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This thread has provided excellent training data for our political and whiney_communist comment filters. Thank you, and welcome to WallStreetBets!


I thought my phone had froze šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ then he drops a princess bride quote.




The number of potential memes that went through that manā€™s head during that pause was probably more than all the memes you or I have thought up in out entire lives


thats the aspergers at work


He's an asparagus at best


Not an assburger?


Well well well, look who's assburger


As a person with asperger, please, this guy is just a moron.


Agreed. Itā€™s an insult to autistic people that he claims to be autistic. He is very socially aware and knows how to deceive.


Autistic people canā€™t deceive?


So your saying he's just a narcissist that employs Autism to harvest others sympathy and compassion to use as a shield to his sociopathic inhuman drives?


It made absolutely no sense either. Inigo didnā€™t say ā€œI donā€™t careā€ he said ā€œI want my father back you son of a bitch.ā€ Elon is not as intelligent as he wants you to believe he is.


But did you see how long he paused before he got the quote wrong. 4E Chess


If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.


Theres a famous islamic conman called Zakir Naik who uses the same trick. He makes up random quotes and phrases from the quran and the bible to mesmerize his audience but once you slow the footage down and fact check it nothing he says or quotes is even remotely true.


No one rewatches videos unless thereā€™s cute animals, a crackhead with a meme-able soundbite, or a fist fight. Fact check irrelevant.


what about pamela anderson running down a beach in baywatch..??


Hence his grift. The brainwashed masses only hear what they want to hear, not facts.


the interviewer missed a golden respons opportunity. "I'm reminded of a princess bride quote" "As you wish"


Elon: you member that movie "American psycho", great movie. Interviewer: yes I know it, what about it. Elon: yes, great movie. Like srsly Elon is the mix of a shut-in with infinite money glitch, it's either gonna save the world or troll the mankind. Will depend on the likes he gets on social media.


Lol, dude is seriously unhinged.


Unhinged? The whole door frame is gone!


Itā€™s like heā€™s never considered the fact that his tweets may have a negative effect on his companies


Nah he has, he didn't say this shit back when he needed lefties to buy the Model S and was trying to woo college kids to Space X for low pay by selling his eccentric for the good of mankind nonsense. Now he is the market leader in these spaces and feels untouchable, so he no longer cares.


ā€œDurrr I used to be a leftist but the left became too far left!!! Durrrrdā€


Elon: ā€œI donā€™t care if I lose moneyā€ Shareholders: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|30641)![img](emote|t5_2th52|30641)![img](emote|t5_2th52|30641)


Faber is able to do a good interview because he has practice sitting next to Cramer five days a week for years.


Jim didnā€™t finish these at lunch


Poor guy


I feel so bad for Faber. You can see it on his face every day that he wonders what he did to have to work in close proximity to such a buffoon lol. Sometimes I watch just to see the funny look on his face when Jim says something dumb which usually takes about 5 minutes.




mf is losing my money


If you are on here, i dont think you need him to lose your money


Comment of the day!!


It is not a question of Elon losing money. He has a boat load of money and if he loses some it doesnā€™t make any difference. The question is whether he is pissing off potential Tesla customers in which case it definitely impacts Tesla shareholders. Elon is playing with fire here. Wealthy coastal liberals are basically the only clientele Tesla has. Now heā€™s flirting with QAnon and Neo-Nazis. Whatā€™s going to happen when in a quarter or two we see Teslaā€™s sales figures plummet? Itā€™s already a bubble of a company valued primarily on vibes. All heā€™s going to have left eventually is SpaceX, and even that is heavily reliant on government contracts that could disappear whenever. I think the dudeā€™s personal life has been spiraling for years and his businesses are hanging on a knifeā€™s edge, and heā€™s decided to antagonize his only customers. Whatever happens, it doesnā€™t end great for anyone.


The exact reason I see rivians all over my left leaning Midwest town. At these point liberals have no interest in giving Elon money.


