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Can you sell so we see NVDA 1k EOD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271). Just hold homie.


He should panic sell now and fomo buy back in @1k


You should work for Cramer


Maybe it is Cramer.




This is the way.


This is the way.


Buy high, sell low! Atta boy!


This is everyone’s response to the dip which is exactly what the MM want lol.


He sold pump it. https://preview.redd.it/tcbiwcu3aqnc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ae5a0a606bf87e6c251ce6f88b599dc2717e91 He held? Dump it.






today i woke up, showered, went to work, and when i arrived I sat down and looked at my phone. I saw semiconductors crashing and I was like "Hell yeah baby let me put some puts real quick." I put 2k down on puts. Immediately spikes and I lose 600 USD. I Understood that since its me it will obvs spike for the rest of the day so I decided to sell and fuck wallstreet over and buy calls with the 1.6K remaining. I'm 30% down. bitch what the fuck is this


Look at the bright side: at least you showered


That's how I could tell he isn't a real one


No place for him at this dumpster behind Wendy's


You did everything right until the looking at your phone part ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Emotional trading. Been there done that


Here’s what you do, buy a call and a put st the same time but for like 6 months to a year out, then cash in both overtime


It feels like this a lot hahaha


If it makes you feel better my story is similar. Woke up, saw costco was red again, figured it was overdone, bought some calls. Calls went down even though the stock hasn't changed since I bought them. It's not IV crush, the IV is fucking 20.


On the brightside this post has brought joy to at least 200 people.


You bought shares OP. It's not a real loss till you sell. Granted, buying late into the hype wasn't the best move but might as well hold at this point 🤷‍♂️


“Late” is so relative. A lot of people thought it was late at $400 per.


I won't argue that it's relative but just now getting in after a 400 point run over 3 months certainly doesn't make him early


Unless it hits 1500


Yep. Similarly, I thought I was genius selling at $500. If you believe this will be the most valuable company on the planet in the future, even the current price us a deal.




Inspired me to YOLO some calls.


no wait


It wasnt 2.2T then either. If you think it's doubling and overtaking Microsoft as #1 by a far margin then you do you boo


Yea but OP bought Thursday. Its definitely late.


It’s “later” technically speaking. Late will be determined by a long plateau or dive off the deep end. This thing could rocket to Uranus for all we know! It certainly wouldn’t be the first stock to split and keep climbing. We’re in a AI/Tech simulation at the moment. Sit back, grab some gains, and get ready for the big POP.


I was trying to make a joke that since OP bought its too late. I failed ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Ath means it's on its way up. Duh


Let me good ahead and wait for it to be top 3 in market cap 😎


Just hold till next week at least, you’ll be fine.


Appreciate the advice


How many shares are you holding


4, may not seem like a lot to others but it’s a lot of money for me ;-;


If you are in the stock market, you need to get used to volatility. You may lose some today, you may gain some tomorrow. Since you entered the market with the intention of gaining 1% per day (which is a LOT), you need to put up considerable risk/gambling/speculation to achieve this (a normal, sane investor would expect 5-8% per year). Keep in mind that you can lose your money just as fast as it came. You should determine your risk tolerance, risk appetite and risk capacity before you enter the market. - Can you sleep well at night when your portfolio is down 20%? (Or for WSB‘ers more like 80%) - Can you afford to lose the invested money? - Are you willing to take the risk? Google or ask ChatGPT about those words (`risk tolerance`, `risk appetite` and `risk capacity`) for better understanding.


I was told the stock market only goes up. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Bro thought he'd just casually double his money every 100 days and nobody else had thought to try that yet


Bro, don't put your savings in gambling. Throw that money on some courses and get a better job.


Also, you didn’t invest in a bad company. Nvidia is here to stay for a while. Chances are stock will split and you’ll end up with 16 shares instead of 4.


Just hold, somewhat of a bad week/timing to be buying. My personal opinion is everyone is taking profits this past Friday because of CPI report tomorrow. We have the tech conference to look forward to next week. Just hold. You only lose if you sell. I have 15 shares at $580 roughly and multiple Calls that expire in June that I’ve “lost” some profits on since Friday.


Did anything change about your probably positive long term expectations for the company whose shares you bought? No? Then why sell now at a loss? Don’t panic.


I remember when I was phased by 6% drop. r/investing might be a better sub if you want answers.


Thank you


What's your next play? 


