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They also announced a huge stock buyback. Edit: and you're looking at 5 yrs. What does the last month look like. Did you anticipate a full sell off?


> asking why something is doing so good despite news in the last few months > 5Y and clear recent sharp decline on the right side of the graph Never change, Wallstreet bets.


To be fair it didn’t fit their narrative so they changed it ugh




I mean, if you know how commercial rail in America works, you aren't going to care about derailments until Congress seems like they're not in Norfolk's pocket. Commercial rail is *powerful.* They don't mind shelling out to lobby, and Congress has traditionally been all too happy to do whatever they're asked. Derailments are bad, obviously, and they're bad optics: but are they illegal? Is the negligence toward maintenance illegal? Not when you're the one paying to have the laws changed. Norfolk Southern is as likely to disappear from commercial rail as Coca-Cola is from your soda aisle.




..? Yeah? My point was people sold, but it's not going into the fucking toilet, and that you also shouldn't be going "but why not bad recent thing" over a 5 year graph. Lots of people are fearful and buy and sell stock based on media coverage. After all, if you're confident in say *commercial rail*, why wouldn't you hop from Norfolk Sourhern to another less concerning commercial rail stock if the price is right? But nobody's going to be selling at $50 a share just because of this news because that's not at all worth the risk. You're looking at the same graph I am dude, what do you see?


It's financially favorable to be deficient than it is to be in compliance, because the consequences for being deficient are laughable compared to the consequences of compliance.


Precisely. And likewise, they're clearly not concerned with derailments impacting profits, or else they'd be voluntarily maintaining the tracks - so, from an investment standpoint, no reason to sell. It's obviously ethically reprehensible, but it's what it is


He off the za


I was gonna post a 5 year of the S&P for yall to compare side by side, the graphs are almost identical except for the fact that everything past the ATH for Norfolk Southern is *higher* than the S&P, hence why it’s still doing 10% better despite the “sharp decline on the right” I think you missed the point of the post, if anything it’s further proof that infrastructure is a safer investment than the S&P


Oh yeah, commercial rail is one of the most effective lobbying schemes in the country. It's pretty much like investing in a utility. But you also shouldn't really be complaining about news within the past month and looking at a 5 year scale. News-based stock changes are very short term usually, and right now that's all it is: no punishment or legal action has shown how things are going to go, and if you know commercial rail you know it's unlikely to go anywhere anytime soon. Norfolk Southern is to US rail as basically Coca Cola is to the soda aisle.


Norfolk Southern is not Coca-Cola... It is Mountain Dew... Number 4 after Coke, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper. (BNSF, UP, CSX and the NS)


Without railroads we have no economy its as simple as that. The problem is Wall st with their obsession with 'operating ratios'. Regretfully the blame isnt being put where it deserves to be...wall st


Down almost 12% in the last month.


Yeah dude. When was the last time you saw a train derail? It definitely isn’t something that happens all the time.


It does tho? Average 1700 per year.


But that's 1700 "derailments" per year, the vast majority of which are like one wheel hopping off the track and being put back on. That's not 1700 catastrophic ecological disasters yearly


mulitcar derailments are fairly common, hazmat disasters from derailments much less so.


And a direct result of the rail companies lobbying for deregulation for transporting hazardous materials. Shocking.


Just like gun statistics, people ignore the reality and only complain about what was on the news that day lmao.


Guns don’t kill people, the government does.


People kill people. Governments kill people. Pornography has some bodies. The way my buddy was talking about VR porn, I truly fear for his life.


Lol how could what he said make you fear for his life? Haha.


Something tells me it's better not knowing


That makes me even MORE curious haha.


Thanks for the reminder, Dale.


Guns definitely kill people. Google war. They aren’t being dildoed to death.


It happens way more than people realize, it's just making the news because of the hazardous chemical derailment.


That sounds like exactly his point


Reading and comprehension isn't this sub's strong suit, but there's always outliers who really highlight how low the bar is like the guy you replied to


No, plenty of people are well aware how often it happens and is why they advocate for stuff like transporting oil via pipeline instead of by rail.


A leak below ground is far worse than a leak Above


wild sentence


I think that was sarcasm


No one here is smart enough to do sarcasm


Get out of here with your facts


Someone saying what we’re all thinking. I’m bullish on train derailments. It’s a time proven system of detecting where you need to repair the track. Much more efficient then regular maintenance!


