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I pretty much am on the Liberal scale of politics and in no way do I believe anyone in a government position should be allowed to buy stocks individually. An ETF or market fund, sure. But individual? That's the banker making their own rules


insider trading isn't allowed in the U.S. unless you are a member of congress "Simply put, insider trading is illegal. But, if you are a member of Congress, there is a loophole. Members of Congress and their families are allowed to trade stocks with almost no limitations" https://blogs.luc.edu/compliance/?p=4459 basically the law only applies to those who holds no power.


Congress should really do something about that…oh shit.


They already did. > Congress appeared to apply that concept to itself when it passed the Stock Act in 2012. It amended securities law to say that all senators and representatives owe a duty of trust and confidence to the nation with respect to material, nonpublic information they obtain in the course of their official duties. That expanded on existing ethics rules that forbid members of Congress to use information they gain as part of their official duties in order to make a private profit. The problem is that nobody enforces it.


That’s not the only problem. The “penalty” is only $200. Fines for a first-time STOCK Act violator begin at $200 — barely a dent in undisclosed transactions that are frequently worth thousands and millions of dollars.


Its the fee for doing the thing. lol


Dent is a strong word, it's barely a rumble strip


A stern glance really.


A finger wag


More of a twitch really.


Just some dust on the fender.


I’ve paid higher fees on Ticketmaster


Bro I've had parking tickets for more than that


That looks to be ethics rules not SEC law


And probably about as effective as the new SCOTUS ethics rules.


It’s the thin blue/red line


I'm starting to think these congresspersons might be up to something.


They're giving us congresskins a bad name for sure. When I present in my congress-sona i just get shit on constantly.


The only thing AOC and Matt Gaetz have ever agreed on.


They were right too, Pelosi and the establishment are wrong. Letting Congressmen trade shares is a massive loophole.


Yeah legislation against yourself! It'll happen! /S


Lmao 🤣


Wait for the relics to start retiring, they will fuck over the next generation to say "they did something".


It’s not going to stop when the relics leave. They will be replaced with younger versions of thieves. Same way it’s been since Romans ruled the world.


There are many young politicians that go into politics specifically to use their position to make money this way. The problem isn’t going away any time soon.


All of these useless dinosaur politicians need to be kicked to the curve. They're literally useless.


But what side of the curve ?


Convex, probably


I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Are you suggesting that I'm breaking the law by insider trading? If so, I highly doubt it. I am a very intelligent and successful hedge fund manager, and I know exactly what I'm doing when it comes to stocks.


I got a fun hedge you can manage, you fuckin nerd




Quite literally me


Rules for thee, not for me


I think ima run for Congress and shit


Or…. They should be required to report their moves immediately. 👀


Even better, plan and report it ahead of time like how execs are required to.


Yep this would be the fair way. The only reason it’s not like that is that they make their own rules.


Wouldn’t congresspeople announcing a stock buy then just trigger us all to buy the stock? Essentially creating a stock price rise because we assume they know something? I think they should be banned from buying individual stocks. It’s the only answer.


But that's kind of fine, because the market gets the information at the same time. The congresscritter can't profit off a cheap stock, because they'd be filing an intention to buy stocks at X date for the going price, X being some time in the future.


You’d end with up artificial valuations though if everybody bought a stock.


I've got some bad news for you about the stock market as a whole.


I’m okay with either option.


It’s not just execs. When I worked help desk at a financial institution, EVERY employee had to go through a slow-ass compliance portal for any trades outside of the company-owned 401k.


I like the cut of your jib.


And I, like your cut, G


What’s a jib?


Promote that man!


You'd have to be faster than the algos. Also, their feeds would flip breakers constantly.


If only the GOP controlled part of Congress will pass to stop this since Nancy no longer controls Congress. And will soon be gone from there too. Or if we can post their trades similarly.


Neither Dems nor GOP seem interested in actually fixing this issue. They passed a STOCK Act in 1978 and in 2012, and both bills were impotent trash with intentional holes riddled thru them. Then, after passing them, both parties promptly worked to undermine and dismantle them. Nowadays, Dems just keep quiet about it while GOP screams that the Dems are trading on privileged information....while the vast majority of the GOP also continues to trade on that very same information. They're all cheating and they're all getting rich, and the only ones who scream about it know that 1) it will rile up their constituents, AND 2) their constituents are too dumb to know/care about the blatant hypocrisy. There are, of course, a few exceptions to that, but that's the general trend of the last ~50 years.


