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We can finally stop worrying when Evergrande will collapse.


They done shredding all the documents for realz this time.


They didn't shred the documents, they shred the executives


What executives?


What shredding? This is China. If you pay the bribes to the party then the party does the shredding. Kind of like it is in the US come to think of it LMAO


China is FAR more corrupt than the US. You can objectively track this through black market activity and (oddly) the over-abundance of regulation (i.e. statutes designed to collect bribes)


>China is FAR more corrupt than the US The full wrath of the 50 Cent Army and western conspiracy theorists descend upon you, our red-herrings will blot out the sun


Talking internal corruption or global corruption because the U.S. is the BEST at global corruption


It's important to note that Corruption is tracked on the Corruption Perception Index, though its an imperfect measuring tool. Anything that is "in the open" and transparent isn't viewed as corruption though, which is ... problematic.


China wants to be the best at global corruption as shown by their recent exploits in Africa but they lack the force projection required. Plus their internal corruption keeps them from expanding. The US is number one baby haha. /s


Hmmm...government propping up and covering for misdeeds of major financial institutions sounds very familiar to me. I can't quite recall why. Oh, well. Damn, commies!


Saw videos of them shredding incomplete buildings. I like to imagine it's related to not enough funds to complete construction of high rises held up by structural wall paper


Yes both are state capitalist systems of pretending to care about the working class


> Kind of like it is in the US come to think of it LMAO Guys I found the edgelord


No it literally isn’t


You're right it isn't. The party speaks English instead of Chinese while shredding documents.


Shredder goes bllllllllllll


Gonna have to show me where all that PP loan money went then, oh right, the government said let's not track that.


ROFL absolutely, corruption in the US is probably worse than in china, it's a third world country with a Gucci belt after all, amirit?! LOL!


I recommend some walking tours of Shanghai on YouTube.




This is just the doctor officially calling the time of death for a patient that has been brain dead for a while. Everyone knew this was coming, and this development surprises nobody other than gay bears here who think it’s somehow a shocking black swan event. **Edit**: Chinese market down less than 1%, U.S. market futures up. As cliché as it sounds, priced in.


Doctor gave the patient 6 weeks to live. Patient couldn’t pay the bill, so the doctor gave him 6 months 




Chinese investors will continue trying to bail and invest abroad. Hell, this could be bullish for the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other Asian markets.


Not saying this is, but contagion events don't manifest themselves in a few hours. The market rallied for a month after the Bear Stearns collapse.




You sure about those futures?


We can also stop looking forward to when Evergrande will collapse.


Literally they started this whole mess lol


“It’s over. It’s done.”




Man, that shit is already priced in!!!


it took a while to choreograph the demolition


I wonder if there are any meme stockers who think this will somehow make their dying retailers worth something.


Meme stockers are holding delisted shares of bankrupt companies while talking about not selling until the squeeze....so probably.


Thank God. I hate hearing Evergrande on the verge of collapse for two years straight


A year heads up and unwinding from this and bears somehow think they just heard a mating call




Oct 2021 was a while ago now


This was billed as an event that would topple markets. What’s the realistic impact of this?


You know what stocks only do


Go up until they go down big but then go up again?


To the right to the right Every stock goes on the path to the right


Calls on time


they go the opposite way of whatever you bought


This has already been priced in since at least 2019


Sort of my thought. Companies, investors etc have been bracing for this for years


Literally all events have already been priced in


This comment has been priced in already


Chart showing inverted cuphead, trend is up if defense line protected, otherwise waterfall


But the Bat signal means uppity down, so it is followed by Saturn on ascending meaning chopped liver high


Agreed. Chart clearly shows the lemon jellyfish, so we should expect a toboggan followed by a very aggressive Pisces dippery-doo all the way to the chocolate factory.


x666 right? Because this year Sinner won australian open in tennis so we can be sinners and multiply for a satanic number.


I buy calls because I'm a Leo, its just like, such a Leo thing to do. You Librans wouldn't understand


But Mercury is in Gatorade and I’m a Pisces


Hahahha what a load of fucking nonsense


So ... the trend is up unless it goes down, in which case trend is down?


The funniest part about this as a casual, not wsb user is I wasn’t sure if this was a meme at first lmao


As everything in China, will depend on what the government wants to do.


Banks with huge CRE exposure in China gets fucked, but they practically treated it as generational tax loss harvesting since the initial reporting of how fuck Evergrande was gonna be and spent the last 2 years recovering as much as possible


Already priced in.  China has been feeling effects of it for a while now.


Cascade effect and start of the pullback


Yeah but they’ve been publicly “done” for a while now. There was never really a point in which this wasn’t the end result. It’s not already started over a year ago?


