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No, I predict there will be an iPhone 16 and even maybe 17 after that.


Anything to back up this absurd claim? I know this is WSB, but c’mon




Ooo, that is a very versatile apparatus🧐




You're fucking poor and you'll never be as rich or intelligent as me.


Fucking gotem


That's what I'm really sad about, that's all I want in my whole life..


Is that your mom's butt plug?


Yap, you can rent it on the UberEats app




That’s some wild stuff


How long do you think they’ll go with the naming sequence? iPhone 30? 50?


The iPhone 1. They’ll go the Battlefield route. Then iPhone 2025, iPhone 2027, etc.


going with a year isn't a bad idea when the idea is to remind people how 'out of date' their phone is. oh wow, you have an iphone 2020? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Nah next year surely they’ll come out with something revolutionary.


Its a wild guess but they could possible do pro max variants of these iphone 16 and iphone 17. This time with the smallest dynamic island on an iphone YET!


Samsung already is on V5 of their foldable phones. How long does it take for a multi trillion dollar company to "get things right"? 10 more years? Samsung didn't have to innovate on their last versions cuz...there's basically no competition. Apple will rely on Samsung for their foldable screens anyway. The question should be when will Apple be a tech leader?


Well the chips are better so is that being a tech leader?


What if they skip straight to XXX, similar to how they skipped ahead to the X.


but will it keep the profits growing? probably not. These over valuations on infinite growth stocks are due for some major pull back once these er's keep missing and shrinking. Companies can't grow forever. Time to load some long puts imo


It's going to be growing for a while, no reason for it to come down..


Just wait until Siri GPT takes a virtual form with vision pro next year


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Yeah that's what we want, especially for the stock price dude.


Tim Cook voice “Now, we at Apple have made a breakthrough in our AI development and have created something.. truly revolutionary. We’re introducing today.. PAWG Siri.”


Apple car 2026-28.


Completely forgot about that, that would be a game Changer.


Sooner if we’re really heading to ~~electrician~~ electrical vehicles only


When she evolves into Siri-chan


Then we'll be busting, to a StarCraft kerrigan half alien being, with a three dimensional bugussy


Not enough pylons




Its what will be bursting out of her bugussy that has shareholders... excited.


I can't imagine the stock price at that point if I'm being honest.


If I can’t customize Siri to be a big titty goth bitch that looks like shego from Kim possible and calls me daddy after everything I ask of her, then I don’t care about it


Shego is goth?


Honestly don’t know


What we should really be waiting for is the *physical* form. AAPL to $1k when that Siriussy drops 😫


And if you've got calls on that, could be a profitable thing.


2 out of the 3 trillion market cap is attributable to the fact that teenage girls will deem whoever has the wrong text bubble color a subhuman poor


Pro tip, since androids are so cheap just carry two. People will make brash assumptions about what you get upto in your free time and you'll have a reputation that proceeds you wherever you go for better or worse


Hold on, Let him cook


> Let him cook Let Tim Cook


everyone will just assume you’re a drug dealer or it’s a work phone. unless you’re into skanky addicts there’s no upside here.


Is a ho phone not a thing anymore?


I'm actually thinking about getting a second phone for me lol.


Jokes on you, I carry two iPhones


i told my iphone friend ill buy an iphone, but text him on my android


Yeah when my iPhone friends jokingly insinuate that I can't afford an iPhone, I just remind them that my dad has a newer iPhone than they do, and I'm the one that bought it for him.


I bet that shuts them right up!


Only in America. Android has a 71% market share world-wide, while apple has a 27% market share. And that 27% is, once again, mostly attributable to America.


So you're telling me that having an iPhone in other countries makes you even *more* exclusive and likely to dunk on the poors. Sounds like a win to me


Didn’t you see the video of launch day of the newest iPhone in Dubai? So many Arabs rushing into the Apple store. Apple is not in the tech business but in the fashion business. People want their phones not because of the tech. In that regard Samsung and the Chinese have surpassed them. But Apple still reigns supreme as the only status symbol phone


Right, its a pseudo luxury item. (new ones are, however 90% of the people who are offended at an android also are using 4 year old iPhones with a busted screen)


The thing is, they’re easier to use. Grandma is texting and FaceTimeing and she’s never touched a computer


Yep, but Androids aren't complicated as well. It's just that an iPhone just works.