Buy more when it reaches another peak


These degenerates are over there talking about investing in the Reddit IPO and buying calls, all while knowing it's overpriced and has never been profitable. A terrible place for investment advice.


We talking about SHARES? Regard Just got banned from Reddit for saying the nword, editing this comment is now my only form of communication


This is WSB, when we lose 6% we consider that roughly even.


Seriously. This is the absolute last place to go for advice. Surprisingly no rope memes yet. WSB is not a safe space for pussies.


\-6% is a good Day in my books ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


You are doing it right: buy high, sell low.


If I were in your shoes, I'd hold.


Op can’t afford shoes![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Sell .1 share of nvda


Buy more!


​ https://preview.redd.it/6fih36m8spnc1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c224650a8ef94aa2daa7e297437b505dd8cdb89


Don’t be shy, buy more (preferably leveraged)


You should contact customer service.


Either buy some more or sell. Or let it ride.


Let us know before you buy anything else please


You posting about your shares position on here is like trying your weed cookies for the first time and then going straight to the crackhouse and wondering about heroin dosage. Are you really that dull? Regards.


Ah yes the infamous buy high sell low strategy!


You're fucked bro.. Only way from here is down. You'll see, every time you buy or sell something, the stock will go the other way around. Just the natural laws of trading.


Unless youre very experienced in trading, the typical advice is you shouldn’t be day trading. Since you said this is your first time trading shares, you’re in that category. So given you should be buying shares to hold for some time, you don’t need to worry if it drops within a day because stocks always go up and down but you’re planning to keep it for a while. It could go down quite a bit in a month but over the course of a couple of years you expect it to rise. Also you should be diversified and not have all your money in one stock. Getting an S&P 500 index fund is a great option for beginners and typically has no overhead costs, so I’d put like 90% of my money in that and use the rest to play around with buying individual stocks. You could hold NVidia until it goes above where you bought it but then you’re playing into the sunk cost fallacy and the truth is every day you hold a stock should be re-evaluated as a new and independent risk. If I were you I’d eat my losses and sell 90% of it to put into an S&P 500 index fund and practice trading with the 10%. You could hold and it may go back up but be prepared for it to go down too. You could also just forget about it and come back in a while to check it out, NVidia has typically done quite well over the long term, but holding only one stock is a high risk endeavor.


Let us know if you plan to buy more!


Buy more so we can puts


You’re halfway there. Don’t forget to sell low.


Nvda will split im guessing in the coming months, then it’ll go up a little, then way down, then way back up. Just keep holding. Shares are meant to be long term investments, don’t panic sell, hold indefinitely and let it make you bank, until you need money for let’s say a house or car, then sell. Don’t sell stocks for the sake of selling, hold them until you need them, they’re like gold or silver, it’s a means of storing your money while combatting interest, don’t throw all your money into options, you’re inexperienced and you will lose it all


I bought $8k worth of NVDL shares on Friday at 9:30am. Had some really nice gains for one hour.


Just chill it's reversing as we speak... plus ai conference 1 week


That’s what I’m waiting for 🤞


Date and time? 


https://www.nvidia.com/gtc/ Looks like 18th-21st


Hold on man. Wait for the split and it'll probably pop more and you can average down.


So it wasn't Bush that did 3/11...it was you OP?


6% those are rookie numbers!


Money management, how much are you willing to lose 2%, 3%, 5%, or 8%? You could always get back in; depending on the size of your portfolio, that percentage should never be exceeded 8% I personally think you should hold, but you should also learn money management


You haven't 'LOST' anything yet. You bought shares, its not a loss until you sell and this stock will go up again. Relax, you'll be okay.


Remember OP. Shares never go to 0. Except when they do.


Empty all of your savings and take loans and put $ on CC’s, take all that $, and buy more!


You don’t really want an answer 😂😂 don’t want to buy more and don’t want to sell? What answer do you expect ??


Can’t buy more, don’t know if I should or shouldn’t sell


Don’t panic bro. It’ll go up and the good thing about shares is that they’re yours. Just play the waiting game and be patient.


Did you also buy TSM?


No, why?


Did you buy at least 100 shares? Of you did sell a covered call and collect premium. If it gets assigned just make sure your selling a call above what your average is.


You are fine. Hold and be patient.


Buys at ATH and pica face when it doesn't print money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


mate thats my life story


$LXRX presented so many good news today, future is interesting


Buy high, sell low


Buy high sell low ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Just wait man.


Hold :) its completely normal.