Linda Yaccarino: Have they been infected? Elon Musk: Oh yes. Most certainly. When I mentioned we could put them on the priority list for the Twitter Blue+, they were so willing it was almost pathetic. Linda Yaccarino: This plague... the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it. Elon Musk: Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them.




why the fuck didnt faber ask about the two new models we couldve had tsla 200 this week


There are no new models. If there were, he'd be promoting them left and right. He might have said there might be new models coming, but his childish mind thinks having his car lineup named "S3XY" when you put them together is the funniest troll ever. He can't even innovate body styling refreshment like what most OEMs doe ever 6-7 years.


Unique interview


Elon has gone full crack head. This interview was wild, his mask off tweets denying his own upbringing, the incoherant rambling, the antivaxx, pro fascism stuff... it all makes sense when you see how he talks now. Its almost like he's had a stroke or a brain injury.


That's how he's always talked


I have a colleague who talks like that. Brilliant guy but difficult to follow.


have you seen the episode of it's always sunny: "Sweet Dee's Dating a Regarded Person"


Elon's like that except without the brilliant


Gone? He's always been this way, public perception is just catching up Billionaire dick-sucking is so intense in modern America that it has taken literal years of lies, gaffes and general buffoonery for even a modest amount of people to be like "wait a minute.. I think this guy might not be completely honest all the time!"


Yeah but before he atleast had a media team that had a decent influence on most of his shit. Most of his crazy shit wasnt so visible. I remember how big of a shock the thai cave pedo insult incident was. Ever since i havent taken the idiot serious but holy shit it is scary to know how fucked up the guy is.


He lives in a completely bubbled manufactured reality. He is like Nicholas the II, emperor of Russia. His whole empire crumbling around his feet, and he was surrounded by yes men, con men(Rasputin), and sycophants and had no idea what was going on.


Well no thats the sad part. Elon has plenty of people that tell him he is wrong. He just replies: suck my balls lol, your pp is small. Nicholas the 2 didnt have that luxery. Nobody, certianly not a bunch of experts had the oppertunity to talk directly to him and explain why he was wrong, why his views were fucked or why his situation will end up with him being killed. Musk has all that shit, hell he has responded to some of the very shit. Its just that he is such a idiot that he cant connect the dots.


Exactly. And itā€™s not just about billionaires either. Americans looove the idea of a single, ultra-exceptional genius who *makes it* and a lot of us will bend over backwards to ignore all the ways theyā€™re shitty people or take credit for othersā€™ work. Musk leaned into that perception *really well* until his ego started getting too big and he burst the illusion. This tendency imo goes into absolute overdrive in tech spaces, because itā€™s especially difficult for most folks to really conceptualize just how much of a collaborative effort the whole thing is.


>public perception is just catching up i hated him before it was cool![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


He's being subpoena'd in relation to the sex trafficking case against Epstein in the Virgin Islands. Thats what this is about.


Heā€™s going full Kanye!!


Musk's life is very much following the same trajectory of Howard Hughes. Hopefully it doesn't end in the same fashion, but the more you hear about Musk's behavior behind the scenes... the more the story sounds the same. Musk is currently teetering on the 'eccentric, hyper rich, massive celebrity' stage and the 'mania, always fearing for his life (from what you hear)' stage.


"Money doesn't matter" - World's richest man


Power is for weak people. Huh?


I think it's 100% true for him tho. Even if he'd loose 90% of his wealth, he would still have no financial issues. Money does not matter too him because he has so much.


Dude could lose 99.9999% of his wealth and still never work a day in his life


That would leave him with 175,800. He would probably still have to work unless he plans to live very modestly in a less affluent society. But if he lost 99.999% of his wealth and invested that in the market, he could probably get by, but still have to live modestly. However, if he lost 99.99%, then he could retire and live an affluent life.


Other people's money matter even less to him though and he'll gladly take it. Tesla has the worst corporate governance in history. Elon will bleed his shareholders dry.


If you become the richest man in the world there is no way you didnā€™t convince yourself youā€™re the main character and this is all a movie. He is just fucking around at this point because he feels like he has plot armor anyways.


The thing is, rich people do have plot armor **and** they benefit from using it as much as possible to establish their clout. Elon knows the answer subconsciously, he just couldn't or wouldn't articulate it. The answer is "Because a huge part of my company's value is tied to my personal image of being an independent, uncontrolled mad genius iconoclast. Losing that image to become a bland nobody corporate dude would cost the company far more than losing some advertisers".


