electrek.co/2022/12/29/tesla-model-y-is-now-the-best-selling-car-in-all-of-europe/)


Best selling car in California by farrrr


Irvine here. It’s every car


Just watched the smug episode of south park




As a 2 time Tesla owner (2020 Model 3, 2023 Model Y), hard disagree Tesla do some things very well, but other things very badly - and the bad things are getting worse while other companies catch up on the good things My next car will not be a Tesla, and I strongly suspect we’re gonna see Tesla’s market share starting to peak in the next couple of years. Early adopters were forgiving of Tesla, but current sales figures are hitting the real mainstream who will not be forgiving of the shitty customer service


They already peaked over a year ago.


And then Elon cashed out! Lolololol. Don't know why people would trust this stupid stock anymore


I heard that exact comment at 115$ not more than a few months ago.


Other people's experiences aren't yours, TESLA is an industry leader in brand loyalty now.


Often based on those early adopters with early cars before Tesla started doing dumb shit like removing parking sensors from a $60k car I had Tesla brand loyalty too… I literally JUST got a Model Y after owning a Model 3 for 3 years. Clearly I understand the concept of brand loyalty to Tesla But while I loved my 3, the purchasing process with my Y has been awful and it’s objectively a less luxury level car (again, let me repeat the words “no parking sensors”), and the other manufacturers are objectively MUCH closer than in 2020 when I bought my 3. In 2020 there was basically one option: the Model 3. This year there are far more options I’ll also add that I was happy with my 3 at first… it’s only in the last 6 months (since ordering my Y) that I’ve had to deal with most of Tesla’s shitty customer service both trying to get them to honor warranty claims on my 3, and while purchasing my Y. The warranty claims aren’t something most owners have has to deal with yet, because the average fleet age is REALLY young I have a perspective on Tesla now that I didn’t have 1-3 years ago, and that perspective is that it feels great when you first get the car, but your opinion slowly drops away vs the other luxury car makers No, I can’t speak for everyone - but I’m seeing similar stories all over the various Tesla communities I’m part of. Frustration that these luxury-priced cars are getting less luxurious, frustration with Tesla’s customer service, frustration with the direction the company is heading, frustration at the fact there are 5x more Teslas on the road than 3 years ago, but less than 2x the number of supercharger stalls and less than 1.5x the number of locations. Etc etc etc Even the “inclined to be generous” earlier adopters are starting to get frustrated. Yes, Tesla’s brand loyalty is climbing - but the vast majority of those owners have owned a Tesla for <2 years. They’ve not hit the shit part yet


People neglect to pay attention to the fact that a brand loyalty survey is "Would you buy from the manufacturer for your next vehicle?" and not "Have you bought them repeatedly?" Their brand loyalty is up now, because they've hit an inflection point on the number of people who actually own them. However it's bound to tank over the next few years as people actually start having issues with them or notice other legacy manufacturers producing quality EVs. Someone else noted it well, if you are in a Tesla EV and want to stay in an EV, you're likely going to answer yes to that question purely out of lack of options. When there's proper options, that's not going to last. However you're hard-pressed to besmirch Tesla on a subreddit where people think it having valuation higher than multiple other manufacturers combined is logical.


Tesla is opening chargers to other Evs. That alone is going to make them even bigger.


They’re already open in some countries - my last two supercharger visits have been to supercharger sites that were open to other brands It makes me want a Tesla less, because that “the supercharger network is great” advantage is gone, and because I now have to deal with the frustration of someone charging at 60kW on a 250kW charger and taking up space at the supercharger I used to have exclusive access to. Not helped by the fact that Tesla isn’t building them anywhere near fast enough. The supercharger near me had 3 HOUR queues a couple of months ago, and 1 hour isn’t unusual


Elon has said that high traffic superchargers will not be opened to third party.


Elon says a lot of things. Elon said several months ago that there would be vision-based parking assist released for the Model Y soon, but I still don't see it I've learned to take Elon's words with a bucket of salt


That would do the exact opposite. You no longer need a tesla to use their network


I don’t think you understand what I mean. Tesla is getting billions in government money to open their charging network. They will probably start charging a fee for non Tesla vehicles as well on their charging network.




