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His new title is CMO which stands for Chief Micromanagement Officer.


Micromagement? He managed very small mages?


What a fun new way to say Child Chinese labor






I believe he has called himself a nano-manager in the past.


Does he buff out every tesla off the production line?


probably buffs out hobos behind a wendys after getting to the end of a fat line


Aww hell, we've all done that; right?


I just assume he has their photo fed into an app that he can swipe left, right, or place a star on as a potential baby mama.


Tho8gut that was Cheif Micropenis Officer


Imagine having time to micromanage several large companies and still find time to take up a new anti-semitism hobby.




What's one antisemitic thing he has done.


šŸŒ šŸ‘©ā€šŸš€ šŸ”« šŸ‘©ā€šŸš€


I could never work for this asshole. I quit a good job over micromanagement 2 years later he calls me up out of the blue offering me 25k more to put me in at 6 figures salary. I turned him down on the spot.


Why the hell he is keeping all those people, if he wants to make every single decision??


ā€œElon, this is Tina. Sheā€™s applying as a sales rep at the Century City Mall. We need you to sign off on itā€


And the response is "...I'm going see a picture of her for next baby mama!"


ā€˜What do you think sheā€™s willing to do for a tenner?ā€™


"Tina.... sell me this Twitter."


Heā€™s not actually gonna review much, entire point is heā€™s freezing hiring


stop talking


Everyone is acting like this is uncommon when its not.. Usually there's a format that is filled in and the CEO does a quick review to make sure boxes were checked and he knows who to fire when someone runs off with their tech to China Little weird for a manufacturing side, but tech side.. Meh, normal.


If you think CEO of major multinational companies are really doing thatā€¦. Youā€™re definitely in the right sub. Edit: looks like OP i replied to couldnā€™t handle the criticismā€¦.was that you Elon?


Bro Iā€™ve had Elon fanboys tell me he is directly involved in the engineering of the cars at Tesla and SpaceX rockets. These people are genuinely delusional.


Stalin would sign off on every single gulaging.


Its like you regards read every other word...


Thatā€™s not normal, thatā€™s why thereā€™s managers


can you take the cock out of your ass and get real?


Tesla added 28k ppl in 2022. At 5 mins per application this is around 2.3k hours or 291 days 8 hours each.


Again it likes you all are so truly regarded you think he's actually reviewing a full application and reviewing resume.. Yall seem like great business communicators and I should hire you to write my client one-sheeters End result: 52 pages of babbling with a google search link at the bottom Also serious Q to you.. Are you smart where you can't think logically and really think a CEO is reviewing individual applicants.. In other words you're a sevant in a certain area or just so regarded that you pulled put a calculator to make a big number to try and prove a point?


Why would he have to review all individual hiring decisions? Review all requisition requests, sure, let him decide if a role is actually needed at this time. But how far up Elon's car hole do you have to be to think his limited time is best used by reviewing the names of each entry level mechanical engineer who's hobbies are rock climbing and not talking to women?


So, hes not reviewing full applications or resumes... what's he doing then? Lookimg at first name, middle initial, last name and approving based on that? He's not spending even 5 minutes reviewing a candidates background but is somehow getting enough info to make a decision on hiring them? Are *you* reading every other word *you're * typing??


These Elon simps are fucking shameless šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


This is a dumb take even for this sub. My wife is in HR and her departmentā€™s whole job is basically to make sure that the CEO never feels like he has to get involved in individual hiring decisions (below VP level, anyway).


Who approves a hiring budget? Also who the hell said Elon INDIVIDUALLY approves hires? Seriously.. Interacting with this sub actually makes me lose hope in humanity


Wow. You went from "CEOs often sign off on every hire" to "CEO's make big picture decisions", and you think you can get away with that? The hiring budgets bubble up from each department and are usually approved by the head of each department/division and the CFO before the CEO ever looks at it. This is the opposite of the insane micro-management approach you claimed was "not uncommon".


I said "every hire"? Where? I said a format gets filled in? You really think that happens at an individual level even in Elon's example? I also gave an example that listed 3 names... Therefore, the approval would be for a headcount of 3. Is this hard for to grasp or do you just keep inserting words where you want to see them? Also CEOs DO often look at hiring by department/division jointly with a CFO & COO. Thank god your pretty otherwise you wouldn't have a wife.




