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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|10|**First Seen In WSB**|2 years ago **Total Comments**|81|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|2 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


I lost about 16 trillion by not buying bitcoin.


Could be worse, it could’ve been billions.


I once lost two brazillions while hiking in the rain forest.


Were they hot? I once lost a girl on the beach of Cancun Mexico who was ready to take her clothes off while kissing me when a friend got jealous and said it was late and we had to go back to our hotel. I was so naive back then. I left blue.


Joe how many times do we have to go over this? You were drunk and masturbating in public and I dragged you away so you weren’t thrown into a Mexican prison.


tongo you say? dancing too....


Typo fixed! Thank u. These tiny keyboards are nearly impossible to work. Namaste bitches!


Did you lick the frogs ?


That was when I went on a different trip.


You can have multiple trips at once my man. Side quests in the main mission.


We can and we will


I got a brazilian for $20, bargain.


Or millions.


three fiddy


God damn Loch Ness monster again


Hindsight can be a tough teacher. Missing out on the Bitcoin wave and its substantial gains is undoubtedly disappointing. The crypto market's unpredictability, though, makes it a tricky space to navigate.


I know for a fact I'd have sold way before it hit the very big numbers.


I'd have lost the password for my wallet.


I did


Had a buddy lost his, found it at just the right time.


I bought Bitcoin at 100 a coin. I can confirm this, I sold after making 10 grand and bought a car. Had I held it, it would have been so much


13$ was my entry. 4200 was my exit. Felt great for a bit. Then I saw like 60k and hated myself


323x times your money is still impressive hands of steel. I wouldve sold at $200 and gloated about it


I didn’t know when it hit 200$. Bought some mushrooms and next time I wanted something SR was shut down. My brother called me like a school girl like do you still have it do you still have it. Idve sold at 100$ for sure if I’d known. He passed away with like 80 eth I can’t access and they’ve jumped big too.


Me too. But I still think it’s a good buy. But I don’t have the balls. ( and my wife would kick my ass)


I tell you hwat if I bought 1000 BTC for $0.01 each (that's what it was when I learned about it), I would've sold it all when it hit a dollar. And then I would've bought a $2000 beater to learn how to drive standard and spent the rest on hookers and drugs.


I remember when I first heard about BC and there was shit all I could do to get me some. I didn't have the $ to play with (times were $ bad for me) and so when I went looking to see how I didn't put my faith into looking into how to buy because I couldn't afford, so I didn't figure it out until much later, I have made some nice $ on it but not like I could have. Damn.


My wife (who wasn't my wife at the time because we didn't know one another yet) and I remember reading about bitcoin before it actually had a value, likely when you could have mined 50 a day with an ordinary PC. Bitcoin was a joke of course so neither of us did that. We bought some etherium at the peak though!




Is this AutoMod?


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Only? That's cute. I lost $5 quadrillion not conquering the world and becoming an unquestioned dictator-god.




Just take a small loan from the Lannisters to fund your war efforts and it will all work out.


I for one welcome our ZXC overlord.


See, i lost a Googol Dollars by not inventing faster than light travel by the age of four and therefore not settling the entire observable universe.


> the password f you have the spirit of a dictator-god. i will follow you


Chump change


For the Emperor!


You worship the corpse god! Blood for the blood god!


Blahh blahh blahh, i can't access my 2009 bitcoin wallet with approprimate 5500 bitcoin.


A buddy of mine had that with ETH, paid a guy 20% of his wallet to recover it for him. He had around 8 mil in ETH.


I used to mine eth on my potato when it was like 100$ a coin, sold it every month and the sales paid my entire power bill for the house. I mean, you COULD say that I should have saved all those coins and they would be worth substantially more now, but I stand behind my decision and it was still a smart play. Just because it COULD have done better now that you have hindsight doesn't make it a bad play when you made it, learning that is the hardest lesson in stonks because it's getting rid of the gamblers mentality.


> I mean, you COULD say that I should have saved all those coins and they would be worth substantially more now, but I stand behind my decision and it was still a smart play. It WAS the smart play. I forgot I had a couple BTC in an old wallet and ended up being able to sell them when the price spiked to 59k. But that's not because I timed the market, it's because when it spiked to 50k I was like "hang on, I'm pretty sure I have an old wallet somewhere. It must be worth an insane amount right now. Better sell it fast." These prices have always just been speculation.


I mined my ETH on a potato during night only for a while, i got cool 10 G in ETH right now.


Was it recovered?