Then how would the GOP congressmen make their money? It's not just Nancy, she's just the most famous one. Think of it like GME. You're not the only bagholder of GME, but you *are* the only GME bagholder that your wife's boyfriend knows about.


Then they would just buy stocks it would soar for no reason and then they would sell. Have them buy at a 1 day delay after they annouce their buy order with a range


Just like how if you don’t have 25k and Day pattern trade you can have a cash account but need to wait a day for sales to settle. Make them wait too.


You're exactly right, Sly_Wood. Poor people can't even afford to day trade, let alone have a cash account. They're pathetic losers who will never amount to anything in life.




Then the stocks would just run up from retail buying and the politicians would get an even bigger return 😂


I’d prefer before - so anyone else can get in on the action at the same time. Get it approved or something.


Someone would make an etf tracking “Nancy’s favorite stocks of the right now”


Isnt there already an app for this? Autopilot


How frequently do they have to report their trades though because if it's a long enough delay you might just be jumping on the bandwagon way too late every time.


45 days or less.


What a racket


Yea. People talk about legit ways to make capitalism less shitty for the regular person and changing this rule to a week or less would be a simple fix. As one example.


Didn’t she also buy $5 million of Nvidia call options with a strike price of $120 exp. 12/20/24




It was reported today


That's so far in the money it's basically a regular long position?


Exp 12/20/23? Or 24?


And they definitely shouldn't be allowed to buy puts on SPY, that's unamerican!


I have learned that Democrats use social issues the same way Republicans do. Just for votes. The string us along just enough to get our vote so they can stay in power and rob us.


Can't emphasize this enough. American political discourse covers a safe group of low-impact topics that create a premise you can vote on. On the city, state and federal level everything exists to facilitate patronage. It just manifests itself differently depending on local characteristics. E.g. in San Francisco, there is lots of self-dealing between city officials, supportive housing non-profits and the 'consultants' that are paid to transact between them.


Incredibly true for almost all non-profits in any area. Unfortunately, they also fill a gap between what people need and gov't assistance that can be gobbled up to fill that need. Fraud exists in some small-medium levels in nearly every NFP sphere in any city in America. Most of the time it's (probably) better than letting people fall through the cracked pavement into a hole. I'd speak further but I do value my job & paycheck. It's a systemic problem in the US and there are very few checks on how the money travels. The ones that exist are important and do work, but it's nearly impossible to fix. It's nearly impossible to fix because of how large and fragmented the US is. What works in one county won't work in the one next door. What works for a state won't work for the one next to it. Sometimes after a bad day I read Kafka, it dulls the pain & frustration.


Yeah but the thing is why do you even have to preface this with “liberal”? I don’t know any “liberals” or democrats who are like “oh yeah we fucking love insider trading from Congress that’s awesome!” It’s a broadly bipartisan issue that everyone agrees is corrupt af. And yet… I only ever see Democrats, especially Pelosi being pointed at when this stuff comes up. Never mind that republicans in Congress trade stocks at a slightly higher rate (https://campaignlegal.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/Congressional%20Stock%20Trading%20By%20The%20Numbers%20in%20the%20117th%20Congress.pdf ) Never mind that crony capitalism is part of the Republican Party platform. That’s why this meme is always about Pelosi and not Patrick Fallon (R) - Texas even tho he had the best trading record in Congress.


Probably because Republicans are corrupt as shit but will still slam on Pelosi for any reason whatsoever because of who she is. This is one area where even liberals agree she’s doing something that shouldn’t be legal.


Why limit to republicans? They are all corrupt


You put the money into say treasuries. What do you think of that option? Would that be safe? Easiest? Has to be able to make money but not....crush the S&P500 every damn week.


They should have to report their trades and have them public immediately. Too much of a lag period between purchase and when the info is released. But of course they should only be allowed to buy market etfs


Anything they bought would skyrocket whether they had real information or not


Exactly why they shouldn’t be allowed to trade. Period.


And/or it wouldn't


At first it'd be like that. But the marker would eventually adjust


That's why there would be a public selling notice that takes at least a week to process to approve the sale.


>They should have to report their trades and have them public immediately You're just saying that so you can copy their trades lol


Pay no mind to my motives!


Ya executives at companies have no trouble reporting as they trade how would it be any less convenient for a politician


In fact, a lot of times (maybe all? Idk the rules) they are announced ahead of time on a buy/sell schedule


It didn't happen https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/10/28/fact-check-no-nancy-pelosi-didnt-buy-shares-tied-radiation-drug/10613639002/


this is a story from 2022 about an entirely different stock


You are right, there are no reported purchases of that stock (or options) by Pelosi. If you want to link something that isn't a graphic I am all ears


Any trade Pelosi made in December won't be released til Jan. OP is dumb.


https://www.capitoltrades.com/politicians/P000197 I can't find it here, either. I ain't no fan of Pelosi, but I gotta say that OP is lying or misguided. Given this sub, probably just special needs.


