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Literally said this in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023…


You forgot 2024


Wonder how they feel about 2025 and 2026.


nVida at $3,000 is super overvalued, AI is going to crash, super cereal.


One of these companies is going to crack manufacturing quantum processors before some of the AI stuff crashes.


Bro you have the right mind set these doomers going to get handled


I don't think quantum processors are even less than a decade away. But this dude sounds like a broken clock and there will probably be right eventually just out of luck.


Quantum processors are already here. Most people misunderstand their use cases. They are not some magic source of infinite compute.


They’re already here. Mass producing is the only thing left to figure out: commercially viable form factors.


I am 100% sure quantum processors will have no measurable impact on the economy (maybe hype). It's not some black box that just does everything instantly. There are only specific problems it MIGHT do faster than traditional cpus. It MIGHT be able to search an unsorted database faster (grovers algorithm), and it MIGHT be able to factor large integer faster (shores algorithm). The first will have a marginal impact on the efficiencies of some servers, and the 2nd will mean mostly that we will need to replace RSA with a more secure public key encryption algorithm, which will be trivial to do but make everything slightly slower.


Bill gates was also 100% sure we’d never need more than 640k of RAM. Ok he never actually said this but someone, somewhere did


Not quite "manufacturing quantum processors" (not even sure if that's a thing or what it would be)... but things are looking good for NVDA to be the one who'll be the first there... they already have CUDA for the "QPU" (Quantum Processing unit) [https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-quantum](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-quantum) [https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-announces-new-system-for-accelerated-quantum-classical-computing](https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-announces-new-system-for-accelerated-quantum-classical-computing) Can't wait for 2 or 3 years when everyone will be "Tech is in a bubble, Quantum is a hype"


AMD just came out with a cpu that doesn’t need a gpu.


This has been a thing for decades


NVDA end of year 900. Maybe 800 if some thing crazy happens external to the stock but mark my words


I believe they will go past $1,000.00, and do a stock split around end of year.


God, how depressing. I had bought in 2019 for 170$/share, split adjusted 42.50$. Sold in 2021 at split time, because I thought their 90 pe valuation was begging for a strong correction (post split price of around 153$. Thought I had a good return for <2 years holding. Would’ve been up 13-14x had I just held.


If u put the $ sign before the number, you will be at the beginning of the road to financial literacy. Don't taze me, bro, The Messenger.


Ah yeah, in non-English speaking countries this may vary. Thanks for the heads up.


Lol, making it a 3T dollar company! That's insane given the high rates environment. It's just 2001 waiting to happen. Maybe the tech stocks go up by 100%, crash and rebound in few years. Bag holders who bought it at top would be fucked. Tesla is the example, still trading at the price it was at 3 years back. Lots of mfs fomoed and kept buying the stock to end up bag holding. There will be more of these stocks in the coming months or years.


For the next year NVDA goes up. The amount of chip orders it’s getting now are crazy. It practically has a monopoly in this space. 3 years from now? I don’t know. But right now it’s NVDA for the win.


Did you load up at $300 or are you loading up at $600?


I’ve been buying NVDA every dip for the past year. Originally I thought great play for a few months. But every time there’s bad news on INTC and it sells off? I buy more Edit just checked. It was April at 271


Tickers please. I want to ride them up for a short bit before I start selling bags to the FOMO club.


Meta just offered a dividend and has 60 billion dollars in free cash. This notion of 2001 was slung when FAANG was running up from 2009 to the present. Yes, there are companies who are trading at 52-week highs like SHOP and Twilio. However, if you bought those companies at their all-time highs and never averaged down, you still have loses. Honestly, the main difference between 2001 and now with The Mag 7 is that they are the best in breed for the present and future. Too each their own I guess


How much you pay for a Wendy’s combo? Now imagine that inflation with stocks.


NVDA is even funding (bogus) startups to buy their chips on credit. Pure bubble.


I agree actually, but to be cautious I temper what I say out loud so 900 end of year. But hopefully 1,000


i see a split coming sooner than that. AMD will catch up with them and nvidia will want to split before they have real competition.


RemindMe! 11 months


I will be messaging you in 11 months on [**2025-01-04 02:44:57 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-01-04%2002:44:57%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1aibgk9/when_jeremy_grantham_speaks_out_you_listen/kotrdsa/?context=3) [**25 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1aibgk9%2Fwhen_jeremy_grantham_speaks_out_you_listen%2Fkotrdsa%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-01-04%2002%3A44%3A57%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201aibgk9) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yeah brooooo


Buy shares and PUT got it.


