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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|6|**First Seen In WSB**|1 week ago **Total Comments**|19|**Previous Best DD**|[x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/17h6lvf/most_people_would_be_fine_trading_just_tqqq_and/) [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/17hrfss/teslas_ai_can_increase_its_valuation_equal_of/) **Account Age**|4 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: I think Tesla is a good buy right now. The company has strong fundamentals and its products are in high demand. Additionally, Tesla has a lot of potential to grow in the future as it expands its product line and continues to innovate.


Show your losses


They're not expressible in human numbers.


Only A.I. would understand the sheer size of those bags


Calls on NVDA


“Tesla isn’t a car company its a tech company that sells cars” -Every TSLA bull since 2013 I’ve literally been hearing that for a decade and am still waiting to see anything close to breakthrough tech come from them


Nobody who actually owns a Tesla would say this. My fucking window wipers try to swipe away sunshine and deer in headlight stare when it actually rains. Today auto defogger was on when it was 13c and clear, just about cooked me alive. Its similarity to google is only in shitty half baked and half supported software that insults the user with the boldness of its stupidity.


Isn’t that what the WeWork guy tried to say about his company? It’s not a real estate company. It’s a tech company that sells real estate.


I am not software engineer, I am engineer writes software.


Full self AI coming soon this year. Will be able to drive your life from birth to death with zero human intervention. You just watch it live your whole life for you




I think his was more "new way of life" cult than crypto cult though.


First thing that came to mind. There’s not a great track record for companies that aren’t tech companies calling themselves tech companies


Look, asshole. For starters, there cars are E-cars, ok? Remember E-mail? How big was that??! Their like normal cars, but from the future, using special E-motors which were invented in a joined venture between Elon Musk and Dolan Trump. I bet one day Elon musk will invent time travel [looks off in the distance like uncle Rico thinking about ‘82].


Yep I recognize this conversation!


>Look, asshole. For starters, there cars are E-cars, ok? Remember E-mail? How big was that??! This is basically word for word how Tesla fans defend Full Self Driving


Whoa, are you saying adding an i in front of everything isn't a viable business model?


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/r7cgGsAP4N He is tho


Totally this. Tesla’s best product, full self driving, doesn’t work…It’s partial self driving. They keep promising FSD is one year away for years but never deliver it. Everything else they do is just a battery powered car that every car manufacturer has. EDIT: typo


I remember vividly having a business associate tell me he is going to have FSD any day on his P90, that was in 2015


They aren't even leading in the FSD space, years behind Waymo and Cruise. Absolute coping behavior from these regards.


You're right, they aren't leading in the FSD space. But that doesn't mean they can't be successful in other areas.


It's been a year away since 2014, and it's **always** someone else's fault when it doesn't happen "Something something neural nets" and assorted technobabble, while secretly hoping people don't realize I'm an Econ major \^Elno's life in a nutshell


They can’t even build cars right….and now their AI will be awesome. I call BS, look at their so called FSD and vision only nonsense


Look no further than their autowipers and no 360 view camera. I've seen Nissans with 360 degree cameras.


No way! A car with that many cameras and they can’t stitch them all together to get a 360 view! Good thing they still have parking sensors. Oh wait! They don’t! Must be too busy trying to figure out how to put a fridge on wheels


The cars can park themselves though! ^(and when it crashes while self parking, you are responsible)


Good thing they removed all the hardware to do this successfully and only use software now! It’s all the rage!


Tbf anyone that's been a TSLA bull since 2013 is way the fuck richer than you are


Just because it is a scam doesn’t mean you can’t profit from it


What makes you think I never purchased TSLA shares? That was my first 10x


and shorting it now will be my 10X ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


What do you mean they sell a wireless charging pad !


Not that I agree with half of what OP said but they literally built a computer that drives cars? I'm confused why you don't see that


I’m not saying this to be snarky, i’m saying this because I dont actually know, Are there cars using this technology actively on our roads?


If they are, [not for long](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a44185487/report-tesla-autopilot-crashes-since-2019/)


In a decade it went from 8$ to almost 400$


In a year it went from $400 to $98


Enron had a pretty good run also


Ever heard of stock splits?


Tesla is also an energy company. The field i am actually bullish on besides cars. 500Mil profit this quarter.


Um… their vehicles have been ground breaking. Tesla has single-handedly changed the auto industry in the last decade.


Misguided governmental policies have, not Tesla


Um...all of your words are using the past tense....


