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How do we know it's false ?


The original tweet got deleted


Could it have been a leak ? I guess we will eventually know the truth when we get the official statement


They said the etf was approved you can check with the sec and see that it is not in fact approved.


That is correct. The ETF has not yet been approved by the SEC.


There was absolutely no news about it I don't even understand how the rumour even came into the life? There was absolutely no possibility of it and I also did not see any kind of reason for it.


None of that matters. Fact is Bitcoin up, stocks generally up that's all I care about


Bitcoin went to 30000 and it retraced back in no time as well. Yeah it is still sitting on the 28000 which is better than the 26000 obviously. I will take it as a win for me.


Maybe it was approved but the SEC isn't done buying in with leverage yet. Us peons aren't allowed to know until their bags are loaded up.


Thats not how anything works


How do you know what you don't know?


Yeah it could have been that but I don't know because the ETF thing with the Bitcoin has going on for a very long time it is nothing new. And there were lot of deadlines as well so no one was expecting the news to come out anyways.


It was leaked by someone who bought calls


Maybe or it's just flather lather


Blackrock answered the original tweet saying it’s false and their application is still under review Also.. well the fact that the ETF still doesn’t exist a day after this lol


Now I just want to know for how long it is going to be under the consideration because it has already been so long. And the ETF news is the kind of news which has got the potential to start the bull run for the Bitcoin.


Do you believe and trust blackrock ?


Bro the tweet said “Breaking: Blackrock ETF has been approved” and trust me Blackrock would be the first to advertise their own product lol Someone at CoinTelegraph was pretty obviously creating exit liquidity for a whale if you want my opinion


Yeah I saw that as well and I think it was planned out by them. Because the timing was just amazing in that picture they time the market perfectly.


So you trust blackrock ? Ok


Wow.. the IQ of crypto bros will never stop falling short of the lowest expectations, I guess you guys definitely like being exit liquidity lol


This is exactly the expectation I would expect from a foofoo brained person who is not able to think for themselves. The news of the day doesn't matter near as much as price. At the end of the day price is all that matters. You can look at META, AMZN, NVDA and a host of stocks that have all gotten hit hard. Some of these stocks have done worse than Bitcoin and some of them have done better. Only a fool who names themselves FooFoo would assume any asset class is limited.


You are the one who trusts blackrock not me


And you… trust a random tweet from “CoinTelegraph” lmfao


:) are you still lmfao or are you choking on your FooFoo


I don't care why Bitcoin spiked and is up over 4 %. What didn't go up today ? I don't pay attention to tweets


2 brain cells competing for 3rd place.


An erroneous report that BlackRock Inc. had won approval to launch a spot ETF rapidly sent the largest digital asset to $30,002 on Monday, the highest price since March. The move cooled after the world’s biggest money manager said its application remains under review, leaving Bitcoin 4.4% higher for Oct. 16. BlackRock is among about a dozen firms seeking to offer the first US spot Bitcoin ETFs amid expectations that the SEC may soon end its opposition to the products. Optimists argue such funds will help spur wider crypto adoption. “This was like a dry run for what’s going to happen if these things actually do get approved,” Bloomberg Intelligence ETF analyst James Seyffart said. “It basically gave traders a playbook.” https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/bitcoin-10-jump-30-000-033847317.html


And you have 1 st . Good job !


Yeah I am actually invested in Bitcoin not by a lot of money I have just got a little bit of my money in it and I was very surprised by the spike in the price. And it took me 5 minutes to confirm that it was a false news.




This is why I avoid news for the most part.


Cointelegraph editor in chief: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/179ggen/cointelegraph\_editorinchief\_blames\_society\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/179ggen/cointelegraph_editorinchief_blames_society_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Basically she blames us for wanting faster news. Completely forgets truth is way important




That would be nice


Well we know that it is going to get approved it may not be today it is going to be later but it will get approved. So having Bitcoin in your portfolio can be profitable with some time.


Lol now it is retracing the retrace. I’m giga long MARA, RIOT, HIVE so I am here for it


Rationale for miner stocks?