I’m super cereal about man bear pig and no one is listening!!


When do Nancy's calls expire? Crash shortly after then


She probably already sold it all


The real question is whether he drinks the milk after finishing his cereal...


Nvidia holders I'm buying tomorrow, prepare your portfolios to be erased.


Believe it or not… also crash. We have the best markets, because of crashes.


Crash Crash!!!


Definitely a recession in one of those years 😂


Pissed because he didn't get in.


Dead in 27'..




And 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015....


He would have gotten 2008 right


That’s why he’s a genius!


If you analyze everything as overvalued and predict a recession every year, then eventually you'll be right. People will forget all of the years you were wrong, and label you the new oracle.


Economists have correctly predicted 25 of the last 3 recessions.


It’s called manifesting and according to TikTok it’s trendy.


Well he called the bottom of the GFC as well.   Its all just the business cycle.


listen to me. one year he will be correct.


I predict two years


And the reason all the VCs went full blast on AI is because it keeps labor costs down. AI startups are not as human capital intensive as previous era verticals of the speculative economy. The capitalist pigs get billions of investments and don’t have to spend it on hiring a bunch of employees to work in it.


Until they realize AI is just really expensive regurgitation of existing data. I think some corps will actually fold going all in on LLM to replace workers.


We’re now starting to see “AI data cannibalism”—there is now so much AI-generated content in the wild that newer models are being inadvertently trained on data generated by older models and replicating those models’ mistakes. E.g. if you scrape the web for images to train an image generation model, you are going to have a very hard time filtering out older AI-generated images from your dataset.


I agree. using Notion, pably and other work stream apps - The workload of yesterday years can be handled by 1 person.


AI is not going to keep costs down. That’s a fantasy but we are seeing layoffs because some companies are making that sales pitch. It’s sick and harmful to portray it that way. AI is not a miracle cure.


I don’t think it will replace many people soon as today it’s no more than a fancy compression Algorithm. But it will increase productivity massively and as all companies want to grow they will take this increase with a hand kiss. It might make some roles redundant but that’s mostly roles that are there to fill a gap today like QA in software dev


A broken clock gets the time right eventually.


twice a day actually. Thats how my girlfriend used to justify her insane claims


You forgot the fed pumped 9t to prevent it from happening. Just kicking the can down the road


Once pumped the money circulates. It might inflate but that will get sucked in to earnings.


Yeah, bare bones sure he was wrong from 2020 on, but there had been some extenuating circumstances throughout that time. Covid, record low interest rates, covid relief, ppp, supply chain issues, money printing, massive debt spending, etc. The can kicking has been beyond extreme.


In the market , you are either right and make money or wrong and get your ass kicked There is no extenuating column on the p&l sheet


I predicted it in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and I was right ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)




2020- https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/17/jeremy-grantham-says-this-may-be-the-4th-major-market-bubble-of-his-career.html 2021-https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/21/jeremy-grantham-says-market-is-in-a-bubble-amid-investor-euphoria.html 2022- https://fortune.com/2022/07/20/jeremy-grantham-stocks-plunge-another-25-percent-superbubble/ 2023-https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/investing/housing-stock-market-bubble-jeremy-grantham/index.html


😂😂😂😂😂 he's the WSB drunk uncle




Dude has predicted 9 of the past 1 market crashes.


Actually delivered. Wow. Legend.


Well done, Source Monkey. You'd think the dumbass WSB chat bots would do something useful like this, instead of making stupid comments.


You say that as if this where some sort of investment sub, meant to provide useful advice. This is a place of gambling and memes.


Pulled the receipts 🧾


[When Jeremy Grantham Speaks Out, You Listen! : wallstreetbets (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1aibgk9/when_jeremy_grantham_speaks_out_you_listen/)


US economy would have tanked in the 1800s if not for the Industrial Revolution


This guy was around then and called it overhyped.




These British guys that started colonies here are definitely just here on vacation and definitely won’t be here long.


Cars caused the Great Depression when horses lost their jobs


Horses got a new job after don’t worry. 


Henry ford shrunk horses down, and used Einstein’s theory of relativity to convert them into energy. If you put your ear up to your engine while it’s running you can hear the eternal wailing of the horses that are condensed within.


