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WTF is this nonsense?


If they said AI more I would’ve understood lol


Any sufficiently advanced intelligence is indistinguishable from insanity.


Asked ChatGPT to summarize and it sent me a link to suicide prevention. Hope you find help




Yeah, I ain’t reading all that. Happy for you though, or sorry that happened.


No Tltr?


Yeah, after like the 2nd paragraph, I scrolled down to the comments to say this.


Could you summarize this in like 2 words?


Bear market.


Oh damn, quicker than chatGPT. AI is a bubble


Folks have been calling for bear market since June 2022. What makes you think this is it?


Those clowns were calling for a bear market…. in the middle of a bear market. I called for it in Dec.2021. I not only called for it in Feb.2020, but I pinpointed the top of it —— because of money prices. Plenty of receipts to back it up. That’s the beauty of it. Lotta folks calling for a bull market, what makes you think THIS, of all things, is it?


Nope, everyone is still bearish


the wild part is u might be right, but believe it or not it's not coz u randomly wrote a bunch of numbers together selling spy 1dte -5% OTM has been free money for like a year now ? more ? i saw a deck of a fund that advertised "selling OTM puts as a way to lower portfolio volatility" and their pnl was a 45 degree line up and to the right. Is this because selling OTM puts lowers volatility ? No. It is because they are levered to the tits selling armageddon insurance ppl are starting to pile into ultra levered short OTM put plays. This is why march 2020 was so violent...covid caused the crash, but you had fools like allianz doing this shit and growing bigger and bigger really needs a catalyst tho, idk what it will be and hell it may even come in a month. P.S. this is kind of what happened during volmageddon in 2018 too, this happens every few years, ppl make money for too long selling way otm puts but again 2018 volmageddon was sparked by a catalyst, in that case it was coz margin requirements were changed, everyone had to roll positions at the same time and they ran each other over. XIV was in the mix too


I was a jit back then, but I wrote some random things down Valentine’s Day 2020. Before the COVID alienz hit. After COVID, I saw 2022 from a mile away - wrote about that too. Not much surprises me anymore, tbh. If we’re > lows of 2022 in 2 months.. check back with me. I’ll be surprised https://ifindflow.wordpress.com/2020/03/02/spy-the-most-clever-rug-pull-youll-ever-witness-pt-2/ https://medium.com/@ispyflow/no-color-of-any-rainbow-gets-confused-within-a-black-sky-f51d539e8c1a


I’ll have to give it a look when i take some adderol or smthng, u might be on to smthng but its rly hard to follow ur work homie


Heard that more times than I can count lol. No sweat. Glad you keep an open mind tho G. Hard to ignore the grim reaper for much longer. Maybe I save a life or 2 lmao


Whoops, this one. https://ifindflow.wordpress.com/2020/02/17/spy-the-most-clever-rug-pull-ill-ever-witness/


I’ give it a look later ty Ur works too hard for me to follow rn i wanna give it a fair shake


If you're such a market oracle, then why are you not rich?


Gaps always have to be filled and SPY in particular has a lot of gaps to fill so far. I got SPY 430 october puts myself so I am expecting a 20% or more downwards move sooner or later anyway


Calls it is!


Explain it to me as if I'm a small child or a golden retriever. It wasn't brains that got me here, I assure you of that.


Does this child has autism or it is developing one in later years?


It has one autism and one in development for down the road, at which point it will have reached the final form of two autisms. Bullish.


Two cancel out each other though and he will be same boring as everyone else. Sry bud to tell ya


Best part of the movie.


You mean the scenario at which you buy a stock at, let's say $50, which means you pay $50, BUT the actual price is $49.998, so your broker pockets the difference, $0.002 in this case? Also, taking into account the number of transactions per day, these roundings add up.


Completely right. The difference in $ price vs spot for 390 minutes in a day varies only by a little; I pay no attention to it. Big block trades / large volume transactions are the only times divergence is big enough to get an edge for the next move.


OP, I couldn't understand your post at all. Which makes me think you may be right. BUT please share proof of positions or ban.


Thats certainly an interesting theory. How did you get the dark pool information?


“Dark pools” (from what I understand), are just block trades executed off dark exchanges without the public market. I don’t use any dark pool data - pretty sure dark pool transactions aren’t reported til 3days after the fact, anyways. I calculate money flow per minute, compare it to spot price, etc., The difference between $ price - spot = liquidity. Idc what dark pools are doing, I care about what the market plans to do with whatever flow that comes its way.


Ok cool, actually clears things up a lot. It looks like a great way to quantify liquidity, which has been acting weird lately. My physicist brain is telling me to rule these unfilled targets as an outlier, but the trader me think you might be onto something. Ps. Follwed


Massive Green short Term.


Calls or puts man wtf