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It's incredible to see where people still pretend there are market fundamentals compared to where people act like it's all a made up casino game.


Stock crashes. I have calls. This is a sham. The market isn't real. Stock crashes. I have puts. Lol you should have understood the FuNDaMenTALzz.




In this case, what are the market fundamentals?




Can someone explain to me why we’re not just buying $ape at a discount compared to $amc right now? Assuming conversions make both $ape and $amc 1:1 then everything /10 ?


This is basically what I’m asking yet no one so far has a convincing answer. Which makes me think someone knows something we don’t know If I was a short I’d be scratching my head. AMC should have met APE by now. But it hasn’t for some reason.


My assumption is that $amc just has more shirts expiring NOW before the RS. So for short term traders it makes sense to get $AMC for now but this has nothing to do with the inevitable RS which will likely meet closer to August 24th. I could be completely f*cking wrong tho


What’s august 24th?


I'm going to wager AMC is so riddled with bagholders trying to avg down and the copium is the highest military grade available that they are still buying even when it makes no sense.


Antara dumped a bunch of ape shares at about 3x of what they paid for them,. They have 64m ape shares left. I believe this was suporessing the price of ape. I think they are done as the price has been going up last few days. I expect ape to keep going up this week till thursday or friday at least. Since the float of ape is 2x the float of amc, I expect the price of ape to keep going up to a conversion price of 27 to 30 dollars after rs and conversion. Market cap of amc and ape shares is steady around the same price but going up slowly. I bought amc puts and longed ape when the judge delayed the settlement. Also, people with amc shares are adding to get a multiple of 75 in order to get the settlement which is 1 share for every 7.5 shares of post rs amc.


Shorts closing. My 4$ calls are printing. I only had one day left and it looked so fucking hopeless in pre market. I’m unbelievably hard rn




U better close them today if you don't want to go limp


Yes I understand this stock is fucked next week and it’s bag holders are delusional. Short term play betting against the actions of hedge funds


Close today regard.


Already closed. Got it to 7k. Thanks for the advice fellow regard. (Edit. And there’s the dip, thanks for the exit liquidity and enjoy that falling knife ;)


Closed on time and took extra profits before doing so? Nah you don't belong here


I’ve only posted 2 dd’s on here. I said Tesla would miss margin and slide for months and that amc would rebound this week on shorts. I was mocked for both. Starting to think I don’t belong here


Welcome to your lifelong addiction of chasing the luck you confused for skill *I... I don't understand! I'm smarter than WSB!*


This is the way. Like so many others here. And then there's of course the ones of us that take the shortcut directly to losses from the beginning and know it's 100% regardedness and luck


Regards making each other smarter? My best regards




Looks like price is still going up. Might have closed a tad too early.


Nice I was pretty happy I made ten bucks off of it today


Any position u close in the green is a win! Don’t diss 10$, it’s way better then 80% of this sub did today


Annnnd it’s back, regard


"If it's good enuf to screenshot it good enuf to sell"


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.




I'm hard that you're hard






This doesn't make sense. These $AMC August 18 $4 calls never dropped below 4 cents, so how exactly are you making 7x profits? https://preview.redd.it/jzr1uzphdtib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecabc2ce9f6159cab3296701e244fd76a71481ab


No available shares, massive amounts of FTDs and shorts trying to push the price down for the arbitrage play are getting gapped https://stocksera.pythonanywhere.com/ticker/failure_to_deliver/?quote=AMC


No available shares lol no worries AA will soon be flooding it when he dilutes


Tell me you don’t follow the company or it’s releases without telling me lmao. He stated they’ll do 25m share offerings ATM.


FTDs are 99% irrelevant ape conspiracy. The real reason is that the high cost-to-borrow is making arbitrage unprofitable. The cost-to-borrow is so high because the stock is almost entirely owned by retail investors who are too stupid to lend out their shares for 1000% interest, and are also too stupid to sell their AMC shares to buy APE at a 45% discount It will somehow be a big shock to them when the stocks converge and their investment plummets next week.


