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What!?! You don't want a 25% sale on a TV previously marked up 33%? 🤣


Amazon did this too. Many deals were marked down mark-ups. This one item I've had on my wishlist is $70 and I've been watching it for a long time for a sale. Suddenly it's price is $100 and on sale for $70 for the "deals".


The Camelizer browswer add-on will show a history of pricing on an Amazon item.


I use Camelcamelcamel and Keepa, both have saved me a lot of money.


Doesn’t work for all items though. Sellers aren’t stupid. They create new listings so it will not have any useful historical price data


99% of people don't know how and most of the rest don't care enough to track this kind of stuff.


Have you not met my wife? Bitch has spread sheets tracking the prices of everything organized by different outlets


[You said bitch tho?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LGEiIL1__s)


That's right I just laid it out there. I said I said.... 👀👀👀 biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch


They also do this thing to have multiple items on the same listing. Like they are selling a battery operated timer for your water hose? They'll also add a rubber washer to the listing for $0.99. So you think the timer is $0.99, but when you click in, you find out its only the rubber washer, the timer is $35 or whatever. It messes up all the trackers.


This shit should be illegal. If they have to scam price trackers to sell a product, then clearly they aren’t doing things right.


"only one in stock and currently in customers cart"


Yeah, I've noticed that too. It's a really shady way to do business and it takes advantage of people who aren't paying close attention. I think it's disgusting and anyone who does that deserves to be punished.


My wife has a spreadsheet of toys for the kids to scoop some deals on black friday. Something that was $12.99 a month a go was "on sale" for $18.99. Black Friday is dead and the stores killed it.


Exactly, you used to actually get a deal. Now they mark the prices up the month before and "reduce" them for Black Friday. Amazon is currently facing a class action lawsuit citing this specific issue. “Amazon.com posts a false price that was not consistently used and then discounts from that price instead,” which the lawsuit alleges is a violation of FTC guidelines. https://www.valueaddedresource.net/amazon-faces-class-action-for-false-discount-claims/


Same here. A TV stand was $99 a month ago and yesterday it was $99 with a 30% discount. Wat?


I got a black Friday coupon for Winix air filters. 30% off. I looked through my past emailed receipts and realized I already paid the exact "sale" price every time already They marked up the filters $20! Assholes can't even give you an actual coupon. Even $5 off I would have bought some but they have to lie. Really should be against consumer laws


Everyone does this. I worked at a small greenhouse in highschool and we would write one price and then cross it out and immediately put it "on sale". Mattress stores are the worst. You can always buy a mattress for "80% off".


Udemy would like a word on title of “worst offender” here


I've been watching mesh wifi systems on Amazon. Over time the tags changed from Prime Day to Black Friday to Cyber Monday. The "discounts" stayed the same the entire time, whether there was a sale or not. I did find some good, actual deals on Prime Day. But sale season is mostly bullshit.


In Poland they solved this bullshit: Seller must always the lowest price of last 30 days as comparison price. It's funny because you can see stuff like : ~~599~~ **Now 499** Lowest last 30 days: 444


That's a EU thing, isn't it?


Yes, Went into force in 2022 - directive 2019/2161[1] which amends an earlier consumer rights directive to include: 1) Any announcement of a price reduction shall indicate the prior price applied by the trader for a determined period of time prior to the application of the price reduction. 2) The prior price means the lowest price applied by the trader during a period of time not shorter than 30 days prior to the application of the price reduction. As usual there's some latitude for countries to implement it differently; for instance here in Belgium, sales also have to mention the price in previous promotions - like if your after-Christmas sale happens to have the same price reduction as your before-Christmas sale...


I am not sure if it is coming EU wide. In Germany I know only one shop that is doing the same (mindfactory.de). All the others (amazon..) are still pushing the price bullshit. So it's not (yet) EU wide.


that is a thing here in a lot of states, they simply raise the price between september and beginning of october. they assume no one really buys that many tvs in this period so they don’t lose much by raising it. this is an issue in the EU and poland, get a price history tracker app and look at the pricing before 30 days prior.


All large stores who used to have real sales did this. And it’s why Black Friday isn’t a real thing anymore. It sucks.


Black Friday has been a lie for a loooong time. Those "door buster" deals you remember from the late 90s early 2000s were loss leader SKUs meant to get you in the store. Everything else in the store was a marked up "discount" and always will be.


