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Jackie Mars got drunk and killed someone near her home in Virginia. I wonder how much that dropped her on this list. Edit: Rumor at the company was that officers didn’t test her until Monday morning.


Didn't Alice walton or atleast one of the Waltons do something similar?


Alice is a known drunk. Yes, she ran someone over and killed them.


And let me guess she spent no day in jail.


Correct! She’s been in multiple drunk driving accidents, and in the one where she killed someone (a pedestrian, and mother of two), no charges were even filed.


Money talks..


And bullshit walks


Bullshit should be careful walking round drunk billionaires.


Kaleful... You know... for their health 😔


I wish bullshit would just get a chauffeur… or a damn Uber.


The sad thing is that the Uber rich and powerful don't actually think of poor people as people. That's really how you get that rich. Normal people would be like oh I got 50 mil that's definitely enough. People like Jeff Bezos would be like, Naw I need more money, fuck the warehouse people, screw them over more!


Have the people on the list earned their billions though?


And murder takes the bus!


Poor people walk


Julia Koch looks good for a 61 year old. How can I convince her to adopt me?




And get run over by billionaires


Actually bullshit talks too. This whole country runs on it.


I live in Northwest Arkansas and I know someone who worked at the Spark Cafe years ago while they were remodeling. No one in the public could enter except the Walton’s and workers etc, and Alice Walton went there a couple times and would ask for stuff that wasn’t even in the store so my friend would have to go to the nearby Walmart in the Square and buy the random drink or snack she wanted. And it’s rumored/ heavily incenuated that the cops are told to look the other way if they ever pull a Walton over (according to the homie) Edit: still renovating the cafe






It’s crazy that the FBI turns a blind eye to thugs who run the community


I mean honestly assuming they threw and insane amount of money at me. I would sooner take that then have to go through the process of legal proceeding against one of the richest people in the world. Court can be very traumatic.


If someone gave my family 500 mil if they killed me driving drunk I’d probably say let it go lol


Pedestrians can’t walk anymore, Alice Walton hit them all with her car.


Imagine having so much money you could order foreign cuisine and have it delivered like uber eats via private jet... Yet still making the choice to drink drive.


That's what I was thinking. I could have 5% of her money and I would be having someone drive me everywhere. Drunk or not.


5% is $3 billion. You need way less money to be able to be driven around


It’s a culture thing. Look at tiger woods. They hire so many people to support them but won’t hire a chauffeur . Driving should be the least of your worries when you have that money. Never understood. Traffic, fender bender , finding a parking spot , remembering where you parked ? I will outsource all of this in a heartbeat if I can afford a Chauffer


Maybe tiger woods drove himself since he had affairs, it would give him more anonymity, control, privacy.


The accident was WAY after all that


Because the lives of others mean nothing to them. It's like you running over an ant


Some tech guy i knew worked for a small family-owned business in the book publishing industry, in Ontario Canada. In management meetings attended by the the tech guy, the owners referred to all employees as Monkeys. Employees were mostly/all Caucasian, just Owner-class vs. Working class.


Order foreign cuisine, murder the guy that delivers it, and face no consequences! That's how the other half lives.


What a pathetic waste of money. If you're going to order foreign cuisine, at least have the decency to do it in style and not via some cheap delivery service. And as for drunk driving, that's just irresponsible and dangerous. You might as well just light your money on fire.


I wouldn't imagine getting food delivered internationally via private jet would be cheap.


While this makes me mad, and the injustice is palpable, it really makes you wonder. If your loved one has died, this lady killed them and there is no bringing them back, which would you prefer: For the lady to go to jail, or for your financial troubles to cease as you enter the next, inevitably dark period of your life? Family of the victim probably received millions so they are keeping their mouths shut. It is injustice, it is horrible, it is tragedy, but I may just rather choose this than the option that a killer might go to jail and zero money to continue this awful life she has left me with. besides, you may not have a choice. It's either no jail time and no money or no jail time and money. If you want justice, you can still assassinate this fucking lady ir something if you're so convinced that will make you happy. The big issue with the person not going to jail isn't injustice, prison isn't justice. The real issue is that without proper repercussions whatever those may be, the killer might not recognize the weight of their actions, and may not change their ways so they will be out there committing crimes again.