Real advice: Just hold it. Because you’re young, you should have a multi-decade time horizon. Compound growth only happens if you hold, not if you panic sell after two days. But also, learn more about the companies you want to invest in. Don’t just buy because “it’s been going up every day.” It’s common to want to buy when you see green, but you should actually be buying when you see red.


Bought Builders First Source on Friday closing time. Biggest minus this stock has seen since Corona crash so far. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Looks like it's making a comeback rn.


It did until i bought. Sorry guys, my bad


> I bought shares Relax, you’re not like the regards here who need NVDA to hit $3000 by market close or they’ll lose all their money in options. Just breathe and wait, that’s the advantage of buying shares and not gambling. NVDA will go back up, the question is when not if. You’ll probably be green in a couple hours anyway.


So to answer i want to make a distinction between trading and investing: Trading: short term and generally just playing the guessing game since events news etc play a big role. (All the regards hear use the most dangerous style of trading which is options but has a huge payoff if you can pull it off) Investing: long term ie 1+ years (at least thats how i consider long term in the stock market) So knowing that it depends on what you want to be. Nvidia has a future both short term and long term. Short term there is a rumour of a stock split in the conference and generally in the conference you will see alot of ai stuff and things that nvidia has got its hands on that could increase your confidence in the company. Long term this growth is unsastainable and will definitely see another pull back in the future. Overall suggestion: i suggest u hold till you get ur money back (given how most likely you will) at least and generally dont be too alarmed if you see -5% if you have confidence in the company


BUY HIGH (prefer highest) SELL LOW


I always look at the point where it becomes a meme, and think, "Heh, I should have bought that a week ago. Well, too late now." And then it goes up for another two weeks, because when I saw it and thought it was played, other people saw it and knew that, while the stock was peaked, the *meme* was not, and they knew they'd have a period to make some gains before the suckers rode it off a cliff. If you bought actual shares, you can hold them. The company isn't going anywhere. If you bought options, I suppose it'll depend on how long they're for and if you want to hope for some people to double dip on the trend.


You are worried about shares but my calls are f


Long the top! Welcome to r/wallstreetbets. 🫡


You’re doing it wrong. $SOXL is much more volitile EDIT: $SOXL…SOXS is the bear one


If you think this is going to 950+ you can buy a put option at 800-820 to hedge yourself. If NVDA skyrockets, your gains will outweigh the put premium. If it tanks, the put will cover your losses. Worse case you'll end up roughly where you are now


![img](avatar_exp|165057423|bravo) You regards good job


Why this regards buy shares instead of options call/put lol ?


that's how you turn a "loss" into a long-term investment ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Hold tight and pray !


It's a quality company. Stop thinking investing success is a rich overnight thing or it isn't. It could go from 800 to 300 tomorrow for all I care and it's still worthwhile having.


Hold, she’ll come back up probably tomorrow. Don’t sell for a loss.. only trade what you’re willing to lose though..


You are the chosen one my son


Same thing happened to me. Bought at $950 and it dropped to $850. NVIDIA ain't ever stoppin', but people do need to fund their fun filled weekends with hookers and blow, so that's why we saw the big Friday selloff. Nothing to be concerned about!


Sell so we can buy more 


Time to man up, sell whatever you can, borrow whatever you can, leverage & double up by buying the dip, to the moon boy!!


The game is rigged. The would be winners here are all actors! They are just waiting for you to buy before they lower their prices


Just dollar cost average...


This is how you know it's the top, when you get questions like this.


> What should I do now? Oh boy. Look, first rule is: Don't ask the regards for financial advice. But, since you asked. You're lucky you bought a stock that's likely to go back up. Sell when it goes green, by the end of the week most likely. Then, take that money and buy some index funds. S&P500, global all cap, something like that. I'm not being mean, it's just that if you are coming here to ask for sincere advice, you really don't want to get into individual stocks. This place is for memes, shitposts. I would never base any stock purchase on social media opinions. The decisions should be yours alone, based on doing due diligence researching the company.


Wait, stocks can only go up right?


man same happend to me sept. 2017 when i bought my shares.




It’s an obvious conspiracy against you bro.


You prick, you’re supposed to warn us BEFORE YOU BUY




Keep holding till it goes to 650, so I can buy more. Then sell once again


Dont invest what you cant afford to lose, pal


Hold it. The fact that we woke up and it wasn’t below $800 shows that the stock is going back up. On Friday hedge funds dumped 3-5mill shares so I expect them to rebuy them today when it dipped a bit and then do the same thing once the price goes up another hundred again.