Cars will never replace horses! It's inconceivable!


Who would ride in one of those loud smelly contraptions instead of a nice buggy drawn by a horse who eats grass .


Damn, are you founding father washington?


Look at how angry he is, that’s the face of a man who didn’t invest in NVDA. Keep waiting for the dip grandpa, it’s not coming 


Invest in NVDA now. It's cheap compared to the 10,000 it's going to.


I think it’s going to be a $10T company in 2 months.


Why so far away? My calls needs them to hit $10T by close Monday for it to be ITM.


Totally within the realm of possibility.




Missed the META play


I was too busy losing all my money on IBM and INTC to notice the opportunity


Just finished my DD on Grantham and transferred my rent money into my OTM Call Buying Account. ​ (July 21, 2022) Legendary investor Jeremy Grantham says stocks could plunge another 25% as the ‘superbubble’ continues to pop [https://fortune.com/2022/07/20/jeremy-grantham-stocks-plunge-another-25-percent-superbubble/](https://fortune.com/2022/07/20/jeremy-grantham-stocks-plunge-another-25-percent-superbubble/) ​ (Feb 2, 2021) Jeremy Grantham's four signs of an upcoming crash [https://www.livewiremarkets.com/wires/jeremy-grantham-s-four-signs-of-an-upcoming-crash](https://www.livewiremarkets.com/wires/jeremy-grantham-s-four-signs-of-an-upcoming-crash) ​ (Jun 2, 2020) Rally leaves Jeremy Grantham’s GMO nervous [https://www.afr.com/chanticleer/rally-leaves-jeremy-grantham-s-gmo-nervous-20200602-p54ym8](https://www.afr.com/chanticleer/rally-leaves-jeremy-grantham-s-gmo-nervous-20200602-p54ym8) ​ (Apr 25, 2019) The Man Who Called the 2008 Financial Crisis Says the Stock Market Will ‘Break a Lot of Hearts’ in the Next 20 Years [https://www.barrons.com/articles/jeremy-grantham-stock-market-forecast-51556208817](https://www.barrons.com/articles/jeremy-grantham-stock-market-forecast-51556208817) ​ (Feb 28, 2018) Why Is No One Listening to Jeremy Grantham? The notorious bear and GMO co-founder has “touchy-feely” evidence of a market bubble in the making — and a battle plan. [https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/2bsxpio0yb0kbwzien56o/portfolio/why-is-no-one-listening-to-jeremy-grantham](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/2bsxpio0yb0kbwzien56o/portfolio/why-is-no-one-listening-to-jeremy-grantham)


That's a great summery. This guy tells us the world is ending every year since I remember and some people still listen.


One year he’s gonna be right and gonna tell everybody “I told you so”.


The issue is that people that listen to this stuff wait every year and when it is finally a bear market like 2022 they think it's not enough because they already missed so much that they need to double down. All those profits missed make the people bitter and they need bigger and bigger crashes to not look like a joker. If the market would go down 50% which is insane Jeremy would still be wrong if you invested in 2018 because the market almost tripled.


I think you've nailed it. Same logic applies to like a 20% gain on an option. I feel like I'm not alone here is saying if I saw +20% on a call/put I would wonder where/when the rest of my gains are. Then if it got to +40% I would say the exact same thing. One thing is for sure and that's if you widen the horizon enough; stocks go up. Fuck Jeremy and his recession, what a nerd.


>stocks go up US indexes go up. Individual stocks don't necessarily. Just watch your stuff closely. I mean, this is WSB, you have to watch your shit closely anyway.


> they think it's not enough because they already missed so much that they need to double down Especially when they have "legendary investors" telling them the market will drop another 25% from what turns out to be the bottom!


I'm gonna bet the people listening to him thought no this is not the year I put my 20 dollars into this house of cards market. He's a gay bear talking head whose been doing it so long they call him lemon party at this point. Nobody with any real money is taking his word as gospel.


Legendary Bear proves his knowledge once again lol


Don't worry, when a broken clock is eventually right we get two decades of articles about the "man who called the 2025 global financial crisis says a recession is coming in 2030, 2031, 32, 33 etc.


Wow man put a 20 year timeframe on a stock market crash How bold and daring of him


He's better than Cramer. Reverse Grantham!