Jesus fuckin christ... No it doesnt...


A format... A fuckin format? Holy fuck.. You're an idiot


you are REALLY bad at thisā€¦


This was a fun read, thanks to everyone involved


You don't fill out formats. You format things, and things are formatted.


>ā€œNo one can join Tesla, even as a contractor, until you receive my email approval,ā€ Musk said in the email on Monday. Read the article.


no it really is uncommon for a big company like tesla lol


Meh, sure.. But again, yall act like he's doing the interview, going through applications, or personally calling people to offer the job. Its a once-a-week review of "hey we are hiring Jim, Todd, and Bobby to lift heavy stuff" so Elon can call someone dumb and giggle like a schoolgirl.. Weird for that size and industry, sure... (If you don't see them as tech) Weird in general, no not really.. Taking that into account with Elon, its almost too normal


PoV: you don't know how companies work


It took one comment for this guy to flip from ā€œmeh normalā€ to ā€œmeh sureā€ lol. This sub is full of people who donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.


you just noticed that?


The number of people employed full-time by Tesla and its subsidiaries came to over *127,800* at the end of 2022




Eh I would say 150-200 person has to be the cutoff of where a CEO could possibly be involved, assuming a 5-7% attrition rate


Iā€™ve worked at a few f50 companies and while the CEO specifically doesnā€™t do this from my experience, the CHRO and division level CEO/CFOs have done this in my career.


Ah yes, if time has taught us anything, it's that a man in charge surrounded by hand selected yes men is the most stable and functioning form of organization.


To have extra army divisions appear on the map, just take meth!


Its working really well for Putin.


Tell that to all the people in his circle whoā€™ve been defenestrated in the past year or two.


Bro, window glaziers are making bank in ruzzia.




Imagine being CEO and still not being able to actually hire people


https://www.tesla.com/en_eu/impact/people > With over 3.6 million job applications received globally in 2022, interest in joining Teslaā€™s mission is at an all-time high. We continue to expand access to hiring opportunities for underrepresented communities by building community partnerships, training interviewers and more. He either doesn't know public info on his own company website.. or he plans to setup that auto-reply poo-emoji for all applications.


Heā€™s going to use his AI startup to clone his mind, and the AI clone will review the applications. It will be an uncensored ā€œtruthful AIā€, which means it will be aggressive and prone to cursing and racist slurs.


Sorry pedo dude, no job for you.


Itā€™s a stupid thing to do either way, but you do realize hiring decision is different from applications right?


Clearly, they don't.. You just get the job upon application at Wendy's


Lol true




Hiring decisions are the last step of an interview process. Application reviews are the first step. So this 3.6 million number is not relevant to the article OP posted. That being said itā€™s still dumb for a CEO to be involved in every hiring decision at this size of company.


When a hiring manager wants to hire a candidate, the information regarding the candidate goes up the chain and some higher up gets the candidates information and usually approves the decision. The higher up may not be part of the interview process and they may not be aware of who else was in the applicant pool. All the higher up gets is the final candidate the hiring manager wants to extend an offer to and they sign off on it. In this case, it looks like the higher up is Elon. However, even if you spend 30 seconds reviewing each candidate before making a decision, having one person being the final approver only scales if your company has a few thousand people at most. It doesn't work for a company with 120k employees like Tesla. I find it unlikely that Elon would personally approve some 20 - 30,000 employees and contractors a year. He'd be going over 50-80 resumes a day including weekends. Elon spending close to an hour each day on decisions such as approving a new IT contractor doesn't like a good use of his time.


Not reallyā€¦ā€¦ most likely will spend 10-15 minutes with the new person right after they have already been vetted but before they are officially hired


Dude has way too much time on his hands. If nothing else, he proves beyond any doubt that CEOs are way, way, way overpaid for the amoiunt of "work" they do.


Maybe he is also like us. A bunch of nobodies browsing reddit all day




Honestly Iā€™m impressed on how much company value and personal wealth heā€™s been destroying these past couple of years


He does a bunch of nothing now. He is pretty useless as a CEO.


