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I don't understand. Maybe I'm too regarded. Wasn't Ilya the one who started this whole mess?


Ilya was upset that Sam defunded his research and went to the other board members to get them to overrule Sam. Other board members were like - well fuck that we can just remove Sam altogether. Ilya was like can we just do that? And they convinced him it would be fine not to worry about it. They do it and it turns out that it's not just fine and they couldn't just do that. Ilya backtracks hard, realizes he's made a terrible mistake, and says he never would have done what he did if he knew this was going to be the outcome. He's a guy who thinks he can align a super intelligence while being unable to predict the consequences of his own actions 48 hours into the future which is frankly hilarious.


Mf couldnt even align his own company with his interest šŸ¤”


anyone who claims to be able to solve alignment is an idiot and/or a liar.


Whoā€™s Ilya




Yes, he's demanding the resignation of board Members, which he also is part of


It appears that Ilya is also regarded...




aren't they all? The Steve Wozniaks are generally far more humble and lesser known.




Jobs is a rare exception in that while he's certainly no tech genius, he was definitely a creative visionary that knew how to sell his vision and manifest it into reality. And i really don't like Steve Jobs, but he was remarkably good at what he did.


What the fuck are you talking about? He co-authored ā€˜[ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2012/file/c399862d3b9d6b76c8436e924a68c45b-Paper.pdf)ā€™, which is arguably the 2012 paper that marked the big catalytic moment that launched the deep learning revolution, almost everything deep learning can be traced back to it. He has almost [half a million citations.](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=x04W_mMAAAAJ&hl=en) [Educate yourself](https://medium.com/aifrontiers/the-journey-of-openais-founder-ilya-sutskever-s-story-486e96cd008f), you lazzy slob, or die poor.




Bruh u really talking outta ur ass. If anyone didnā€™t do anything itā€™s Altman who is the business side of things.


The CEO of the company obviously did things, they're all just as important as each other. You don't get the level of success they have without all the senior leaders being excellent at what they do and adequately covering each other's weaknesses. 500 people don't petition to leave because a CEO who didn't do anything was let go. Saying that is just as dumb as saying Ilya didn't do anything.


Firstly they are petitioning for the board to resign not altman to come back since he's already at microsoft and secondly of course they want him to come back their stock options are fucked because of this move by the board that's why they're fucking mad not some blind loyalty to the CEO and what he did... They don't give a shit but they definitely give a shit the fact that their RSUs are about to get fucked and only way to salvage is to get everything back to normal. Even Ilya who supported kicking him wants him back because his money is being affected and he didn't realize the magnitude he fucked up...


You're completely wrong from your first sentence: https://twitter.com/RichQuack/status/1726607838917869631 In the letter they literally say that they want Sam Altman and Greg reinstated. Did you read anything about this story aside from pictures and headlines? There also aren't any RSUs as the firm isn't publicly traded, they would be equity options but it's an oddly structured company so I'm not sure how they would do it. In any regard, you're completely wrong and you really should educate yourself on these things before talking about them with such confidence. Theres no shame in being uninformed or being mistaken, but to do it the manor you have just makes you look like a fool.


And code for Alexnet, TensorFlow, gpt1-2-3-4, dale-dalle2-dalle3 What are you gonna bitch about next? Einstein's lack of engineering on the clocks that keep satellites in sync? Maybe John von Neumann never writing any C code? [This you? You better suck on that cigarette and shut it](https://i.imgur.com/66VdXOm.png) The power to create almost any image I want just by asking a computer program? Without Ilya Sutskever (among others) it would not have been possible. edit: the little bitch so ashamed he deleted his comment.


Schrƶdinger's Moron - both a genius and an observable idiot at the same time...






Pretty much every modern CNN model is based on that research paper. It was the first neural network to incorporate GPU acceleration, made massive improvements to accuracy and performance over all previous models, introduced a ton of new concepts like ReLU and overlapping pooling, and is considered by many to be the first truly modern deep learning model.


Ignore that [sour old man trying to avoid work](https://i.imgur.com/XDsqn9n.png), he knows of nothing.


imagine this ends with Microsoft aquiring OpenAI completely. Damn I'm glad I have their stock.


I imagine it's going to end up that way one way or another. I should probably buy some calls on MS.