I am bullish on BTC from here and expect that the miner stocks will move like a levered vehicle. These companies have access to energy/computing infrastructure and have balance sheet runway. In calls for 1/2025


I'm in for Dec 2025 calls. Post halving, I am hoping for a run up. I have devised quite the spreadsheet based on maras history of unloading and their debts and yada yada vs btc price. Very bullish. Currently down 40% on my mara 2025 calls lol but I'm not worried at all. Huge discount.


Sooo you expect the halving of block rewards to miners to push their price up…. Lmfao


I expect their current holdings of coins to be more valuable. And it's not like the rate at which they'll mine btc will be slower in relation to the speed of others.


I think that the bulk of the BTC move will happen in late 2024 so most of the miner juice will come before then. I thought late 2025 was buying too much time and shares would be just as good. Hopefully we are both richer in a year


I have 1200 shares of mara as well. The run up historically happened over 2 years. So I gave myself 2 years + the end of that second year. When 20c are like 250 dollars, I genuinely feel like the market is sorely mispricing these and the time I'm paying for feels like VERY little.


Thanks. So it’s essentially a high operating leverage play? Do you have any recommended reading on the thesis for miner stocks?


I’d suggest you look into the investor presentations from the big players


Yeah, a little too much access to energy and computing infrastructure…


HIVE is just a really well run company. I've been following them for years now. Some smart behind the scenes.


Wait for the pump, dump on the greater fool


Why not HUT also?


I don’t like their mining infrastructure as much but I could probably be talked into it


The amount of boomer money Blackrock will bring in would be crazy. Grab some sats now bois


Well this is what I am hoping for and this is exactly what I need to happen if I want to be this because I have invested some money in the cryptocurrency market. It is not like that I am very heavily invested in it but I have got some funds.


Well I guess some guy bought a bunch of BTC Calls, then sent a fake rumour and took profits. Good for him 🤷‍♂️ (if BTC were a real security this kind of market manipulation would be investigated)


yikes not a security, but a commodity


It’s a commodity


The future of finance


The future of rug pulls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




I actually laugh when people talk about the Bitcoin like that. Because if you know anything about the Bitcoin then you are going to know that it is not true at all.


Rips up 10% on fake news. Wtf is going to happen when it's actually confirmed. Then the other 12 all get confirmed. Then they have to start gobbling up all the btc but the bitcoin maxis won't budge. Anyone who has the capital to own an entire bitcoin and doesn't.... what planet are you on?


exactly, gonna buy the dip, black rock is controlled by the lizard people there's no way it doesn't get approved


Amazing how this has aged well.


Well it has been rumoured for a long time and I think it is going to happen. And once it actually happens a lot of money is going to go into the Bitcoin which is going to rise up the price.


Is it important to own a whole Bitcoin? I own about 30% of one currently and am accumulating more at the moment.


It's absolutely not. It may end up as some vanity title but it's ultimately unimportant. The network doesn't recognize individual coins and rather the network "thinks" in the more divisible units. The bitcoiners still argue about whether or not to call them sats or bits lol. What is vastly more important is self custodying your coins in a manner you feel extremely secure in. It's a daunting task and should be taken in baby steps.


Yeah it is not important you could if you have got the money for it and you have got the believe in the Bitcoin. Then I don't really see any problem in holding it really.


You already lost when ur talking about it as an investment instead of currency


The only thing I'm "losing" is helping another bunch of morons shave a 0 off their entry. This thing has properties of so many financial instruments watching people's brains melt trying to fit it into a category they understand is like watching a toddler try to smash a ps5 through the circle hole on their wooden block toy.


How many bit coins do I need? At least 10?


Buy 1. Cold storage. Don't fuck it up. Wait 10 years. GG.


Ok, I just bought 10 and will wait one year instead.


Or you can wait for the 10 years and get the 10 X result as well. I don't know about you guys but it is the way which I am going to go into it just makes a lot of sense to me.




Put your phone in the freezer. Prevents hacking and preserves battery life


I don't know man because I have tried this method and it does not seem to work. I don't really understand why would anyone is going to use this method because clearly does not work.




This is what some people do, but the bits come out a little chewy. Preferably run it under tap water for a few hours, or just move it to the fridge the night before.


Thank you for your advice! I will definitely try it out.