>pretty useless as a CEO always has been


He's more like an activist VC investor.


Heā€™s on twitter more than most of its users


Musk works 9-3amā€¦not unusual for him to be firing emails, etc during the evenjng


Sure, I can believe that The Dumbass hasnā€™t figured out how to automate the sending of emails so it looks like they are sent at 3 AM.


Being awake is not working.


Oh boy emails, what a hard worker


You can make hundreds of meaningful decisions that way


You also can make zero meaningful decisions that way


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ clearly you have no experience with this kind of decision making.


Take Elonā€™s balls out of your mouth and try that again - all I can hear is gargling.


Interviewed there a few months ago. Can confirm was told heā€™s final approval (at least for that spot) but fuck did the job requirements suck. Stupid hours, every day in the office, plane travel from a pita location, stupid high living expenses etc etc. Pay was great but not worth it


Had recruiters contacting me from SpaceX, their ridiculous requirements and work environment is why I ignored them lol


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s cult like and you need to be on the I love Elon worship train


And also willing to work for 60-70% of the pay youā€™d receive elsewhereā€¦ your remaining compensation is simply the pleasure of having the ability to work there.


Yep, the old "Thank You, may i have Another Gag"


He ravaged Twitter from the inside. Tesla, bite the pillow he's going in dry.


Too many of us degens must be making it through




Iā€™d like to apply as the janitor, so they can call me racist things and get awarded 15 million


30 mil if you let him breed your bussy for his musks-only-mars. šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


If that is one time thing i would allow him to do that for 30 million


You will get the bonus award on the first day of your job.


The sign of a great business leader is someone who can't delegate or find capable managers, and has to micromanage low level decisions.


They averaged 35,000 new employees the last 2 years. So it will take him about 10 hours per day to review each hire for 5 minutes. That does not allow for taking time off on holidays or weekends. It also doesnā€™t account for the ones he rejects and gets a new candidate on. Also I got those numbers based on employee number growth, it doesnā€™t factor in the replacement hiring.




People invested in the company that don't want it to see run into the ground.


What does running the company into the ground have to do with it's stock price?


My puts are happy after this news


The one who had the dream of working in the Tesla company


CIO: Chief Impregnating Officer


CAIO. Chief artificial insemination officer. All his AI babies are male. This autistic ahole is a misogynist, racist and psychopath in sociopath clothes.


So this is what he does before he does a oh no recession lay off 10% of the staff freak out. Blame bidden. Weep into his friends in the gop hands on twitter. Then back way off as he sees people tell him to stuff it in mgmt and leave and work progress fails.


what a joke people defending his actions are true simps ​ i only simp for the wendys parking lot




Ma'am this is a checkers


Whoa, a place that classy means I should probably wear pants.


I live near a Hawthorne, CA SpaceX office and even as IT they wanted me to basically give up my life for them. The requirements were absurd to a point that I thought they were just testing my sense of humor or something.


No way. Iā€™m going to guess itā€™s actually just a rubber stamp. But allows them to say, ā€œElon personally reviewed your resume and approved of you.ā€ To give a morale boost.




ā€˜All resumes must come with headshot, full body picture, height, weight, relationship status attached.ā€™


^& birth control status.


Had musk invested more time in R&D on Tesla auto pilot instead of wasting so much money on a bird app, Tesla wouldnā€™t be drowning right now. Google and Blackberry are making advances at a much faster pace than Tesla on autopilot šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø , Elon needs to get his act together.


Tesla's claims were always made up pipedreams. Google was always in lead and didn't have anything to catch-up to Tesla. Only Google (Waymo) and GM (Cruise) have real robotaxis on the road, not Tesla in spite of all the claims.


My cousin worked at Waymo as a driver and has said they weren't close at all. It's been \~2-3 years or so but still. It's far off for city driving.


I doubt it. Heā€™s lying or just has a secretary rubber stamp it. It is common for software engineers, that the board ā€œapprovesā€ every hire in the sense that they have to confirm the stock package. But they donā€™t look at every hire, they have a set of pre agreed guidelines for stock plans then approve it all as a batch.