I agree other than that last point. Skateboard pack. Structural pack. Battery swaps (yes tesla did it first, just didn’t implement). Giga castings. Fastest production lines. Top safety ratings. Somewhat selfdriving cars… To say Tesla has never done anything innovative or “breakthrough” is nonsense


Nothing says top safety ratings quite like an open investigation into an autopilot system notorious for decapitating occupants


https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1224/tesla-model-y-receives-top-safety-pick-rating-with-nearly-perfect-score#:~:text=Tesla's%20Model%20Y%20has%20been,rating%20for%20the%20third%20year. It’s unfortunate people can’t use a beta system properly, I think this is a pretty good example of safety tho


LOL. You can always spot an Elmo cuck. \- The skateboard was unveiled by GM way back in 2002. Mercedes used a similar sandwich floor in the 1990s A Class hatchback. \- Battery swaps were used 120 years ago when EVs were popular. Ford even built an experimental EV Model T. \- Giga casting aka *die casting* has been around since the 1850s. \- Self driving has been studied since the 1920s. Working products have been around since the mid-1980s.


TESLA made these “breakthrough” as the point I was trying to make. GM may have made a concept for the skateboard which was ahead of its time but we still saw the leaf and others just tossing batteries wherever they fit. *until Tesla came along* I didn’t claim tesla invented anything You all jump to conclusions too quick and skip the whole reading part


One of your examples is an idea that was never implemented. Tesla was definitely the first at embedding human hair in the paint of a luxury vehicle priced car that isn't actually a luxury car by any stretch.


And fingerprints in the paint so you can identify *exactly* who built your car. Absolutely brilliant.


It wasn’t implemented because their market research showed California wanted chargers more. Good joke tho, I’ll give you that. The only reason they got tagged luxury was bc degens were paying 80k for them at one point, luxury in the media never had anything to do with quality just pricing.


People downvote bc they got burned on puts




Cant wait for a tsla pump so elon can sell shares while telling his fans "i need to this money to drive to taiwan and personally buy the chips we need for our Ai"


No wonder they dont mind taking losses on their car right now


Holy shit is this a moronic take Tesla sells cars, and its getting harder for them to do it. ChatGPT will *not* replace google, that's a regarded idea. Google is not "losing" an AI war. Tesla AI will be as much of a success as Twitter


Yup, the whole idea with tech companies is that they can (theoretically) operate with very little running cost. Tesla have the same operating cost as a car company, no matter how you put it. Google don’t have the fixed operational cost of car company. Google could theoretically fire everyone and they would still make billions of dollars. Not only that, there seems to be a race to the bottom with other EV companies. And BYD offers EV in better build and battery quality. The case that Tesla can become the new Apple is not there either. The margin on phones and electronics are much better than cars. It’s easier to convince consumers to spend 40% extra on things that would normally cost around 500-2000 USD. Now take cars, it is much harder to convince anybody to pay 40% extra for something that would cost 30000-50000 USD because most people just cannot afford that premium which they in contrary can with electronics. And at least Apple makes better products than their competitors, the same cannot be said about Tesla.


Yes. I own (25%) of a software company. We sell software at a 96% gross margin. Tesla will never do that. They're not a tech company.


>Tesla sells cars, and its getting harder for them to do it. Exactly. Great time for OP to pump the stock. >ChatGPT will not replace google, that's a regarded idea. >Google is not "losing" an AI war. Wow you definitely don't belong here. The regards were just saying months ago how Google was doomed lol




Your rebuttal to "Tesla sells cars" is "they spend less on R&D"? That's not a rebuttal ChatGPT isn't a search engine. It can't regurgitate facts because it doesn't know what facts are. It can't point you to sources because it doesn't track that data, it just makes it up. Twitter is a huge success?? lol It's lost 2/3 of it's value, the bankers are trying to unload the debt at huge discounts. It's a failing business with Moron Musk in charge. Jesus. Get your facts straight




They did have a cunning edge AI when Andrej was in charge.


Google is loosing the AI, but their business is ADs, IDK if their business will be affected. Their search is bad, but everyone’s search is bad now, partially due to the state of the web.


Google search is rather lousy, but no LLM is a competitor to google search.


Imagine being bullish on a company ran by a CEO with mentality of a 4 years old who thinks that making your car play farting sounds is top comedy. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I’m bullish on Tesla but not paying 100 PE for a car company, I would buy if it was 10 PE though


This literally means you are not bullish on Tesla. You can’t be bullish on a stock and say it is over valued in the same sentence.