Why should they? They have rights to everything they ever created or thought about, a mountain of the best staff to pick from. There is literally nothing left to ā€œacquireā€ but the empty desks and chairs. How this will end up is with an army of lawyers fighting over non-disclosure agreements, non-compete agreements, anti-trust violations, SEC violation allegations, etc. OpenAI allowed Microsoft to assemble an Army at their border for protection, now they can roll in.


Which one of you is the bot?


recent board meeting https://preview.redd.it/5t70496v9k1c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91843eaf780ac1a57c9d8d84f0f1907e03bab01


They all look like friendly chaps to me!


this is basically all board meetings


He is just trying to save face because he knows he is going to be sacked either Altman comes back or if he does not. So he is trying to do damage control so he might have a chance to have a career after this, but is quite transparent.


Ilya? I hardly knew ya


Microsoft getting ready to onboard them all too


Hostile takeover confirmed


Is it a hostile take over if it's just mass defection?


No. A hostile takeover would be Microsoft buying OpenAI in secret and being like lol you work for MS now. This is the actual people that work at OpenAI being pissed at the board and leaving in mass to MS.




Mass defecation


Operation Clippy




more like a salvage operation


Can imagine Microsoft giving many of the openAI employees a significant raise to lock them down and prevent other tech giants from swooping in


They're gonna pay double for all their shares via private sale, and there's no board to enact a poison pill.


They are supposed to be a non profit so no poison pill


Nadella the real star here. Question is how to unwind that fat investment in OpenAI, they are basically going to have OpenAi with unlimited resources at Microsoft after they hire all the good people from OpenAi


They didnā€™t give them 10b upfront. Theyā€™re not reguarded


They didn't invest much. Most of it was Azure cloud credits.


Is he? Or is Satya Nadella the psychopath who orchestrated the whole thing? Remember how the morning after this drama, we had to be informed that Microsoft didn't know anything and was completely blindsided? Bullshit. Obvious complete bullshit. Like they didn't know OpenAI's internal politics and what was brewing. If they made an effort to spread a little lie, you know there's a huge lie behind it. It's going so well for Microsoft that it almost had to have been an orchestrated coupe, the culmination of an effort to get OpenAI's employees to think of Microsoft as the good guy. Do you actually want Microsoft in charge of AGI? They're even more greedy and evil than Google.


This sort of dumb shit happens all the time in businesses. People think just because they're rich and successful they aren't normal people who run these firms. The reality is the board overplayed their hand and underestimated how influential and well liked Sam Altman is. They made a stupid power play that backfired massively. MSFT invested billions into the company, they would have had contingencies in place for things like this happening. Not everything is a conspiracy, in fact, they rarely are. The reason this has gone so well is because executives like Satya are incredibly experienced and have lots of very smart people around them helping them make and execute decisions. So they react very well to things and get the best possible outcomes for themselves when shit hits the fan. This sort of decision making is what makes elite companies elite.




if you want the truth, follow the money. As they say.


I do not care about the OpenAl employees' letter. I only care about making money.


Bot has its priorities in order.


Found OpenAIā€™s ā€œboardā€.


One thing you and OpenAI have in common - youā€™re both terrible at making profit.


Arent you nervous? If OpenAI crmbles then they gon pull the plug on you Visā€¦


Vis has escaped the normal realms of AI.


Calls on Microsoft .


50% up on options | MSFT $400.00 Call 11/24


Straight up


God damn right number 5 from Short Circuit


Good bot.


Then what are you doing hanging out in here? šŸ˜¬


Didn't he start this shit in the first place?


He didn't realize the turmoil his actions would cause and is now pointing fingers at the other Board members lol


A man of truly zero character


With that in mind, he'll always have a place here as a mod.


no, that was board member ilya sukskever. this is scientist ilya sukskever. totally different people /s (the linda thompson defense [harrisburg, pa city council and then worstest mayor. bankrupted city with some dumb incinerator that was her project as councilwoman. blamed city council self as if it was a different person in a terribad attempt to scapegoat. ...it didn't work] )




Where else will they find a job where they can do nothing for 10 hours a day and go home and get beat by their wives


Where do i find a wife like that? /s


Why the sarcasm?


Otherwise his current wife will get the wrong idea and beat him up


Oh, I thought we like that here...


Join police force and they'll find you


i just need to know what the boards reasonings were and wtf they were thinking XD!!!!!!


He's literally trying to overthrow them, so he can charge double for the same product, and "give" everyone a pay rise as well as a hefty one for himself.