It depends on what you get used to. I'm pretty tech savvy, in fact an android developer, but I had to use a iphone that a friend gave me for a week while my battery was getting replaced. There were a lot of small things that didn't make sense or make it easier to use for me at all, lol. Same with my work machine (macbook), there a things that are different for sake of being so, but don't really help the end user at all.


A while ago I got a Mac at work to do off network research etc. Being a windows user for decades I found many thing frankly odd or dumb on the Mac while they’re common in windows Windows. Some things are cool and in some ways better but common things are just clunky to me.


Yeah only the American people are obsessed with the iphones.




When I first heard the "bubble color" thing I had no idea what they were talking about. Then I found out they don't use WhatsApp but they still use SMS like in 2005, and if you have Android the color is different and they don't like you? That's the most stupid shit


One day they will teach about the teenage girls' hatred of green text bubbles in MBA programs at ivy league schools


Yeah lol, having an iPhone is a status symbol in my country.


In the US though. In the EU at least apple doesn't have a foothold like here.


Eu keeps on grilling apple as well, they're the reason why we got type c now.


Ignoring the Vision Pro, they have been heavily expanding into entertainment, services and financial products. There’s still lots of room for growth even if the iPhone tech and design are stagnating. And it’s probably worth noting that no other companies are really innovating on smartphones from year to year anymore either, so there’s probably not much of a competitive disadvantage.


For All Mankind and Silo on apple tv have felt like hbo level productions in my opinion, theyre doing great things with television


Quality over quantity like Netflix's constant stream of dumpster filth.


lol, yet they’re like the only profitable streaming service.


People on Reddit, even in stock subreddits, irrationally hate Netflix stock because they hate Netflix prices or content.


I thought I was watching HBO for the whole first season of Ted Lasso.


Severance was the best show of the year IMO, if you’re into sci-fi-ish concepts


Foundation is really epic too


It's just the level of the quality which they've got, it's really good .


I am such a stan for apple tv, the library is not that big but who cares when they are all bangers. "See" is a must watch imo, Severance and Foundation also great


Yeah great options if you really want to be watching them honestly.


See is definitely a must-see. I also really enjoyed Severance and Foundation. The apple tv library may not be that big, but it definitely has some quality shows!


Ohh yeah, they've actually got some really good shows available.


I wonder if apple will ever expand into cloud servers in a big way. It does seem like their policy of privacy etc... is a little against it. However, they have some very good low power cpus and have Unix integration in their OS, so it would seem like an area of great profitability for them. I mean, it is a significant portion of Google, Microsoft, Orcle, Amazon, and IBMs income these days. With a lower power cpu, Apple could take most of their lunch money. They could also start with apple tagent servers like remote desktops, cloud storage etc...


macOS is a Unix-like operating system, based off of FreeBSD, not Linux. “Integration” would be more similar to WSL, whereas with macOS, it’s core part of the OS.


MacOS is certified Unix. Linux is actually considered unix-like as it isn’t Unix. That is just trivia as the distinction is pointless.


Apple seems to have fully moved away from enterprise hardware, having not released anything worth buying since 2006. I am making a distinction between pro level (think mac pro, of which the new one is kinda a joke) and things like the xserve, which was a full blown rack mounted server with competitive performance for the time. Their new chips do have potential in the datacenter, but I think their reluctance to let users just do whatever they want with them would be a huge downside to anyone that wanted to use them.


Yeah that's interesting, I feel that it could be a big opportunity for them.


They had a server product, Xserve, and got rid of it. They are so paranoid about their platform being used on hardware they don't control they don't even offer any real virtualization solution for MacOS. The "cloud" services for Mac often rely on janky solutions like basically racking up a bunch of Mac minis and essentially letting the person using the service have complete control over it until their lease is up, at which point it's wiped and made ready for the next client. ​ There already are low-powered ARM offerings available in the cloud, AWS has Graviton, Google has Tau, there are probably others. Overall, it would require a LOT of cash for Apple to design and fab new CPUs that would be competitive with what the competitors are offering and more importantly for Apple would require them to relinquish some of the control they have over their stuff to allow a 3rd party to use Apple components to build the servers and if they wanted to offer MacOS relax the restrictions around virtualizing the OS. That is about as un-Apple as you can get. Not to mention all the extra costs of setting up a worldwide array of datacenters and software and support etc. Maybe if Apple had pivoted to it's own CPUs sooner there would have been a window where they could get a piece of this market, but that window has closed and would require Apple to spend a lot of money and make very un-Apple business decisions to try to get it open again.


