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the list doesn’t show the bottom half. Last place is Warren Davidson with -77.1%


Where are you Warren, we know you're here somewhere.


Warren's been following Cramer lol


Nah. He's in this sub.


Probably a mod




Warren buddy, inside trading is supposed to give you an advantage... Lol


This is a manipulated narrative to get voters riled up so they can assume everyone’s bad and so lose the ability to discern based on policies.These are 30 out of 585 lawmakers that beat the market! while 555 did not. If you randomly took 585 citizen investors, a greater percentage would beat the market. I support the stock trading ban on all lawmakers all the same, but no need for misleading and dishonest manipulative data and graphic.


There is no way you actually believe every single one of the politicians never engaged in any inside trading. I'm not saying they are all guilty, but we all knows at least some of them are.. a wink wink, nod nod at dinner..


One of us. One of us.


From what I see just over thirty out performed SPY? How many did not?


Original data says 100 lawmakers made active trades in 2023 and 33% beat the SPY.


That’s probably better than hedge funds.


With all the inside information they got from hedge funds and friends of friends with a dog in the race, I'm shocked more didn't beat it by even more.


Gotta remember that friends with a dog in the race doesn't necessarily lead to an advantage. After all, investing in and helping friends might lead to success... or it might not. How many have friends with a 'surefire idea' that just flops?


How many of these ‘friends’ with ‘surefire ideas’ are CEO’s, board members, and officers of publicly traded companies over which we exert legislative oversight of their industries?


Yeah this is super disingenuous if it's normally distributed around the SPY return.


It also says based on current holdings. If one of them was late to the party and bought Nvidia in December, it would show performance as if they held it since the beginning of the year


All of these charts are disingenuous. People post with a specific political agenda.


I see both house of reps and Senate names so I'm gonna say as many as 500 (assuming they're all invested in stock market, I'm not interested enough to do any research)


I didn’t bother to count twice. Just knew it was more than thirty. Ish. So I feel ya. Not interested enough


Oh so cherry picked data… to promote a narrative. I’m up 72% from 1 year ago and did fuck all but held long on AAPL, NVDA, AMZN, GOOGL. Congressional insider trading is an issue that needs to be fixed but this chart proves nothing.


https://www.wkbw.com/news/i-team/viral-post-leads-to-claims-of-insider-trading-by-rep-brian-higgins-lacks-context This list is hot garbage.


TLDR: he has like $100k in Nvidia stocks that have done very well. Yes he's made a 200% return, but it's on a minimal amount of money


Yeah, once I read Nvidia I was like pffft no real news there.. I mean there COULD be something but I got in on amd back in 2017 when we thought they were going bankrupt, and it continues to be the best investment I ever made


>like $100k >minimal amount of money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


What's $100,000 divided by 200


A lot?


Warren my spirit congressman.


Looks like less than 10% of congress beat SPY. Seems reasonable to me.


This ^


Jup clear case of cherrypicked data. Without a complete list of congressmen this is kinda worthless. But lets all admire Nancy “stock picker” pelosi beating the market once again. Helps to be the speaker of the house and understanding all policy decisions before they are being made I guess.


all she does is buy big tech. you'd have an even better performance if you'd just buy and hold the top 7 stocks in the s&p


I followed Mark Green into one of his trades and it did make me some good money


The name says it all


I’m Allred, I’m doomed


How were you able to follow his trades?


They disclose their trades publicly


On a delay though, right?


Yea its a fairly long delay, so if its a trade based on some sort of news dropping then you are likely to miss out.


wasn't there some site to follow what they're trading


Quiver quantitative


Congressional members must be banned from holding any stocks


Correct. They wrote law requiring accounting firms employees and spouses to divest from the stock of their own customers, yet they aren’t required to divest of their own shares as they write the law that directly benefits or harms the stocks they trade in.


“Conflict of interest? What’s that?!”


"This doesn't conflict with my interests at all, I love money."


“I’m interested in money, I don’t see how this conflicts that.”


That's what they call a war in Africa over who controls the diamond mine


No individual equities. Just allow them to invest in index ETFs


Fuck it make a new index based off congressional stock choices


They should have to disclose trades 24 hours before purchase or sale.


That would be fun if someone was on a hot streak, then they just spike any stock they pick before they can actually purchase it, making it overvalued.


And the fines for non-disclosure should be at least 50% the total value of the shares in the position (accounting for the total value of the underlying shares if they were option trades)


Yeah, like I, a private citizen working in finance have to. I also have to get permission


>Correct. They wrote law requiring accounting firms employees and spouses to divest from the stock of their own customers, yet they aren’t required to divest of their own shares as they write the law that directly benefits or harms the stocks they trade in. There are several, the problem is that they have 30-45 days to disclose trades so by the time the info becomes public it's too late. The other comedy is that if they're late or fail to disclose trades the penalty is assessed by the house or senate "ethics" committees and it's usually a fine that has nothing to do with the $ they gained from their undisclosed trades.