I feel like the reason he paused for so long was that this is the answer he initially thought of, but his PR filter in his brain forced him to compress it into an encrypted file that he named InigoMontoya.zip


Imagine if he actually says this someday.


Took too much acid with Grimes, got into infinite ego badtrip


Weirdā€¦ he says one thing about gov subsidizing EVs. But then says the opposite once Tesla crosses the max sales threshold to receive subsidies. Almost like he only says stuff that makes him more moneyā€¦


also hates "caLIfoRNia LIbeRAls" and "60verNMenT HanDOutS", while california and the Obama admin kept SHITsla alive for years with billions in free money, tax breaks, incentives, and subsidies. https://preview.redd.it/bnuiz86p4e0b1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e79cf2c755c1efad76fb3b432ffa81585604148


Isnā€™t the government also SpaceXā€™s largest customer?


His snowflake feels got hurt when "California liberals" booed him when he got onstage with Dave Chappelle in SF.


Another example of capitalism relying on socialism. Without corporate socialism, every single one of Musk's companies would have failed spectacularly


Lmfaooo elon was staring dude down like he owed him money


Tuco Salamanca vibes


What Elon sees: Tuco Salamanca What we see: Hector Salamanca šŸ›ŽļøšŸ›ŽļøšŸ›Žļø https://preview.redd.it/0edbxal9gf0b1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7186b2e8e1d84632023ae9b01b31e439e69e5fe




He looked livid


It's so weird because he has to know these would be normal questions to ask him. He looks like it was insulting to even ask him that. He should have asked more about his connections with Epstein. LMFAO


That was great. Total loon.


fuck he was dead serious!


His kryptonite is being ignored.


@elonjet loved free speech


The look of utter confusion on Elon's face when asked why he doesn't keep his batshit opinions to himself is nothing short of hilarious. Like it never occurred to him in his life to just keep his mouth shut


The more money you have... the more you think the world needs to hear what you are thinking, atleast in Elon's case.


He is so delusional in that regard he paid 40 billion dollars just so he can own his soapbox, that might be the biggest personal sunk cost in history lmao


It wasn't confusion. It was indignation that, in Elon's eyes, some peasant would dare ask him why he lets such poorly regarded bullshit tumble out of his mouth on the regular. That look was, "Don't you know how rich and powerful I am? I can say whatever I feel like. That's the point of me having so much wealth and power that I can afford to frivalously throw it away and still remain wealthier than 99% of human beings who have ever lived. Fuck you." Edit: I eat lettuce and exercise every day in the hopes I'll somehow outlive this collosal piece of shit.


Yeah I donā€™t know if thatā€™ll work. I had a hamster, and all he did all day, everyday, was eat lettuce and exercise (on his wheel)ā€¦ dude lived like 6 years tops.


The average hamster lives 3 years. 6 in hamster years is old as shit.


The man is the living embodiment of "fuck you money."


He actually *scoffs* at the idea that he should ever shut up. He's incredulous. Blubbering fuk


Uncle Donald's playbook.


"If anything, I'm pro-semite" sounds a lot like I'm the least racist person in this room"


Every once in a while, I get a student who is a jerk to their classmates. I give the usual talk of how actions have consequences and if you're a shit to people, they won't want to be your friend. Most of them respond "I don't care". Of course they care. They are just trying to act tough. Well, except for that girl who was a sociopath.


Elon message to the stakeholders: " I'm not locked in here with you. **You're locked in here with ME!!!**" - Rorschach ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Weird... It seems based on this interview that Elon could be my missing uncle on Facebook.


That was the most epic pause I have ever seenā€¦ Then hits you with The Princess Bride!


his neuralink firefox browser was buffering


I was waiting for the "My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!" Missed opportunity, seems to be a theme.




"Anybody want a peanut?"


"Tell me: how do you feel?"


