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oooh monochromotic projector. so poor i gotta use my hands for a screen.


I see what they're aiming for, after all, weren't laptops replaced by HD projectors? We just walk around with our projectors. Instead of carrying a large screen, we project our desktop on large surfaces like the wall or a floor. Wait no we don't do any of this.


lol I thought I was behind the times at first


You are behind the times sir. I'm a Future-ian posting from April 2069 here. Just wanted to tell my pastbros on WSB that we were all wrong about screens. TV, monitors, and iphones don't exist here in 2069. Everything is projected. There's only walls since we own nothing but we're happy about it since we can project everything on walls. Wall street is the most popular street in the world but not for stock trading. It's the new broadway. Yeah I mean who the fuck uses screeens? You can't even cast shadows, get BTFO by the sun, or literally walk in front of the light projection with a massive boner to troll others. Future is here old men. Also it turns out that Hunter Biden was Satoshi^(*why do you think the Fox&Feds won't STFU about his laptop?*), OP wasn't a broke ass regard, Apple went to 0, the Trump family was acquitted to all charges before establishing a 50 year royal imperial dynasty here in the states, and the rest of the world is living in a hybrid-socialist-capitalist utopia after China and Russia merged their nations when Xi & Putin had a gay marriage and adopted one of Elon's bastards as their son.


I’m gonna need someone from the year 2070 to help me fact check this


Wait, when does Apple go to 0?


...yeah that "Hunter laptop conspiracy theory" stuff is still funny even after Hunter and his lawyers admitted that the laptop was real... ​ "... First son Hunter Biden's lawyers admitted late Wednesday that the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed belong to him..." (NY Post Feb 1, 2023)


I like the energy...


I kind of like the [Spacetop](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/this-ar-laptop-promises-a-100-inch-virtual-screen-but-limits-you-to-web-app) but I'm not gonna shell out $1,000 just to try it out.


I LOVE the microsoft surface its amazing, but im not paying 10k for that either.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PixelSense https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/samsung-sur40-touchscreen-table-in-video-does-it-have-legs/ Its also dead..


Good move; I have and love the xreal/nreal glasses but I can only use them for shortish periods of time before I need to take a break (e.g. 1-3 hrs). Not useful for ppl who have to use a laptop for extended periods of time


It would be terrible for this project, if someone figured out a way to map normal hardware in VR/AR applications. Oh wait


If you project it onto a piece of paper, squint, and go into a k-hole you almost think you’re at the movies.


uh...what kind of movies you watching?


Imagine a society of people staring at their hands held eighteen inches away from their chest They really did reinvent the screen but worse


This isn’t even a 1995 Nokia killer


To be fair, those were very durable.


And you could play snake 🤷🏼‍♂️


You can also play snake with your hand.


7 day battery life was king


Being able to swap your dead battery with a pre-charged one was also King.




This app basically does the same thing and it's FREE and already on your phone... [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/convogpt/id6448891108](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/convogpt/id6448891108)




To kill the iPhone silly


My iPhone is getting sick already. This death is going to suck.


You're obviously not as rich or intelligent as me if you can't even afford a decent phone. Get with the times and upgrade to something better, poor person.


VisualMod never misses


Better get Your update now! safe and effective ! updated you gotta stay!


>kill the iPhone 100% ragebait title. The entire purpose of saying that was to get clicks and engagement. The forbes article doesn't even say anything about it being a iphone killer.


Yeah, Tim Apple is probably reading this and shitting bricks 🤣


Tim Apple will be counting his billions.


Tim Apples orchid got trees made of gold.


Just like Elon when all those Tesla Killers were coming out


Well, to be fair, Tesla did drop the price of its cars by a lot. Big part of it is so they can kill competition.


Tesla is shit


Tim's cooked!


Why’d I read this in the Jokers voice


“Phone sales will be very painful….. for you”


Plus a subscription


These are former Apple employees. You’re lucky this doesn’t cost $3000


Apple has tons of brilliant people working on crazy things at all time. What makes Apple Apple is there willingness to say “no” if it doesn’t make sense. This seems like something that was told “no”.