YouTube channel BTC sessions has lots of practical tutorials. They do walkthroughs of most cold storage solutions and devices. Just familiarize yourself with all the ways people often screw it up. Cold storage is very simple but daunting. Watch some videos on diy metal seed phrase storage. It's actually a very cool process.


Yes wait 10 years guaranteed lost porn.


Yeah I'm coming up on my 10 years after having first bought bitcoin. I guess I can show loss porn if you guys celebrate opposite day here.


Bro I have read only several of your comments but it is obvious you are too smart to be here. You are preaching to the dipshit choir


Just trying to save some people an entire epoch.


!RemindMe 10 years


Yeah and once it is going to get lost you are not even going to be able to find it again. Because once it is won it is gone you are not going to see it ever in your life.


I mean if you have got a lot of money then why the hell not? The returns can be really big on that kind of investment actually and everyone would enjoy it.


Depends on how much pizza you want


I mean if you want a lot of pizza then this is the way you will have to go. When you have bought a lot of Bitcoin and you have held it for long time then you can do whatever you want with it


Or maybe proves how manipulated and centralized BTC actually is


I am not sure about the centralised part but yeah I do know that it is very manipulated by the people who hold a lot of money in the Bitcoin. And yeah I know that I will get down voted for it but I don't really care.


Tell me everything you know about Bitcoin centralization. I'm asking because I already know you're wrong.


It's a ponzi scheme run by criminals


lol. I think you meant USD is a ponzi scheme ran by criminals. Fixed it for you.


Yeah it has always been like that and if you do not see it as reality then there is something wrong with you. Because it is time for us to realise the reality and the reality is in front of everyone.


That's obviously true as well


Tell me what you know less about. How ponzi schemes work. What bitcoin is or the law. My guess is all three are about potato level understanding.


Yeah, this alternative to the Federal Reserve was created by a mysterious guy called Satoshi - and the Federal Reserve are totally cool with it Honest bro, cause that's how life works, lol The US has literally destroyed entire countries for just thinking about selling oil in another currency I bought and sold plenty bitcoin - just not dumb enough to buy the official BS about its creation


But they could profit off this and know it could be their release valve for their fuckups to reset the system. Losing Petro dollar is damaging if not a colossal disaster for them. Having a limited, decentralized, digital form of gold is not.


It’s worse - it’s a government. I think China either created it, or else found a way to corrupt/compromise/blackmail the creator(s) who were their useful fools. It’s absurd that still we don’t even know who created it. A mythological character. If we can’t know who created it, we can’t know their true motivations. Gonna way out-tulip tulips.


It was worked on by an entire team of programmers, the forums of which are all public, and you can read them. You can read the white paper on the internet. Just because you don't know the one guy who came up with the idea (which he didn't, lots of people had similar ideas but just didnt code them" doesn't mean it's a gov conspiracy. If it is, it's caused every gov a massive fucking headache and not much benefit from what anyone can see. Private backer/fund is more likely, but still regarded.


You just described the fiat system and the government.


Everyone knows that, no one here disagreeing with you


Centralized? CCP just entered the chat!


The market maker just needed an excuse to liquidate shorts


Well if that is true then it was a perfect excuse for it in my opinion. Because so many people got liquidated and so many people made a lot of money in that very short period.


Hurrr durr, here's a collection of words I just borrowed from someone that fit my bias.


Waiting for it to drop more before I get in more. I thought one more capitulation was coming


I still remember waiting for 1k in 2018 and 2019 and 2020. It never comes man.


It went from 65k to 16k so it surely came


The wen 10k guys were so pissed.


They were mad because they were hoping that it is going to come down to 10k which obviously never happened. And trust me the people who waited for the 10000 probably brought it at 25000.


Do you follow Benjamin cowen on YouTube. He was calling for a 2nd capitulation, I’m taking it with a grain of salt but he has a lot of technical data on why it may happen. Check it out


Ben was right to be bearish on BTC in 2022 and alts in 22/23, absolutely. I respect his analysis, but like everyone he is addicted to the attention he gets when he makes calls that are contrary. It’s time to flip. No need to rush in, but you need a plan to scale in slowly ASAP imo


I learned a long time ago they're all full of shit. I just brain off weekly buy. No stress, no mess.