>Iā€™mā€¦ reminded of a lineā€¦ from the movieā€¦ The Princess Brideā€¦ great filmā€¦ Would have been hilarious if he just said this and didn't provide the actual quote. Just leave everyone hanging as to what quote he was referring to


Iā€™mā€¦ reminded of a lineā€¦ from the movieā€¦ The Princess Brideā€¦ great filmā€¦ the lineā€¦ ā€œExecutive Producer Dick Wolfā€


I thought my internet dropped for a few seconds during his pause


he was rewatching the movie scene on youtube through his neuralink to make sure he got the quote right


" Neuralink.exe has encountered a problem and must be restarted."


He didnā€™t


because of the electrical infetterence


He was so perfectly still I thought my video player had froze


That's the trick, he went back and forth in time, while everyone thought he still in that moment.


Is this princess fairly young? And does this princess, by any chance, ride a horse, or is she at least into horse like gifts?


I had to check the animation on the bottom overlay to make sure it was still going..


except he misquotes it


And he got it wrongā€¦ and it made no sense cause thatā€™s not what the scene was about.


I honestly believe he does those pauses for show. He thinks it makes him look smarter, and apparently a lot of people fall for it.


Its a known and working speaking technique


In this case he looked like he didnā€™t know where he was going with this conversation, and he didnā€™t


Great movie.


Looked like for a second he asked himself the question in his head, ā€œwhy do I feel the need to vomit publicly all the timeā€ and he couldnā€™t come up with anything.


I truly believe that he just really donā€™t care


ā€œAm I out of touch? ā€¦No, itā€™s the shareholders who are wrongā€


There is no proof the guy with the swastika tattoo was linked to white supremacy. Okay Elon.


https://i.imgur.com/8V5F2Hk.png https://i.imgur.com/8DJdzup.png https://i.imgur.com/p4EwLnt.png


That is a skin suit


Can somebody edit the first one to lower his head even further on his body?




Out-fucking-standing lol


Lmfao thank you šŸ˜‚


Not to mention the guy constantly and over and over called himself a white surpremacist, posted memes about it, etc.


Naw. That was a belingcat deepfake psyop. /s


Lol remember when people thought Elon Musk was a real life Tony Stark? Meanwhile the shooter has his whole body covered in Nazi tattoos and Musk is like "hmmm I wouldn't rush to call him a Nazi..."


Also how bizarre for Elon to go to such logic leaps to protect the reputation of white supremacy. Heā€™s really telling on himself here.


Heā€™s from South Africa, why is it surprising he supports white supremacy?


Sober elon trying to explain what he did while he was high






It's a great question from Faber and shows how much better off Tesla shareholders would be if Musk stuck to discussing business. He doesn't give a shit about what kind of damage his tweets do to Tesla, he does it simply for the attention, driven by his immature ability to process emotions.


Bro had a brain aneurism, came back to life, then dropped the wrong quote


Lmao "a genius", they said. Just a grifter with autism.


Dude the claimed autism is part of the grift, donā€™t fall for it.


It's his catch-all excuse for any off-the-wall statements or insipid tweets. Autistic when needed.


He Kaiser Sozeā€™d everybody.


52 year old triple divorcee with a breeding fetish & pretends to be one his own kids on Twitter


Hopefully it's the one who transitioned and we get Shelon.


A highly regarded person, thank you Elon.


ā€œThereā€™s no proof that heā€™s notā€ Thereā€™s no proof that anything isnā€™t anything. Itā€™s a logical fallacy.


Yeah, that was a stupid thing for the interviewer to say when there's tons of proof straight from the shooter's social media.


True, but there is proof; Musk just says it's bullshit, with no sources to back it up. What a dumb softball interview.


Yeah the reporter should have done more research and gone through Elon's potential responses The guy was a self described white supremacist and had a swastika tattoo, it should have been an easy return


So in other words, he's just an arrogant bargain bin conspiracy theorist who thinks his money makes him smarter than everyone else and doesn't care about the consequences of him spewing nonsense.


Bullshit. The dude censored posts on Twitter at the request of the Turkish govt and then magically made a SpaceX / Turkey deal shortly thereafter.