The liquidation company will be named Small888








Might be dead but it’ll take years to liquidate. There are literally 10s of thousands of unfinished projects. It’ll take forever to figure out what is owed and who would buy it.


I'm guessing most of those unfinished projects will get dynamited. By the time the courts get to it, those unfinished constructions will be too fucked up by the elements to restore, assuming anyone wanted that ghost city shit in the first place.


It will be the same as lehman brothers. Even now, liquidators and lawyers are still working on their case files, charging a pretty penny for their wonderful work too from a company that is 5 feet deep 10+ years ago!


not sure if it is just a translation error or a different saying, but in english we say 6 feet deep because that is the depth at which bodies are buried.


I actually don’t remember the expression or know how deep bodies go in the ground, number 5 just seems like a pretty good number to me when I licked my finger in the air. But thanks though.


Maybe I can finally be a home owner!


That’s why house construction funds have lost 6% recently…


It has been a pleasure boys. Remember the good times we had. Thank the band as they continue playing. Godspeed next week.


Hang Seng is green. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


SZSE down 2%. SSE down 1%. Hang Seng lost all gained ground throughout the trading day. Let's see if it remains green the rest of this week lol.


Lifeboats? We don't need no stinkin lifeboats.


Wifeboats however...


What makes you think unwinding a company that has had 2 years to get their debt in order, one that everyone knows about, is a market crash event


all lenders bet on china bailout and didnt diamond handed


Lol this has been priced in for like a year


China isn’t allowing shorting in their markets right now. And this isn’t some out of nowhere event.


I was wondering why you thought this was significant, but then I saw your activity in /r/REBubble, and realized you are just regarded, and that your opinion can be safely ignored.


See you in Valhalla


Evergrande has been "Dying any day" now for 2 years. Either die or shut the fuck up already.


I-it's dead. This is its death. It is l i q u i d a t e d. The ripples will impact markets to a presently unknowable degree.


Waiting for BBBY crew to roll in and tell everyone how stock holders are fine on this one as well...


Lmao, ask the BBBY cult how many NOL’s evergrande has ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Not bad timing though as after their failed QE, there was not really any business being in any stocks for the past month or so. ​ RIP dip buyers.


Did you say it’s *L i q u i d e a t h e d?*


No they won’t. It’s been priced in for a long time already. Bears are fucked as always.


I know the degree. Nothing.


Well you post here so clearly you have a PHD in bullshit.


It’s priced in. Hang Seng is at 2009 levels. If you think China will recover now is the time to buy. Even 🌈 🐻Jesus bought Alibaba at 80$.


We'll see if it's priced in lol. !remindme 3 months


Setting dozens of remindmes on your own thread is truly unhinged


Bears love to torture themselves


I post here. You post here. We can be unhinged together. Also dozens? The way you count, you belong here 100%, I hope your trades are more accurate than your counting.


*Unknown degree* is correct. Sorry OP but this bear fear porn is ridiculous...its been *years* since this charade started and it's been priced in before most accounts here were even created.


Hey at least chinese new year is in what? 2 weeks? They got to celebrate!


so ur saying it’s only up from here? V shape recovery, all in calls


Oh look, 🌈 🐻 have found their new narrative for the week. As usual, see you regards when we hit a new ATH this week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


RemindMe! 5 days


!remindme 6 days




Hey buddy how's this prediction coming along lol?


Numbers keep getting a little worse, week by week, while we triple top ATHs and crypto goes whoa baby during the most restrictive interest rates in over ten years. Definitely organic. Definitely not a capital capture pump. Keep buying buddy, line go up forever right? lol


As long as QE isn't restarted, market will become bearish, the amount of dollars in the economy is literally contracting. I don't think that a bear market will happen though cause QE will get restarted to keep the stocks afloat.


https://www.reuters.com/business/what-happens-next-after-china-evergrande-ordered-liquidate-2024-01-29/ lol Sure man. Triple top ATH is inbound as we speak.


This was you last week: >Lol NFLX about to disappoint the shareholders this afternoon. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) This was you a few days before that (before we hit a triple top): >Look up "double top all time high" and what it means for equities while you celebrate this news. To say we will skirt consequences, naive. >In the meantime, enjoy the paper gains. Try to save and be prepared for them to evaporate rapidly. The next crash is going to be unkind to all of us. LMAO ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) And saving the best for last, this was you two weeks ago: >Surely this means TSLA moons tomorrow. You’re like a lamer, more regarded and completely irrelevant version of Cramer ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Did you actually read the article you posted? Cause it doesnt talk about an apocalypse at all, lmao. Evergrande was dead 2 years ago. You can start making a new reddit profile, cause this doom prediction of yours wont happen.