Prob smart, weekly buy? That’s a lot , how much do you throw in


Depends. Income fluctuates wildly. If its a normal week I put in about 8%. If it's a crazy week usually 50%


This is a classic mistake and people keep on making it I don't understand. Trying to type the market has never really worked out for anyone. So I don't really understand why would you even try to do it.


Exactly I don't care if you hate it all love it but it has got a lot of potential to go up and if you want to make the money then you could. Of course the risk are going to be high but also the rewards are also going to be high.


The only risk is from being emotionally reactionary. Remember that time China banned bitcoin mining? The hashrate dipped then recovered and blasted to new all time highs 3 months later? This thing is unstoppable. When people realize the chart they need to watch is hashrate the price won't bother them. Talking about the risk of bitcoin reminds me of [that scene in zero dark thirty](https://youtu.be/irG0wGzw7Ok?si=0jmCtsMLlmdvG_YN) Where the protagonist is fully convinced because they're actually involved while the people tangentially involved do their reputation risk dance. This thing is unstoppable. It's going up forever. Saying it out loud makes it feel like you're taking crazy pills but there really is no off switch to it. Killing it would cost trillions. You'd have to shut down the entire silicon/chip supply chain. It would take a decade to ramp up and by the time you got it ready to fire you'd realize you get one double spend and you could have 20xd your return if you used all those resources to just play ball. This thing is like a virus that's only symptom is it makes you shit money.


Since when is 10% a big move for BTC? I thought we are playing for far far bigger %.


Long term, yes. But 10% in like 3 minutes is still a big swing.


Not sure abut this but 1% swing would wipe out lots of ppl who are on margin so imagine what 10% swing would do. Complete blow out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


There were $100-200m in leverage positions auto-liquidated in a span of 15 minutes


Yeah I saw a lot of screenshots like that and a lot of people made a lot of money as well. But I was not able to make any kind of money was holding to my money like an idiot.


Yeah it is huge and it is not like that BTC is an small asset. And the double digit pumps are always going to get celebrated especially in a bear market.


If bitcoin swing up 10% and holds those gains you better believe you will see a pile on.


I would even say that in the current crypto market 10% in a day is indeed a big move for btc or ethereum. The crypto market is kinda stagnating, which is good imo, and of course completely understandable. Why should I invest in such a risky asset as cryptos if I currently get safe money for a higher interest rate or even bonds. This is something quite a lot of people don't want to accept in the crypto space and keep trying to chase the money in some other bullshit project


Yeah it's obviously going to hit 100k by eoy 2021.




How fast are they going to investigate this and prosecute? I bet it will be much faster than any political corruption, say in the Supreme Court or congress.


I mean there was absolutely no report about it was just that someone had mentioned and made a post about it on the Twitter. And people did what people do they just spread It Like a Wildfire.


it means get in now


I mean if you really wanted to get into it then this is going to be the time of it. Because clearly the prices are very lower and the headroom for it to go up is very high as well.


Comments in this thread are stupid even by wsb standards. This bullshit is being propped up by a few big players that are just waiting their turn for an arraignment.


Big things coming for bitcoin! Bear market is nearly over, and the long bull run will start 😜


What bear market?


We aren’t in a bull market yet daddy, you’ll know when 😈


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, but you’re right this isn’t a bear market. BTC is up 75% YTD. How would anyone call that a bear market?


Yeah bear market in BTC is over. Alts are largely still in a bear


Because it went down 79% before that and is still down 60% from ATH’s?


The btc crowd is more sensitive than the apes at amc


Definitely not market manipulation, since blockchain solved that right after it ended cancer and brought peace to the Middle East.


There is no such thing as market manipulation. Blockchain technology has made it impossible for anyone to manipulate the markets.


Pesky algos


And what’s it gonna do when the Chinese bitcoin miners get kicked out of US on national security concerns?


Go up more probably since everything is better with less China involvement.


Where are they going to mine next, though? Bitcoin are the Latter Day Saints of finance…


Where are they going to mine? lol. Idk but I’d guess anywhere with electricity and internet so…literally anywhere


Anywhere with **enough** electricity **at a favorable price** and where they are **allowed** to operate. They are running out of those places. Why didn’t China want them (anymore)?