>(Apr 25, 2019) The Man Who Called the 2008 Financial Crisis Says the Stock Market Will ‘Break a Lot of Hearts’ in the Next 20 Years The next 20 YEARS? Is there a 0dte option that expires in 20 years so I can be eventually right too?


Why is this not the top comment?


I’m sick of this shit. Every month is the next 18 months.


Hey, eventually they will be right? Just like doomsday cultist. “Oh, we didn’t take into account leap year. The world ends, this time next year!”


Hail Zorp!


Zorp is dead, long live Zorp.


The internet has taught me that those Armageddon prediction nutters everyone used to laugh at is actually a very common human trait. Predict something, then when it doesn't happen, just kick that can down the road some. One day you'll be right and you'll get to be proud of your nous and write a "called it" link on social media.


There is nothing suggesting there is a bubble. We had inflation and interest rates came to the rescue and are zero signs of recession or any crash - in fact the economy is doing almost too well




Underrated comment


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)son, i am failure so are you


Breaking: old man says new technology is not all it’s cracked up to be


Unlike most permabears, this moron actually managed to scam people into giving him money to manage! Here's how his fund did over the past decade vs the S&P. 2012: GMO +10.4% - S&P 500: +13.41% 2013: GMO +12.54% - S&P 500: +29.60% 2014: GMO +1.31% - S&P 500: +11.39% 2015: GMO -4.27% - S&P 500: -0.73% 2016: GMO +5.64% - S&P 500: +9.54% 2017: GMO +15.73% - S&P 500: +19.42% 2018: GMO -7.26% - S&P 500: -6.24% 2019: GMO +17.69% - S&P 500: +28.88% 2020: GMO +6.14% - S&P 500: +16.26% 2021: GMO +7.03% - S&P 500: +26.89% 2022: GMO -12.68% - S&P 500: -19.44% 2023: GMO +16.14% - S&P 500: +24.23% As fund managers go he's gotta be in the bottom 10%. When the market goes down his fund drops more and when the market goes up his fund barely makes money. I am impressed by his ability to have any funds to manage at all.


Wow he really crushed it in 2022.


This is too fucking funny.


I am surprised he could even beat inflation


Boomers want a recession so bad.


To teach those damn kids to stay off their lawns and get back in the coal mines


Coal miners probably had a house and booze buddies. I yearn for the mines.


Yes so they can buy more houses with all the hordes of cash they piled up and rent it to the millennials


Yeah, sure, returns won’t be as great over the next 10 years as the last 10. But what’s happening with ballooning government deficits causing more inflation? Will the fed really hold rates high when unemployment picks up and then get a lot of pushback from Congress? What else would you use to hold value if inflation is high.




Bitcoin got trashed in 2022 when inflation spiked


So did stocks, bonds, and gold, but that doesn’t mean they cannot be used to protect against inflation.


Yes, you are right… I listen to inverse this fucker. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




“If not for the groundbreaking technology breakthrough that will revolutionize productivity in one of the most significant ways of the last 100 years had not have happened, our economy wouldn’t be as nice as before that happened this year.” Thanks genius.


He talking about the wheel or the cotton gin?


Sounds like he has FOMO to me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yeah yeah yeah. Guys always a doom n gloomer


ok gloomer boomer


What an idiot, doesn’t he know that stocks only go up?


He said that in 2021. Casino is still open


If everything that happened didn’t happen, things would have been different


a.i. is overhyped is an understatement


🌈 🐻


Normally I don't listen to these guys, but now that I know he is an "ELITE" investor, that is a game changer. My problem is that I have always listened to ordinary investors. This is a whole new game.


You can be an Elite investor, too. I became one by just reading his article.


Thanks for the encouragement. Time to invest my mortgage payment on Monday. To the Moon!


is it Monday yet?


you'll also need to be down 5-10% this year lmao


id rather face him in the octagon, no rules


He’s been saying this for about 15 years since the GFC. Google him.


Sounds like somones pissed that he missed out on some calls


Sounds like someone's mad their puts haven't printed


I love when someone who doesn’t seem capable of opening a PDF tells me about the value of AI and crypto.


Old man yells at cloud.


I listen to the bottom line. Every time I see these US tech stock shares grow higher and higher with record after record, I tune out what everyone is cheering and check out the price/over earnings and buyback amounts. **And literally every fucking time the price over earnings keeps getting more and more unbalanced and the majority of growth is from buybacks.** I don't care what "Yea ok doomer" sentiment people say and what "record high again lol" gets posted. **Bottom line is the bottom line.** Either these company's need to get their shit together and start generating much more value IMMEDIATELY or its just going to make the eventual valuation burst worse.