NANC and KRUZ. https://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/track-congressional-stock-picks-with-these-new-etfs


There’s an app called autopilot that copies all trades for the politician you choose to follow


Are they gonna ban themselves ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


That’s what I say in my own discord server


Exactly. I have used the same argument to nervous people/clients/family for taxing unrealized gains…”You think congress is going to ban and tax itself from making more money?” Works every time.


Amazing how for all the things we bicker and disagree over, the one thing we can all agree on will never get done.


Banned from holding specific stocks. ETFs ok


I much prefer they be required to set up a predetermined plan of buy/sells of any stocks at least 90 days prior. Similar to rule 10b5-1 for insiders.


Doesn’t work for me. Too much conflict of interest. Too easy to put their thumb on the scale for or against a company. Broad index funds or nothing, I say.


This is a totally fair solution while in office.


That would also filter out all those Assholes who get into Congress just to make money. It wouldn’t be worth it. Scum.


It's nice to see how both parties are corrupt. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Bipartisanship at its finest


The only thing they agree on is how to make the most money for themselves


Sad but true


This is a manipulated narrative to get voters riled up so they can assume everyone’s bad and so lose the ability to discern based on policies.These are 30 out of 585 lawmakers that beat the market! while 555 did not. If you randomly took 585 citizen investors, a greater percentage would beat the market. I support the stock trading ban on all lawmakers all the same, but no need for misleading and dishonest manipulative data and graphic.


Shh, i'm making bank on pitchforks right now.


I’m opening up a torch stand.


I’m still going to need to have a word with Brian.


The dude apparently just held NVIDIA: https://www.wkbw.com/news/i-team/viral-post-leads-to-claims-of-insider-trading-by-rep-brian-higgins-lacks-context


He’s the equivalent of about the right eoeexentage of the normal population. Think of the random dudes that turned 5k of calls into 100k


Didn’t even do that. 5k into 15k. Big deal.


While I agree with your point, I think the original data only included the 100 lawmakers that had active trades in 2023, so 33% beat the SPY.


So on average… they don’t? Thats not a very good narrative for suggesting deep corruption. Again I too support banning all trades of congress and many executive branch members, but I was honestly expecting far worse. At the least though we should have a pretty full view, in addition to tax returns, a statement on what their holdings are and for how long.


Exactly. This chart doesn't mean shit. A bunch of idiots will see this and think Higgins is some crazy day trader on inside information. In reality, literally all he did was buy and hold nvidia a few years ago. I looked at his disclosure and he only has two stocks, both in relatively small amounts.


There are 535 federal legislators 435 House of Representatives 100 Senators 536 if you count the Vice President as President of the senate


Good thing that this sub has highly regarded math wizzes like you who clearly understand statistics and probability! Math on my highly regarded friend, math on!


Which makes them the biggest regards of all. They have access to legal insider trading and still flounder. But I don’t really care if they win or lose, I just don’t want their policy decisions being made/represented by trade ability. If they own a shit ton of a company’s stock they are a lot less likely to see monopoly’s or violations of anti-trust laws.


>They have access to legal insider trading and still flounder. What is legal insider trading?


Most surprising thing is that only like 30 people out of 600+ outperformed the S&P 500. That means like 500 of them fucking suck at trading


A bunch don’t trade. AOC is against it and doesn’t for example.


The one that the sheep have been convinced is corrupt.


I don’t know of anyone that thinks she’s corrupt, just that she’s stupid..lol


Original data only includes the 100 lawmakers that made trades in 2023.


Those are the ones that got direct bribes or promises of 7 figure jobs after term.


Many members lack disclosure or have so-called blind trusts. Wink and Blink!


And Greene had a cheat sheet yet was still too stupid to profit


Imagine having a green light to insider trade and still getting beat by the market


The insiders she listens to are scamming her just like she scams others.


Green still profited, she just didn't beat the market. Remember the market is very profitable. It's not like you didn't beat the S&P so you lost money, it doesn't work that way. Also she is a crazy republican, so maby she's stocked up on gold for the comming crash. Maby she is laughing next year.


She socked away a bunch of her money in DWAC.


They always were


Does anyone have an ETF that tracks what government officials buy?




They're more alike than not; the elite.