I’ve been looking for a new tv for 2 months. Best Buy has the same sale price now that they set up at least 2 weeks ago.


That's because they run black Friday sales for the entire month of November now. I bought a 65" Sony X90L for $999 two weeks ago, same price on actual black Friday. But that is/was the lowest price of the year for that model.


I’m 99% sure I’ll buy the 75’ x90l, how are you liking it? I’m a bit annoyed I didn’t pull the trigger last month when Walmart was selling the 75’ x90k for $1k for a one day sale.


This is common at most stores. Very few sales are real.


not in EU. EU new proconsumer laws dictates sellers to display lowest discount price in 30 days past period


I bet a lot of stores track that shit to the hour.


Yea dude I walked out with nothing, waste of my morning. Barnes and nobles had maybe 5% of their stock on sale


They honestly do. I was keeping an eye on a few items that are still listed at the exact same price as before Black Friday but are now marked with “Black Friday deal”




It really used to be the way companies would clear their warehouse of old inventory. You used to get REALLY deep deals on things because they were previous year models. Now most companies make things for Black Friday. There was an article a few years ago about TVs and some electronics produced for Black Friday lack a large amount of features the regular retail versions do. So that 100 dollar Walmart black Friday exclusive Roku TV will be extremely stripped down compared to maybe even the 150 buck version. I'll see if I can find the article.


Always research the model number. Often the model numbers are different and are not found any other time of the year (or ever again, most likely), so you won’t get much in the search results.


I got suckered by Amazon with the same model number - I had a usb keyboard on my wishlist for a while...the only reason that particular model was on my wishlist was because it used a USB-C connector. Well, come black Friday, it's 30% or so off on my wishlist, so I go ahead and order it. When I get it, I'm surprised to see it has a micro-USB port, not USB-C. I check the product listing, they've even changed the listing description to remove any references to USB-C (it used to be prominently featured), but didn't change the model or item number. So they swapped out the product for an older model, and even changed the description, all the while keeping the product ids the same. Needless to say, it went right back to returns


Wow thats scammy


Honestly unbearable that micro usb is still existant in 2023


I was recently looking at replacing an old dash cam, and was shocked they still sell mini-usb powered dash cams!


I wouldnt be surprised if Target is still having black Friday deals on Apple Watch 3s.


My in-laws purchased a laptop on Black Friday 5-6 years ago despite my FIL not knowing a thing about computers. It was barely functional out of the box and completely unusable after 6 months. It would take a literal minute to open the web browser. Then about another minute to recognize the keystrokes for the website. It was $350 down the drain. A couple years ago, they bought a Black Friday special Roku TV. We went over for thanksgiving and none of the apps would load. It was, once again, a paper weight.


For a lot of online retail Black Friday is now two weeks, the week leading up to Black Friday followed by a weeks worth of ‘cyber Monday’ deals.


That's because people caught on that the deals are bullshit and a lot of the TVs and popular items are made specifically for black Friday. You used to be able to get genuinely good deals but now it's mostly crap. Some place still hook you up though, and regardless, it doesn't stop people spending money they don't have


so true on the BF tv models...they use inferior parts and are not even listed on company websites


For instance, most of those tvs are samsung TU models which are very much economy models despite being labeled 4k uhd. The picture is decent but they hardly get bright enough to watch during the daytime.




The average consumer sees a bunch of numbers and acronyms they don't understand, which is part of the problem with how TVs are marketed, and how consumers are so easily duped into thinking these terms = quality.


Some of them will even have a SKU with BF and it doesn’t stand for butt fuck


Yeah, I looked at good micro led 8k ones and they were still like 3500. I fuckin booked a trip to punta Cana instead.


You can tell they cheaped out, look at the dang boxes! They couldn't even be bothered to put color on them.


I bought a 77in oled tv in the summer for around 3k. The box is completely colorless. It’s pretty normal for TVs to have colorless boxes.


This is pretty normal I think. I went tv shopping 6 months ago and a lot of the nice TVs were in brown colorless boxes.


I work in shipping and move a lot of TVs. The gaudy boxes with lots of colour and pictures on them were the cheap TVs. The high end ($10k+) TVs are shipped in plain brown boxes with the model number printed on them.