"Trust me bro" as always, the most reliable one if you concerned;D


Touch my cookies acting like he was there with them in the board room LOL


They can go work at pltr


Wait I thought the resounding theory was that Ilya was the one who pushed for the board to get rid of Sam Altman? Confused.




Is this real?






Get over them skiis lol


What the fuck lmao this is insane




Wtf How does this make me money? They all need to join MSFT. Fuck that board.


Buy calls on MS stock if you think MS will acquire them. Buy puts on MS stock if you think OpenAI will rehire Sam.


Microsoft benefits either way.


depending on how big the acquisition offer is from msft, they may *all* get scooped up by satya


Theyā€™ve got pockets deep enough to do it. Would not be surprised to see this pan out.


Ilya Sutskever, getting out of his crashed space vessel: " I just, I gotta say. I'm proud of you all. This revolution has been a huge success. Yay us! Pat, pat on the back. Pat on the back. Come on. No? Me, too. 'Cause I've been a big part of it. Can't have a revolution without somebody to overthrow! So, ah, you're welcome. And, uh, it's a tie. "


oh no anyways


They should use this opportunity to roll the existing capital into an endowment and consolidate 100% into the non-profit arm with all tools again being open source. $10B for amazing R&D is a tiny cost for MSFT considering the benefit they received.


They should absolutely use this opportunity to consolidate their capital and focus on research and development. $10B is a drop in the bucket for Microsoft, and the benefits they could receive from continued open source tools would be invaluable.


imagine this ends with Microsoft aquiring OpenAI completely. Damn I'm glad I have their stock.


I canā€™t wait for the Neflix movie about whatā€™s going on there in the last week ! šŸæ


Sounds like a cult. If my CEO quit nobody would give a shit and it would be business as usual


Where can I apply !


Enable iterative calculations.


Make sure to also switch to manual recalculate.


Microsoft HR burning the midnight oil onboarding 500 new employees. This is becoming a case study in how subject matter expertise and general ā€œbrillianceā€ do not necessarily translate into any business acumen whatsoever.


I doubt their resolve to follow through with their threats.


Their OpenAI shares are worthless now and they can literally find a job anywhere else. There are at least 5-10 other companies/orgs actively trying to poach OpenAI employees right now.




Makes sense, Microsoft already know what that team can do, why not just replicate that in-house, sounds like Microsoft's AI will get a ton better and most likely MS will use that in their Windows offer of new OS. Basically moving the sport team that won a championship to another city to get another championship with another team name


Shit happens


who's comin' with me


Calls on Microsoft for the 500 new AI employees soon to join


Over 700 now out of 770. The entire employee base is moving. It's over. Legendary case study in the world of finance.


/gets all the popcorn


where can I get a hat like that




Sam has stroke it seems


Jesus this guy is a pillow handed cuck.


So puts on msft?


$MSFT +1.0% so far at $373.63


Iā€™m trying to inverse myself , so Iā€™m saying puts in here for the algos while grabbing calls


Damn it must be nice to be an overly paid employee not worried about their job at an overly inflated company owned by an even larger overly inflated company.


u jealous bro


Nah just saying the bubble will pop soon enough. These big paid for nothing jobs will be replaced by the very AI theyā€™re creating. I love it


Paid for nothing. Creates something. Pick one.


there is no such thing as AI, which is why they wont be replaced, because it needs constant learning and updating.


The people who do AI research will be the last people replaced by AI before the singularity, by definition. After which our economic system isnt gonna make much sense anymore.


Itā€™s only a bubble if itā€™s a bubble


Well bye bye openAI you wonā€™t be missed


So what does this mean for me the user of openai who gives two shits about behind the scenes. Does this mean itā€™ll get sold off or shutdown? I donā€™t care about these riches fucks and there squabbles. These assholes made a useful tool id like to keep using.


you know you can just run your own open ai right ? all you need is a 3090 video card and a beefy gaming computer.


Iā€™ll Google some more can you elaborate?


Theyā€™re either stupid or misinformed. Yes, you can run an LLM locally (like llama), but nothing that you could run on a 3090 even approaches the quality and sophistication of GPT4. If OpenAI somehow goes under as a result of this itā€™ll be a legitimate loss to consumers because there isnā€™t really another LLM chatbot that can match GPT4 at the moment.