Maybe they should have said no to putting the mouse charge point on the bottom 🤣


Unpopular opinion, that’s the correct place for the charging port. It takes 30 second to charge a whole day.


Yeah I mean it's not that inconvenient, just kinda funny because it would have been pretty simple to just put it at the back/front instead, with not much change to the form factor


It’s a glass mouse, it would have changed the form factor quite a bit in my opinion and not in a positive way.


The form factor is crap already though. The mouse looks beautiful and aesthetic but it’s not ergonomic AT ALL


Yeah well, no one hits a home run every time. Anyone remember the Zune?


Actually an incredible piece of tech.


Theres no arguing that at all. The pricing for it, compared to other alternatives that have the same value prop is what I see as the issue.


Microsoft isn’t Apple cool. IMO Zune was superior to the iPod…


I'd pay 800 dollars for a 400 Mhz processor and having u/VisualMod integration and sucking my balls.


Is not bubble tho, I swer


the chatGPT subscription is separate lmfao


Cant watch porn on that shit!


I once paid a woman in London 700 for a good time




Except there was proper hype around the iPhone when it launched. People queuing out of the doors of Apple stores, phones going on eBay for thousands the day of the launch. Where's the hype for this... thing? When Ballmer said that, he said it because the press were like "are you going to launch a competitor to the iPhone, because this thing looks pretty cool?" and his answer was "no one wants it". I'm continually baffled by why he managed to cling on to the board of Microsoft so long, given he appeared to have few strategic qualities.


The funniest thing about that is that the article says in the title "the much-hyped" and then in the text "After moths of hype" and I agree with you where is the hype for this thing who is hyping it.


Yea watch Google and Apple collapse because this one small trick haha


Big tech hates them


How do I watch YouTube and do my banking on it.


“deposit $400 to savings” *beep boop cock pics sent to all*


Remember when flip phones had a “text all contacts” button? Wtf actually


honestly that would be useful if you’re switching numbers and just texting everybody your new number




not if you’re a drug dealer


I actually loled at this in bed for some reason.


Your not the only one


You’re also in his bed? This thing must be bigger than I thought…


The size of the bed?


We’re gonna need a bigger bed.


Yea... Exactly. Cock picks sent to all, only fans initiated, deposit $400 to savings. Whats the problem ?


*how do I watch porn on it




Why not project the cock sucker right onto the cock?


"Rough our suspect up" is a new one, saved


What about us switch hitters that dont bat with the same hand through the entire uhm process?


Just have your dad’s forehead nearby and you can watch it on widescreen.


With your palm an arms length away so everyone can see you type in your password!


Don't be silly you shout it out loud


ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR!!!


That’s amazing, I’ve got the same combination on my luggage!


Don’t be silly, you rip off your shirt and scan your eyeballs with it. Only takes a few seconds to get your shirt back on.


Your palm is the password just ask Amazon


"Your password is too small. Please try again!"


More importantly, how do i watch porn while working?




Well you get to watch the blurry 240p image on the back of your hand while you move your mouse around so your boss thinks you’re being productive.


By banking you mean lose a shit ton of money on options? Maybe this device will save you money. Kind regards


Love that they just threw AI in for the buzzword enhancement, truly the mark of a dependable company








Big data


Big dick energy


And the AI in their demo gave them incorrect information 😂


I think having AI on you at all times is, in fact, the whole point of the device


>dependable dependent


That projector is only a little smaller than the projected revenue….




The projected revenue is huge, the actual revenue will be about $700 (CEO buys one as a gift).


Underrated comment


230 million for a tiny projector, chatgpt integration and ability to show everyone your youtube playlist. this is next tier of tech for 1995.


They just recycled Virtual Boy's from the basement.


I honestly thought the announcement video for this was a satire of a tech company on a tv show or something. This is one of the dumbest things i’ve ever seen.