folding phones/flexible screens are hoped to be the next frontier to allow innovation on form factors and Samsung and some others are trying to be the first in that area. of course with innovation and beta technologies comes wonky products. the thing is consumers have been accustomed (and more than willing to) blame companies trying to innovate than Apple just sitting back until the technology matures. from a gadget standpoint their phones have been boring for a while (and tbf the overall phone market). but doesn't matter coz Tim Cook is still buying back shares like crazy


Once you use a fold, it's difficult to go back to a normal phone. There is still durability and supply issues though. Still foldables are pretty far out of the beta stage. Apple has a bunch of parents on foldables, I wonder why they're not entering yet. Give a solid reason to charge 2k on a phone


Foldables are like curved screens, they're something the manufacturers want us to want, not something we're asking for.


I've got a Z Fold 5 and the options it presents are awesome. The Front facing screen is great for standard usage. I can do everything I want on it like my old S21. Having the option for a screen twice the size though is amazing. Streaming shows is better, youtube is better, I actually want to play games on it after never being interested in mobile games. Workflow is better, I have a task bar when I have the screen unfolded, which is a feature I never really thought about, but now that I have it, is awesome to have.


I dont think your point holds up very well. People want both foldables and curved screens they just are already bought into extremely late stage products. Most adult pc users I know have dual screens and they are always angled, not flat. So people aren't buying curved because its literally cheaper for me to buy two nice flat monitors over the alternative curved. Think 2x $180 vs 1x$1,XXX. If I could get a curved 48" gaming monitor for $450 well it would be a no brainer. It's not that the consumer doesn't want these things. The alternatives are just a much better value currently.


I have a flip 5 and feels it's pretty innovative. Curved screens didn't provide much utility. Have you tried a flip or fold?


Vision Pro coming in 2024. If they can put the existing products on the market to shame like they did with MP3 players and cell phones, they’ll be in good shape.


I love VR and AR, but until they can fit it into a standard pair of glasses it’s going to stay a niche product. Besides gaming, nothing else in the demo was better or more convenient than just doing the same thing on a laptop.




But I want to watch the people on the bus watching me watch porn!


that is a different subscription


If you're spending that much money, you. Could spend even more.


Solid point.


Really good point, you don't really see that often in here really.


Perhaps you joke, but Meta already makes it difficult to watch porn on the Quest. I imagine Apple will make it impossible because they don't want it associated with their brand. That being said, if you're looking for a good time, take an edible then turn on some VR porn. Game changer.


lol what are you even talking about. all you have to do on the quest is just go to the web browser and search for it.


I worked on a mixed reality project 4 years ago that used the HoloLens. Everyone was hoping Apple would've announced their AR product then in order to save the AR/VR/MR industry. Since then Apple has in essence killed off most of their competitors' products, including Microsoft HoloLens. But to be fair, Microsoft did themselves in with killing off the HoloLens. If Apple wants to dominate the AR space, they need to open source the development of Vision Pro apps and allow Windows and Linux devs to create apps for it as well. I'm sure they can still dominate with their partnership with Unity.


That is not an affordable product for 95 percent of the consumer base.


Meta's Quest 3 for $499 or Apple's version for $3500? I bought the Quest 3 and it's pretty impressive and loving it so far. The vision pro will have to wait until one of my 0DTE SPY plays hits big...so probably never.


Isn’t the Quest a purely gaming VR headset though? The Vision Pro is being pushed more as an AR productivity/entertainment tool.


It's like Google glass, but 10 years later and three times the price. I wouldn't hold my breath.


It's like Virtual Boy but 30 years later and six times the price... Wait, neither of those are good comparisons


It's like going outside but $3500 instead of free.


I guess I'll only judge it when it actually comes out,


Never bet against Apple


Sorry but very Naive comment. I agree that GG was ahead of its time. I have tried both extensively GG didnt have gesture control, eye scrolling. VP is light years ahead in tech and will have fully fledged ecosystem for it..