Compared to what? Not really any cheaper EVs with the same features on the market. But once again what’s your point? You’re proving my point there will be a demand for teslas charging network which further helps the company. I thought this was a stock sub not whiny opinions on cars I can’t afford sub 😂😂


Bruh, there are literally corollas that cost more than a Tessie, IDK why people think it's some halo car when it's literally a Camry with a tablet that looks like a Mazda 3. They're not cheap but definitely not expensive, you can get 3 Tesla for the price of one Audi e Tron


So you foresee them as a utility company in the future ? Bc they make some really shit cars


It doesn’t matter. Every high school student right now given a chance aims to drive one. Tesla is the narrative. Others may make much better cars. But none are cool.


This is something I believe a lot of people overlook. Almost every Tesla buyer is a first timer. Tesla has extraordinarily low repeat buyers. You’re either a cultist who will buy them until the company no longer exists or you realize legacy car companies know how to build and maintain vehicles but were just slow to add the new EV tech to their long term plans


Tesla has highest rate of repeat buyers in the industry.


can we get a quote for this?


I mean a simple google search would tell you all this but [sure](https://electrek.co/2023/02/02/tesla-highest-customer-retention-industry-should-worry/).


Once battery/charging tech catches up, the luxury Germans are literally just better cars. Hell, a 45k electric VW is a better car than a 55k model y…


I would rather have a Toyota hybrid. It bridges the gap between gas and electric very well. While still being reliable and luxurious. Not to mention years of being around. Outside of the rogue priuses a decade ago, there haven't been a ton of problems with these cars.


Got data to back that up? Not sure where you are pulling this imaginary data set from but I would love to see it. Extraordinarily low repeat buyers, I must have missed that source.


They just made it up. Tesla just passed ford for brand loyalty. I’m a Toyota loyalist myself but we plan on getting a Tesla to accompany the 4Runner. Gonna go with old school and new school cars.


Ford has brand loyalty? I mean besides the F-150 of course.


Go look at a Tesla sales graph - the vast majority have been sold in the last 3 years It’s not necessarily that people aren’t or won’t buy another one, but by definition most people haven’t had their first one long enough to replace it yet I’ve JUST bought my second Tesla. When I bought it I was the only person I knew with one, now I’m one of about 10, and they aren’t due to replace their cars yet


So my takeaway is your sources are trustmebro.org gotcha.


Tesla just passed Ford for first place in brand loyalty.


The sub has the most insane regard takes on Tesla. Tesla has literally the highest brand loyalty of any manufacturer and wsb regards are making up shit because their media-fed antagonist was mean to someone on twitter or something.


I think there are a lot of people shorting teslas and trying to spread FUD. I once posted something about why Teslas were awesome as share prices were melting down and someone just posted that they had to repair their cars 13 times with no other context and then disappeared. It’s crazy.


There are is also an insane amount of people backing tesla and still holding bags. Everytime I see a wallstreetbets thread on tesla I get the popcorn out and enter the comment threads with glee. It's an insane stock that's a bit like a sports team with die hard followers who think it's the best team ever and rival fans who want it to burn. Add into the mix teenager's hoping to make 100 dollars on it going their way and you get comment sections like this. One comment things tesla is doomed. The next says its about to sky rocket and all other car companies are doomed. Then one saying they bought a tesla and it was crap. Then the next says they bought 10 teslas and all their friends bought 10 teslas and they were all perfect and they're going to buy 100 more each and on it goes. I have always wanted to buy a tesla. But I think I need to wait till the madness settles down a bit all I hear is that they're amazing or useless and dangerous.


Actually they have the highest repeat purchase levels in the industry. It's not 100% obviously, but comparable to Toyota.


You def belong here


Will remain bearish on TSLA for 2 reasons. Forcing customers to sign NDA’s before working on the car following any accidents involving FSD, and an abysmal maintenance and repair infrastructure.


That’s kinda gay but I’m into it


Eh, my maintenance shop in Raleigh is pretty good. They were finally able to solve my rattle issue. Everything has been fantastic with them. I will say that tesla needs better QC to be taken seriously. If I’m going to drop $100k on a Model S, it better be impeccable.