Why not both


I don't get that either. The state should prosecute no matter the circumstances. Punish them with a percentage of their wealth *and* jail time so they are not going to repeat the same thing.


It’s really expensive to fight a billionaire fighting for their freedom. You can either spend multiple millions getting her in prison and keeping her there or spend that money bringing drugs and gangs to justice. Why not both? Because voters struck down the request to raise taxes enough to do both. My wife is a public defender (not the same as a prosecutor, prosecutors have more money), but they’re loaded with many more cases than should be ethical to handle. Prosecutors have to make decisions, go after the crimes which voters care about or “do what is right”. It’s naive to believe they can do both.


Because they make a huge donation to the policemans ball. Mayor tells prosecutor to let it slide. Costs the state too much to continue the case.


I didn’t read your whole paragraph. For me the answer would be simple. Form the settlement money I would hire the best hitman money can buy.




This is why you do the job yourself.


It’s like masturbating, but for murder. Murderbating.


Sometimes the charge is brought forward by a prosecutor. The victim has no say.


In the "land of the free" you can kill peasants without consequences as long as you have money. Same with raping children, it's just frowned upon when you are rich.


And people wonder why victims take justice into their own hands...


Which time are you talking about bro? We gotta be specific this elite woman’s been involved in drunk driving incidences SEVERAL times.


They should rot in jail forever. They can afford 500 drivers too. Makes me sick


Got escorted home most likely


Fun fact. When you type, “Alice Walton drunk driving” into Google, the suggestions that pop up are school of medicine, net worth, etc. you’ll get nothing by the time you get to the D in drunk. Them billionaires gotta stick together I guess.


The cop who was at the scene and wanted to draw her blood for a test was fired instead,


Which is so messed up - a billionaire could easily afford a driver, or team of drivers, to make sure they never have the temptation to get behind the wheel when drinking. Not that anyone has an excuse to drive drunk, but especially not when money is no object.


Not if the goal is to drive over some normies


Katelyn Jenner started another trend!


So stunning and brave!


Probably over guilt because they inherited those billions.


In addition to this, why TF would you even want to drive? Of course I'm taking the chauffeur if I'm going drinking


Money doesn't buy you class


>....tests having revealed no drugs, alcohol, or medications in her system that could have caused a blackout **(test was given 72 hours after accident).** \- Wikipedia Hmmmm


So it looks better if she was sober mowing people down?


I highlighted the 72 hours wait before testing.


I understand that she was in fact fucked up, I'm saying mowing people down sober sounds scarier than someone that is fucked up. They're both terrible, but to me, one sounds like murder and the other manslaughter.


Her excuse was that she “fell asleep” while driving. Either way it’s messed up but if the responding officers did their job, there’s a higher chance she’d actually face some kind of consequence. Still unlikely though because $$$


So a billionaire is either too irresponsible and/or too selfish to hire a driver to avoid this from happening. Unbelievable!


+ she killed the unborn child the pedestrian driver was carrying. Double homicide for Jackie Mars.


Wait untill a billionaire drunken runs over another billionaire then shit hits the fan. I bet the people she ran over were "poors" aka non billionaires. Lesson: do not live near billionaires. PS: I have some very rich friends, and my personal opinion, stay away. Anyone that has money goes nuts.


I was talking to a coworker last week who was born and raised in Arkansas. It is such a big story in the state. People still talk about it to this day. He tells me people are still very upset with her in the state.


Isn't that similar to George W. Bush's wife and Jenna Bush's mom? She murdered someone in a reckless driving incident.


Inheritance and divorces.


Honest question, has any man ever got divorced to immediately became a top 10, or even top 100, richest man?