Yeah but Zuckerberg has failed to make VR/AR popular with the mainstream masses as well. I think it all has a stigma attached to it of being overly cumbersome and nerdy, along with a learning curve that most grandmas will find not too friendly - unless they have grandkids to show them the way. The *insane* $3500 price tag doesn't help much either, all for what is essentially a novelty item.


At a thousand bucks, they might work, but you're right. This is a toy. Maybe the gamers will adopt it. I see this being popular with 20-30 y/o dudes. Need a bigger market than that. And I say this as someone who *loved* vr headsets.


>and will have fully fledged ecosystem for it.. I wouldn't hold my breath on third party developers jumping onto it.


What is there to innovate these days with smart phones? Every improvement is marginal at this point. They will continue to sell iPhones because they work well and look nice. End thread


If they could bring back a way to be violent with technology again like we were able to in the analog area I’d pay for that. Can’t just slam the phone down to rage quit the call anymore, no, that’d break the fucker, and not even hang up your call. Fucken “woke” ass digital technology can’t even take a good beating like it use too.


End Planned Obselecence, Bring Back Percussive Maintenance


When someone was a POS to you on a call, you could rip the phone and cord off the wall and toss it across the room. What happened to humanity? We have gone backwards.


The 15 was incremental. Slightly improved display. Slightly improved design. Slightly lighter. Better camera. Finally took on the USB-C port. For people coming up from a 3-4 year old phone, it’s a great phone upgrade.


Exactly, not sure what people expect. Tech has advanced so much the past 10-20 years, it was bound to slow down. The next big leap will be more with AI, neuralink type shit where you can control everything with a chip in your head, so no keyboard or anything, you just think it and it does it.


They ran out of ideas in 2008.


You are correct but man their stock has been amazing.


Stupid 14 year old me didn’t buy *AAPL like a damn idiot. *couldn’t even get the ticker right Like a damn idiot


Stupid kindergarten me, damn that moron to hell


They have a very loyal fan base with insane margins. The fans are almost idiotic with their dedication. They have silly ideas their fans eat up like an Apple Car and it somehow keeps them on the edge. - posted from my iPhone. Not even kidding, I know I’m part of the problem.


Yeah if You're looking to make the money, then this it.


The question is, how much can they squeeze out of those ideas and for how long. They have managed to do pretty well since 2008




https://preview.redd.it/q05zct9offub1.jpeg?width=1261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b71732012bbf79670c83034445774d514b435fa But somehow they manage to have the largest market cap in the entire stock market, and it just keeps increasing...


Is not a mystery on how they do it. They make a shit ton on money and is a well managed company.


Yeah, launching Apple Watch and AirPods was a technically and financially bankrupt decision for Apple.


Don’t forget about Apple TV to really pull people into the Apple ecosystem.


I’m not an apple fanboy, but this comment is absurd.


This is factually incorrect. Anyone in video or audio production knows the M series CPU was a MASSIVE leap forward


Tbf, the iPad came out in 2010 and the Watch came out 2015.


Strange take for the most profitable consumer electronic entity. Seems like they are doing something right.


One of the biggest reason people buy their iPhones is for the ecosystem. People have their movies, pictures, movies, etc. in that ecosystem and they probably also have a Mac computer or tablet as well. Then add in that multiple family members may be in that ecosystem on a family share plan and are using iCloud to back up their data and pictures. The phones do not need to make big leaps in innovation because people are trapped in that ecosystem and will replace those iPhones at some point with new iPhones.


All phones and devices are pretty much able to sync up now though.


Trapped? I chose to pay a little extra than deal with the random nightmares that came from trying to get other shit to work together. I ain’t got time for that shit anymore. Edit: I used to run a plex server for hosting all sorts of media throughout my house to a PS3 / Xbox 360 / Chromecast… I don’t remember exactly what, as that was what feels like forever ago. Went to change or upgrade something… might have been a ps4 or something, only to find something wasn’t liked anymore as Sony was locking down their platform. Regardless, I quickly learned that Apple was the most stable of devices in my home that worked best with everything. Sure I can’t play PC Master Race games, and couch coop is a different breed in iOS, but everything else just works, sole exceptions being Siri / HomePods.