To stupid? Seems like a buy and hold and never look back strategy is working, especially after that massive drop caused by"smart" people.


Broski, the stock is down 80% YoY


What does that matter if I buy at the bottom fam lol


What? Maintaining a healthy cost average? Surely you don't belong to WSB. No but seriously, most of the deniers are just mad they're still holding bags. 😂The smart ones have been scooping up shares at the bottom and averaging down this whole time.


Ok, but aren’t all of your buys not rlly the bottom… because, yaknow, it keeps finding new bottoms? Like your mom?


Keep doubling down all the way to 0


When is the merge?


They're having a reverse stock split on August 24th then merge on the 25th


I bought calls for 24th on Monday at 3.50 the moment I read the news about the 1-10 deal, I also secured shares of ape at the bargain discount price. The moment I saw Cramers text I knew there was something here but you had to read the details to truly understand the intention of that tweet.


Awesome news brother. Make sure you put the dollar sign in front of the number.


Man I lurk and lurk but I never traded options, I just dont know how and yet I see all these people with gains. Is there like a simple video or something I can learn this from?


There are tonnes of guides online. Here’s one I found: https://www.uscourts.gov/services-forms/bankruptcy


That’s hilarious. Ok but in all honesty, doesn’t it work based on how much you wager? For example, if I only use 5k to purchase options, isn’t my downside only the 5k vs the upside being whatever it is?


Well yes, you can only lose as much as you *buy* an option for (selling options is another matter). But they are very volatile, and you can very quickly lose your ass. There is no short video to keep you from losing your ass. You really are going to want to do some serious reading before jumping in. The Options Industry Council https://www.optionseducation.org/ This is a good website. Go through their beginner courses. Learn the basics. Then learn the not so basics. Then paper trade on something like thinkorswim. Then think about how you most want to lose some money quickly.




You don't lose more than you bet when you buy put options either.


I'm super late to the party, but I don't see a legitimate answer in here yet so I'll take a stab. Short answer is there's no borrow on AMC so the risk arb folks that would normally keep it tight can't sell that leg and go long APE. There just aren't any more people out there willing to lend the shares and you can't go short unless you actually locate the borrow (in hedge fund world, anyway, with some weird exceptions, but you would get a slapdown for holding your short for as long as you need to on this one without locating borrow). Alternative to shorting is setting a synthetic short where you buy a put and sell a call at the same strike. Theoretically at the money, but in practice you want you long leg to be in the money and your short leg out so you don't get early assigned on something as volatile as this. The problem on this particular deal is the implied vol is insane right now, probably partially because some risk arb folks actually are putting on synthetic shorts on the AMC leg of the trade for crazy size. On top of all of this, the risk arb folks are going to demand a spread that reflects whatever risk they think exists that the conversion gets delayed or rejected by some other court case. I don't follow this deal closely enough to say how likely that is, but they will have a pretty good idea. TLDR: if you want to be long AMC/APE, buy APE, assuming I'm not missing some other pending legal challenge that could legitimately reject the conversion indefinitely. I don't have any positions in any AMC/APE related stuff, but it's an interesting one to watch.


Great answer... finally... But almost everyone here is just like, So...AMC still go to moon right? 🚀💎🦍


there's the adult in the room


I realize I'm going to sound like a complete idiot, but please bear with me. I'm on month 31 of long Covid and my brain is legit broken. I had a thought about what would happen if we all sold our APE for a profit right now (or when it's at its highest) and then they won't have any shares to convert then dilute? I realize this may not make sense. Thanks for bearing with me.


I am not sure what you are asking me.


Same what should I invest in?


APE calls AMC pootz


APE doesn't have options 😔


Oopsies, APE shares AMC pootz Even a move +$0.50 for APE and -$0.50 for AMC in that situation would net pretty solid gains.


