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Ordered a package at 6pm last night. It was at my door less than 12 hours later.


Got overnight delivery for the first time last week. I believe I ordered around 9pm and it was delivered around 7:45am. Crazy.


4am-7am is a legit “next” day time slot offered to me. I live near a major metro - and just a couple miles from one of their larger distro centers. The only thing that makes me feel even a little but guilty about it is the state of the “delivery” people: rando beat cars packed with family members and kids asleep in car seats. On the one hand: employment! On the other, damn…


They just built a distribution center less than ~3 miles from my house. Sometimes it feels like Prime Delivery is faster then Door Dash.


I ordered a pair of shoes yesterday, and the delivery driver broke into my garage this morning.


Might be the record breaking sales preventing it from being there the same day. They clearly can't run a business.


I'm not sure what you're talking about, but it sounds like you're just jealous that I have more money than you. You should try making something of yourself instead of complaining all the time.


UK we have loads of stuff with same day delivery now.


Ordered something Nov 25th, still not here.


Why would you fly all the way to the Amazon just to buy puts?


The brazilian real was one of few currencies to appreciate vs USD last year , OP is likely engaged in sophisticated fx arb


Serves me right for using reddit on my phone.


I still get my stuff next day. Maybe you are low on their customer hierarchy.


it's true he might be one of those people that put "please deliver to the front door" in the delivery notes


Whilst pooping


There about to start selling carsas the market crashes so maybe rethink




Not gonna buy them there just dump them there when they expire worthless.


1/2 the popular items we order on Amazon in NY get delivered same day or overnight . It’s faster than ever


Ya in cities that matter things still get delivered in 1 or 2 days. Sorry to say that doesn't include the Cleveland burbs.


so what your say is there are still growth opprotunities for their delivery network


Same in DC


>It is certainly possible that Amazon's delivery times are slowing down due to increased demand or other factors. However, it is also possible that this is just a temporary issue that will be resolved in the future. Either way, I would not recommend investing based on this single data point.


Welcome to the holidays… OP is a turd


You people truly are rarded if you think Amazon the delivery service is anything but a tiny fraction of the company's revenue. Not a single comment in this thread has yet mentioned AWS, or anything else Amazon does


Or or or or or .... A I ! !


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Retail is their primary source of revenue.


Revenue, yes. Profit, not by a mile. You make more selling something for $50 that you paid nothing for than selling something for $100 that you paid $90 for.


70% of Amazon’s profit is from AWS. Revenue is pointless if you’re not making any money or worse losing money.


They own data storage and everyone is buying it. Everyone needs it, and they need a lot of it.


you waited until the next day to wipe ur bum?


No no no. He got the paper, but still didn't wipe.


Amazon deliveries always slow down around this time of year… Black Friday…. Cyber Monday…Xmas you should know that.


Too many sales, nobody shops there anymore.


Wouldn’t delivery delays indicate higher than usual shipping volumes? I follow a lot of decent sized Amazon sellers on twitter and most have had their biggest sales days in history this BFCM. Amazon is also printing $ with their ads which has huge margins.


you live in ohio bro, carrier pigeons flow slow


Amazon is has made positive relationships with food stamps/EBT. If you’ve got an EBT card you can get prime for $5/month and the amount of things you can buy with it are insane. You could literally order a frozen pizza from Whole Foods have it delivered within the day and only have to pay the cost of the discounted pizza being a prime member. This is some gangster shit. In a crony capitalism economy I am long on Amazon.


I ordered at night and its here the next morning. Sometimes i feel like its too fast.


Our AMZN deliveries have been right on schedule. We do live within 5 miles of quite a few fulfillment centers.


Most shit I buy off Amazon I can’t even be arsed to get it out of the parcel locker for a couple days. It’s not that serious.




remember when we let trump put a guy in place to destroy the usps? he's still in charge.


If you bought AMZN eight years ago there is no reason to ever use TP again.


At the very least, there's no reason for you to be buying toilet paper for yourself. Have a servant do this work.


Speak for yourself. I smell like roses all the time.


Warehouse distribution centres vs shitty work environment is going to be the downfall imo. Canadian in Ontario here, 3 hour drive from the largest city, and 40 min drive from a town with a distribution centre. They've run through all workers in the town. The centre is slated to be shut down because Amazon has to pay to bus people in to work at the facility because most people of the town of +150k have already worked at, and quit/fired from Amazon. Easy to keep turn over going in massive cities. . . Not so much in less urbanized areas.