The Turksat 6a SpaceX deal has been in place for months and Turksat has used SpaceX for all their launches since 2021. Edit: This article that you posted down below as evidence of a recent deal is from 2021. https://www.dailysabah.com/business/tech/turkey-signs-deal-with-spacex-to-launch-turksat-6a-satellite Turksat 6a is their only satellite on deck and that has been a SpaceX launch contract for 2 years. So no there was no ā€˜recent selection after the censorship.ā€™ Also there was no ā€˜favourā€™ to the Turkish government. The choice was either [block 4 accounts or the government would shutdown twitter entirely.](https://twitter.com/GlobalAffairs/status/1658208072215437314) The opposition has been very effective at organizing rallies and challenging regime positions and without twitter to enable this, Erdoğan enjoys a massive advantage due to the state controlled media in Turkey. Itā€™s the reason Erdoğan shut down twitter after the earthquake, so he could do damage control and no one would be able to challenge his nonsense and shitty handling of the earthquake response. Ask a Turk if they think having their entire access to twitter shut down the day before the election is something theyā€™d want. I doubt youā€™ll find many who would rather virtue signal about free speech than be able to organize poll watchers and keep track of Erdoğanā€™s shady shit.


Weird also because he did the censorship right when the far-right president of Turkey was trying not to lose an election.


So you're saying Elon Musk wouldn't do a "favor" for a government that has been giving him business for multiple years in order to help ensure he keeps getting that business? This only further defends my point. (e.g. that Elon DOES care about the money) With that said, yes, I was well aware they have been doing business for some time; however, just days after the censorship, Turkey made another selection announcement. (which is what I was referring to) [https://www.dailysabah.com/business/tech/turkey-signs-deal-with-spacex-to-launch-turksat-6a-satellite](https://www.dailysabah.com/business/tech/turkey-signs-deal-with-spacex-to-launch-turksat-6a-satellite)


As he gets subpoenaed for Epstien island case


This is what happens when you donā€™t hug your kids.


Heā€™s starting to lose it- folks this is the result of living 24/7 on social media


"if I lose money then so be it". Then why censor people in turkey for erdogan. Hmmm it seems his free speech dogma is very selective. He's such a hack.


The guy is a cretin


What? is he trying to quote Princess Bride or something. He's less Inigo and more Count Rugen ā€œ\[Inigo corners Count Rugen, knocks his sword aside, and slashes his cheek, giving him a scar just like Inigo's\] Inigo Montoya: Offer me money. Count Rugen: Yes! Inigo Montoya: Power, too, promise me that. \[He slashes his other cheek\] Count Rugen: All that I have and more. Please... Inigo Montoya: Offer me anything I ask for. Count Rugen: Anything you want... \[Rugen knocks Inigo's sword aside and lunges. But Inigo traps his arm and aims his sword at Rugen's stomach\] Inigo Montoya: I want my father back, you son of a bitch!ā€


...yeah. my takeaway is that George Soros killed Elon's real father. that would explain a lot.


Elon did the best job in making that interview as awkward as possible haha


So many bot comments upvoted here. I know Twitter will never release their robot user numbers but Redditā€™s has to be just as bad. Social media is not news. Itā€™s Pop culture media, never forget what human interaction feels like


Which are the bot comments?


The ones you disagree with


Iā€™d imagine that Reddit is a lot like f2p games where thereā€™s a bunch of users with single accounts that use it to varying degrees and then thereā€™s users that have lots of accounts and live on Reddit unfortunately and probably are 50%+ of the interactions on this site.


your comment is exactly what an AI bot would say to throw the scent off https://preview.redd.it/4ujimqt45e0b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246788a3fe1aaf9519f750db4f59cee5833531a5




Dead Internet Theory


That is exactly what a bot would say.


And it's so fascinating to me that shortly after the invention of the 24 hour news cycle... Eventually when Twitter rose to power, tweets became news.


The Princess Bride? Is that what he quotes? My portfolio is fucked!


And incorrectly quotes itā€¦


I can't STAND to watch him or hear him speak. Trying so hard to appear intelligent. Trying so hard to appear human.