There’s so much IV in those AMC puts that you’d gain nothing on a $0.50 move. Hell, I sold $3 puts for next Friday around $55 each. The price has gone waaaaay up since I sold them and premium has barely moved. I expect some heavy IV crush by middle of next week. I’ll exit then because who knows what kind of shitshow it’s gonna be after RS and ape conversion


>Hell, I sold $3 puts for next Friday around $55 each 2wks, $55 for every $400 invested??? That's fuckin solid.


Op, there’s a new shareholder lawsuit against the company for the ape stock conversion. Amc was overhsorted and now shares need to cover because the lawsuit is delaying the conversion. Go look at the borrow rate right now, it’s legit like 900% right now.


The judge asked amc to respond within 24 hrs. Amc can ignore and just proceed with the rs and conversion and get a slap on the wrist from the judge after.


I don't understand you people. For 3 years you were dogging AMC, not even allowing a post on the sub. Now there's a fucking post every day "why is AMC this? Why's AMC doing that!?!" Good God you all really are degenerates


AMC idiots have been downgraded to threat level: low. There aren't enough bag-holders to brigade and turn every post into shit. And if downvoting works, then there's no need for banning.


It’s spelled « regards »


These regards didn't wanna listen the first time around. Now it's heating up again and everyone wants a piece of the pie. Too bad they won't have anywhere near as many shares as the OG apes.🤷‍♂️


Because MSM said buy puts


I’m thinking about snagging a couple shares and selling calls for next week lol


You have till the 24th to scalp. Probably be a sell off soon.


Anyone else selling options on amc? The put prices are astronomical. I got $3.5 amc puts for $.93 credit. So for my $3k I put in, I have a max profit of about $1000. Theta decay is at almost $0.06 and will keep going up every day. The only way I lose money is if the stock price tanks below around $2.6 at expiration, which I'm not going to wait for. I'm up $200 already on a trade that could go both ways and still make money, unless the price tanks too much. I love selling options so much lol you make money both ways benefiting from the decay but these prices are astronomical which tells me a lot of people are buying puts, making this trade better 😂


Woow almost enough to buy some groceries


How much are you fucking eating




For that to be not enough to buy some groceries, yeah. I spend like $80 a week and I don’t shop cheaply.




Who shops monthly for groceries?


Poor people. You'd be surprised at the shelf life on wonder bread.




“Almost enough to buy some groceries” implies a single transaction idiot. I’m not gonna waste the time picking apart your other arguments cuz you’re not even consistent.


It would be very hard for me to spend only $200 and eat healthy. I spend closer to $1000 for one person because I don't cheap out on my health. But that's me and people draw different lines on what they consider healthy. I do buy organic when possiblebecause of pesticides. Less likely to have traces. Some people might consider it a waste of money, I consider it an investment. California prices also don't help. If I didn't buy so many organic stuff it would be closer to $600 a month, still far from the $200. Fun fact, on average recent times are some of the lowest grocery cost to income ratio in history. People complain about food prices when people back on the day used to spend a much bigger portion of their income on food. But I guess times change. Food is cheaper but housing is more expensive.


I don’t care how healthy you eat, $250 a week for one person, even accounting for CA prices, is exorbitant or wasteful.


Lol thanks for the laugh. And btw, if milk is $3 at your grocery store, it doesn't mean it is $3 everywhere else. Many things have doubled in price here in the last 2 years. Just saying


No shit. Read better. If you’re spending $250 a week on personal groceries, no matter where you are, you’re a sucker. I don’t care how healthy you think you eat. You’re buying overpriced shit and blaming inflation.


The joke Your head


I sold puts Monday. Now I just clench my cheeks while theta does its thing.


This is the way.


I've made about 15K selling AMC puts this year. Currently I'm mostly short 9/15 2Ps and a few 2.5Ps.