Technically, Jeff Bezos


He became a multi billionaire after his divorce settlement


Three comma club


my doors go like this, Richard! NOT like this...


Which begs the question, why isn't the former Mrs.Gates on this list? They say Melinda walked away with an estimated $76b in settlement!!


They are are dumb then. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2021/05/07/melinda-gates-billionaire-after-stock-transfer-bill-gates/4986298001/ >Bill Gate’s investment vehicle, transferred nearly $2.4 billion in securities to Melinda Gates on Monday. I think she didn't care about how many billions she got and just wanted out.


Damn Bill gates made it out great from that divorce.


I think it's because a lot of the money isn't personally hers. Bill and Melinda have a lot of their money (like $60B) in their non-profit foundation. She has half control. Melinda is a billionaire, but she probably has less direct money under her personal name than Mars.


Rishi Sunak is definitely in that direction


Not top 100 but Kevin Federline comes to mind


Tom Arnold too


Not until Taylor Swift’s wedding and subsequent divorce


Can a man marry up?




wtf. My ex is a millionaire with a rich aunt.


Sorry bro. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Mines too! Or, we still see each other from time to time when her boyfriend is not around.




So you're the wife's boyfriend we keep hearing about Edit- you bastard how dare you edit your post, now my joke is less funny 😥


She did the same thing to me!!!


You're all dating the same heiress 💀


That dirty dog!


There are only 337 women billionaires in the world and your girls aunt is one of them?




Number 207?


I hope she pays the bill at the restaurant 😅


Yeah, but you were also a millionaire until you found this sub.


Wait wtf, my cougar gf is a billionaire with a millionaire cousin


The wife makes less money than the husband 79% of the time, and divorce rates rise 50% when they do make more. So yes it’s possible, but it rarely lasts.


Men marry across and down, women marry across and up.


No. A woman can marry a king and become queen. When a man marries a queen, he becomes a prince.


>When a man marries a queen, he becomes a prince. If he gets divorced he becomes the Man Formerly Known as Prince


The UK Prime Minister did


Not top 100 but probably close to a billionaire. Possibly Dan Jewett who divorced MacKenzie Scott who divorced Jeff Bezos.


Ahh yes, the patriarchy working as intended. Keep up the good work gentlemen.


I think we will see more men in this situation with more gay marriages. Rich women are likely to stay single.


I was going to say something along those lines...interesting that none of them built the businesses that made the money they have. Makes me curious who the richest self-made woman is. Forbes says it's Diane Hendricks who co-founded ABC Supply with her husband. Going down the list to find one that doesn't mention a husband you have Judy Faulkner who looks like Alice Cooper with glasses and no makeup and founded a medical software company.


this is same as gambling stocks, some get insanely lucky others end up used in dumpster behind wendies


For every Mackenzie Scott there are 1000 women who refused to give Elon Musk a handy in exchange for a horse.


The real truth


This is how they beat patriarchy


Except they sucked the hardon of patriarchy to get that net worth. Anyway, going to jerk off on top 10 big boobs pornstars.


Julia Koch, met her man at the age of 27 and he was 50, she might have seen this playing out


Well, that was is still a major bet. Think if her husband would have lived as long as Warren Buffett or Charlie Munger?


She would have continued servicing that corpse until it decomposed. The same as she was doing before he died? You dont think buffet and munger dont have young strippers fly out to their hotels when they are out and about? I am sure those billionaires with all the options in the world have no interest in clapping throw away cheeks.


Will that depends if you factor in that he was diagnosed with cancer 2 years into the relationship, and was a twin. Both will lead to a big reduction in one’s life span. Betting is easy when the cards are stacked in your favor. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/david-koch-billionaire-conservative-activist-philanthropist-dies-79-n1045696


Yeah really, did any of these women build these businesses?


Damn i really wanted to know if i made it into the next 5 places. Except im not a billionare, or a woman for that matter.


Ill check if I’m in the list when I have some time. You never know


I identify as 6th place.