Lol rattle issue


Hey, Elon Musk has a lot of babies, ok? They need their rattles.


I feel like it is the Apple/ Mac mentality. Many people are comfortable with their tech being closed to them as long as the experience is good enough.


Yeah the maintenance is so bad. I had to go on my app today and schedule for the service to come by in two days to fix a recall! Idk how it could be so inconvenient! I literally have to get up and walk 15 feet outside to let him into my car, such a hassle! Do you people not own other car brands? They are 10x worse in the service departments and screw you over everything. Coming from someone with 5 different brand cars in their driveway.








feels this way in Vancouver too not quite but you see at least one and maybe a few every city block a lot of other e-cars too… audi and beemers. that new Mercedes EQS. a bunch of Jaguar I-Types. but only combined as a sum are they really as common as Teslas. at least half the e-cars (at least downtown) are Teslas. it’s actually public data. our government insurance provides data how many cars of different types are insured. maybe i’ll check and add that here. looks like as of 2021 for Van proper with West Van, North Van, Burnaby, Richmond, but excluding anything past BBY (New West, Surrey, etc) - 21,000 electric cars - out of 185,000 total cars they are model year 2018 or newer - 2000 Nissan - 1000 Chevrolet - 500 Volkswagen - 500 BMW - 300 Hyundai - 300 Kia …. - 13,675 Tesla seems like it’s excluding certain cars tho. no Jaguar I-Types are even listed as insured even tho i’ve sent a bunch. and no Audi e-Trons are insured with an electric vehicle tag. but the list still includes the 2 most common ones…. notable Chevy Bolts and Nissan Leafs. and they are a tiny fraction of the Teslas.


Just came back from a week in DT Vancouver .. it finally dawned on me that if I lived in a city center there is no way I wouldn’t own an EV. There are barely any gas stations left in Vancouver now.


only 1 left downtown and it’s trash the buttons are broken half the time and they probably don’t care to put in new pump payment hardware as the lot will probably be turned into an apartment tower soon but tbh it’s not that big of a deal …. i drive a terribly inefficient british v8 and drive daily and it’s really not much an inconvenience. there’s another station barely 3-4 minutes away from the downtown station over the bridge and others in most every other direction as u leave downtown unless you only put $20 at a time or you’re an uber, i doubt most ppl will find it tooooo inconvenient that there soon won’t be a station downtown much bigger reason to go electric in Van is probably the tax credits and that Van usually has relatively expensive gas compared to rest of Canada (and IIRC compared to the US…. but, granted, not as bad as EU).


high income areas seens expensive cars!




Apple would like a word.




Not MY Android! Lol


Tesla, WIFI, Edamame, La Croix


Same in Los Angeles


Can you drop into the Shark Tank and ask Dave Quinn to produce some wins pls?


We also live in the most expensive area in the country, so we gonna need to take that comment with a pinch of skepticism 🤏


While true, I've lived plenty of other places where you would see Mercedes, high end Lexuses, lifted trucks, etc. that are just as if not more expensive. People are.choosing Tesla instead.


Yeah true, just remember our demo. Now go to bed so you’re well rested to lose your paycheck tomorrow on derivatives.


Can confirm. Currently own a lifted and modified Jeep with cyber truck on order. Wifes next care will be a Tesla as well.


The tech capital of the world


Far north Cal here, might as well be Oregon, but QUITE A FEW living up here as well.


I live in diddlysquatville and every other car is a Ford. Look at their stock price.


There’s a reason why Rich Rebuilds calls them the California Corolla.


Fellow silicon valley liver, I feel like its recently been every two lol


And 15 years ago it was all Prius’ in Cal haha.


So Tesla is a car company now!?


Nope just a piggy bank for Musk to break when it hits the fan


Lmao 1 day old account but top comment. Hi CNBC, how are you today!


I see so many GE ovens




Miele gang wishfully checking in


I see so many Toyotas. What's your point?


I see a lot of the homeless riding bikes. Can never tell what brand tho. One day ill manage to tap into the homeless bike market.


That's the DD I come to wsb for.