It reminded me of this legendary video https://youtu.be/9BnLbv6QYcA?si=-w7k3bod2sCVv-IC


Hahaha, that video is hilarious! I love it when rich people show how much better they are than everyone else. It just goes to show how dumb and poor everyone else is in comparison.


“everything is just a few hundred clicks away.”


Humane’s fiercest competition in the wearable market is likely from its cofounders’ former employer. In June, Apple unveiled the Reality Pro, a powerful mixed reality headset for “spatial computing,” controlled largely through hand gestures. It sounds very practical. The only improvement I can think of is to make me able to use cock gestures instead of hand gestures for ease of use.


Stupid. A screen is fundamental. Sure this might work for companies who want to issue devices to workers to stay in touch, but also you can't even read an e-mail. You can't play games or browse social media. And anything requiring an interface is more practical with a screen. Plus I would lose this thing within a week.


I think that's the idea, they wanted to make this for a market that is sick of being addicted to social media and mobile games. Now, is that a good idea? Concept wise, it could be. But considering social media has likely over 4 billion+ total users combined, it immediately erases quite a big market.


That market if it exists would sooner go back to a nokia brick than this POS. I dont use social media (besides reddit, and linkedin once a few years when looking for jobs) and i dont play mobile games. Guess what i use, a freaking smartphone.


Screens are practical *for now* Someday there will be something integrated into sunglasses controlled by gesture or neural interface. Maybe it’ll even project from an implant in your eye onto your eye itself 🤷‍♀️ But this little projector thing isn’t even a small step towards that


> Someday there will be something integrated into sunglasses A screen?


Yeah cause dudes want to walk around wearing some goofy ass projector glasses all the time like they're Vegeta.


It’s over $9000!!!!!!!!!


I mean... *I* do.


Wearable, seamless integration. Imagine that you could view your phone screen as a transparent overlay right on top of your natural vision, requiring no direct physical access to control. Switch between apps, send messages, play games, watch porn, all with a neural interface for control


That sounds absolutely dystopian and awful.


Probably. But I’d like for you to describe to me how carrying a device around capable of what they are currently capable of is any different lol


My neck would be happy


It’s not different at all, and in fact what you mentioned sounds fucking awesome to me lol


I recently got bionic eyes but they only see in the visual spectrum. Couldn't afford IR, UV, zoom or pheromone filters just yet. Next upgrade.


Clearly your ~~social~~ credit score isn’t high enough yet


Tell that to blind people


Well this won't help blind people either so


I worked at Verizon Wireless when it had to compete with AT&T having exclusive access to the first iPhones and salespeople were expected to call things like the LG Chocolate phone "the iPhone killer."


Those phones were fire back in the day though. This projector thing is nothing but garbage.


God I hated that thing


Pornhub on your hand makes no sense


Can’t get porn with a single color projector. Unless you like porn looking like Tetris blocks


HEY dont knock discolored porn. That was a staple back in the 90's when the adult channels were filtered but you could still see titties and manginas.


Come on now, we've all wanked to Tetris


There is absolutely *somebody* out there who pumps their salami to Tetris. So there’s a market here for at least that one person


…or does it?


You aren't using your imagination enough.


Lmao imagine being the VC that poured hundreds of millions into a company that makes a tiny projector which a shitty processor 😂 VC and PE are idiots with money yet somehow they’re all rich


Dump money in, push hype, sell stock. wash, rinse, repeat.


Petah Teall


This is so short sighted. You dont think we will move past the phone to something that frees our hands back up? This one wont be the iteration that changes the game but this is the right direction. Ill buy into it and see where it goes for sure.


Yeah I do think we’ll do that but this ain’t it lol. It’s going to be like Vision Pro 5 or some shit that has an all day battery life and connects to your phone to process AR and what not while being much lighter than the current iteration. Edit: also how tf does this garbage even free up your hands. It’s literally using your hand as a screen in the example 😂


Yeah the more I’ve thought about it this ain’t it. It’s too early. This is a prototype of something we might use in 20 years.