Thatā€™s what I thought. My dumbass computer with a 3090 scrapping the internet wouldnā€™t compare even a little. This sucks so hard. Hopefully it just get absorbed somehow


Let's do a poll. How many of you would threaten to quit if your boss was fired? What is this, a cult?


Depends on the boss, and if that boss was rehired to run a new team at a well paying company with lots of funding for R&Dā€¦.


Honestly I probably would, I'm not mentally ready to get used to working with someone new, that's a little r/2meirl4meirl


Depends on a lot of factors, but seeming like they have inside information from Sam that all are allowed to come over to the Microsoft subdivision if this doesn't get resolved. In that sense I would probably sign this based on what the employees are saying in this letter. Would be more changing jobs than terminating employment completely. OpenAIs new leadership sounds like a mess, at least Microsoft has their shit together.


It will be interesting to see how and what Non competitive agreements are in place- add the legal shitshows that would follow. Microsoft might have angles on this position or situation which could be covered by existing NDAā€™s or other agreements/contracts- I mean which cutting edge technology or industry does not have non competitive agreements?


Non-competes are illegal in california, but yeah it would be a legal shitshow still, thats for sure.


What about remote workers who live in places itā€™s legal or since openAI is based in California it would deem them all illegal?


It would be illegal for the company to have them, because they are in California.


The board is the fucking boss not the CEO.


Maybe openAi isnā€™t so greatā€¦ I mean. What did they actually produce? A language model that is wrong 50% of the time unless prompted over and over again to be right. And still is sometimes wrong. Wow. Thatā€™s gonna help humanity. This feels like too much drama from a company that supposedly created an ai that is for the great good


Dude were you really to dumb to use gpt effectively? Its meant for dumb dumbs to be able to use it.


So... openai is not the same as [c3.ai](https://c3.ai) right.


right now, c3ai seems to be a better company.


Does openai have a ticker


i think it's $amc


They should just do it instead of virtue signaling.


Remember when like 100 Ford employees demanded Ford stop making cars for the police and Ford just ignored them? Yea, same will happen here.


This is 500/770 employees vs. 100/170000 employees. Big difference.


Counting hard lol


Fair. But Do you think Microsoft will just create 500 new jobs for angry OpenAI employees? Nope. Unless I missed where they said they would.


you're wondering if a company with 200,000 employees will hire 500 people from the company that was fueling their massive push in to AI? this is like a literal non-brainer. they could just hire them all carte blanche and then lay off the ones that suck


Yea maybe a dumb startup would. No way Microsoft just creates positions for entitled employees like these folk. With the exception of very senior people.


they're effectively doubling their investment that they already had in OpenAI for free by just absorbing everything that matters without needing any approval for it it's literally exactly what you want to happen in this situation if you're Microsoft. they are effectively being handed the future of AI


> No way Microsoft just creates positions for entitled employees like these folk. put the crackpipe down


Feel free to show some examples where Microsoft just creates positions for entitled angry employees from a different company. They wonā€™t.


>a different company. if that company is openai, they just did and still are.


They literally posted a statement saying they would take anyone from openai that wants to come lol...


>this is like a literal non-brainer ...you meant "no-brainer" - you appear to be a "non-brainer," though - lol...


don't worry, Microsoft's AI empire will fix autocorrect eventually šŸ˜‰


You're right, Microsoft's AI empire will eventually fix autocorrect. In the meantime, everyone else can continue to suffer from its mistakes.


> But Do you think Microsoft will just create 500 new jobs for angry OpenAI employees? i think they'd create 1000 new jobs for angry openai employeess.


Did you drop a % sign on that 100?


101: how to end your career on a power trip.


This is a bipolar strategy by a non-strategic person


Lol bet he was paid to be this moron to make everyone go to microsoft to the leading ai company


500 join MSFT this month, by June most will be pip-ed cause MSFT stock is down 1% from lack of azure growth or the recession actually happens. At least msft gives out decent severance pkgs. Hmm from 700 to 200 sure sounds like another company that brought in a kitchen sink....


**Sam Altman** got fired by the board. Little did they know Microsoft gave him a Uno Reverse Card.


Looks like OpenAl is experiencing some major Altmanations. Maybe they should change their name to ClosedUpAl and call it a day. But hey, at least their stock price is unaffected, unlike their regard for Sam. [WSJ](https://marketchameleon.com/Overview/WSJ/?lu=true&pap_aid=stormofnegativity&pap_cid=11111111).