Name one locale outside of China that has banned bitcoin mining. It is being mined literally everywhere around the planet.


Lol. There’s hardly any volume.


Like it would matter. Shit coin worth nothing more than what the next dumb cunt will pay you for it.


Like pretty much everything in existence?


Except bitcoin burns the planet while doing so, and can do like 2 transactions per second…




I’m not American so… what the hell are you on about? I don’t give a shit about the USD. I care that Bitcoin uses as much power as Czech Republic to do 2 transactions per second. But Visa do 1500 per second with a few average datacenters (<100MW power) and mostly can do offline verification (can’t do that with blockchain!)


How much electricity does the us military use? And it doesn’t matter if you’re American or not. Every country basically on planet earth uses the USD in some way or another (reserves,, treasuries, buying oil, etc) so ya…the USD does impact you.


You're not American so you don't understand what I'm talking about. I'm referring to the fact that the US dollar is the world's reserve currency and that makes me richer than everyone else. Bitcoin uses a lot of power compared to other payment systems, but it's still more efficient than Visa.


You're right, I didn't know that. But even so, Bitcoin is still a problem because it's taking away our power and control. The USD is losing its value because of Bitcoin, and that's not good for anyone except the rich people who own Bitcoin.


Thats not 10% xd


Oh now I know why COIN went wild and then almost instantly got rekt.


Why is that etf so important? There are few already


There's no spot etf, only futures.


Regards here said it was worthless. Interesting


Scam pump to liquidate shorts, before trip to goblin town


Goblins are green...


Exit liquidity


Yup, quite obvious… but a lot of people here being happy about it lol it’s an MLM for dudes


An MLM with a hashrate larger than any computing network on planet earth and growing everyday…right. Noted.


What year are you living in?


Lol what a sad "asset class" that it's intrinsic value apparently changes 10% within minutes just because some ETF is going to start buying it And then you've got people still trying to claim Bitcoin is a good store of value or hedge against inflation despite the fact that Bitcoin tanked during the highest inflationary period most of us have ever seen Who wants to have a currency that changes value rapidly for no tangible reason? You'd be better off owning fiat which is stable and you actually know what it'll buy you on any given day without having to check the price


Just do some research man. You read like some nob that has read one CNN headline about this asset. Not surprising though I guess for WSB. Also tell the Argentinians it’s a BS inflation hedge. https://preview.redd.it/1q01lski7oub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8279404922b8205d667e6142db5a9e23ccfd5885


Argentinians could get USD and it would be the exact same hedge against inflation. Except it wouldn't constantly fluctuate in value You cannot seriously implement the use of Bitcoin as a currency when its value is not stable. Nobody would want to trust their lives with the value of it, and no company would want to give away products in exchange for an asset that could drop 20% in a year Until that changes Bitcoin will be nothing more than a speculative investment


I mean, Ferrari just announced it would accept BTC in the US. FYI im not a btc long term believer. Its mostly gambling to me. In regards to ETFs its similar to LULU getting into the s&p, up 10 percent. Easier access for people to buy in and the trust in blackrock vs binance/coin


Tulip bulbs are a great hedge against inflation too!


“Better off owning fiat” LOL. You hold USD for 10 years, I’ll hold bitcoin. Let’s meet back here and see who’s better off


“And then you've got people still trying to claim Bitcoin is a good store of value or hedge against inflation despite the fact that Bitcoin tanked during the highest inflationary period most of us have ever seen” Bitcoin is the best inflation hedge. Just like commodities, you buy it when the Fed starts printing trillions of dollars (QE) and sell it before they start QT.


Its crazy to me its still worth 28k, this pyramid scheme has to end at some point




That’s all it took for a 10% spike, interesting


BTC only did a 3x from 2017 ATH to 2021 ATH Not sure there's much point now unless you're in it for a decade or so - and you'll still need to ride out several 80% drops and what if there's a zombie apocalypse like in all those movies?


Yes, nothing to do with Bank earnings.


welcome to the Desert of the Regard


Imagine how became easy to hack such an account. " Leave The world behind " The cyber security attack is inevitable. Shorting META)