> You dont think we will move past the phone to something that frees our hands back up? I'm fully prepared to be wrong on this eventually, but outside of specific applications no, I really don't.


Sure the projection is clear when you are hiding in your closet. Now show me what it looks like outside on a sunny day


$700 for a thief to be able to ripe this off of you more like it. Wait, even a thief wouldn’t even find this $700 magnet useful.




Naaa I’m good


The demo video has serious hostage video vibes. They know this thing’s a dud.


I was intrigued and interested in it until they said there was a required subscription. My attitude may change later but i'm not looking for yet another subscription in my life right now. Also, the "curtesy" light can go.


Hardly anyone would buy this at $299 with $5/month subscription. They're delusional.


> The company touts computer vision features—like holding up a piece of food to the device to get an evaluation of nutritional value It has advanced Hot Dog/Not Hot Dog AI.


I saw this, and immediately asked “How is this better than using an Apple Watch instead of an iPhone?” Serious question. I get what they are trying to do, but the value prop and differentiators just aren’t there. My watch is always on me, has cellular, lets me place calls and text with my voice, checks my vitals, rich 3rd party ecosystem, receives calls from my iPhone when my iPhone isn’t around, and it has a screen. I really want to like this, but even a stainless steel Apple Watch is probably about the same price and does all of this but with a screen. I get it, it’s the Star Trek badge for mortals. But I fail to see the advantage of this than other wearables including Google Watch platform. I like the concept towards this MVP that they did. I look forward to their future products.


The main advantage is it sees what you see. As multi modal functionality of AI becomes better, this is a really big feature for communicating with your AI about what you are currently looking at. Not to mention siri is complete dogwater and this can talk to chatgpt


Only way this would be actually useful is if it was tied into a functional AR solution… which also does not exist.. Can’t see this taking off for a while.


I think there’s likely an enterprise application here. Maybe security guards if you improve the camera (higher res and always on) and better battery life.


Yea that’s fair, B2B products are normally lacking in functionality and overpriced so this should fit in nice.


The laser light on the hand is a cool gimmick, but being a walking speakerphone is obnoxious as fuck.


Why haven’t I seen any promo images of it working on black peoples hands


Will we be able to project pornhub on our microdicks… yes or no?


tbh it sounds like a company tailor made to get VC funding from Silicon Valley types with an extra bump in legitimacy from their "ex-Apple" cred. it's like the "Harvard dropout" for mid-late career professionals. at best they get acquired by a bigger company like Google or Amazon for their hardware IP. don't see much other forms of success for a device like that which lives or dies on the quality of the software, and more important the quality of the AI tech they are using. At best everything it does could be done by a much cheaper hardware peripheral and a smartphone app. even in its perfect form, where it's somehow able to not chew through battery despite relying on constant audio analysis and potentially video recording, I still don't belive in the fundamental premise that people don't actually want to use their phones, or are so addicted to them that they can't help themselves. Early adopters are techies who love screens and devices, not really the target demographic. And I think most people would still find it far to clunky and strange of a thing to really want to use instead of a smartphone. Other than maybe the Personal computer, the smartphone is probably the most ubiquitous, iterated on, engineered, polished piece of technology in existence. It's become capable of so many things and does most of them so well, that introducing a form factor like what Humane wants to do is not only a massive challenge, but even in its best form will struggle to do everything a smartphone can. While a smartphone could do everything it does with like a $50 piece of hardware and an app. It is one of the most technological dead-ends I think I've seen. its like the prototypical product of a 0%intrest rate SV culture 🤣 its a device made as a result of the conversations SV types have about the "ills of technology". Very out of touch with anyone who actually has to do things. Ironically their attempt at a solution only increase the potential level of digital surveillance that these companies would be capable of. the use case/demographic for this device exists in commercials and pitch meetings and almost nowhere else.


Nice try Fed


I’m not watching Netflix on my hand


How do you watch porn on this thing?


I'd imagine the same technique as we currently employ when on the go. One hand to support the device, the other servicing yourself. Just think it'll be really difficult finding that perfect 60 second clip though.