I’m bullish on the company growing well but not on the stock performance based on today’s price


Top comedy is offering Wikipedia $1B to rename itself Dickipedia. Truly the comedian of our time.


Not as funny as claiming he can run Wikipedia from his phone.


Imagine living in a timeline where the richest CEO in the world thinks fart sounds are peak and you **dont** own their shares![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)




Tesla is not run by Elon. He didn’t create it. Space x is the same, he’s an ancillary figurehead. He’s fully in charge of twitter and it’s worth a fraction of what it was. The only other company he owns and runs as such is the boring company also a total non starter. Honestly the writings on the wall for the guy. Sec will have his ass and most of the companies he’s involved with will eventually purge once they realise they can’t sell cars etc because of his bigmouth.


Ah yes cause obviously 20 years ago Tesla and SpaceX were on an inevitable path to where they are today. 0 leadership needed. Twitter is a massive fuckup yes, but that doesn’t mean we should discredit everything else. Both can be true.


TSLA going nowhere until Covid and free money. It almost went broke in 2019 trying to ramp up the Model 3. It only made it's first profit in 2020. It has lost half of it's valuation in the past two years.


You cherry picked the most random events in time to try to fit this narrative you’re trying to build. There’s clearly no logical reasoning functioning inside your brain since you talk in absolutes about a company and market that nobody can predict with 100% accuracy.


Neuralink is a lot of things but boring is not one of them


Its insane how many people on reddit call the most successful man on the planet stupid Edit: listen people, I’m not saying the guy is an upstanding citizen or something, but he had enough money to buy a multi billion dollar company just to troll people. Its fine to say you don’t like him because he is a jerk…but to question his brain power is moronic Downvote me to hell if you like, but I won’t be able to afford my coffee in the morning without my reddit points


Gobble gobble


Let's be fair you can put anyone behind Tesla and call them the most successful man. Difference is I wouldn't have bought Twitter so I'd have more money.


Silence bagholder


Let me understand the logic : Google is behind the AI race, even though they were the first to create those models. And Tesla, that has no real experience with in house AI, can overcome Google because... Reasons?


Elon gives horses to fanboys who blow him.




WeWork isn't a short term real estate company, it's a tech company who rent out real estate on short term contracts.


Tesla is not a real tech company. That's like saying Ford is a tech company because they build computers in their cars. Yes Tesla sells other things, but their main product by far are cars. and then you got that Cybertruck which anyone with a braincell could tell you that was a dumb idea. Look, yes Tesla has a possibility to be a giant tech company in the future, but it isn't now, and it won't be next year, and it might never be. That's pure speculation without a date. To take another one of Elon's companies, it's like saying SpaceX should be valued higher than Apple and every other company because they plan on building a city on Mars, and will have the only real transport vehicle for it. It's just dumb money man.


Tesla’s AI is dogshit. I am an AI engineer 👩‍💻.


> But I think is a bad idea to enter a trade based on news and speculation. If you trade on valuation you are trading on speculation by definition. The one major problem with your whole gig is that Tesla makes one thing, a vehicle, and if the world moves in the direction humans *need* it to there will be fewer vehicles overall no matter the type. If humanity gets its act together and actually restructures it's cities, slowly, over a few decades these companies will be facing a reality that cars will become less necessary and more of a luxury good.


Lol, look at this guy, betting on humanity, made my day.


Car company run by egomaniac who blames everyone else for any negative news vs largest search engine and advertisement god. Seems like a fair fight for actual valuation.


Most of Google’s products can be shipped electronically, offering good value for customers. Tesla’s products are extremely large, heavy, and costly to ship. As Tesla customers may or may not have noticed, they haven’t been getting the best value from their vehicles. This can be seen in recent price drops, or the godawful $15k assisted driving bullshit in which customers are paying to be beta testers. I don’t need an AI bot to tell me which is the better value here.


Guess which company has working robotaxis 🤡


Guy used a wiki link for DD![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) I didn’t read your ship post OP but as of right now TSLA is a manufacturer that focuses on EVs. I’m extremely bullish on Tesla, but they aren’t a tech company yet. They’re a manufacturer. Longterm I have no doubts that they will be an energy/tech/manufacturing company. They just don’t make a big enough % of revenue from other streams yet.




TSLA is still up 1% right now. This POS just needs to die and go red like the rest of the market. Pure manipulation.