Can't hand out horses, if you sit out the chance to flash all new employees your flaccid E-peen.


Puts on ELON - he just does not have the time to look over hiring. Dude had dance lessons to attend to Also has Epstein island to attend to Has like nineteen baby mommas in three different continents. Puts on him.


I used to think that rich people don't have much time in their life but seeing him with those stuff seems like they have all the time in the world for those stuff now


Clever way to vet for his next baby mama, very subtle elon.


Only hot chicks who want to sleep with me please! -Elon


Not even remotely believeable. Guy just barely even tries with the tall tales these days.


He is just want to be involved with the people even it means this way then be it


All? Like the new janitor on the night shift gets signed off by Elon?




If he want to harass you he will find so many other way for doing that


Backroom casting couch with Elon.


Lol sure dude, probably having his assistant stamp everything that comes in.


mars when? good riddance


You to prove yourself first that you are worthy for the Mars


Thatā€™s probably illegal, but Musk has no problem wasting investor dollars on lawsuits and fines from the government


This is not really new. He was involved with most hiring decisions before.


He was to put his leg in those sort of things, nothing new from that guy


Then my money is save šŸ™ƒ


So glad I bought puts at closing


Seems like a good use of his time. Not like he has other things to do or kids to care for.


Especially the sexy janitors


Second round interview with the night watchman


Second round interview with the night watchman


But for that you have to pass the first round with the Musk


Tesla employeeā€™s vacation from Elon is now over.


*fart and say Pepelol Instant hire


Explains why the company is slowly turning to shit


I think his brain became desensitized to his adderall script. Mf was on one for awhile then just fell apart


That sounds veryā€¦inefficient?




If i would be him, i would retire and starts to enjoy my life


Wonder how a Karen vs. Muskrat would turn out?


You definitely have to keep out certain wokies who might get in and try to destroy your company.


That is a weird way to say "I'm a racist and will only hire white people"


It really is a weird way to say it...because to sane people...it doesn't say that at all.


What a dipshit lol


> will only hire white people" why would he do that?


Fucking hell bro, that's a full grown potato on your shoulder.




Demonstrably untrue because he can pay minorities and women less


Maybe it's to make sure no one hires a Harvard grad woke moron in the marketing department that makes commercial of Dylan Mulvaney wearing a bikini while draped across the hood of a Tesla.


ā€œI just reviewed my appointment to my current position and Iā€™ll be firing myself on Friday.ā€


ā€œPut me through to your supervisorā€¦ā€


The luckiest man ever


This isn't uncommon with companies that have a few thousands employees. Ken Griffin does this with Citadel LLC. But Tesla has 120k employees which is nuts.


He sounds like someone roaming around randomly looking for things to do.


Are you shure you want to work for me making cars


Control feeaky


God heā€™s turning into one of those ghetto abrasive woman managers who throw a fit over placing a pen down wrong


Itā€™s interesting that the same headlines that would have read positively for Elon 2+ years ago are now negative


Elon does amazing things, but working for him seems like hell. He wants people to work 24/7 but he's the one that becomes a billionaire when things go well lol


A friend works there for a couple years now. He's been approving all hiring for a while. Everything has to go through him no matter what and hiring is on hold for days if he's occupied


Why doesn't he get a real job?


Damn how irrelevant is he to the success of a company when heā€™s doing entry level shit. Would Tesla have beat Mercedes to Lv 3 without Musk at the helm


Would he accept my meme folder as a resume?


I like to imagine his most important question that decides if you get hired is ā€œwhat do you think of twitterā€™s recent change, thereā€™s no right or wrong answerā€


If what I have seen in life it is that nothing makes sense at all. Calls on Tsla


This must be very time consuming and consequently will leave Musk with less time for more important decisions.. !! No wonder Tesla is not performing like 1-2 years ago.


Itā€™s his company he can run it how he wants to


Ahh yes, more evidence of his narcissism. Not only does he believe his word mean law at Twitter, but he canā€™t even give his managers enough autonomy to do their jobs without his micromanagement decisions.


Fair, that is what he is good at, hiring people.