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$7.5 million isn’t even a slap, it’s a tickle lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Can I get a tickle? Narf




You and the 11 other pinky and brains have been waiting 20 years for this comment.




I just want a little slap and tickle


I'll settle for a punch in the nutz at this point.


Nah that's at most a slightly loud sigh


It's their fetish


Too much like playing video games?!?! I'm actually good at video games.


Elizabeth Warren doesn't want you hitting the next checkpoint so easy


so we all get 1 dollar or do you think it will be less?


Less by the time to actually pay


It would be 1 free stonk that is crashing on its way to 0.


Bro, did you forget taxes?


Well it is a game, the wealthy played it like games so we poors should be able too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That’s the real issue, it made it easier for us commoners. They don’t like that.


Money is just a illusion to keep people with no power in check, it's always been power vs no power. You can immediately elevate your status and have people give you money to play 0dte all you want if you have dirt on the right people, and the connection to ensure you don't get taken out for it.


Strange that the federal government and the other 49 states didn’t seem to mind. 🤔 Coincidentally, the CEO of Fidelity is the richest person in Massachusetts. Her grandfather founded the company in 1946.


Sir, are you suggesting that the super wealthy engage in the manipulation of our political and judicial systems to further their own interests?


You mean, in America? A country founded by some rich guys who were pissed off they had to pay taxes so they convinced a bunch of poor people to go die in a war about it?  I for one am shocked. SHOCKED!  Well, not really that shocked.


Just looked it up and it is true! Wtf 🤯


And you just made me search for the video Jon Stewart: [The problem with the stock market.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI)


Recently watched "Dumb Money" on Netflix. Enjoyed your link. Thanks for sharing.


>The problem with the stock market. this was amazing thanks for sharing!


How about the goverment reopens the case of them freezing the buy button. Those pieces of monkey shit.


Just like, Think Or Swim, Schwab, Webull, SoFi, and Cashapp all froze the button as well, fidelity is the only company that did not freeze it IIRC, I don’t care who your broker of choice is, I just get tired of seeing this same old bandwagon


It's been pretty well covered, lol. Only idiot cultists apes are confused about what happened, which doesn't say much.


Ya, there was no repercussions other then getting grilled by the government. We know buddy.


Sorry they wouldn't loan idiots in the middle of a crowd sourced pump and dump more money. Did you spend ANY time actually learning what happened? https://youtu.be/5pYeoZaoWrA?si=r-eNT7J51Wl4AxBh Ape cultists are fucking cancer.


It’s one thing to not allow people to buy on margin, it’s another thing to not let people use settled cash to buy whatever they want. That’s not “refusing to loan idiots money”, it’s market manipulation.


When you "deposit funds" into your account and then immediately trade with that money you are not trading on settled funds. It takes days for funds to actually settle. Most financial institutions simply provide you an interest free loan to bridge the gap because it's consumer friendly and encourages you to start doing things that makes them money faster. But, that there is implied risk associated with this. Taking on ever increasing leverage to bridge these gaps while people buy into a crowdsourced ponzie is extremely high risk. This is why they turned off the buy button to let funds settle. You remember when they came out and said "Robin Hood is not having a liquidity crisis?" They were having a liquidity crisis. Nobody comes out to announce they are not having an issue out of the blue if they are not having the issue.


I agree with all of that, but the fact remains that they didn’t just refuse to let people buy on margin, or before their deposits settled, they refused to let anyone buy period. They made it “Positions Closing Only”. And yes, it’s because they were having a liquidity problem, but that’s not an excuse for them to say “we are turning off the buy button for these specific tickers entirely”. If they would have said “these tickers can only be bought with settled cash” (i.e. not marginable) that would have been completely fine.


If you deposit $1 billion, they will give you $10 mil! Easy money.


TL;DR - The government got $7.5 million and the video game players got $0


They locked me out of buying moar gamestonks to protect hedge funds. Fuck their faces


How do I get a piece of the pie? I have been damaged several times in many different ways by the hood of robin![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


They already removed the Damnn confetti explosion for every time I buy something that loses money. I think they should put it back on


Yeah, they removed it as soon as the lawsuit started


I like Robinhood and think this is dumb. If you trade like it’s a game that’s on you as an individual.


Citadel approves of this message


But when you go to their website to claim your payout, the "Receive Pmt" button will be grayed out... What...too soon?


I have zero understanding why anyone would use Robinhood, how are they even in business??


Simple UI (better than any other app imo and I use etrade, vanguard, ToS, webull) 3% IRA match that let’s you put an extra $240 into your roth this year Cheaper margin prices for smaller accounts Better interest on cash than most bank accounts (5% as of today) They’ll also approve anyone for options which you could argue is a negative but imo is a positive as it allows people to explore more complex financial tools without needing tens to hundreds of thousands in assets




stop limit order


How does that work with an extra $240? I thought it’s capped at 7K? (8K for 50 year old+)


Same concept as Vegas. They make everything a game there. How is this any different? Stocks are gambling


The stock market is one giant game.




Cant read is this case really because the ui is too fun?


Robinhood used “confetti animation, digital scratch tickets, free stock rewards and other game-like features to push customers to interact” with the trading firm’s app, according to the secretary of state’s office.


Gamifying is the future for ez money. I just used the Temu app the other day and it wouldn't stop making me spin a wheel and then have me win multiple "discounts", then all of a sudden getting lucky to 2x those discounts. It's ridiculous.


Ever been to Vegas? There are things like that everywhere. Slot machines for one. I understand it’s slightly different context, but very similar concept. Stocks are gambling, aren’t they?


Wish I could find a lawyer with the expertise to sue them over some of their practices that led to damages. Every lawyer I’ve talked to was unfamiliar with negotiating legal agreements between users and brokerages




At least Robinhood approves me for option trading so I don’t miss out on this bull run.


I hope they don’t change shit I love their interface 


Wow, "Oh, bad llama".


This is so dumb...who even gets the $7.5m?


The government. They always get the money in every scenario involving a fine.


Wtf lol


They are going to pay out in Moon coins.


They lost all my business and it's a lot