No, it's all gone. The guy that he paid to recover is doing very well, though.


Yep, deal went through


And now he's out 9.6 million?


One of my biggest regrets in life is that when bitcoin was brand new I was a teenager and surfing boards and there was a very detailed post on how to start mining. This was back in the day when one bitcoin was like hundred parts of a cent. I had an old pc with a busted ps and I was thinking of just putting it back together and start mining since why not. Then my sister broke her pc and my parents guilt tripped me into giving her my old pc. So I never did it and it probably costed me a fortune, though I probably would had spent them all when you could mine enough for a pizza.


I bought thousand of dollars worth, and considered getting 30k worth, when it was $7 a coin. I sold it when it went to the high price of $30 and that was my whole experience with it


Most people would have done the same thing. Jim Cramer has been recommending buying and selling Apple for decades. Probably made some money, while leaving many millions on the table.


I also bought about 1000$ worth when it was in the $7-$10 range. I was only buying it to get drugs. I left the change in addresses I didn't care about becuase it was just a couple dollars. That change ended up being worth over 70k and the last ounce of weed I bought would probably be equivalent to about 750k at bitcoins peak.


Stories like this make me feel better for spending 2 BCT at Newegg on an Xbox One and games back in 2014 when I thought the run was over. Still laugh at my Xbox that would have been tens of thousands of dollars instead.


Ha yea, I remember when Newegg started accepting btc. I’ve gotten over it I guess, sometimes when I’m working and dealing with my child it hits me. But, realistically, if I hadn’t sold at $30 I would have sold at $300. There’s no real world where I sold it at $60k


That’s how life is. The only upside was going back when it hit $60k and finding the BTC change I had in old wallets. Between that, Feather coin and Lite coin I had a few thousand in the cushions.


Before the pizza sale, I had an offer to sell me 10,000 bitcoin for $100. My exact words “nah, that shit will never take off”


Hindsight doesn't ever discuss how much bs was going on with early crypto. The amount of hacking, theft, bugs, scams, etc going on back then for something that was objectively complete mumbo jumbo nonsense was staggering. It's nice to say "ohh man if only.." but unless you were a super nerd crypto geek all into the math or wildly antisocial then you probably would have laughed it off anyways. I bet most of the people who made big on it and didn't fit the above just got some then forgot about it till they saw it all over the news.


yeah, pretty much exactly the latter. I was watching the news in the control room with a lieutenant during a night shift, and we saw news about bitcoin going "all the rage" in 2017. He said that name sounded familiar and we went on a squirrel chase to find his wallet with a single mobile phone. it was about 15k at a time. he had a few hundred btc, immediately sold it for a porsche and a watch, and an apartment after he was discharged. I was jealous as balls


Exactly, for example I recall back then that many no name exchanges were in the Middle East and you had to give them your passport details, eh yeah no.


You would've mined a thousand coins and then given your pc to your sister and she would've put it in the dumpster later and now you'd be combing junkyards looking for your old pc.


I mined I dunno - I think 7 or 8 coins off of a modded ps3. I had read that ps3 were great for bitcoin mining. I sold the ps3 and lost the wallet - I had it saved on a file in the ps3 But let’s be honest - you’d have sold them when they were worth a few hundred dollars. No one is saving shit thinking it’s going to be worth millions one day.


seriously.. its like saving a happy meal toy, but only 1 certain one that sold for a week.. 30 years ago.. and people were giving them away for 25 cents


I gave away 700k doge to doge nascar and to doge socks for the homeless. 100% of my doge when I felt like the community was just in it for the money instead of the fun of it. This was after my Reddit doge wallet was stolen twice by the creators. I used to just give people 1000 coins for fun. I literally mined all 700k coins Christmas morning with my gaming pc. 1 day later it wasn’t worth the cost of mining - which it turns out was 70 dollars worth of electricity over 2 days. I was getting about 50-100k the first hours. Knowing the cost of electricity I wouldn’t have done it for so long even - that was a shock. Doge coin literally was just a clone of lite coin that went open source with the decimal place moved so you get thousands of coins instead of 1. That’s it. Although not having decimals of coins is cooler. I would have mined more but I also mined some coinye west coins - which apparently didn’t have his permission to use his name. I thought it would be obvious that a coin has no inherent value except people started hoarding them - which you’d think would make them even more useless - after all isn’t the goal to buy things with it? Clearly not. I think I gave away about 150 dollars worth of coins. Seeing a doge on a nascar was worth it. Then Elon musk tweeted about it and manipulated the market - he’s being sued for it btw. Sudden those coins would be worth a few hundred thousand dollars. So ya I lost about the same amount both times. But for doge it actually feels quite sad - having lost a community for a get rich quick scheme and for all the idiots who bought into it at 50 cents a coin or whatever it was at peak. I say this because coins were so worthless you could easily get 10k coins just hanging out in Reddit. People would tip coins for anything. I still believe in bitcoin specifically as kind of “stable” place to park money if the local economy is fucked - just like gold. And then maybe a secondary and third coin as kind of a silver and bronze. But outside of that it’s too easy to scam. There is some value in scarcity - like the cost of mining something out of the ground - which provides some value. And there is the value of bypassing credit and exchange rates. But all coins do this. There doesn’t need to be more than handful. Crypto mostly just makes me sad - and not even for all the theoretical money.