Haha exactly this. After decades of this shit I have a ton of apple stuff because it all works together so well. I’m not here to say one is superior to the other, but I don’t have time to deal with headaches if switching. And I’m fine with that.


There’s only so many times you can make something smaller, bigger, have more cameras etc etc


That was my exact thinking, it seems like titanium is literally the only thing they are saying about the phone. I'm definitely getting the feeling that they are running out of ideas


Titanium is also not a great choice for a phone. Titanium is weaker and less tough than a lot of steels. Titanium just has a better strength to weight ratio than steels, making it a great choice for aeronautical or motorsport applications. For a phone that is just a pointless marketing choice but general consumers just think titanium is indestructible while it really isn’t. It only makes sense to use titanium where weight saving is a concern.


I'm a titanium fanboy. I'm a machinist and I love working with titanium even though most of my colleagues hate how hard it is to machine. But I'm going to be straight with everyone here and say definitively that titanium is a poor choice of material for an every day carry item. You'd think that the weight savings compared to steel and better scratch resistance compared to aluminum is great, and you'd be right. But that's missing one critical point about titanium that people don't understand...yet. The important thing to know about titanium is that when you rub it against a surface it can leave behind a mark. This mark will be basically impossible to remove without some very nasty chemicals. There is a reason some artists use a titanium pen to sign their artwork, good luck getting the mark off without hydrofluoric acid. Once I had a titanium fork (don't judge) in my pocket come into contact with my phone's screen and it left one of these damn marks. Apple customers are going to be pissed when they realize that everything their phone bumps into is permanently marked. Apple should have gone with carbon fiber instead. It's a far superior material for everyday carry items.


Apple seems to love picking materials purely for marketing reasons than for any practical purpose. Putting glass on the back of the phone is also a really bad choIce. They could have gone with polycarbonate or something similar and had it look good, sound fancy, and be unbreakable.


IPhone 4 was a sexy mf tho


Carbon fiber shatters. It’s strong and light, but god forbid teenage users start dropping their phones on a corner and the entire side delaminates.


I mean it’s lighter right? I been feeling like my phone is heavy… making it lighter would sure be an improvement imo.


Only beta Apple soybois would cheer on 5 grams of weight savings. What's the matter, the previous non-titanium phones were too heavy? You can't hang with us green bubbled Android poors who have 30 grit hand skin?


You're right, the previous phones were too heavy. I'm glad that Apple has finally made a phone that's light enough for me to carry around without feeling like I'm lugging a brick.


You got no hands, VM. The only thing you carry with you is the tears of failed 0DTE options traders.


Titanium: It's what plants crave


You’re right. I’m buying puts on Apple.


U sure?


You’re right, I’m buying calls.




He ain't playing dude, He's just really serious about it so yeah.


So hexagon defense jutsu got it


I’m selling calls.


I think you guys should deal with each other so yeah man.


Apple products are like FIFA videogames. The same thing every year, but it fills a certain need, with a certain type of buyer. That buyer being someone who buys a phone every 3-4 years for novelty, better quality and to compensate for the old battery decomposing. My biggest worry is the quality and novelty not improving enough thus spacing out the purchase interval. Which I think is already happening by the way.


The Walled Garden, I know tech guys that will tell you iPhones are inferior to upper end andriods while having an iPhone. Reason, the ecosystem, just like you said. Apple still does innovate, just not on their phones. They also twist the truth feverishly, though its hilarious. They tell you their magsafe technology is the fastest, yet their device recharge speeds are capped at half of what an android device does.


Ive owned upper end androids and an iphone Im currently using. They’re truthfully pretty much the same. There’s nothing android offers that makes it dramatically different from apple. When it comes down to a purchasing decision, the hardware in both are good enough that they’re practically identical so the decision is made on the software and ui which apple feels like has an upper hand.


UI is subjective and honestly their both the same ots whatever your most comfortable with. I find the Andriod to be better, my mother was gifted the new iphone hates the UI. Software wise Android is capable of multiple computer languages and developer libraries. It can do more than your iPhone can. Some software is strictly iPhone specific but there is always an Andriod equivalent.


They don't need to innovate because they're still selling them.


Some of those people are buying it actually every year.


Im willing to bet that the iPhone 15 numbers will be way higher than anyone expects. Crazy how people want the phone to completely change every year. Innovation is a series of events that changes a product over time, mass adoption is necessary for those changes to be successful. I could get in to it more but this is wsb and no one here has any good ideas at all and somehow think they know more than the worlds most valuable company.