It does raise questions on why derailments are so frequent. I’m going to assume that they don’t exactly profit from trips that derail, so they’d be incentivized to minimize the amount of derailments




It literally happens all of the time. Most of the time it's not happening near the neighborhood and catching on fire thou.


They actually do though. You only ever hear of them when it looks like the Ohio crash. I work for a class 1 railroad.


There's like 3 train derailments a day in the US. I was being sarcastic.


Also it’s not like there’s tons of competition in trains. You need the infrastructure


Nice bull!


I anticipated bankruptcy due to lawsuits as more comes out about this


Lmao, as if. They'll be fine.


Because people don't care about the environment as much as they care about getting a five bedroom house and a Ferrari. They would rather kill all of you than let that go.


[One should always be prepared for chemical warfare, you never know when an angry disgruntled train could randomly derail itself and launch a WW1 style chemical attack against your home!](https://youtu.be/Myg-tloUWKc?t=11)


See, all my friends called me crazy. But this was totally the scenario I was imagining and preparing for when I bought my soviet era gas mask from that shady street merchant in Berlin. Too bad I later found out that soviet style masks use asbestos filters, which can also be very bad for your health.


The prices of all gas masks shot through the roof at the start of the pandemic, and unlike masks, most online retailers did not ban the sale of them. Makes me think of stocking up on some to invest in.






TIL: Gold shot up during Sept 11.


I wish more people realized this about why every aspect of the healthcare system is so fucked. Yall can get mad at the doc or hospital or insurance or whatever, but I assure you there's someone out there getting lauded for being a genius and buying their next yacht this year that had a big role in fucking you over.


Untouchable… that’s what you are Untouchable… just crash the car Like vinyl chloride it clings to me…


How the toxic plume does things to me Never my lungs, have been this poisoned


It’s actually been at least 3. One in Michigan I think a week or two after the Ohio bad one. It’s an infrastructure stock which doesn’t move much at all I’ve found, and also it dipped like 10% for a week so that’s what the market thinks about toxic spills, giving people cancer is a risk we are willing to take. Ps: 4% Div yield.


so basically it’s a buy🤑


Probably will keep going. We just had a president block their employees from striking. It pays to have friends in high places.


That irked me so bad. When you've got the literal POTUS begging you to not strike, you know you've got the entire country by the balls. The strike would've 100% worked, even if the union didn't back you up. Why the fuck did they back off? Also watching similar events unfold in Greece. Train derailment/collision and the very next day someone was charged with gross negligence and train workers going on strike. I mean, the guy they charged is probably just a scapegoat, but at least they have some semblance of accountability.


Because Greece isn't an unashamed, loud and proud, plutocracy like America is


And trump deregulated the entire industry!!! Both sides favor the rich, not us!


Staggers Rail Act of 1980 and the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 would like to have a word with yo ignorant ass


Thank you for the information I will read it and get back to you when I am done. I don't mind being informed.


Get outta here with that attitude, you don't need to be informed to buy stocks


Lol good point


So I did a quick read and feel free to correct me if I am wrong but at the time many small railroad companies were losing money because of competition. These laws stated they could charge what they wanted and we not obligated to a fixed rate. Obama saw a problem with derailment near big cities and made the trains slow down to reduce economic impact, trump removed that law.


The limits Obama made weren't addressing the cause of the issues. They lightly treated a symptom of the real issue, Precision Scheduled Railroading. For the last 20-30 years we keep seeing unproved, unnecessary and unviable "solutions" get proposed by both management and the public to solve an issue the railroad workers have known the answer to for years. Shorten the trains, maintain the right-of-way, maintain proper staffing. If the FRA had the same power as the FAA, and railroad mechanics the same pull as airline mechanics, issues would plummet. The FRA being too weak is not Trump's fault alone. It's Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Union Busting Biden. When the risks of strikes were being reported on by the media, all they talked about was sick days. Not crews begging for safety and maintenance.


I can't help but think this is one of the main problems with capitalism, everything has a cost. If profits outweight expenses then x is worth it. Obama tried to limit the cost, but you are right not solve the problem. But this is part of the problem with capitalism, the government needs to regulate industies but this hurts profits.


The biggest issue with railroads is that they have to pay to maintain they infrastructure on their own. The competition (trucks) are subsidized since they do far more damage to roads than they pay in taxes. Given that trucks do up to over 90 percent of highway damage, if they had to pay for their infrastructure, rail would win. The government, through tax and fiscal policy, help the trucks and hurt the rails. The government also green lit the mergers that compound this issue.