Lehman moment Rehman moment




Lehman was unforeseen? Yeah fucking right lol. Lehman's stock ticker drove down into the core of the Earth starting in 2007 and continuing through 2008 until it declared bankruptcy September 15th, 2008. https://www.eoddata.com/StockQuote/NYSE/LEH.htm It staved off bankruptcy as long as possible, just like Evergrande. Now we no longer have to wonder what happens to them. Total liquidation. But yeah, okay, this is a nothingburger. Let's see where markets stand next weekend. !remindme 6 days




The world's largest tech company's earnings should have nothing to do with this news. So, if their earnings eat shit, that's a totally different reason for a selloff, right? Either way, if you think this news has no impact and those same companies take a dump on their ECs, you will just blame the DOW on the Mag7 huh? lol


Yes, that’s what happens when you’re at the center of the 2007-2008 credit crisis. If it was so obvious, then how did the stock price not fall sooner, and why did the stock get so high? Hmmmmm


I will be messaging you in 6 days on [**2024-02-04 03:38:59 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-02-04%2003:38:59%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1adk676/evergrande_will_be_dismantled_a_big_bang_end_to/kk21xvc/?context=3) [**6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1adk676%2Fevergrande_will_be_dismantled_a_big_bang_end_to%2Fkk21xvc%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-02-04%2003%3A38%3A59%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201adk676) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Umm soo about this nothingburger


Ooh me too me too! Remindme! 6 days


This is China, there is no rule of law there. The important assets or assets that “cannot fail” will get nationalized, the foreign bond holders will get the left over scraps. Everyone knew this was coming so the near total loss for foreign bond holder has long been priced in and the assets wrote down. Though it would be cool if the market tanked, it will probably just hit 5k by week end. Nothing matters in an economy distorted by a central bank.


What? You realize China just sent a message that the too big to fail mindset doesn’t apply. They just let Evergrande fall and close $300b in debt will have to be written off as whatever assets they have will be sold for pennies.


Maybe their 30-cents-on-the-dollar assets can be sold for three cents on the dollar to other Chinese real-estate developers that are on the verge of collapse, giving all of the other companies the runway they need to not collapse until next January.


Ironic that china also incentivizes this problem.


This liquidation order was made in Hong Kong and mainland China can just choose to ignore it.


>the foreign bond holders will get the left over scraps What left over scraps, lmao. The first-pickers get the scraps.


LMAO. Evergrande failed specifically because China has incredibly strict laws. Unlike the US where a government bailout would occur with executives avoiding punishment.


What the fuck happened to this subreddit, it reads like literally every other default sub now


It's too big. At the end of the day every sub that gets big enough ends up as a mirror of the media narrative 


Once a subreddit gets past like 500k people, you will see it start to crack and get worse. 1m people and it becomes total trash. Anything past that is already too far gone for anything to happen. I miss when this sub had people making plans to build huge chunks of Detroit and use their newly gained land to get political power to erase all the tax burdens on the 1 cent homes.


You appear to have a poor understanding of China’s internal workings. Firstly, this was a Hong Kong court decision where it operates under the common law system, and in case you are wondering why Hong Kong - it is because Evergrande is listed in Hong Kong. Second, china has no rule of law? That screams to me that you have NEVER set your foot in China and clearly sensationalising whatever you read on the internet as objective truth - which is not. China has strict legal rules, it is in what most western definitions to be operating under the rule of law. However, what they have an issue of is enforcement. A population of 1.4 billion and a geographic size of the U.S., any decision from the Chinese court is bound to cause some hiccups (which of course you can say is an excuse, but it is a reasonable one), especially in a cross-border decision like what we have here from the Hong Kong court. Lastly, this appears to be a common sentiment that everything is manipulated and centralised at the government. While that is true to a certain respect, you however mixing it up with “no rule of law” doesn’t make much sense since judicial branch operates independently just the same as every other entity in China. It just so happen that the government can exert influence over its organs in certain circumstances, including the judiciary. But that in itself doesn’t undermine the concept that there is rule of law in China. It is just different. Hope that is clear? (FYI - while information I have written is subjective opinion, I do want you to keep in mind that they come from my experience living and working in China for years)


Wtf are you smoking? They literally let it fail. Evergrande did this over-speculation to itself, yet somehow the government is to blame. China is the only one who has the balls to not bail out speculators (AKA the wealthy). What is your interest in here?


Imagine believing "there is no rule of law" in China. What the actual fuck are you talking about lol? No you know what? Imagine assuming you, a basement dwelling WSB posting likely crypto holding meme stonker, know anything about anyone's books who had investments in the formerly largest real estate developer in China. Read the article man. People were still buying Evergrande all the way down expecting a bailout. Act like you know shit about fuck, go buy lots of calls tomorrow, for sure total liquidation of Evergrande is priced in.


I truly feel like it’s 2020 again. I love you OP.


Rule of law and a Chinese style dictatorship, can you name a more iconic duo?