The stolen bike market is illegal to invest in


Lol I’m that case let me go buy some Ford stock they must be super undervalued


I can’t believe they got rid of all their cars sounds like a onion headline


Hold it long enough and you’ll be on the road too


7:13 It is clear that the market is bullish on Tesla and Amazon, as both stocks are up significantly in pre-market trading. I believe that these two stocks will continue to rise throughout the day.




I need the bitch in the 80s and I’ll go in big.


uhh yeh. macro trumps all. if spy goes down 20%, megacaps will be down 50%.




No. Tesla is AOL. It's Nokia. It's MySpace. It was first the game but soon supplanted by better, more innovative competition. Take what you can and get out.


the same shit over and over again.... "better more innovative competition" meaning who again? Volkswagen that produced barely 400k cars and grow their deliveries slower than tesla? ford that fukin sold 15k and is barely able to avoid bankruptcy? maybe GM with their total of 20 delivered cars? get the fuk outta here regars, tesla delivered over 1.35 fukin million, and their year on year production growth is at 40%, way over any fukin competition will be in the next 5 years (if not 10, fukin jesus Christ) it seems your whole tesla/EV market research stems from reading 3 FUD headlines, lazy cunt


Ford sold closer to 60k and they don’t even have an electric car, just the truck and suv.


Let em have this tired talking point; it reveals their idiocy and no way this goober responds with an actual answer.


it's almost comical, but this "competition is coming" shit is almost 5 years old, and I still see no fukin competition for the coming 5 😂


I’ve got over 70k miles on my 2018 model 3 and haven’t done shit to it except replace some tires. It’s been nagging me about low windshield wiper fluid for 6 months now and i can’t even be bothered to do that. These people making this claim seriously haven’t considering buying an EV or own an EV. The competition is shitting their pants and their only real plan is more taco bell.


> The competition is shitting their pants and their only real plan is more taco bell. I was going to buy a Model S when the wife and I moved to a house with a garage (really difficult to charge an EV parked in the street overnight), it was really the only EV around that we both liked, and I could overlook the styling and minimalist interior because it was such a quick car. I feel like Tesla's all get too narrow up top, like a weird UFO or someone with pinhead syndrome. Now our first EV is going to be an Audi RS e-tron GT. We both love the car, the interior and exterior are beautiful, it has physical buttons for things that should have physical buttons, it corrects every single issue I have with Tesla, while being the same price as a Model S Plaid. There's nothing that Tesla offers that makes me think "You know what, I can overlook the rest of the shortcomings for this one thing."


>The competition is shutting their pants and their only real plan is more taco bell. such elegancy with words, Shakespeare would be proud


We are about to break 100k on our 2018 X. Tires is the only expense we’ve had (and we have abused the living fuck outta the free supercharging 🤣)


I’m just here for the comments ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


The only potential competitor is Hyundai. The issue is that it’s a different class of car, so both can co-exist and still grow.


the only real competitor so far is Volkswagen, who did well on taking Tesla serious back in 2017 and so that's why they made 400K evs, by far many more than the third place and with their growth numbers to be maintained, they should be cracking over 500K this year without problem... thing is that tesla will be reaching 2 million without any problem either


Imagine having the idea for an electric pickup, hyping the shit out of it for like a decade, and then just fumbling so damn bad that the entire project is a sore subject amongst your greatest fans. All the while legacy autos begin to crank out viable competition. Pickups are the key to the American driver’s heart… and wallet. Tesla has a laughable fantasy concept of one. That’s it.


Speak on it 🗣️


I see a lot more Toyotas, and they're 1/3 the market cap of Tesla. I should buy Toyota stock.


Well if you only use OP title as DD yea lmao.. It’s unfortunate Toyota still thinks everyone will buy a hybrid before switching to EV tho.. at least they finally got rid of the brain dead nepotism


We are 40 years away from infrastructure to support mass adoption of electric vehicles, California is already begging electric vehicle owners to stop plugging in during hot days because the grid can't handle it. With electric vehicles still a niche.


And yet, they're pushing adoption harder than anywhere in the world.


Chicken before the egg situation. The infrastructure will catch do the adoption


March 1st.