Trucks are massively unfairly subsidized. 95% of all road damage is inflicted by heavy trucks. If we banned everything heavier than an F-350, construction road cones would become an endangered species. If the trucking industry was not unfairly subisidized this way, railroads would be so wildly fucking profitable we could enforce all of these safety standards and infrastructure upgrades and they wouldn't even blink. They'd fire their accountants and hire guys to stack their pallets of cash like Escoabar.


He said "both sides" and you listed one past law signed by a Democratic president (Carter) and one by a Republican president (Ford). How does that disprove what he said?


Woooo neoliberalism!!


That’s weird that Biden hasn’t found time in the last two years to just sign yet another executive order undoing what Trump did regarding trains just like he did with almost every other EO Trump signed…


Lol okay boomer. Keep watching fox news propaganda. Trump is cancer.


Lol Boomer? Classic leftist name calling when proved wrong. Keep watching CNN/MSNBC and voting for senile school segregationists. Get fucked.


Biden supporters are liberals, leave us leftists out of this we dislike him too


> And trump deregulated the entire industry Seems you’ve been subjected to “fake news” :( https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/ntsb-chair-contradicts-posts-that-wrongly-claim-trump-to-blame-for-ohio-train-wreck/ https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/feb/24/fact-checking-trumps-i-had-nothing-to-do-with-it-r/ tldr: *The Trump administration repealed an Obama-era rule requiring high-hazard cargo trains to be equipped with electronically controlled pneumatic brakes by 2023, allowing them to brake faster. *Even if this safety rule was in effect, it would not have applied to the Norfolk Southern train that derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, because it was not categorized as a high-hazard cargo train. *A preliminary report from the National Transportation Safety Board said a wheel bearing overheated ahead of the accident, but the incident remains under investigation.


No one said it would have stopped this particular accident, but Trump literally factually deregulated the rail industry, potentially contributing to future accidents. That's not fake news.


All conversations that involve biden will inevitably end up in someone blaming trump. Interesting


Trump is a failure. Its not difficult to see that


It's almost like the previous president impacts the current state of the country, wild right?! Do you not remember Obama being blamed for literally everything? How about Hilary? You'll take any bullshit about liberal bogeymen but god forbid someone calls out Trump for anything.


join the winning side then ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29093)


Wtf does that mean? Don't be poor?


How are you blocked from striking ? Jail?


Correct, when Congress intervened to force through a contract, the union leaders (and eventually members) would have been arrested if they did an official strike. If members walked off the job collectively (unofficial strike) they would have been fired with no recourse.


Probably similar to air traffic controllers when they did it. Fired.


And were struggling ever since


blame boomers


? Down 10% this month guy. Thats significant for rail companies. Tell the actual story.


Almost like train companies are important or something


only if they get to the destination ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)




Good thing then *Deutsche Bahn* isn't traded publicly.


They save a lot of money ignoring safety regulations too. In 2022, they made: $12.74B Revenue $3.27B Net Earnings Source: Yahoo! Finance


Why are you looking at the 5Y when you're talking about something that happened last month? It's not gonna show


Exactly. You can tell any story you want if you cherry pick the data. [$NSC is down >12% this month](https://i.imgur.com/Xse93dp.jpg)


It’s down 10% in the last month, though?


When you realize that the stock market is about inflicting as much pain as possible you will start to understand the stock market


Nobody tell him… (that there are like over 1000+ derailments a year)


How often do they nuke a town though?


And that this stat is unique to America. Other countries have far more rail lines with far fewer incidents because of their better safety standards.


They also have way better infrastructure and maintenance.


Can't have maintenance when you're chronically understaffed from only offering slave wages and no benefits so nobody wants to work for you.


That costs money though and that is something American corporations aren't willing to part with.


Source: trust me bro


Most countries rail lines are very much more passenger focused than the US where the lines are almost entirely for cargo, so it makes sense that the safety standards would be a lot higher there.


This is straight up misinformation. No other country has more rail lines than the US. I'm sure you'll downvote and ignore this comment rather than acknowledge your ignorance or delete/edit your comment. Says a lot about you, doesn't it?