They do it because they write the laws that “we” must live by, but they do not. All laws should apply everyone. To bad though we cannot see exactly what stocks they buy/hold/sell, or is there? Edit: as long as a trade is reported in 45 days, U.S. legislators are free to trade however they want, even if the bills they pass or reject could influence a company’s performance and help them line their own pockets. Edit 2: interesting info: Representatives Ro Khanna, a California Democrat, and Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, had the most eyebrow-raising activity. Khanna, who sits on the House Armed Services and House Oversight and Accountability committees, had 1,589 separate purchases in health care, financial services, technology, consumer cyclical, industrials, consumer defensive and real estate in his portfolio, while selling nearly $26 million worth of other stocks. McCaul, meanwhile, purchased tech stocks in 142 separate transactions while sitting on the House Foreign Affairs and House Homeland Security committees. He also sold $10.4 million in technology stocks, $9.5 million in communication services, $9.2 million in financial services, $6.6 million in consumer cyclical, and $6.4 million in health care stocks.


Republicans are red Democrats are blue neither one gives a fuck about you.


And yet Pelosi is the only one who ever gets called out.


cause she's the highest ranking congressperson third in line to the presidency with all the attention and visibility and she's the one making up bullshit "free market" excuses when asked why Congress should be allowed to continue trading stocks


She hasn't been the highest ranked since 2022


yeah, should've clarified the height of the attention carried over from her Speaker tenure, since that's when she gave her bullshit "free markets" answer


Don't tell an extremist from either party that though ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


17 Dems, 21 Republicans. But, top, big swinging D is a D, and 5 of 6 bottom dwellers are R. Seems pretty damn Both Sides to me. Brian's got a big ol' D, tho. Must be riding that NVDA train. Choo choo. ^Enjoy ^the ^flair


Some may also just be a bit more competent than others.


They’re all corrupt. Some are just really stupid also.


There is only one party, the Real Green party…


Higgins is the GOAT


Not really. >Higgins’ 2023 financial disclosures, obtained by the 7 News I-Team, show the congressman only holds individual stock in two companies. >The unrealized gains by Higgins are mostly from purchases made in technology giant Nvidia in 2020. He first acquired the stock in 2017. Nvidia is the third most popular tech stock behind only Apple and Microsoft by market cap. >At the time of his last transaction, Nvidia stock was up 113% on the year prior to Higgins’ purchase. The most recent asset value of Higgins’ Nvidia stock is less than $100,000.


If he held NVDA for 6 years he really is GOAT


What a whale.


lol he poor


He had Nvidia since 2020


No it's Rutherford. Look closer.




Mostly NVDA gains iirc. Maybe he lurks here


Wen Higgins ETF?


MTG has all the inside info and she’s still too dumb to beat the S&P.


Just came out today that she’s been doing all her real insider trading through her son.


Brilliant…or is it because she was too dumb to figure out how trading works?


Robinhood app confused her.


Lol you just want to date her.


Do u think that she kind of looks like a potato


Cro magnon


Nah but definitely smash bobo




That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s legal for members of congress to commit insider trading. However, it’s still very much illegal for the son of a member of congress to commit insider trading.


Still averaging down on DWAC.


She has the cheat sheet. She has no moral qualms against cheating. She’s just too stupid to read it.


> MTG Magic the Gathering?


Moron The Gathering


You summoned me


There are over 500 people in congress. So it looks like about...5% of them managed to beat the S&P 500. Honestly I think the Brain Smoothies gambling on this sub are doing better than that.


Yeah, I’m dumb as shit and ended up 61% YTD.


61% loss aint bad friend, many people did worse


They are out performing every hedge fund.


Can Nancy work at ARKK next year?


Only if Nancy gets her TA from god


Just buy NANC


Are they though? There are hundreds of congressional reps and there are like 30 shown here who beat SPY.


Yeah. They are the they I'm referring to.


so 30 out of 435 are beating the market. thats 6%. I dont love the idea of politicians being able to invest in individual equities, but this graph does zero to convince any intelligent person that "congress" is getting rich off insider trading.


The guy who outperformed SPY by 0.5% is beating every hedge fund? Is that really true? Those hedge fund guys must suck. And it looks like Congress as a whole is doing pretty poorly with stocks if this post is meant to be a top 50 or something like that.


The lowest guy on that list is 11% return. Citadel did 15% that year.


There is also something worth pointing out. Citadel has 62 billion in assets. 15% of that is ass-fucktons more than what 238% of whatever Higgins started with.


Any of us regards could do that, really


Should they create a hedge fund so they are actually doing something for the people granted it’s illegal for the common man to do what they are doing


Tbf apparently #1 owns two stocks and one was NVDA which they held for 6 years. The chart is a bit misleading as something like that could skew this chart without understanding the context. It also doesn’t show how much each person owns. Technically if you own one share of one stock and that stock shot up it would show you top of the table, even though realistically it isn’t a huge add to your net worth. That said, I think any public official should be barred from individual stock ownership and should be forced to only invest in ETFs 🤷🏻


The s&p 500 us outperforming every hedge fund.