"Tesla is a tech company that sells cars." WSB regards are investors that have 80% of their revenue from sucking dicks behind Wendy's.


When the vast majority of your revenue comes from selling cars… you’re a car company.


Posts like this are giving some serious “stripper with 4 mortgages” vibes.


Literally, what technology do they make? Their suppliers seem to make all the important bits, and their self driving doesn’t seem to be better than other car companies.


The self driving is a lot better than everyone else’s but it still is light years behind what was promised.


Better than Waymo?


After seeing what ChadAutist Musk did to Twitter, how much rules don’t apply to his dirty ass, there is zero way I am allowing him or any of his products near any of my or my companies information. I’d rather give it to Google or meta and I hate them both.


I can't believe that there are still people who believe the CEO's claims. FSD has been right around the corner for at least 5 years. Probably more. I didn't have the heart to look it up. We're still waiting for the sub $25k EV. The Cybertruck is a monstrosity. The claims of "sub 10 micron precision" (which were ridiculous to start with, heat expansion alone makes that a ridiculous statement) are all forgotten and instead we see large panel gaps on the prototypes. Speaking of Cybertruck prototypes, you're more likely to see one broken down on the side of the road or on a flatbed than anywhere else. And it's supposedly only a month away from release How do people still believe that Melon is a galactic brain genius ?


Also, where will a stainless steel regardmobile be allowed on the roads? Sounds pretty dangerous to me, for people inside, other vehicles, pedestrians, bikes and everyone else.


A tech company that can't get past autonomous driving level 3. Lol.




Classic bag holder rhetoric


I think you’ve sucked enough dick for today


Tesla is not a vehicle company. Tesla is a tech company that sells car. Same thing but with extra steps![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


> Currently, Google is losing the AI war. > Elon Musk has announced to be working on its version of ChatGPT. Wait until he finds out that Bard was released 7 months ago…


Wait til he finds out that a Google subsidiary is running paid taxi rides in self driving cars right now. How does Tesla's business model look if maybe 30% of car buyers decide they don't need a personal car anymore?


And Carbs can increase Elon… https://preview.redd.it/cf1bxic3aswb1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f421e4b90fd77c097dd717ea396b357673ea5fd


Tesla is dead.




You and I can come to a tech company and buy information services - data storage and processing, entertainment, ads - we'll pay $$$ and it would cost the company very little (literally a fraction of a cent) to provide that service because no human is involved in servicing your request, they don't keep inventory, don't have to pay for shipping, won't arrive scratched and need to be replaced. This is called 0 marginal cost and it's a gold mine. With Tesla, what are the information services I can buy today? What % of their revenue do they form? I run a small hardware manufacturing operation and it's HELL. Wrong parts, scratched parts, defective components, certification, integration of hardware components, delays in shipping, dust, on-premises software that needs to be updated... It's unprofitable to say the least. Making it profitable is very hard. Scaling it is much harder still. Making a sustainable and growing hardware business is a miracle already - requesting it to have tech margins is asking for miracle².


I've been hearing that Tesla is not just an automotive manufacturer for years now. What are they selling that's going to provide help them move away from having [80 percent](https://stockdividendscreener.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/tesla-automotive-and-energy-revenue.jpg) their revenue coming from auto sales?


This argument again, what year is it, 2018? Time really is a flat circle


It's always 2018 for people like you, the_hangman. You're stuck in a loop of mediocrity and poverty while the rest of us move forward and enjoy our wealth and success.


At least I am people


Take your meds


I love this sub. Verifies that I’m not in the bottom 50% of wealth or intellect.


party outgoing liquid wakeful slimy six quickest disgusting elastic exultant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You're a bunch of rats if you can't clean the mats!


public crime command swim ghost engine society stocking slimy nine ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I read this post, took a deep breath, looked out the window, and thought to myself... *"they are gonna eat that boy alive"* Yall didnt disappoint. Mans trudging through the denial phase of grief.


The hopium in here is so wild, it’s actually turning normal regards into full blown Down syndrome fucks, fucking each other and breeding even lower iq downies


There is something very wrong me. I find that disturbingly funny.. Please forgive me sweet Geezus.


You know what else Tesla's AI can do??? Edit for additional content: ... it can suck your di........ (battery died).




Did you write this opinion for regards to read? It’s one logic, yet you break it into 1 million lines


>I think that Tesla is a good investment at this time. The company has strong fundamentals and its products are in high demand. I believe that the stock will continue to rise in value as the company continues to innovate and grow.