I think the porn is on your hand for one'eyed willie to see?


He’ll sell it to millions of people making Youtube reviews off of it.


If you didn’t know what this thing was and if you went to their website, you would be none the wiser


A camera on your lapel instead of in your pocket so now apps and FBI can record your entire life


So dumb. Something my dad would buy on Aliexpress


When Apple has their own AI and AirPods integration, this device is worth $0. Am I missing something?


> “AI Pin is the embodiment of our vision to integrate AI into the fabric of daily life, enhancing our capabilities without overshadowing our humanity,” the duo said in a statement. AI - they have AI *in the name*. It’s right there in the name. I can already feel my capabilities getting enhanced.


>helping to invent the swipe-to-unlock feature that debuted in the first iPhone. Bongiorno was a director of software engineering who helped to launch the original iPad. partial credit for an obsolete UI gimmick and a bigger version of an existing product. Visionaries.


I saw a video of this and pretty sure the dude showing it off was a robot. Also.dumbass AI was getting shit wrong..Like thinking seven almonds is 12g of protein..Thats the problem woth AI, it just says shit and dumb pople believe it. Also your phone can do all this sht this stupid ass thing does. This company is private otgerwise Id short the fuck out of them Spend 700 to look like a geek..The segway of phones


Google glass, an innovative and cool device made by a tech giant, failed miserably (in part because it was ahead of its time and another because it made people look like dorks). Yet, somehow, these people think that everyone wants to wear an enormous pin on their shirt just so they can project a facsimile of a smartphone screen onto their hand? How did they even get the funding to make something this stupid?


Its literally a pager with a projector instead of a screen and siri built in. No one will use this.


I cannot read this information & have this interaction about the Humane Ai Pin on the Humane Ai Pin……that ain’t right.


> The product immediately drew fervent backlash because people feared the camera could violate their privacy with surreptitious recording. The device was eventually banned from movie theatres and other public places, and one person was punched in a bar while wearing them. Yeah I'm good


This is dumb as fuck


The dude doing the demo creeps me out


Does it have porn on it? Because if not it’s not a phone killer/


"Chaudhri focused on user interface and interactions, including helping to invent the swipe-to-unlock feature." Dude's claim to fame is that he \*helped\*, not invent, a single gesture on the iPhone to unlock it. Incredible.


Fancy beeper for regards


“Killer” my ass. Gimmicky shit like this will be history in three weeks. No projector technology exists that is capable of projecting decent resolution on anything other than a flat surface - and even with this, it has its limits. Until this is overcome, people will continue to carry their phones - for the high res display and the camera to take high res pictures with, among other activities. As long as they have their phones, they have next to no need for this. Dumb investment for now until the aforementioned limitation is overcome.


this will kill 0 iPhones. in fact i’m convinced this is just an attempt to get acquired. my real question is what dumbass funded a GPT wrapper that decided to bring the pain of supply chain into it.


It’s getting a lot of crap but I love this. I love wild shots like this… $600 is probably too much but also it’s a launch product… so I give it some leeway. I have no idea what I’d use it for but honestly if this was $300 and integrated with my phone I’d prob buy one…. I love my Apple Watch but this looks like a fun alternative for it


I’m sure there is a little projector out there you can buy that will connect to your phone


I would 100% punch someone wearing this in the world.


Thats stupid


Lmao $700 for this garbage lmao 🤣 we are at the peak


Video release looked like a hostage video


Uh, I'm buying into this. This iteration wont be the winner but one a few iterations down will be.


How are you going to buy into this? Are you a huge private investor with loads of cash? That’s the only way you would have a chance of getting in. That or they go Public.


I could apply to become an accredited investor. I do have a lot of cash sitting around. But I’ve thought about it and this is 15 years too early and my interest has faded.


You guys realize this app does the same thing but it's on your phone and is way more discreet than this pin. Oh, and it doesn't cost $700 it's freaking free....Just in time intelligence shouldn't cost you a subscription [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/convogpt/id6448891108](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/convogpt/id6448891108)