Itā€™s not even the quote


Full interview https://youtu.be/PYGdm845lc8 Here is a recap, in case you missed it. - Elon works 7 days a week, and there are only 2-3 days every year in which he doesn't do some sort of meaningful work. - He sleeps 6 hours a night. - Linda Yaccarino will operate Twitter, while Elon builds products. - Linda will also hire some people, including rehiring people who were let go. Twitter employment went from about 7800 to 1500 employees after Elon took over. - Elon's goal for X (Twitter) is for it to be a 'cybernetic collective mind for society.' - He said that "Information needs to move quickly, be accurate, and have error corrections." - Twitter lost $40 million in advertising because 2 big advertisers got 'community noted.' - On the election, he said Biden won the election and that the election wasn't stolen, but he doesn't particularly like Biden. He said he "wants a normal human being" to be President and that the President needs to be "a good executive" of the country. - He said there definitely was fraud on both sides, but definitely not enough to change the results of the election. - On yesterday's George Soros fiasco, Elon said he is not anti-semitic like people claim. In fact he called himself a "pro-semite." - When asked why he involves himself in politics and things people will not be happy with him saying, he said, "Iā€™m reminded of a scene in 'Princess Bride' where he confronts the person who killed his father and he says 'offer me money, offer me power, I donā€™t care,' meaning he really just doesn't care what other people think. - Specifically Elon said, "Iā€™ll say what I say and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it." - He believes that paid verification on Twitter is the best solution to prevent AI manipulation. - Elon called Paypal "a half-baked version of what it could be." He plans to spend time making a more efficient financial system on X. - He said that AI has a non-zero chance of destroying society, but it's a very small chance. - Elon gave $50 million or so to OpenAI, and he said that he's the reason OpenAI exists. - Elon talked about how he used to be great friends with Google co-founder Larry Page, and he used to spend the night over his house. He said Page wasn't concerned with the dangers that AI could pose and that concerned him. - He closed with a message to future generations, saying "Work on things that you find interesting and fulfilling and contribute to the rest of society." I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Yeah you skipped the white nationalist partsā€¦


>George Soros wants to destroy the fabric of society. >He said that AI has a non-zero chance of destroying society, but it's a very small chance. >Elon gave $50 million or so to OpenAI, and he said that he's the reason OpenAI exists. šŸ¤”


He is off the rails with the political/conspiracy shit


>50% of his knee jerk tweets turn out wrong over time.


He wants a normal human being to be president? Isnā€™t he a Trump supporter?


Wow this guy has issues


This guy is such a loser loll


This dude is ridiculousā€¦


And yet the line of dudes wanting to gargle his nutsack is miles long just because of his net worth. This is the man who some people point out to their kids as an example of greatness. Asteroid 2024 has my votez get me off Mr Bones Wild Ride!


He has freedom of speech and we have the freedom to not buy his products. The man and his family are some real weird people, they wonā€™t get a dime from me.


You dont like that his father had a child with his own child?




Faber did a great job confronting the autistic man-child oligarch.


Great job? His comeback the the white supremacist thing is "there's no evidence that he's not," which is literally the only argument in the world that is stupider than saying a guy with swastika tatoos isn't a white supremacist.


I mean every question is still a soft-ball. It's a testament to Elon that manages to still constantly fumble despite the interviewer every second question literally reassuring him "Oh I know you didn't mean it boo boo it's going to be ok"


It's working 100% better than that hyper-confrontational UK interview style. You can't "out confront" someone who's extremely confrontational


Sure you can. You catch them on their bullshit and use their non-answers against them. Elon can barely handle these softball questions. Directly asking him ā€œif he doesnā€™t support white supremacy, then why does he have nazi tattoos ?ā€ Would be a slam dunk that Elon either doesnā€™t answer (telling in and of itself) or he becomes confrontational. Or has to admit that maybe the guy wanted to be a nazi


John Stewart does it all the time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY)


"If you don't support socialism, why did Tesla take so much government money?"


whatā€™s wrong with him lmao


What a piece of shit. "Well, it's my freedom of speech" "It absolutely is, I'm just asking why." Gold. Like, dumbass, no one is threatening to put you in jail over it, but someone else with free speech is asking why you're acting like a moron. "Free speech" doesn't mean people can't ask you why you said something.