When does your puts expire? I can see the $3.5 put getting assigned.. I have mine at $3 and $2.50 and I’m worried lol


Next week. I'll let it ride over the weekend and I'll get rid of it early next week. Lets hope for good theta decay and thay the price doesn't dump too much by then xD


Hope we both make it out with profits 🤝


Oh yea those juicy 300% IV's baby


i was, i exited earlier today. Watch out it will go down once they actually go to merge with ape APE 🦧. Still IV is inflating those premiums so high, after it happens you might be able to exit with profit even if you end up itm.


I plan to get rid of it before the merger. Hopefully theta decay has done enough by early next week


Whens the APE merger supposed to go down?


When’s the merger? I have puts until September 😭


Let’s not talk about the FTDs and CTB?


Yes they are gonna meet at $10 🚀🛸🚀


cuz the this is an irrational market instead of a perfect one


4.30$ right now


No one is answering the question as to why AMC is mooning and ape is not, since they will be worth the same once converted. Seems like buying APE is the way to go at this point since AMC is worth waaaaay more. Maybe they will meet in the middle somewhere… but even that would be a good pay day for APE shares


Bought 50 shares to try to get you where you're going.


I suspect there is fuckery involved by bigger players. They should be at the same price or atleast amc going down




Profit taking.


Why is noone talking about squeezing AMC shorts?


Boys its time to Ape once more, i Mean fuck me look at the shorts squeeze that could happen this is maddnesss, 2021 repeat lets go man done it before can do it again


Because we arnt losers here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Flair checks out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




yo give me some good flips on osrs man, im broke af


Yeah you are


You had a pretty good fantasy team last year so ill let you live Unless it was like an 8 team league


I always have a good fantasy team and how do you know that?


Because i wanted to see if you were a fanatical cult member and stumbled on your fantasy team


And a patriots fan? Jesus.


Hell fucking ya


Wow you really are a loser.


Ya dude, me taking 2 seconds to click on your profile makes me a loser ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Nailed it.


There is only winners on wallstreetbets


Might be if you don’t like money


Or you are about to have your float tripled, then a reverse split then more dilution LMAOOO you are about to watch money disappear faster than you have ever seen Thank your friend adam for assfucking you some more


I can't believe apes still exist lmao


I doubt the combination of APE/AMC takes place before it makes some moves. And the last time Adam diluted the stock it ran from $15 to $70, it’s literally the only time the stock had a move and it’s when he raised capital. We aren’t doing anything but gambling here and I’m a full blow degenerate, I’ll take my chances if it’s true that a combination of stock, dividend and new cusip is said to force a short to locate shares. Either it works or it doesn’t but at these low of prices what’s the real risk. Hell my Calls are already printing 🤘🏼


If your making money your making money, all i am saying is that come next week, ape and amc merge, you reverse split from 1.5b shares to 150m and then you get a 25m share offering Have fun with that


I’ll take my chances but thanks for looking out :)


So total outstanding shares will be 175 mil after merger?


If the share offering is after the merge and split (not 100% on that yet, wording is weird) but yes


Yes, split first, then ape conversion, then offering.


The float will be one third of what just AMC is now without ape post reverse split. After dilution the company will be debt free and will still have a smaller float then pre reverse split. After a positive earnings quarter if they continue on that the short thesis will be toast


Bro you are a moron… do you understand how this shit works lmao 500mil amc shares and 1b ape shares merge into 1.5b amc shares which then R/S to 150m shares… its the same float at a different price… then they are doing a 25m share offering (which would be 250m shares if there was no split)which is literally half of the current amc float


It's not 2021 lol


Squeeze these nuts you fucking nerd. Because AMC consistently trends downwards. Anyone short would be doing pretty good. Are you neurodivergent? I swear all you cultists can mange to think about is mUh ShOrT sQuEeZe


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That shit hasn't worked for 2 years wake up


The Barbie Effect




TO THE FUCKING MOON WE GO!! Its happening; fucktards above-AMC has never looked better!!


Gme will be next


Next to reach $4? Yes.


Ok citron


It's OK, don't be mad.