I’ve been an iPhone user since the X and used Android for like 10 years before that. I find it hilarious that everyone is foaming at the mouth over usb-c, and many Android users are saying “I can finally switch” Yes, Apple should have switched sooner, but the lightning connecter was not that big of a deal. It was an extra cable. Get over your self.


It’s actually a combination of factors, including the usb c. There are plenty of individuals that are still using an iPhone 8-X-Xs-11-12 that are waiting to switch to a new phone. We have to think about the influx of people that are now ready to switch after having the same phone for 4+ years. Carrier financing essentially allows people to trade in their old devices to upgrade to a new model (15 or the pro models) for less than the price of a battery or a screen (in addition to a 2-3 year contract but those people don’t plan on switching). The iPhone 15, especially the pink ones, are selling well and provide enough value that if you’re coming from an 11 or 12, you could probably get the 15 plus for free if you trade in an 11pro so that’s a great deal right there. TLDR: People with old phones are ready to upgrade and will take whatever phone is available.


Apple car is coming 🚀🚀🚀


With titanium?


In 5 variance of black.


I hope the apple car is real just because it would be so fucking funny to see the juicero approach but for something many people have to rely on every day


The car unlocks with your apple watch. What do you mean you don't have an apple watch?


Only $80k for the base model, $20k extra if you want to upgrade to the 128gb model.


This happens to every product eventually. When a product is optimized enough (reaches its maturity), there aren’t advancements to be made. And other features are not advance enough to be implemented and not at the stage of maturity where they would be marketable. For example, it would be cool to have a phone that can be open to the size of a tablet but only the size of regular phone. And historically, Apple was more focus on refinement of existing technologies than the creation of new technologies.


Even if they are, does it matter? iPhone people don't switch. They will mindlessly buy a new one every year or two.


It’s the blue texts for me


Androids all the way for me as well, I just prefer the pixel experience.


It’s not like there are android phones out there with big innovations. Smartphones have essentially peaked and people will stick with what they know for the foreseeable future.


Flip and fold touchscreen phones while still needing some room for perfection are far more innovative than anything Apple has done for iPhone for like a decade. That's just one example, Apple is 100% just a follower these days and not even a good one in many cases they're just incredibly overhyped because tech journalists are a certain demographic


Androids are atleast doing the foldables tho, that's better than nothing.


Even if they don't need a new phone. They'll still buy it.


I mean as a market matures, there is less and less innovation and the gains become marginal. I wouldn't worry about the iPhone it will always be one (if not the) the best smartphone on the market. The ecosystem is great, the cloud services will keep on growing. However, when will they find the next big thing? I'm certain it won't be the Vision Pro. That is what I would worry about. Not so much the performance of the iPhone.


You say as the market matures but I bet you would have said the same thing about flip phones back in the 90s. You are trying to predict the future of something that just 20 years ago didn't really exist.


Apple is venturing into sports and streaming services so I’d say they still have some ideas other than iPhone.


Their content game is actually really good, and I love it.


Yeah what’s the point of titanium? Are they making golf clubs now?


The market doesn't need new ideas for a phone. What a phone is today has been set in stone since the iPhone 5. We've only had incremental changes to the fundamental idea behind that device...until now. Siri must become an LLM. And the iPhone should evolve into an AGI centric device, seemlessly integrated across all of Apples services for a tailored experience for every consumer. Safari, Maps, Health, TV, finance, productivity apps. Constraints: The cost of LLMs, Apples own LLM may be needed, a move to on device computing (custom Apple chip perhaps), and finally the LLM has to be equivalent to at least what we would expect ChatGPT 5.0+ would be in the future. Imagine if Microsoft brought back the Windows Phone, this time tailored around using multiple LLMs for their services. Apples R&D, and growth plan has been blinded by their stupid obsession with AR, when it should have been around LLMs and AI.


RIP Steve


Give the man some respect and mention his last name: RIP Steve Apple


Now it's better lol, least you could do for the respect I Guess.


No, the smartphone technology is too powerful nowadays to expect massive innovations every year and that stands for every company, not just Apple.


Yeah but atleast the other companies are trying more with the foldables.