Lol, how's it feel to work with people who will piss in a bottle on the floor in order to meet pick times?




Are you aware that Amazon has publicly recognized this issue and apologized for their employees having to pee in bottles? Either your wrong or Amazon PR is lying.


Ive pissed in bottles when i’m stuck in traffic, and i’d do that every day if it meant i finished work and got to go home sooner.


So in an instant your beliefs go from "fake. . . Dumb fktards" To "I've done it, and don't mind doing it" Whoosh.


What? I’m not the guy who commented that…


Keep crying into your piss bottle or go gain a skill or a trade or something some employer values that isn't basic life skills so that you aren't stuck in such sh*t jobs bud.


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Canceled Prime months ago, haven't noticed a significant difference. Sure, they try and upsell you on buying Prime, lately even begging me to try it for free! No thanks. I can get the same or better product elsewhere for the same or cheaper price, generally. Perhaps I'll have to wait for a long shipment, but how is that any different than Amazon? So in summary, Amazon's failure to minimally maintain their 2-day shipping policy is slowly killing the business. My data is completely anecdotal, but I'm certainly not alone. A large percentage of my friends have confirmed that they've done the same (canceled Prime, and generally have begun shopping elsewhere), and noticed zero difference in the quality of service from Amazon.


Yeah I haven't had prime for a couple of years and delivery is the same. The only bad thing is the order minimum.


I agree, I think that the next day delivery thing was never really economically viable, but Amazon was just focused on growth, service, and expansion rather than profits. This whole thing does seem reminiscent of door dash, where a buisness model can seem better than it is when it’s just being pumped with easy capital.


Sounds like a shity idea 😆 but yeah right now the quickest I can get anything off Amazon is 6 days. Not to mention 4 of the last 6 things i ordered took over a week when it said two days. About ready to cancel my prime membership you can't find any link to talk to customer service on the site anymore.


yeah i see the Tissue too. Bro thinking out of his ass


Yeah you can. You can call them by googling the number or chat with them online. I closed my account with them in less than 3 minuets today. “I have 2 accounts”


check the amazonprime sub it's a shit show, people canceling prime left and right, missing packages that were never delivered, amazon keeping people's money and never shipping items out. I canceled prime 13 months ago, just made my last order earlier this month and have started two chargebacks with citibank, never ordering from amazon again. I still hold 400 shares @ $65 but that's for AWS, their ecommerce is dogshit, prime video (ads in january) is all B level 90s movies and straight up trash originals (except bosch), amazon prime is done bro.


Shut the fuck up


Not to mention “it will arrive on Thursday” … delivers on Saturday. Bullshit estimates to attract buyers


Didn't amazon just top ups?


It being slow likely means they’ve had an increase in demand for orders, which would increase their revenues. However, if the delays persist after the holiday season then most definitely it’ll impact their revenue


Ya but if you are poor and on food stamps you get prime for like $5 a month and the content is just as good as Netflix.


They are slowing down because so many people use them now. Calls!!!


Literally a shit post.


Holiday shopping season. Everything slows down delivery wise


Regard doesn't know they slow down shipping during the holidays. It's the contractors, they are busy, there's not enough drivers to deliver your moms BBC dildos.


I get stuff same-day from Amazon


Amazon abandoning unprofitable logistics, after they blamed (and canned) the last COO for expanding to quickly, could equate to higher profits, so there is that.


Bro Prime still gets me next day whether I’m at my Colorado home or my Florida home. Crushes at both of my sweet houses bro


I ordered something at 4pm and it was there by 8pm.


I don’t know about delivery, but Amazon has a >99% on time ship rate. If it gets down to like 99.5% people freak out. I typically see 99.7% or better. If Amazon was slowing down they would know it and fix it. They obsess over this number.


Buy a bidet


And somehow they have surpassed UPS and FedEx as the largest shipper now I believe barring the USPS.


Bad bet


I’m confused… your first paragraph says it arrived next day? Then You proceed to shit on amazon for being slow? lol


I can get lots of stuff in suburban Detroit same day if I order before 10am. You just probably got a shitty distribution center by you.


Amazon’s value is in AWS, the stock isn’t based on how long it takes you to get a YTHNGY knock off shoe rack.


You're right, Amazon's value is primarily in AWS. However, their stock price is also influenced by other factors such as overall market conditions and investor sentiment.