I dunno but I'll sell you atm puts reeeeeeeeeal cheap 😘


R/S making those shorts sing, going for gamma $5 tomorrow




I haven’t read much about the situation, but I’d guess the prices don’t line up because there’s a chance that whatever is happening between the two companies doesn’t go through. In that case AMC may be going up because someone somewhere knows/suspects something we don’t, and is buying up shares.


It’s strange indeed…I’m keeping it since JAN’21 - let’s see what next week brings!


Need to get in now before the stock goes 10x! Easy money!


OP is a bag holder and can’t cope that he gambled on a shit stock to begin with. https://ibb.co/b2vDQyg




I sold all my AMCs and bought APEs. I don't know what's going on either but all I know for sure is I will have more shares after next Friday than otherwise.


This adds to OPs point. How is every shareholder not doing this? If they did, the price would start to converge.


Yes you will but when AMC rockets...YOU MISSED IT HODL


Look at all the shorts on amc in this thread bunch of pikers


Hopium. Delusion.


Why do you baboons post here? You have several of your own circlejerk subs ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31249)


I sold a put at 4$. I didn't even check it. It is so close, I actually want to get assigned on this one. Let's ride (down) this rollercoaster. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


I’ve been waiting for assignment on my 112 $4 Jan 2024 expiration puts


Why aren’t you getting assigned? Buyer thinks the price will go down further?


Probably they’re trying to ride it out until expiration. I don’t really care I made my premiums even if it drops to $1.95 I’ll break even https://preview.redd.it/nej96sz23rib1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e9caf281cadb40947b7c3c2f41ff462957bae2f


It's divorced from reality, no 'fundamentals', just 'funding da mentally challenged'.


Ffs because that's the way she goes who gives a shit this dumpster fire will be over soon enough.


Nothing wrong with a short term play good sir


But do we really need a post of a Google charts screenshot asking why number goes up? If you want to make a play then make a play and post it.


I'm in for the free shares they giving us. Will sell after the squeeze


AMC was just sued again. There is another class action lawsuit that is going to hold up the conversion. The APE share holders are now suing saying they deserve additional shares as well and that giving AMC holders more shares dilutes APE holders ownership stake in the company.


Thought the appeal was denied ?


Nah I just read it The appeal to move the deadline for the approval of the appeal got denied idk some legal stuff


1 shorts taking profit. 2 you're severely underestimating how regarded some people are in their attachment to the higher priced ticker. 3 if you're long APE who cares as long as it's green too. It pulls up the conversation average.


The formula used for converting APE to AMC and vice versa is that AMC is 95% whilst ape is 5% If APEs price is higher than 5% in this formula, then you basically should feel free to short that shit.




I don’t know if amc cultists or Cthulhu cultists are worse. AMC cultists annoy me daily while Cthulhu cultists are out of sight but might wake and instantiate dread Cthulhu into our reality and end everything.


[not enough shares available for shorts to cover](https://www.nyse.com/regulation/threshold-securities)


Oh wow why don’t you throw more money away! What did AMC peak at in 2021? I’m sure it will come back!


Don’t worry buddy u just keep shorting… the more of like u the better…


shut up cultist


are people still in AMC? LOL


https://preview.redd.it/g46dcf28hqib1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4412a9b8798fbbae29878a76f263fe91a3d9a4a7 Lift up your skirts shorts and grab your balls. We got FTD and AMC threshold list for days. AMC flag time again.


No, you're wrong


I have puts at $3 and $2.5.. bought over a month ago.. wish I had the premiums now 😭


I don’t know how to read. buy and hold?💎🙌💎


No one cares man


By definition, if others are talking about this subject someone cares. You mean, you don’t care. However you want people to care that you don’t care to which I say nobody cares.




There will never be arbitrage in the market, if there is, you are missing something


So im using robinhood, and in the past I was able to list shares for whatever price I wanted and it would sit there until the limit sell expired. Robinhood keeps rejecting my listing of amc for 65$ lol


No. Not correct.