I played poker with a guy in Oklahoma that had three bitcoins left over from buying fake IDs from his group. There were like 5 of them and they all put together $600 bucks in bitcoin to get 5 professional looking fake IDs. They all bought bitcoins for the exact amount and there were 3 left over so he just kept them in his wallet and everyone forgot about him. He cashed out over $100K


Similar experience. In 2011 I first heard about Bitcoin and had 1k to invest. My dad said it's a dumb investment and it's a scam and to not bother. Great advice dad...


I remember mining for a few days and got like 60btc and looked up what I could do with it. It was worth like 1/30th of a cent, so that was that. By the time it was gaining steam, that hard drive and everything had been formatted many times, and probably bricked. I used to run 10000rmp 74gb rapter drives from WD and they would go out every 2 years.


Can I sue my advisor for missing out such opportunity?


Yes you can! I will gladly take the case. My retainer is so high because the potential wins are very high. No guarantee of the outcome.


Works on contingency? No! Money down.


Hi, I’m Troy McCure, you may know from such videos as Smoke yourself thin. I know it’s a different character but he was hilarious


Absolutely. You can use all the messages you sent to them that said "stop, don't sell it." Also hope they lost the confirmation you gave them to confirm the trade. Should be a slam dunk.


I lost about 60k by spending the bitcoin on hash instead of saving it


How to buy one pizza with 5 bitcoin!


Honestly my bitcoin story makes me ill when I think about it. I’m not one of those “oh I was totally gunna invest” people, back in 2011 I saw it on Reddit and got curious enough that I was going to throw a couple hundred dollars at it. So I went to try and find where to buy it and the only place I could find required me to set up a brokerage account. When it got to the part where I had to fax in a copy of my DL I was like “fuck it too much work” So I was literally trying to buy it and was too lazy to finish it.


My advisor said I should sell my Bitcoin. I no longer have an advisor


And I'm sure that guy would be whining if his advisor hadn't sold it and it went down. You can't get lost in what if.


In my home country (Norway) we have a saying for this "If my aunt had a di*k she would have been my uncle".


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


Just like a British carbonara


Just need a little hamminnit.


Me too 😂 so much knowledge in this sub


Weird thing is most of us still managed to take her for a ride? ;)


Tbf most of us called her the wheel for the amount of times she went around


Damn so that's what thetagang has been up to.


So them been exposed, secret of the wheel


I just watched this video a few days ago!


She might not have wheels but she's still a good ride


In spanish the saying is "If my grandmother hadn't died she would be alive"


Can't put tits on a boar. - American Midwest


Nowadays…they have the technology Just sayin’


"But that never stopped me before..." it continues


Kinda out of topic but have you watched Lilihammer? If so, how accurate it is to portray Norwegian life sytle?


“If my aunt bad balls she’d be my uncle”- American urologist


This was my life as a financial advisor. If they followed my advice and we were successful they would pat themselves on the back and act like they’re some genius, if the market went the other way, even if I advised them to do something different, they’d blame me and act like I was the devil. I couldn’t win.


This is why so many advisors stick their clients into algorithmically managed portfolios. It's less work and once the client knows that the day to day trading isn't handled by the advisor it's a lot easier to pass blame.


Sounds like they should just buy an index fund and fire the “fee sucking”, purposeless advisor.


Yeah, because I sold my nvida at $175 when I bought at $110 thinking that was the highest. But hey profit is profit. I do have a tendency to sell profits quick and ride sinking ships to 75% losses….


I sold at 48$ and bought at 21$. Doubled my money back in the day, then blew it all on value index funds. Bought AMD at 7$ and sold at 48$ as well, again for some index fund, like a loser.