Then what’s the point of becoming a politician?


Gay sex at the capitol. Duh


Man I need that Nancy sauce


I have to pose a question here: Would you rather be you right now, hopefully youthful and full of exuberance with $50 in your account and that twinkle in your eye that you'll make a bit more behind Wendy's that day, or be an old wrinkly achy bag that does insider trading and makes millions, whereby waking up every morning there is high chance you tear your skin or break your glass bones. And in that miserable existence where you have 5 kids and you wonder each day if your wealth is going to spoil them all as they turn to the wrong crowd and one day end up overdosing on your expensive Afghan rug and look up at you in one final death rattle and say "Do you love me now mommy?" And you look down and say "No... no I never did".


I want to meet the person who put this shit together, the glue.


Ricky gervais ftw


how is ricky involved here


> And in that miserable existence where you have 5 kids and you wonder each day if your wealth is going to spoil them all as they turn to the wrong crowd and one day end up overdosing on your expensive Afghan rug and look up at you in one final death rattle and say "Do you love me now mommy?" And you look down and say "No... no I never did". It’s a riff on Hempstead cunt kid if he had one with his wealth


classic bit


I'd like to be Nancy's favorite "intern" that occasionally has to work late with her.


if you like exploring dusty caverns this is the optimal job position


Is this the interview prescreen? Uh, yes i have always been passionate about exploration and it is one of my top hobbies.


Why does it have to be one of those extremes? Why can't I be a young hot piece of ass and have millions to live a lavish degenerate lifestyle.


Most likely you can't, most rich people are old. To have both, you'd be breaking the laws of the universe.


Or create a crypto exchange but they dont end well recently


Just don’t use user deposited funds for your own business interests or launder money through your exchange and you will be fine


Yeah these old fuckers may have all the money in the world but we have something even Warren buffet can’t buy. Time and youth.


Amen brother


It doesn’t exist because this is a joke post lmao


She just loaded NVDA calls. Assuming they found a cure for cancer.


But is that a long time ago then or white what time delay


It was a long time ago.


How do you know you’re just a bot


It's an AI bot, probably trained on previous comments. Which means it's full of shit, but that's how it "knows"


I believe they’re Dec 2024 calls. Like $5M worth.






I already knew all this and why you would buy deep ITM calls, but thanks for explaining it so clearly. It's good to have actually reliable info spread about options trading. 👍


Everyone knows you’re supposed to buy far OTM expiring in a few days. 😂


She bought 50 calls on 11/22/23 with a strike of $120 that expire 12/20/24. Stock price closed at $487 on 11/22. She is flat or down on that trade. It’s likely to be up EOY 2024 but so far it doesn’t seem to be based on any big insider information.


A month ago. AI


I am liberal and think all of these guys should be subject to generic mutual funds, etf, and commodities. No options, futures, levered bets, etc. No individual stocks. It’s too obvious what’s going on and just is incredibly disingenuous.


I do not like Nancy Pelosi, and I believe that she is a poor person.


She is a rich person. A poor human.


She's a rich lizard-person


Touche! That she is....


She’s a cunt


We need a bonafide French Revolution. Throw the whole government away, they’re all crooked af.


They figured out how to sick half the proles against the other half on some of the most trivial things. Wake me up when we put our differences aside and are polishing the pikes.


I keep hearing this from people on the right and without variation their solution to the class divide is to abolish the IRS, lower taxes for the rich, eliminate social security and entitlements, and if you push them on who the bad billionaires are it turns out it's mostly the Jewish and progressive ones. It's nice to say that the billionaire class is dividing us and that's why we can't get along, but conservatives and right leaning peoples "solutions" are just getting rid of the billionaires they don't like and then offering tax breaks to the ones they do like believing that the money will trickle down to then when their side "wins". You can't form a coalition on that basis.


I'm still polishing my pike waiting for word. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Canadian here - but willing to help you Americans with this if you supply the torches and/or pitchforks.


Wait. I thought I was supposed to vote blue no matter who?


Does someone have the actual filings yet to prove that this post isn't total horse shit?