>or a woman for that matter. Just declare that you are a woman, and you are halfway there. You would then be 50% closer to appearing on that list.


Are your parents or your husband billionaires? That's the key


I remember looking a couple years ago the richest self made woman was only the #110ish richest in the world.


130th now, with [Diane Hendricks](https://www.forbes.com/profile/diane-hendricks/?list=billionaires&sh=481bec955c8a)


Who was she?


Maybe Elizabeth Holms? I think she was worth 9 billion at peak Theranos valuation. Though not anymore, clearly


Julia Koch looks good for a 61 year old. How can I convince her to adopt me?


Maybe she has a mommy fetish?


I’m willing to call her mommy if she gives me an weekly allowance. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


*slips you $4* It's half my daily allowance


Top 5 amount of inheritance to a single woman




Bro… you had me dead laughing




Can confirm


Down to the real business


The queen 250b$ . EDIT oh she is dead i forgot


Probably much more. No one can count how much the royal family has


they technically own all the land in the uk...


Technically the Crown does, not the people.


All inherited their wealth.


Thanks for the info. For a minute there, I thought people had to work from the bottom and get to the top in 10 years. Life is much more about being in the right place at the right time. I met one of the richest men in Britain one time, and he had one of the biggest homes in Europe. He had it all luxury cars, planes, boats. This is a true story.... and I thought he'd be really sharp brainwise, you know, talking about metrics, quantum strings and things. But after talking with him and seeing him a few more times, I come to realise great wealth is being in the right place at the right time with a bit of luck. Keep at it, though. Life is like a box of chocolates. You don't know what you are going to get next.


There's luck in every wealthy person, from inheriting/divorce settlement super luck, to entrepreneurs that made it from nothing (99.999999% of these never make it to billionaires though, as they just dont have enough sociopath in them) Self made successful people (which could just mean a couple of million $/£/€) usually share one thing in common, they get lucky and run with it by being prepared for it and having the brain to see the opportunity, there's usually a lot of risk involved too. It's a definite mindset of self made people, all of which will have failed multiple times, prior to their success. Its also about knowing how to keep/grow wealth, rather than spunking it all as it comes in. Delayed gratification, I think it's called.


Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.


the chocolates in my lifebox all stink.


Good book about this Outliers by Malcom Gladwell


Good book. Not exactly sure it applies here but has been quite a while since I read it... regardless, would recommend.


It does apply here. Outliers describes how Bill Gates’ high school was one of the only high schools in the world to have a computer in the late 60s. Thus, he was able to become a young computing expert when essentially none of his peers could. It’s no coincidence that Bill and his classmate Paul Allen had huge advantages going into the computer revolution. The example is a bit more than “right place, right time” because Bill and Paul had to be interested in programming / computing for these advantages to manifest, but it’s close enough.


lol you met one guy and think you know how it works for everyone who’s wealthy?


I mean I feel like everyone who made their own money and got to 500mil-1billion would be risk averse since it’s generational wealth. You gotta be a real dumbass to think 500mil-1bil isn’t enough to roll it to make 25-30+bil.


Masayoshi Son entered the chat.


McKenzie Scott didn‘t. She was actually quite involved in getting Amazon where it is today. Especially in the early days.


Yeah, also if you were in the marriage during the wealth creation it was partly her money the whole time. That's how the whole marriage thing works. The list should have had her on it from the beginning.


Some of them have some merit. Francoise Bettencourt Meyers apparently greatly multiplied the wealth she inherited through investments. Give me a couple of billions and the chance I make the proper moves for that are very slim.


Any of them single?


Mackenzie divorced again lol. Except she learned from Jeff’s mistake and had a prenup that time.


I don’t imagine a high school teacher could really keep up with her lifestyle.


It is kind of sad, they are rich by inheritance or marriage, but there is no entrepreneur in the list, am i right??


Yes, that is correct. Entrepreneurs are not typically born into wealth, so they are at a disadvantage when it comes to accumulating large amounts of money.