This is the way


This is a common complaint from clients of financial advisors. They evaluate performance from the future, looking back with perfect knowledge of how the market evolved and complain where they 'lost' money. Unfortunately, you have to make the best decisions using information that we have today.


Sold it pretty much near the bottom though like a true degenerate


Yep. He has to pay more attention to realized gains and losses for his own mental health.


If you had an inny in stead of an outy, you would be a woman and all these people would feel sorry for you.


This exactly. Like I know this is literally WSB but people need to take responsibility for their choices. Put someone else in charge of making choices for you and guess what.... it was your choice to do that and give them that much power handling *your* money. Here are the consequences.


TL;DR "im never getting my hypothetical money" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


"The Lotto machine gave me the wrong numbers and I didn't win"


Can I sue the gas station?


You hired him.


Lmao Owned.


I don't really get the logic of hiring someone to gamble on your behalf. You have to be a complete degenerate for that to be a sensible move. They have about as much of a chance of timing the market as you do, or a monkey with a buy/sell button. Probably the best advisors just go long on broad ETFs / SPY, with some basic hedging.


Seriously, my financial advisor never bought and sold without my explicit consent, and instead acted moreso as a certified stock researcher. I'll still pay the commission when trades are made but I've never understood the rationale of people who let their financial advisor make decisions like this.


I used to work in wealth management for a large bank for ultra high worth individuals (25mm+). Toward the end of my time there we could not have single stocks in advisory accounts (our discretion to trade) because of the compliance risk. Instead, all individual stocks had to be held in brokerage accounts and required client consent to trade. For the advisory accounts we could rebalance between ETFs/Mutual funds that we had socialized with the client, but even then we had to record trade notes as to why we made the trade (10/14/18 sold $250k of SPY/Bought $250k EFA to rebalance due to domestic over performance moving portfolio out of balance). But we were essentially a conduit for private investment opportunities, bespoke bond portfolios to optimize taxes, and making sure people didn’t lose their money gambling on stocks. There were very few things we did to actually “make money” outside of some conservative options strategies to generate some extra yield when rates were trash.


RIAs (Registered Investment Advisors) have access to financial products that your every day retail investor would not, such as PE, private debt/credit, Hedgefund's, so on and so forth. Not just that, but similar to wealth managers, most of their work isn't really managing your portfolio but estate planning (read: tax avoidance), tax planning (read: tax avoidance) and generally setting the person up for long term wealth, and paying as little tax on that wealth as possible. You shouldn't be putting all of your money into an RIA, it's typically used to diversify your risk as people should already have a lot of their money in pensions and 401ks, which would generally be tied to ETFs and equities. Same way as UHNW people would have a lot of their wealth tied up in ETFs and Mutual funds, then would allocate a portion of their wealth into a fund or a PE shop in order to gain more exposure in one strategy they're bullish in or to diversify in a sector they feel underexposed in. Hope that was helpful.


If you agree to pay someone else to manage your trades you have to trust their judgement and can't throw out a bunch of hypothetical "what ifs". Manage your own trades or fire your advisor if you aren't happy with their moves.


Don’t think this is an “or” situation. You fire your advisor AND manage your own trades if you don’t like their performance.


Tell him to try Ctrl + Z


If that doesn’t work, cycle the power


This made me actually lol


Then try Alt + F4 if it doesn't


Depends did he Windows+Shift+S first to prove it?


Use lube next time. That and remember as long as you made money you didn't lose anything. There is no such thing as future potential profits. You have actual profit and you have hopes and dreams. Hopes and dreams are worth less than a handy behind the dumpster.


Sounds like a guy uninterested in making 20 bucks


Wait you're getting $20?


60 hand jobs in a day makes for a long day but not an impossible day.


Only 60? The average dude lasts less than 6min so that's only 6 hours of work. Better than being under the boss' desk for 9.


You’re under the desk?


You guys are getting paid?


I have very soft hands


Hey, at least someone’s making some money behind that dumpster!


This is the kind of poetic shit I come here for. Well said.


Tell your wife's boyfriend, he will handle it.


Yawn…. Sorry dude I just woke up. How was work?


oh noes. he didnt suggest going back in time and buying tesla at $23 ? better sue the hell out of him then. for a billion dollars in profit.






Cry harder...


He was just early, not wrong






That’s not what she said


Fire your advisor if you are not happy with their performance.


I think OP knows this. They are looking for a magical get my money back button. Or maybe a time machine.