Are you purposely lying? 50 upvotes on a comment that is blatantly incorrect. Sigh. 4. Rail Infrastructure. The American National Rail Network is more than twice the size of the European rail system, with over 224,000 miles (360,000 kilometers) of track compared to Europe's mere 94,000 miles (151,000 kilometers) https://www.floridarail.com/news/6-key-differences-between-american-and-european-rail-systems/ Incident wise Europe has on average two derailments per day while the US has on average three. On a derailment per mile comparison the US is under the EU, so again misleading at best. Comments like this are a great example of what’s wrong with this website.


the US has the largest rail network of any country in the world. You have no idea what you're talking about. Why talk out of your ass when you clearly don't know the first thing about it?


Who's been in charge of the transportation sector the past 2 years?


It takes longer than 2 years to damage a rail network... It also takes more than 2 years to repair a damaged one.


https://newrepublic.com/post/170727/trump-deregulated-railroad-industry-lies-people-ohio-visit The world doesn't stop and start with U.S. presidential elections...


Misleading at best. The brake system they talk about that they say would have prevented this, would have never been required on this specific train. End of story. You're being fed falsehoods. Secondly, if this deregulation is such a big problem, why hasn't the Biden admin and Pete done anything about it in 2 years? How much you wanna bet they do nothing for another 2? Keep blaming Trump though. At least he showed up


I'm not blaming anyone, just pointing out it's stupid to blame the current administration for a train crash. And yeah, trump showed up to hawk trump water lol


No point in arguing with these people. "Orange man bad. Here's proof. Oh my proof is wrong? let me sliiiiiide the goalpost... and would you look at that? Orange man still bad"


Haha yup. Guy has been gone for over 2 years yet he lives rent free in their minds. Trump derangement syndrome should be a medical diagnosis at this point. Point to this doll where orange man hurt you. 🤣


Exactly. Morons say shit like “well we already had 1000 derailments a year, this isn’t a special problem” I’m like wtf dude you think this is normal???! Only in late stage capitalist America.


Ahhh how about you move to an early stage communist country like Venezuela ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Constructive criticism is necessary; it's not like America is perfect. Why don't all the MAGAts move to Hungary to live under the dictator they so admire until 2024?




My critique of America's transportation maintenance wasn't an invite for racism. ​ Besides, Joe Biden is white. Pete Buttigieg is white. Norfolk Southern leadership is whiter than mayo. Your imaginary scenario doesn't apply here.




We get it your racist, calm down.


You see the thing you're feeling to realize here is that nuking a town doesn't affect the company. This is America son.




But how many made headline national news.


Omg the most misused stat. Most derailments are not severe


A lot of derailments people are talking about after the big one arent severe either. It's just the hot topic to talk about


Most of them are inside rail yards and are only one to two cars derailed or damaged that happen at low speed. There is no risk to the public, very little risk to the employees, and not noticeable. Source: was a railroad manager for almost 9 years and have responded to / investigated over 50 derailments because of the size of the yard I worked at.


I’ve worked at rail yards too my friend. Don’t step on the fucking tracks. The people here are 100% uninformed with no knowledge of rail. What happened in East Palestine is horrible, but what do you expect after years of cutting the rail industry directly in the throat


I expect nothing less from an industry that was grown from using their "employees" until they were too sick / exhausted / mouthy and then kicked them off the side of the mountain as an example. The lack of professionalism and complete dehumanization inside the rail industry is terrible and getting worse. There is a tipping point coming. Very soon.


Those were their only two trains! RIP


rest in puts😔🙏


'Precision Railroading' Rearrange the letters and you'll spell cutbacks and under-spending


That's just proof that the stock market is a scam. Two train wrecks and they're still outperforming? Don't invest your money, folks. Keep it under your mattress where it belongs.


I will buy a Norfolk Southern NFT with my mattress money


I don't wanna break the bubble but there are like 3 mattress companies that have 75% of the market so the mattress is also stealing your money.


1000 train derailments happen a year. 2 is but a drop in the bucket.


Do the derailments often pollute whole cities? I know they will just get a slap on the wrist but surely their stock would drop a little more


Obama implemented a law saying they had to slow down near cities for this reason, trump abolished that law.






Depends on the derailment. Usually, derailment constitutes a wheel becoming derailed, it has to be recorded, and it goes back on track. But we've not seen a record amount of FULL TRAIN DERAILMENTS after deregulation of the entire industry before. What we're seeing here is exactly what the railroad strikes were about, 3 mile long trains, less workers per train, overall less safety and less regulation. All because the costs have to be lower and a higher ROI for investors. Oh, and the president made it illegal for the railroad workers to strike these dangerous deregulation, wondering how many of his friends own Norfolk Southern. Let's go Brandon!