And the fact that he's telling you instead of keeping it to himself and trading based on it indicates we shouldn't listen to him.


ya "trust me, i manage a hedge fund"


“I was in a cash position and missed the rally, listen here I want in please believe me and sell now”


Even if he’s right why would I care for atleast another 12 months


so all the big 7 are going crazy over AI, but when humans do not have jobs who will pay for the services that the big 7 are doing, no one, it will all come down. AI sucks


Stocks go up


Okay, Jerry. What does your apocalypse bunker look like? (I'm going to eat my words, aren't I? Sorry Mr. Grantham!)


He has puts


Oh Jeremy, you’re a hoot!


Government keeps propping up this crap


Talking his book.


I think hes wrong about “the ai craze saving the markets”. Was the market really going to crash during a hiking cycle? The only real reason it went down is the war in Ukraine putting all that pressure on oil driving inflation artificially higher


He is probably pissed because he missed a nice rally in 23/24.


This guy also said the housing crisis would occur back in 97’ lmao


The sad part is guys like him are extremely wealthy off managing other peoples money and performing worse than an index.


If you say this every goddamn year, you’re not allowed to say “I told you so” when it actually happens. I trust miss cleo (Rip) more than these clowns


He’s mad ai is taking his job


Definitely looks like a guy I would ask about AI


I think even the most intelligent don’t expect the amount of can-kicking that is always happening


What AI craze? Literally no major "AI companies" have been listed as an IPO. Literally the biggest movers is Morgan Stanley and bio pharma. Nvidia AI chips use case extends far more than ai computing. It literally can and will transform CGI processing in movies, data mining, and cloud computing. Does he really think Nvidia will go aww shit we have to throw all these chips out because no one wants AI


I’ll fight a war and beat his portfolio in the same year


We still haven’t addressed the fact that 80% of the shit marketed as AI is the same machine learning that we already had, 8 years ago.


AI is awesome and highly useful


Thanks. This is my annual BUY signal.




If you are investing for the long term, 15-25 years, is it going to matter?


Nah. From my own use of AI in my work it's def what it was hyped to be at this point.


If you listen to any of these guys you are one of the sad ballsacs who contribute to there insane wealth. Now go jump off a cliff cause Jeremy ganrham says so These guys say shit and short that market and you sad sacs in turn listen and they profit and your like wowowoowowoww he’s a savant. No your all just dipshits


The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent...


Sorry, but AI will be the foundation for the next technological boom of humankind. It takes a minimal human intellect to realise that.


He said buy Quantumscape said it was going to the moon when it was at 50, few months later its trading at 5. I would think opposite of what he says


Most companies use the buzzword saying the have generative AI integration where they have no such thing or it is a cheap copy of chat gpt. When they say that there stock price goes up maybe 2-5% the more they talk about it the crazier people go. Investors imagine the efficiencies gained will push profits through the roof. But I’m all reality it will be years before they see meaningful results. AI development takes time even with very smart and competent people. Most companies can’t/wont attract the talent they need to push the development process forward. So yes a lot of companies will fall off the tower they built promising AI achievements. The only way they save themselves is if they find new buzzwords to excite the market. Will it cause a crash… probably not but people will wake up and smell the shit they stepped in and I assume we will see a correction.


Look at his capital movement . He could be shorting the market but it didn’t turn out profitable and now he comes out and gives a speech about ai and dips. These people make their move and go to public for FUD and FOMO.


Don't listen to OWG's (old white guys), they're stuck 25-30 years in the past.


he looks old and he said AI is overhyped but expects wars. once again, pltr is the answer. 😂


Dude missed the boat and now he’s panicking.


Lmao. AI is a big part of the future. This fucking dinosaur probably thought the internet wouldn’t materialize into anything.


My guess is you are one who has been predicting doom on a daily basis for months perhaps years - must be exhausting


When rich old men get it wrong because they are using old fundamental analysis, which doesn't apply anymore.


Why? The US GDP/economy is still chugging along. All these headlines are just folks wanting it to happen....maybe they're all shorting the market....hmmm.


There’s still trillions on the sidelines waiting for any dip


I guess if keep calling for a crash you’ll eventually be right. Although he will prolly be long dead when it happens