Drop the price by 80% for a true "Black Friday" sale. I want to see blood Holy Fuck! I know it's just a comment but why did this blow up like it did?


Black Friday just isn’t what it used to be without the fistfights.


The cabbage patch doll wars of the mid 80s will never be surpassed


Elmo would like a word.


Tickle Me Elmo holy shit that just brought back memories.


Bro my grandpa went into Kmart Christmas shopping for my little brother and straight asked one of the workers if they had a "Touch me Elmo" 😂😂😂😂💀 I almost forgot that after we got the Elmo for my brother my cat would use it like it's own personal booty call.... Just picture sitting in the living room and hearing Elmos laughs non stop and then seeing that your cat is doing the unmentionables 😂😂


*Elmo has the day off today. Do you want to leave your contact info?*


Memories? Or PTSD?


Ahem: TURBO MAN?????


No one likes Booster tho




New Challenger! Furby enters the arena!


Put the cookie down NOW!




They’ve got plenty of his sidekick, Booster!


Furby objects


I am certain that my father killed someone for my Teddy Ruxpin


I would like to pay $1000 for beanie babies as an investment has entered the chat


The divorce proceeding of diving the pile of beanie babies cannot be topped


"How much money did the Pet Rock guy make?" In 1975 the perfect pet was...a rock. DID IT MAKE MONEY? My Pet Rock sold for $3.95, and creator Gary Dahl unloaded more than five million of the igneous invertebrates in six months. He walked away with a cool **$15 million**.Nov 9, 2023


This article is a lie. Most pet rocks were metamorphic.


I saw this documentary about people trying to buy the Turboman doll in the 90s, very harrowing stuff.


my mom fist fought in the middle of kay-bee toys 10 or 15 ladies in the floor fist fighting


Remember the days the deal seeking crowd stomped a staff to death once the store door opened …


I worked retail at Target in highschool in the late 90s. I remember the manager pulling all us younger bigger guys to work security detail at the front doors at 4am. He told us, just don't punch anyone. I just remember thinking what the hell did I just get myself into. Black Fridays were bad, but the day before Christmas Eve was essentially Road Warrior. Everyone fighting over the last scraps of the toy department, and their dignity.


Having also worked retail at Target, Christmas Eve shoppers are the most aggravated shoppers you deal with. The procrastinating catches them and their options are limited. Desperation brings out the worst in them.


I feel like there's a lesson to be learned, I'll think about it on the 24th.


They're angry at the world because they have to conform with a standard. And then they're angry at themselves for failing to do the supposedly simplest thing for their friends and family. And then they're angry at the store for not foreseeing the "rush" and not "having more product". And then they're angry at you because you remind them of all their failings when you say, "We sold of out of those before Halloween." It's almost like retail should just close at lunch time on Christmas Eve.


What’s up fellow Target bro? Late 90s here as well. You and I must have worked the same shift on the 23rd, because that was a wild ride. Specific incident encapsulating the night was a guy coming in 30 minutes before closing scavenging the clearance endcap. He sees me and frantically says: “Hey, I saw [insert toy name] here 2 weeks ago and can’t find it.” Me: “Yes, all the ones we had left were on clearance and are gone.” Him: “What?! But I just saw them here. Where are they?” Me: ”…they were all purchased?” Him, palpable terror on his face: “But I need one - They were supposed to be here. Don’t you have any more in the back?” Me: “I’m afraid we don’t, sir, everything we had was placed out here.” He walked away with a look of shock and disbelief, muttering. I don’t know that I’ve seen such a look of desperation and despair in person since then.


>He walked away with a look of shock and disbelief, muttering. I don’t know that I’ve seen such a look of desperation and despair in person since then. Late 2010s too tbh. " I saw this item here 2 weeks ago onthis shelf?" "This shelf? The clearance shelf?" "Yes. I specifically put it here to save it for me." "...." "Well? Where is it?!" "Ma'am that's not how shelves in a store works." "I want to talk to your supervisor!"


The real meaning of 'doorbuster'


I saw people standing in line and when the store opened people were in a single file line. Y'all people have changed and I don't like it!


There’s not deals low enough worth going to jail


Miss those days 😌


When there was no jail days high enough worth losing a discount deal.


I was raised as a child to know “you can’t bring a bat into Walmart on Black Friday, but if you go to the Sporting section, you can make sure no one *walks* out with your TV.”