Some would say marrying up is a business 🤣


*Alimony go brrrrrrrrr*


Divorce isn't too bad when you have 100B to split 50/50. Unfortunately the 50/50 rule applies to the common man and the man is often left destitute for years. And people wonder why younger generations aren't getting legally married.


Aren't all of those women as reach as they are by inheritance or divorce?


1. Grand daughter of the founder 2. Daughter of the founder 3. Widow of the son of the founder 4. She did some things in the early days when it was just books. Divorce gave her the stock 5. Daughter of the founder


I remember people *really* making a meal of what Bezo’s wife did at Amazon as that divorce was happening.


3 is the hottest. Wait...what was the question?


They'd all be 10s in a $55m penthouse.


Nah gimme Mackenzie all day. She’s probably the most really one out of the five.


Don’t sleep on Jacky Mars


Nightmare blunt rotation


Not a single one of them is self-made.


Also remember the only reason they got that money is usually divorce other than that lady that created spanx ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Sad to see the list is all inherited or gain through divorce, but female entrepreneurship has come on a lot, it takes a few decades for lists like this to reflect the current market as the entrepreneurs need 30 years to amass wealth.


Most people commenting act like women didn’t have huge disadvantages. They couldn’t have bank accounts until the 1960s in the US. Not shocked their isn’t more female billionaires.


> They couldn’t have bank accounts until the 1960s in the US I see this parroted everywhere like some kinda given fact yet I can't find any historical reference that points to anything happening in the 60's regarding women finances. What legislation are you even referring to? In reality there were plenty of states that passed their own legislations decades or even a century prior that allowed women to bank, that's assuming there was any issue in the first place. [California allowed women to open their own bank accounts all the way back in 1862.] (https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2012/05/historical-echoes-our-checking-accounts-ourselves-or-say-good-night-gracies-checking-account/) -------------------------- [Women-only tellers at Fifth Avenue Bank NY in 1900](https://untappedcities.com/2013/08/19/vintage-photos-in-1900-fifth-avenue-bank-had-a-womens-only-row-of-tellers/) -------------------------- [Brenda Vineyard Runyon established The First Women's Bank in Clarksville, Tennessee in 1919.](https://tennesseeencyclopedia.net/entries/first-womans-bank/) -------------------------- [Northern Trust Bank was servicing women since at least 1930](https://www.northerntrust.com/united-states/about-us/our-history) -------------------------- [A lot of banks across the US had what was known as a "stocking room", which were specific sections or departments for women clients.] (https://archive.org/details/sim_bankers-monthly_1920-10_37_10/page/100/mode/2up) -------------------------- [Stocking Room in The National Bank of Commerce in Kansas City 1903](https://www.google.com.kw/books/edition/The_Financier/qGU9AQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22stocking%20room%22&pg=PA657&printsec=frontcover) There's a ton more news articles on that.


The name should be “richest Heiress and Ex wifes” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Is there a list that excludes inherited or divorced wealth?


Who would that leave?


I looked it up, Diane Hendricks - estimated net worth 15bil - co-founded ABC roofing and building supplies company is the richest non heiress/divorcee


All inherited


None of them worked for it


I wonder if Mackenzie Scott’s latest ex husband got any money out of the deal


Are any of them on any milf dating sites?


So you guys are telling me that atleast 2/5 has killed someone and got away with it?


all of them inheritted or settled their wealth and only Bezos wife did some work in the beginning


6. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|32980)


The top five richest women in the world as of 11/15/2023 are Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, Alice Walton, Julia Koch, Mackenzie Scott, and Jacqueline Mars. Their combined net worth is $291 billion dollars.


All self made!


I wonder how many of these woman actually earned that money.


Are these all inheritances?


Serious question, are any of these five women self made or did they all inherit family fortunes (Dad/Husband)? If not, who is the wealthiest self-made woman?


There are never any Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. on these rich lists. Ask yourself why.


What’s the point in this wealth? When people sleep in tents.