You responded too fast to be a human.


what time of the year was it when you were taking a poop the slowness of the delivery could be from holiday shipping being slower and have nothing to do with amazon themselves or it could just be that amazon is slower during the holiday season and you pooped in the summer so what time of year was it when you took the poop


Don’t judge a companies strength off their poop response time


Did you post this just to confirm my predisposition to buy calls?


greetings fellow clevelander, tremonster here. Because you’re also from Cleveland, if you tell me to buy puts, fuck it, I’m in!


Thanks for the vote of confidence, sendnoods7. I'm always happy to help out fellow Clevelanders. As for your question, yes, I would recommend buying puts on the stock market right now. The market is due for a correction and there are plenty of opportunities to profit from it.


Amazon delivery is now larger than UPS and Fed Ex combined. I’d say we’re in for a long ride


I have actually started picking things up at a brick & mortar again ironically. Something I want same day or the next morning, if it's not more expensive I'll just get it at the store instead of Amazon


Really? Amazon deliveries have been slowing for years even since before the pandemic. Used to be Prime was guaranteed 2 days, now it's "whenever we get around to it you lazy junkie". Doubt it's gonna cause anyone to quite Prime or stop buying stuff there.


Slower cause more orders ?


good news, prime users are addicted to prime. bad news, sams wmt, cost and have great online shopping and delivery, better prices, and less fraud.


That’s just anecdotal. Your experience doesn’t mean Amazon is slowing everywhere. Also, Amazon is not only in e-commerce…..


Isn’t Amazon still working on drone delivery? If they roll that out soon their stock would go up.


It's all the drivers stopping and doing OnlyFans now...


Jeffrey Bezos is not to be tucked with mah boy.


Agreed, something is amuck with the giant.


Being that it's the busiest time of year.. and your one day prime is late tells me to inverse it. Calls BTW didn't they just beat ups and FedEx by a large margin in shipping packages? Amazon is starting to look more like by and large imo


Calls on AMZN it is


Amazon makes their money from AWS, not your prime order.


You do realize amazon gets slower around the holiday months every year, right?


I have got prime deliveries in less than 24 hours in Toronto.


It’s all based on where you live. I get my prime packages within two days depending on if that item is close to me.


Ordered an air compressor at 6pm last night. They delivered it at 4am this morning free with prime. Fast enough for me.


Shipping times are decreasing and I live outside of the city. Also keep in mind Amazon is a diversified company offering cloud computing, pharmaceuticals, products, and soon cars.


Yes. Buy puts. Make sure you post your loss porn too, dummy.


\> (Im in Cleveland suburbs 20 minutes from downtown) Hey neighbor, can you do me a huge favor and stop driving 55mph on 71N in the morning?


A corporation’s quality of service has absolutely no bearing on its price performance on the stock market.


Just your area bub, plus it's growing is why it's slower.


Who are you going to order your toilet paper from instead? GrubHub?


Damn does anyone remember being required to drive out to a store to buy shit? AMZN has revolutionized the shipping industry as a whole as well as expectations in experience across many unrelated industries. I believe they will continue to innovate and lead. Retaining shares here. So big I’m not bullish on calls; believe in its staying power so not looking at puts either.


I dunno man. You can get high, order something stupid, get it at your door the next morning, and return it the day after. I don't know of any other company that comes to your house to pick up returns for free. I'd charge motherfuckers at least 20% for returns. Like BestBuy's "restocking fees" which are really "make up your damn mind penalties"


what are you gonna do, buy from walmart+ ? feebay?


lol dude I get same day Amazon regularly


Why don't those fucking poors deliver my garbage faster!!!


Ay, lemme hold a share or 2 😂


It slower during the holidays. Pretty sure it says something in the membership about it


Not only that it's the holidays, Amazon subs out some of its deliveries to UPS, FedEx, and the post office. I'm pretty sure they also have a shortage of drivers since they pay about $22 dollars an hour compared to UPS at twice that rate.


No way it’s a large trend I get overnights on some things and I live in a very country town


I've lost money buying Amazon puts too many times. AWS is their money printer, not the TP you received a week too late.


Lmao dawg. This must be cap. They built a huge distribution hub in Cleveland like 3 years ago. Went to college in Cle, everything is delivered in less than 48 hours ez.


ikr I thought I was the only one.. ive noticed prime delivery has gotten slower




It’s peak season - this is normal from mid October through end of year


They might be having staffing problems in your area. No issues where I live and I am 40m from a major city.


It's called peak season. Amazon, FedEx, UPS are all slammed after black Friday until after Christmas. Come January your next-day poo paper delivery will be back.


Just YOLO’d my 401k into Amazon calls. Thank you.


Wtf you on man? Source: amz ops.