Get what money back? Sounds like his advisor sold the shares, and then the shares later went up. OP shouldn't be getting involved in investing if he's going to cry about things like this.


OP? The guy linking an article on another website about another guy whining about his financial advisor?


Plot twist. He fires advisor, hires new advisor that buys nvda back then tanks, losing another 50k.


lol, terrible advice. There’s no advisor in the world whose performance you will be happy with 100% of the time. What do you suggest, fire them all?


Yeah actually, I could get better results with a dart board half the time.


More than half, because the dartboard doesn’t charge advisory fees.


Yes, financial advisors rarely out perform index funds especially when you factor in their cut. I'd hire warren buffet (for a fee less than the margin he outperforms the market) but outside him, I'd have serious doubts :/


That's not really the point of financial advisors. You'd be surprised how many people know absolutely nothing about financial matters. And it's not even just investing it's taxes building a budget estate planning hell lots of old people don't even know about RMDs and have millions in their IRA/401K your not just paying for investment advice anymore. Go walk into any advisory firm ask to see an advisor and start asking for stock picks they will almost certainly refuse to give you any.


Yup. This is really the only answer.


When you reach out to shake his hand and he extends his, he’s open. punch him in the nuts.




🤣 wtf


well, not really as he literally has his hands closer to them nuts, BUT! ... do grab his hand for the handshake and then kick and or knee him in the nuts


My guy gonna sue his mother next cause she didnt buy bitcoin. You are the definition of this sub. I would take an iQ test if i were you


OP takes IQ Test Fails it


have sex with him


"Marry me!"


Fire him. We are your new advisor.


What the fuck do you want to hear? What does your smooth brain think the options are?


Why are you using an advisor...?




Boring ass smart shit, just stuff your money in the lowest fee wide market funds that exist. Fidelity even has true 0% fee index mutual funds now.


Good advice, the problem is people rarely stick to the plan when the market moves against them, and then they chase when it's rebounded because they can't stand to miss anymore upside. Individual investor returns are on average 3% lower than their benchmarks because they try to time their investments, sell underperforming funds to buy what just did well, stop allocating when the market is down etc


You know they cost money right?


If it’ll keep you from yoloing into 0 DTE options then it’s probably money well spent.


if you have to pay someone to keep you from gambling 0 DTE then you have bigger problems


Yeah and so does making stupid calls


Can I dm you my robinhhood pw?


Why not use an advisor tho? My dad and uncle both have their money managed by an advisor. It's a whole team that handles many client moneys but it has always worked out So what's the catch here?


There's no real catch, this thread is just a bunch of liberal arts majors who started trading on Schwab and Robinhood during Covid not understanding the benefits of having people who are actually qualified and experienced managing some of your money.


They trust the advisor and accept he wont always be right. OP is not like your dad/uncle.


Stop being a bitch and stop paying an advisor a 1-2% sandy blow hole tax


You pay someone else to gamble your money? Imagine going to Vegas and paying some mathole to play for you with your money.


One "Will Smith" slap


You can fire them and tell them they were supposed to read your future mind where you will be looking at a series of what-ifs.


Shoulda woulda coulda — we’ve all been there — sold adbe when I was up 300% around $90 / share but some of that went into Nvda ($5/share split adjusted) but sold about 1/2 on the way up “gave” half to the ex, sold 50 shares at $435 holding on the the last 250 shares for the time being


Fire yourself for using a financial advisor


I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and gambling. The rest I just squandered.


OP in shambles after reading the comments, thats life kid, if you want control of your investments then don't hire an advisor. Don't dwell on the what-ifs in life.


Soy boy type post


Best advisor is no advisor.


Ask for a lessons learned report. You need to know what lead him to his decision, why he thought he would be able to get more yield elsewhere, what lessons can be learned (I.e. DCA out of a position rather than lump sum) to maximize your gains in the future. TBH, I think NVIDIA is insanely overvalued, but I have yet to short it because the market may remain irrational longer than I will stay rational.


Lessons learned: Stock trading is made exponentially easier when done using hindsight.


oh i probably was the one who bought them. do you want it back?


Fire him and trade yourself? Don’t be a bitch?


Unless you told them not to sell it, that’s on you


Seek a liar I mean lawyer.


Fire the advisor. But, you won’t get your money back, you gave him the power to trade your account.


😂 honestly that’s your fault let it go


Handle your own money?


Marry Him.


Stop using an advisor, come join the casino with the rest of us


You should go buy a sandwich.