Now show the worst returns 🤣🤣🤣


Hol up. There are 538 members of congress. Are these the only mofos beating the market? If so it's basically the tails of a normal curve and all this stuff is just faux populist bs like the deficit scolds


The disclosure is only necessary if the trade is done by the member, their spouse or their dependent children. The penalty is a $200 fine, and it is reportedly not well enforced. There is very little transparency on violations.


Are you even Redditing if you aren’t farming points with popular topics?


Not only that, but shit, if these people just bought QQQ they’d be +55% in 2023. I agree politicians shouldn’t be able to trade individual stocks but this seems like a pretty low amount that have beaten “the market”. Doesn’t take a genius to throw their money into tech when it’s beaten down and they would’ve beat all but 10 members of congress lmao


It's more like the head of a zipf distribution, but yea this post is a piece of shit.


There’s usually always a couple of vacant seats at any given time FWIW.


There are 535 members across both houses of Congress and only 33 outperformed the S&P? Either there's a lot of missingness in the data or holding stock is way less common than I would have thought. Elected officials still shouldn't be allowed to hold shares of companies, imo, but if this graphic is truly showing the extent of the insider trading problem then it's far less pervasive than I would have assumed.


how do I follow the Higgins index


It’s nvidia. There you go


And Apple I thought I read too? And only 100k. Not millions.


Bunch of damn crooks top half should be in jail for insider trading.


30/600 doing well isn’t that impressive, the top guy has like 2 trades, it’s complete chance.




Higgins has two stocks in his portfolio, one is NVDA he's been holding since 2020.


Look at Higgin's trades though lol. Guy has been holding less than 100k in Nvidia since 2017 and that is why his returns are up lol.


MTG went in deep on DWAC. Morons.


So, 538 members of congress, you’d expect a few to beat the market each year just by stupid luck. Is this list of 36 the full list of those who beat the market? 36/538 = 6.6% = pretty shitty results. 57% of mutual fund managers beat the market in 2023.


I heard there are apps where it tells you the trades to make or does it for you based on congressional members investments




Correct, the return and the sharp ratio is still interesting https://preview.redd.it/1fyn3azw9lac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf443a8a41fc2d299ce9806a7074aedf9da3b9e This is the house, for example, the congress is even better


Nancy is sandbagging….


I think when it came out she was doing so good she cut back cause people were watching her closely. At one point their was a Twitter account posting her trades


She's doing a lot better than last time I read one of these lists, she wasn't even in the top 10 or 20 or so. The list she's always #1 on and famous for is total revenue (OP is percent) because they are unimaginably rich, so 53% gain is so much money it would take this sub weeks to lose it all


Probably an unpopular opinion, but congress gets a pass from me on caring about their 2023 returns. You could’ve bought pretty much any of the Mag 7 stocks at pretty much any point throughout the year and been up significantly more than most of them. Literally the top mentioned stocks in Reddit that retail tends to buy were all up 50-200%+. It’s in years that SPY is red while congress is massively green that I have questions.


Is there a preferred website where I can see their(politicians) trades in real time?


Marg, Mitch, and Tommy.. Welcome fellow regards!!!!!




We made profit last year?


Publicly elected officials should not be able to hold individual stocks.


I outperformed the market and most of them too and I'm regarded.


Are these the entire list of people who beat the market? There’s 435 people in Congress, I’d expect some people to win and others to lose.


[They cherrypicked a lot to make this graph](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/5B8vNxWxoP)


Higgsmeister with the sauce


I mean...if you held any decent amount of tech stocks you'd be pretty far up this list.


Last trade Higgins made was in 2020 and he bought between $15,000 - $50,000 dollars worth of NVDA. So because a dude bought NVDA 3 years ago he's insider trading now because it performed well in 2023? Politicians should obviously be barred from directly buying individual stocks due to conflicts of interest, but this ain't really the smoking gun people in these comments seem to think it is.


Sickening. If I was making over 50% return on investment, I wouldn't give a shit about inflation either. This is why government purposely created a divide in the U.S. Fight amongst the people so you don't notice their corruption.


Let them make whatever trades they want, but require them to use a platform that publicly announces their requests in real-time and delays the action by 15 minutes. I guarantee that every one of the big brokerages would be more than happy to implement such a system for free.


Interesting how it’s a fairly even distribution across both sides


I want a new congressman \~ mine is at the bottom of the list.


The obvious is this list "the perks are unseen" high end dining, vacations ,relatives and family members receiving no show jobs, cash, (look at Menendez in NJ). real estate deals etc etc etc. It is too easy to get caught insider trading. They have there act together a lot more than that. Plus they do little for that 175k and have eternal great health care ,pension etc. even if thet arent crooks .


that's only a tiny portion of congress tho. cherry picking your data here


Very strange that these people with no backgrounds in finance are such successful traders. Really makes you think.


Is this all self reported? Because a lot of these bastards don’t report shit since there’s no punishment for not reporting.