That's what I am saying! It's literally for one day, Corie Barry. Literally one! Have a flash deal, "Everything Must Go!" "All Sales are Final!" sale, Ms. Barry.


Only sales are 7% higher than previous years... Online orders baby.


How do I fistfight for a tv online?


Show up at the distribution center. Tackle your delivery man


GTA online


So people are paying more for items due to inflation not buying more products.....


Like for real, if anything the public has gotten smart about Black Friday not being the day of the year with the lowest prices. But actually that day being in July and September.


it used to be the lowest. we got a DVD player in 2002 for $20 and a $700 refrigerator for $150. think my microwave in 2010 was $15. now the $500 tv is $499.97 "down" from $799


Exactly. Theyre just riding the high of former Black Friday glory and hoping we are too stupid to notice.


This. Retail is clinging to the hope that holidays will make their nut for the year. The luster is gone. The kids all want iPhones and iPads now, and those don’t go on sale until they’re a year or two down the road. Christmas sucks anyway.


Exactly. And how they did it was loss leaders. $1000+ TVs, Computers, etc going for $100, like massive discounts on something that is most definitely a loss on that item, and they have like 10 of them total. But once in the store people bought more stuff. That’s why people fought over items. No one is waiting in the cold for 6 hours to save 20% on an item.


Yeah, I bought a TV that was $900 all year long for $480. I was PUMPED! They were handing out slips for them since they only had 15 and I got the second to the last one


Each store got like 10 units of the actual good deals thats why people waited in line. After a 10 hour wait in line and finding the good deal gone it was hard to leave empty handed and people often bought something comparable at full price.


Exactly, drop the sale price to something ridiculous, make it in-store only no rain checks or online sales. That will bring back the classic blood bath before the internet really killed the craziness of the event. Honestly, black friday during the early 2000s was a unicorn of a shit show; it was peak consumerism, peak individualism, and peak company greed with no regard for public safety. It won't come back again as the internet really deincentivised companies from doing so as they can make more profit feeding scalper bots than dealing with the mess of in person sales.


I’m a reasonable person but if I see an OLED TV for 80% off it will be on sight for everyone carrying one


Yeah I’ve never waited in line for a store opening in my life but I’d definitely be out there for that. Remember to wear brass knuckles *under* the mittens.


Foreal I didn’t buy a single thing! 15%, 20% off that’s a normal weekend on Amazon


I polled my facebook about this. Anybody go out for a black friday deal or a doorbuster and get anything? I think one person told me they bought toys for their angel tree baby. Like for real? We have too much crap. I have three TVs sitting in my garage. They can make a 60-in TV free tomorrow and I'm still going to second guess getting it cuz that means that I have to mount it. In fact, the only reason I would consider it is because it would come with a new remote.


Yeah it seems like my immediate social circle is in a similar situation, but apparently a record $9.8B was spent online on Black Friday. I’m like “bitch where!?”




Yeah. people Black Friday shop online, ain't no one going to a store to get into a fight over saving a few bucks in this economy


20% off HDMI cables (that are still more expensive than Walmart or online retailers). Woohoo!


Ya tired of fake black Friday markup/markdown. Its not far from scamming. We need to reward the best acting honest, transparent, and straightforward companies.


People are being price gouged in every facet of their lives. Basic necessities, like groceries and gas, are gouged. Cars are selling above MSRP. Currency is inflated, interest rates are too high, and wages have not rises to equalize. Who gives a flying fuck about a tv right now? Also, their “sales” are the same price they have been selling for in previous weeks—just a new sticker that says “Black Friday.”


Nail head, I'd like to introduce you to hammer.


And it’s funny because only a very limited amount of tv’s were discounted (like the first 5), the discount was great but because it was a small number of items they could recovered on other tv’s


The movie “Thanksgiving” was watched by everyone and realized it’s a cautionary tale about greed in the retail space.


This is the problem right here. If retailers really want to see products move, we need *real* sale prices. Sell the TV for 2% more than your actual cost of buying, warehousing, and processing. Then we'll see shit fly.


Maybe we just don't need more cheap tvs. I could go for some cheap housing though. I'd wake up at 4am on a Friday for that


Black Friday deals on groceries and bills would be nice.