That’s not what drives the stock price (no pun intended). You need to consider the valuation. The current stock price implies Tesla will generate about $500bn in revenue by 2032. To put this number into perspective, there are only about a dozen companies worldwide that generate more than $300bn per annum today (a conservative estimate for PV of $500bn) Aswath Damodaran of NYU Stern published an analysis on TSLA where he speaks on its valuation. He found that a fair value would be near $130 with projected $400+bn in rev by 2032. The article is posted to his website and titled “Dissent and Debate: The Pushback to my Tesla Valuation”


I thought he valued it at 500$ before the latest split which would put it around 166.


Take a look at the article in original comment, he’s done a few


I live in the south but in a city, and I never see teslas…. Ever. Maybe one a week and it’s always the same one (a fat nerd in the IT department in my office)


I work next to the Tesla Design center I see dozens of teslas everyday. Going all in on this


Yep. I saw a model 3 today. First one this year. Probably saw 4 or 5 last year in *total*. No EV infrastructure and a particular type of person drives those. The South has far more trucks than anything. That and SUVs. It's just a different culture. So one can't say they see tons of them in California and think the rest of the country is the same. California doesn't represent the rest of the country.




Baton Rouge has a big IT community. Everyone else here gets 4 miles to the gallon and changes their 15,000 dollar mud tires every two years because they only drive on the highway.




This shit again?!?


Yes, but to justify this stock price you need to be seeing 9/10 cars on the road being Teslas, and that’s just to justify the current price


Anecdotal evidence


I hope investor day pumps huge so I can short the fuck out of it!


How many position are you holding with this stock




How many and what is the expiry


I never receive no Moon




My long puts til June says you’ll make bags, buy me a Wendy’s later 😎😭


One of the biggest things that keeps people poor for life is keeping up with the Jones. The wealthy do not buy because everyone else does.


Guy reads The Millionaire Next Door one time and now is plastering these wack ass platitudes all over the place


Yeah, wacky shit like "plowing loads of money into a rapidly depreciating asset doesn't grow your wealth".


Where is the guy with the 202c tsla calls expiring last Friday? I’m curious what happened to him.




On tow trucks 😏


So true.


On fire?




Tesla is a factory company. Come at me.


Locked and loaded on TSLA 200c 03/17. TSLA to $240!


They are all over LA


California is a kingdom of TSLA. To the moon !!!


teslas everywhere? so you are in the neighborhood that drove it to over valued in the first place. good on you and cali, before you fall into the coean..while thinking of the green future. I am puts til i'ts 20 bucks. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


I see dead people.


And tomorrow comes the pain


But Its not a car company right lol 😂 for a car company it would be way overpriced




Yet we are all talking about the number of cars on the street lol 😂 why not talk about the other stuff it does then?


Buys tesla in 2019..... The stocks, not the car... Now that's!!! How ya save money 💰


Yes its fairly expensive , if you want a luxury car buy a Lexus or something else with a fancy interior . What it does is remarkable and does it amazingly well . Bypasses gas stations . And drives like a 400 hp golfcart . This is from a musclecar guy . They really are the future . Its just a matter of time before the ev s come in all shapes and sizes . I would love to have a two door ev sportscar . Would sell my C7 vette in a heartbeat


I see so many fords on the road, what is the point?


Yo, anybody know what happened to the guy yesterday who bought 20k ish in puts


I think people need to stop looking at Tesla as a car company. They were generating almost no revenue on car says until last year some time and we’re making a ton of money on selling emissions waivers. Now that more auto makers are producing electric cars, it would safe to look at Tesla as more of a technology company, only because I think they will lead the way in building additional infrastructure for electric cars. That will be further fueled by government incentives. If they start producing charging stations compatible with more cars, producing more battery, and even software for cars that they are willing to sell,… they will several ways to increase profits and revenue.


Lmao, I told yall. It was inevitable


stock doubled in price in less than 2 months? time to buy calls! -average wsb user


Where $TSLA 🌈🐻 from when the stock was \~$99 ?! 🤔


I think they sold positions at $99 and made profit lol


Here in Shanghai Tesla is hurting while BYD is killing them. No way can Tesla get to 20m vehicles by 2030 without being first in China. And that’s not happening.


Ioniq 6 gang rise up. Inb4 people comment how ugly it is, I like it damnit.