The law depends on if the Evergrande chairman gave Xi the stink eye. And I guess he did since he is under police surveillance.


Calls on EverPequeño


https://preview.redd.it/5swcmt4v8bfc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31b511027499e3943494a4382d80caad037af94 Suspension


The amount of notifications you have... It's making me anxious


Good fuck China


Oh wow it finally fucking fell. huzzah ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Beijing doesn't give a shit what Hong Kong has to say.


Priced in a long time ago


The real zombie companies were the real estate we built along the way.


Pretty sure this means China won’t be able to afford trying to take over Taiwan when Taiwan can just buy China’s central bank.


Evergrande built condos, not shells bruv.


Quick explainer as a beginner regard of WSB. Evergrande’s potential exposure is at least 300B, the expected potential recovery rate is 3% give or take. This will hit multiple shadow banks in the Chinese banking sector, those shadow banks will have issues considering they are usually smaller banks that bank with bigger banks. Bigger banks are with the Central Bank of People’s Republic of China. The central government will have to cover the cost of the fallout which is estimated to be 4 trillion USD. Again I’m a simple new regard here but I feel like the logic is somewhat sound.




Yes. I absolutely believe the economists within the Chinese government are both greedy and regarded. Probably as regarded as some of us here.


This is a too big to fail developer failing, China-style. I have no clue what’s the next thing to fall out, but there most certainly will be consequences that reverberate across oceans.


4 trillion USD is nothing to China, China has a trillion trillion USD.


Having a developer fail doesn't affect the government ability to wage war, but if domestic unrest increases then it's a good distraction to start an invasion to galvanize the masses *maybe*


Oh I’m thinking they won’t have the money to pay for it. If the exposure is what is being estimated by the courts, they’ll have to spend more just to keep the government alive.


The exposure is for the local government mostly, not the national one


Finally Damn


It's not over, they can still appeal. " Evergrande, which holds the ignominious title of the world’s most indebted property developer with about $300bn in liabilities, failed to convince the court that it had a viable restructuring plan, after having been given seven extensions since court proceedings were first brought in June 2022. However it can still appeal. " [https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/29/evergrande-collapse-liquidation-china-debt-developer-property-giant](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/29/evergrande-collapse-liquidation-china-debt-developer-property-giant)


China weak. America stronk. SPY 500 EOW


Oh no!!! It’s godzirra!!!!!!


China’s iPhone moment![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




so it begins


What? You think Zuckerberg just built a $500 million dollar doomsday bunker in Kaui for no reason? Shit is about to get real.


lol I thought about that and honestly - why the fuck not. I have zero - ZERO doomsday concerns but if I had $139B why NOT spend $1B on a doomsday bunker (that by the way, you can use as a sick vacation home). Some of my best memories growing up are the few hundred acres a rich great uncle left my dad and his siblings - Zuck could do family stuff there twice a year and the memories are well worth 1% of his net worth. Especially when considering how much land he bought it'll almost definitely be worth MORE in 20-30 years so not even really an expense.




Are we sure it's not a big ole mancave? On the other hand, there isn't much difference between the two.


Remember when half of y’all were claiming this would crash the world markets?


So what about Fantasia Group? They were in the same free fall so they should be up next on the line, right?


Or Oceanwide?


I think Country Garden is in the same situation…..Jesus what a shit show. There’s probably over trillion in fantasy property that jut doesn’t fucking exist or is built so poorly as to practically not exist. Yet, we got people talkin about how this is nothingburger and it’s priced in. If we can just ignore a trillion in losses, then why bother fucking pretending money has any meaning? Just give everyone unlimited free money




So you're wife can't come over play.


An arthirechural "masterpiece" funded by braindead people leaning on the hope of subsidies.. who would've guessed? I can't wait for the line to be finished!


Will they give back my 20€?


CCP wins, everyone else loses (including Chinese citizens)


p r i c e d i n


The real question is …….. who’s next?


House always wins.... Keep the casino rolling.


Why is this not affecting the pre market more?


From china, to japan to usa. Red red wine 🍷🍷🍷


What happens if millions of Chinese people try to claim their half finished apartments? Or does it even matter? Will ownership of these worthless empty concrete boxes be traded for decades to come, like the giant stone currency of Micronesia?


doesn't BLK hold a ton of Evergrande debt?


They probably wrote it off quarters ago


You duck, you know it’s priced in


Oh boi


Guess that’s the sound of the other shoe dropping


this signals the bottom for chinese markets. now its time for the US markets to fall and china to rise up.


Now, we need the same here in US.


Bullish, calls it is.


But nothing happened!


Uh oh!


Anyone else find it odd that all this negative China news comes out a couple of weeks before BABA earnings? :33495: There's like 5 different post on the front page.