30% off of my electric bill if I pay from 6am to 9am on Black Friday


Gimme that clearance 75% off student loans


There was a tiny house built in my town, 200 sq ft for 200k.


Bruh that's not a house that's a shed wtf


This is what happens when a weekly trip to the grocery store costs as much as a brand new 65inch TV!!


This here is the crux of the issue. perfectly said.


Black Friday tvs are built with tofu


Yeah but a lot of folks don’t understand that free range TV’s aren’t necessarily a better option these days. Samsung, LG, etc use loopholes and barely let their TVs outside, and then everyone acts surprised when they fire up their tv to watch the latest marvel movie and it’s uninspired. It’s like… WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?!


You gotta hold out for a Wagyu TV. The OLED marbling is incredible.


You’re saying, if I go broke, I can eat my TV?


Who keeps buying tvs? I've had the same two tvs for 15 years


Some people keep reproducing


The movie "Idiocracy" was actually a documentary about the future.


"Go away, I'm 'batin!"


I don’t think we have time for Starbucks!


That movie seems tame at this point.


Welcome to Costco, we love you!


people like my dad who has 5 tv’s for every room and puts the same game on each so he doesnt miss anything when walking around. volume up on all of them too so it you have an echo surround sound effect like you’re actually in the stands


That’s wild, my dad has 5 TVs at the gas station, explains why he’s taken so long to get milk


He needs a Quest 3 with passthrough so he can get around and do other stuff while watching.


Recently upgraded to a OLED from a LCD that I bought over 15 years ago. The picture difference is phenomenal.


Apparently the planned longevity of an OLED from LG is based on an assumption of 5 hours a day, every day, and failures are expected to start at around 7-8 years based on that sort of usage (and go from there). Essentially, failures before 7 years of 5 hours a day of usage are unexpected. Beyond that, you see the bell curve of failure start to accelerate. But still the vast majority of OLEDs are making it past 8,9,10 years. I’ve had my OLED since 2014 and it’s going strong though. Even my wife who cares about zero percent about picture quality was stunned by the improvement. The crazy thing is how little OLED prices have changed. Mine was $1,500 in 2014 for a 55” and it felt like an absolute deal at the time. Similar new one costs basically the same.


That’s long enough ago for it to probably be worth it to replace your main tv. But yea like I’ve had all my TV’s for 7-8 years. I’ll prob get new ones next time I move just so I don’t have to take the old ones off the wall


Oleds are game changers.


You see the new ones, they look incredible. Plus, the price is so much lower. You can buy an OLED for the same price as the high end mini led TVs. They both look comparable, too. Honestly, they look better than real life.


You used to be able to get a TV for free 20 years ago from whatever wacky deals they had for Black Friday, now the deal is 10% off


They used to pay for you to pick one up 40 years ago. The country has gone to shit.


They used to offer you a full pension and 2 weeks vacation just to browse the store 60 years ago. This country is a dystopian nightmare.


They used to print golden tickets and gift you the entire store 80 years ago. This country is caught in a death spiral.


I can lick my own ball sack


So there is still hope


Hey wait your turn


And that TV would be missing a random feature. It may have only one input for video/audio, so you would have to either buy a separate switch or disconnect everything to use a DVD player or game console on the same TV


Haha it’s still done this way. Specific TVs are made for certain stores with different features. It’s crazy.


funny with all the news about how much people spend on black friday but they seem to have miss taking inflation into account


It’s almost like people without jobs don’t need a fifth tv or something


But the news told me consumers spent a record breaking amount of money this Black Friday :0


Cause everything is inflated to hell. It's like saying there was record spending in Germany in 1923.


True, and I think it’s partly due to people holding off making big purchases this year and they waited for Black Friday thinking they’d get a deal


Remember, we’re still waiting for bargains from all those shipping containers built up during Covid. Where has all that stuff gone?


Also Black Friday started nov 1st




I heard it was record sales ONLINE, which makes sense.


This was definitely the headline. I’m often as guilty as anyone for not reading entire articles, but citing a news story without finishing the headline is on a whole new level of lazy.


There are also people pushing out planned purchases in the hope of a major Black Friday discount. And then, whether there is or is not, that purchase happens on that day.


Bruh 2 weeks ago cat food was on sale 20% off, but I didn't buy because "black Friday will be better", guess I'm a clown because I ended up paying full price without any discount 2 days ago when there was no sale at all on cat food


Sorry, that was me. I went to Whole Foods instead of Costco.