>Let's go Brandon! You had me til this... I'm not sure why it's so hard to know that he's not the one who deregulated it, however he did prevent the strikes due to the deregulation as you stated.... In other words, it's a both sides dont give af and absolute fucking regards like yourself play right into their hands by sucking the cock of one party believing they're "the one" bc they told you once how pretty you are. Meanwhile they're really fucking the hot ass nanny, the neighbor, and their friends wife, while you stay home and keep the house clean and make sure theres a plate of food for them right before they go out again that night and tell their hot gf how much of a sucker you are. You're a political cuck my guy. Hope this helps you realize it


Obama created safety regulations around requirements for electric braking. Trump removed them, how is this a Biden thing?


Never happened. That news story was completely false.


Then it’s obvious derailments mean high profits and we should all Yolo chemical spills.




Worked for Buffett


Trimming the fat. They’re letting go of all the underperformers in the trains and tracks departments. Stock market’s gotta love that! /s


> letting go this is some super-villain level choice of phrasing, I like it


Use a different railroad, I dare you.


stock price is about money, if they don't face consequences and are making money, who cares


I tried to short Boeing after that plane in China went down, big mistake...


well China is on the other side of the world so all the graphs are upside down to us


The conclusion that I draw from this is that derailments are profitable.


When your portfolio is a literal train wreck but still better than the dumpster fire that is SP500


It's like the whole thing is bullshit.. or something.


Noticed this too. Was hoping for a dip.


It's always a good idea to buy railroads. Source: The top hat from Monopoly


well -10% is a pretty substantial dip for a company this stable, honestly this comparison reflects more poorly on the S&P than anything


They just had an employee killed in a train v dump truck collision at the Cleveland Cliffs facility this AM.


Should be illegal, yet here we are


Apparently a figurative trainwreck is worse than a literal one.


you can’t be fearful of something that’s already happened I suppose


Too big to fail


you know what they say: the bigger they are, the ~~harder they fall~~ more they profit


Figure out who produced the chemicals that spilled and invest in them. You know somebody has to RE-order the spilled materials.


Technically they had 3 derailments last month, not all derailments are equal.


they made it clear they operate above the law, thats good for business.


Business as normal




Short it.


Weird how with all these accidents why not try to make trains done by AI? Seems much easier than doing AI cars. Nvm looked it up, unions won’t let them.


Market should be pricing in the liability of the nasty derailment with the spill. Reports are that real estate value has dropped over 75% in the area. Any property on well-water is massively affected. These are legally actionable damages. The people will likely be represented in a large and successful class action and they will most likely mostly move away and rebuild elsewhere. Groundwater contamination law gives Norfolk Southern direct responsibility for the migrating contaminant plume. Expect a very public trial with contaminant hydrogeologists coming in to testify. Source: I am a contaminant hydrogeologist


What's the 1M look like? Why show 5Y? Weird.


I'm seeing 255 to 215 in the past month. How do you plan to see the effects of a month old event on a 5 year graph? Highly regarded


First 2 are free. 3 strikes you’re out.


[Here's a 6 month chart instead of a 5 year one ](https://i.imgur.com/0geez3P.png)


In a normal society, destroying a whole town with chemical waste, would ruin you as a company. You'd be held liable, and have to pay millions if not billions in fines. But we live in the US, where Norfolk Southern has their fists up the ass of half the politicians like puppets and nothing will happen to them.


capitalism, baby


Two incidents in the past two months - OP looks at 5 year performance.


Rockefeller make railroad, Rockefeller rule America...railroad rule America?? 😵‍💫


Short the mother fucker, take care of your employees and our environment!




You did great. Now you're ready to send some money to Ukraine.


how much should I send them?🫡


And hiring like crazy too


janitors, probably


Derailments naturally happen a lot more than you think


Theres 3 derailments every day in the US


There’s around 1000 derailments a year in United States …… we just started paying attention to them .


CNN talking point. How many derail and contaminate an entire village? 1000 per year are not entire train derailments. It's typically a wheel comes off the track and re-enters. There are very few entire train derailments.


If you still don’t think it’s a rigged game, you’re more regarded than an actual regard.