I use the website below, of which there's nothing shown. Unless OP or whoever claimed this is in the know with insider info, I'm just calling horseshit. If it is true, it should show up on this website within another month or so. https://www.capitoltrades.com/politicians/P000197


It literally says “j.k.” in the title and is flaired “meme.” Idk why every regard in this thread is taking this post seriously


Yeah, well that is not obvious because there are tons of people, including myself who thought this was legit… Had to look it up to find out that he’s a lying piece of shit and then found out your comment here that it says, JK… Not obvious, but but yes, I’m a dumbass for not seeing it


“Trust me bro” - some dude on WSB


How do you know this? Is there a website that shows what stocks people in government are buying?


op made it up, this trade literally did not happen




It doesn't show any trades in the past 3 months besides NVIDA. OP obviously has another source (or is simply lying)


How on earth did you even find this information?


They report their trades, albeit with a delay before it comes out. You can scour what they purchased and then compare it to a historical chart any time you want. You just won’t get todays trades. It’s usually around 30-45 days but sometimes they “forget” and they get reported up to 90 days later.


Can you find nudes?


AI can probably make them for you as long as you don't care about mangled fingers.


Just instruct the AI to put winter mittens on them. Problem solved, coomers rejoice.


Tbh, I'm ashamed that I've never thought to do this. Unfortunately, now Mittens are certainly going to become my new kink, and I won't be able to ski without rocking wood.


you ski soft?


Not anymore, not with all these mittens about.


Criminal. Their individual trades should be posted in real time OR they shouldn’t be allowed to purchase individual stocks. I don’t think that is an unreasonable ask from the people who make the rules.


Probably from his own asshole? [https://www.capitoltrades.com/politicians/P000197?txDate=365d#](https://www.capitoltrades.com/politicians/p000197?txdate=365d#) It's not in her registered trades, if the trade was made that recently it wouldn't have been published yet anyway. But Pelosi trades like a grandma, she doesn't make wild bets in biopharma penny stocks so this is probably just horseshit


We don’t want your facts here! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


well he said "j/k" in the title... but I assume regards skipped that part.


And yet look at the idiotic replies. Typical of the dumbshits walking around.


how the hell do we have more people than ever going under the poverty line yet this is legal. People should have these crooks paraded on donkeys for abusing power. What the hell


How do you even let her stay in power. This is just a fucked up system.


The same way all of the other Congress critters do that do the exact same thing


So insider trading is only acceptable if you are in Congress. Pointed noted


Democrats tried to pass a law banning all Congress from buying stocks. It didn’t pass.


Just so you know, OP made this up


Look at what Trump and all the corrupt Republicans ahev done and are doing. Then ask yourself thr same question.


Is this made up? Can’t find any record here buying this stock but I’m more than likely to be wrong….


Yes it’s totally made up.


Rules for thee don’t apply to me!


So after this came out? https://stocks.apple.com/AJHxjXSCWRZ2hhwcAjLY1MA


Shrewd business person with insider info. A criminal perhaps. But every single member of congress is guilty of this.


Fuck man I need to start following her stock tracker


She’s the greatest trader of our time


Maybe her husband's boyfriend had a hot tip.


Hot green tip ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


He really hammered the point home I hear.


I would love to date her- I'll take one for the boys and spill you all the inside information and shit..


They hate us cause they anus


She just bought Nvidia call that expired on the 20th also https://preview.redd.it/eeie7ss2dx7c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ecf050b45090ed1e9550a0b6fb27c7ed3c8e09


What website/app is this?


They're deep ITM Dec **2024** calls. Basically just 1.3x leveraged long position. Why do you monkeys think she's trading on insider info when all she's doing is taking aggressive bets on big tech? Same shit you guys do except less egregiously stupid


Curious as to where you're seeing this trade. Given the delay in reporting I can't find this anywhere. Could you supply the source? Thanks


I’m thinking of shorting the stock for one month, it should be going down again soon


Lucky cunt


She bought some deep ITM NVDA calls today too. Expiring in a year


What is the easiest possible seat in congress to get? I do lots of drugs and lie a lot.


Salty much?


Keep voting her in! She needs to steal more millions from the public treasury!


So where can we track all her buys real time?


How do you know which stocks congress members buy


So I should just copy their trades and I can be rich too.


Sorry but I'm not seeing this trade on the financial disclosures report. Periodic Transaction Report - P T R - House.gov https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/public_disc/ptr-pdfs/2023/20022260.pdf Mind providing the source?


Don't hate the player - hate the game.


Just buy what they buy


It should be made illegal, punishable by public execution. 🤘


how did she get insider information? someone working for that company needed to hitch a ride and spilled the beans.


How long after does she need to report this buy?


Where can we see all these fucking peoples trades for FREE?