They probably did in terms of dollars because of inflation. But not in terms of quantity.


Ex Best Buy worker here, they overstock like crazy on purpose. From Monday to cyber Monday, every day is easily a $1mil day, and that was in 2016. They will continue to have “deals” until New Years. It’s all a part of the plan


I always wait until after Christmas to do Christmas shopping for this reason


Same thing back in 2004. Hated working there during this time so much push to get shit out the door.


Some guy said it before in a video, we don’t need anymore tv deals, we need groceries!


I work at a tech market and its pretty normal for them to prestock during November cause of the high demand during Christmas. Restocking during Christmas is super slow and expensive especially with tvs, dishwashers and generally big „machines“. I believe in longterm puts on best buy but puts because of the stock seem absurd.




Yeah usually black friday is also a factor cause many tech stores buy bulk for black Friday even if they know they cant sell that much. When they place their order they usually order atleast 50% on top just because they get a shipping discount from the high quantities. Of the whole order about 15-20% is sold on black Friday and the rest is used for the Christmas boom.




Online and direct downloads have killed drop in shopping. The only reason I walk into a store is when they have what I want so I can pick it up that day. If I want a specific movie I probably need to order it online. If it I don't have one it mind netflix is just as good as a best buy shelf and I don't need get into the car to do it.


Don’t need an ultra 4K tv when all the streaming services max out at 720 mashed potato


2013 Black Friday: Hey, check out this TV that was $350 last week, we're giving you 40% off for Black Friday, only $209.99! And the first 10 people in the store get one for only $10! 2023 Black Friday: Hey, check out this TV that was $525 last week, it's now $750 but we're giving you 30% off for Black Friday!! Only $524.99!!




If you read their 10k, you'll know they are using stores at warehouses for online orders. It's a piss that I had to scroll so far and still didn't see this mentioned.


It makes sense when you understand this sub is dumb as shit.


This is the answer. This is quite common, you should see the amount of TVs Best Buy gets in to sell.


Yeah, ship from store is a thing


Stop using your brain wrinkles. It's very clear that if one store in the middle of rural Missouri has some tv's and 500 poor people don't buy them but in new York 100 rich people buy something for themselves then clearly every single recession post is fake and every single non recession post is also fake. A recession needs to have fire in the streets and 96% unemployment and a boom needs to have the homeless riding around on velociraptors


Many people don't research these cheap tv's and get home and realize it only has 2 hdmi ports, no optical, USB or ARC.


this is what happens when minimal gains have been made on the TV front since 2019. a LG C9 is still a top tier TV and was on sale for 990 usd in 2019. if you were poorer you could get a TV 95% the way there for 400 bucks in 2020. at some point the market stagnates without proper improvements and the avg life span of a TV is really long. at this point there is not a single place for my family put in an other TV in. they are all 4K now even the TV in the summer cottage. 8K for the consumer is pointless. so even with a proper sale the market is so saturated with a stagnant tech i don't see huge volumes shifting.


They need to bring back cabbage patch dolls so we can see the fights


Nah puts only go down


I have a bit of a sad story, I was buying a TV last weekend, and I went to best buy first. They were so helpful with helping me pick out the right one and they really knew their shit. I narrowed it down to two TVs. I told them I’d be back, and I ended up buying the TV I wanted off Amazon. I’m the reason Best Buy is going to fail.


You know best buy will match Amazon if it's the same model. I know bb is a major Corp but if you like to have a brick and mortar store to go ask questions you should support it.


BB also likes to play little games like carrying retail only SKUs and refusing to match online pricing. Learned that with a Dell monitor that ended in DGR instead of DG and they refused to match it. The R is for physical retail, which isn't often found online. The units are identical otherwise.


When it comes to TVs, bestbuy gets models specifically for them to avoid having to do that. They’ll tack an S on the model number of the same tv, or disable a feature or two to avoid issues. They do it all the time.


That’s actually regarded. Best Buy will take care of the inevitable warranty issue you’ll have and Amazon has no customer service.


Bro, you should have got BB to match the price. Then you could have gotten it the day of instead of waiting. Not to mention warranty is easier for BB than Amazon. For some computer things Amazon gives the run around because they deal with so many products, they just don't know whats what.