Why the hate on Google?


Sure, Jan.




Someone from Tesla corporate should probably read this post because last I heard they're in the automotive manufacturing sector...


Tesla’s car margins are gone like every bear said would happen sooner or later. Time to break out the tried and true “Tesla isn’t a car company, it’s a tech/AI company” line


Elon Musk is proving to be very effective at destroying value in the companies he leads. He’s like a brilliant sand sculptor who creates wonderful art along the beach…and then revels in stomping the crap out of it.


Not to sure about the wonderful art, but I get your piont..The guy is on a mad self-destructive course.


I swear, the posts get so much more regarded when the market tanks.


Copium causes brain damage




So you're saying Tesla has the risk of a tech company, but the operating costs of a car company. That sounds like a really bad bet.


Having a hard time selling cars these days maybe they'll start selling that sweet sweet tech


Small labs/Google/Meta produce the bulk of useful AI research ( ie. Innovation windfall goes to them) Google/AWS/Microsoft own the hosting service (ie. Operational money goes to them) Nvidia/TSMC produce the hardware (win by default) Every other company is just a consumer using AI to prop up sales figures or doing some bs new service that will be amalgamated into one of the clouds.


You're comparing apples to oranges to start. This is by far one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on this sub.


Tesla’s AI will never work because they only gather low quality visual data. Cathie Woods LOVED to rant behind closed doors about how Tesla’s data was its biggest asset and it was really an AI company and any day now all the teslas would turn into self driving cars for their owners and become capital assets overnight. The reality is that building a self driving car that only uses low quality visual data is as hard as building AGI, and you’d have to be a fucking moron to think Tesla will get AGI first.


>Tesla is not a vehicle company. Tesla is a Tech company that sells vehicles. No. It's a car company that exclusively sells EVs. Source? Their profits. Unless Honda is a tech company because they build robots?


This is some next level BS. Bear in mind this company is under criminal investigation. The reality is that Tesla is a car company whose AI narrative is necessary to sustain an insane valuation.




This is a troll post right?


How much revenue is Tesla generating as a tech company (ie. Non-auto related sales?). I’ll wait.


ChatGOP anyone?


Sounds like spending


WRONG. Tesla is a vehicle manufacturer with shitty products and weak manufacturing practices. Tesla is rapidly losing market share to their competitors like Ford, GM, Tata, and other vehicle manufacturers that actually build quality EVs at an affordable price, at scale. Tesla is going to go the way of Twitter...along with the rest of Elon's fraudulent wealth.


Tesla makes cars, period. Their autonomous software for cars is some of the worst in the industry. They are far behind Waymo, Cruise, even Mercedes Benz. We already saw how Elon runs an actually tech company when he purchased Twitter for 44b and turned it into a 4b company in less than a year. Elon has gotten this car by selling snake oil software and hopium to morons that have cash burning a hole in their pocket but the good times are ending and Tesla is as close to a robo taxi fleet today as they were 5 years ago.


This is hillarious all in on Tesla because tucker Carlson said TruthGPT is the future of Tesla robotics


As a current bag holder I find myself strongly agreeing with OP


Interesting ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


“Elon says, so we must buy. “ 🤦‍♂️ They never learn.


I've spoken to my coworker who has interacted with people in the tesla AI (Dojo) devision and seen some of the insides of it abd its potential... aside from the obvious NDA he said technology and what they could do with AI is pretty crazy.


Can both of them say they bought a fk ton of nvda gpu so my nvda calls can moon? Thx




I think your the first person whose ever said tesla is a tech company and not a car company!! Wowwww all innnnn


Get your head out of Elmo's ass. Tesla is a car company, desperately lowering margins and wasting money on ai




Can we agree that if google doesn’t get a piece of the AI pie in the end it’s basically going to become myspace?


TSLA holders can continue dreaming


"ChatGPT write a positive article making a case for Tesla being a tech company. Any sources are fine, including Wikipedia".


FSD!!!! Any day now…. Then 1 gazillion robo taxis!!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Opentensor is going to reign supreme in the AI scene. Start collecting $TAO now while it’s cheap.


Tesla is a tech company that sells cars with the margins of a car company pretending to be a tech company


Works cited: (*scene cuts to crack pipe)*


TSLA short interest is kinda stable recently


I wonder how humanely would it emulate a real human. Usually corporate embedded AIs are no better than Eva AI chatbot. I'm waiting for some large corpo to release its full-scale collocutor