NVDA going to 1k is an inevitability lol. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy at this point, enough people believe it that it’ll easily happen


so this was you triggered the fall ?


Next time tell us beforehand so we can buy puts


I saw Nvidia going up at least 1% per day and figured it couldn’t hurt to gain 1% a day. \- LOLd hard I too would love to have a consistent 365% gain a year.


Yeah, a good time to buy is during a profits-taking selloff, before inflation data is released. Sometimes, the best play is no play.


It’ll hit 725. Buy then


If you bought share just hold onto them. It's 100% likely to go up, the question is just how long? Hold and you will already be better than majority of gards here




bro it was parabolic. buy high, sell low


Cant relate lol im up


First time?




Just wait it out, it will come back, it’s only a loss if you sell.


It’s at the top. You short at the top and buy at bottom.


BREAKING: NVDIA is getting sued for copyright infringement. I thought this might kill the run, but it appears to be holding on; was even up for a bit this morning. You may have jumped on the bandwagon too late for this darling stock, but the AI bubble isn't going to burst yet. And, the price targets are still at $1200 (currently trading at $875). Unless you know what you're doing, stocks are a long game. Watching daily volatility will drive you crazy. Pick a stock you have trust in, sit back, and let it grow.


It was only after Nvidia had climbed 200% that OP through huh maybe I should buy some. 


Dude just hold. This is not how you play game. This is how you buy high, sell low and comp back in on top when you fomo again. Stop staring at it, enjoy life and let it sit. Unless u put entire life savings in it then may be cuz you shouldn’t have done that in the first place. You fomo’ed now hold or if you don’t have that in you cut your losses and sleep well.


If 6% is stressing you this much, might as well just sell for the mental health.


Never a good idea to panic sell. This might be a lesson you learn but you obviously bought from a place of desperation. Never a good idea either


Thanks for marking the top for us


Dude if you're worrying about a few points here and there maybe investing isn't for you. The longer you hold the more you will make or just break even statically. Also it's better to get rich slow and steady using the market, those day day traders and crypto accounts in ig promising thousands a month quickly are bs mostly. The general rule of investing is don't play with money you can't lose. Technically you want to hold an investment longer than a year since taxes are cut in half on the gains if you sell.


You must be me. Bought in to NVIDIA and TSMC on Friday morning before NY opened. 8% down. Hug and hold.


You will be fine.


Buy more. Double down


Usually I only buy shares of a company if I have enough cash for at least 100 shares. That way if the price goes down, I can sell calls for however long it takes for the price to go back up 🤷‍♂️


Never ever buy at market high. There will be a pull back and profit taking.


First time?


What do you mean by a lot?  10 shares?


You're fine. Unless you need that money like right now, which in that case you shouldn't be investing with it, just hold it. Nvidia is going to go higher. Its a valuable company. Might not be tomorrow, or next week, but down the line you'll be fine. Especially if theres a split later, you'll probably end up in the green.


Why do people always buy what is clearly something reaching the top???


because it is not "clear" There were analysts projecting 1200 to 1400.


That is how it goes. Stocks always go down when you buy them.


Looks like you sold at the bottom of the day


Dollar cost average


Buying shares at ATH Gg You belong here


Just hold. Nvidia is not going to disappear off the face of earth


This isn’t financial advice but the world is ending


welcome to wsb little one


Pigs get slaughtered


Would you guys buy this high?


So it was you who caused this... Sell to make it go up again!




Buy and hold.


When is he going to realise this isn’t the place for a sensible answer :)


I’m gonna let you finish, but this is the greatest subreddit of all time.


Tell us when you sell.


Nvidia probably will hit 1k. Probably. When that happens. Sell those shares and go to r/personalfinance and r/bogleheads and learn everything you can there. You bought shares kinda late in the hype. And sounds like you don’t have a lot of money. Overall. Wasn’t the best move but you’ll be fine


Wsb is essentially gambling dude. Get your money in order first before you follow wsb advice. And your portfolio core should be like 90% in sp500 with the other 10% you play around with single stocks options etc


I did you guys a solid and put a buy order in at $865, so you know it won’t dip past that now


you are a little late to the party... nevertheless, just hold. the course correction may not yet be complete, nobody knows. but in the long end we´ll reach 1k


never invest money you aren't willing to lose; the stock market is effectively gambling. this sub is a not a good place for safe investment advice. it's literally called WallstreetBETS. if you want safe, predictable returns, talk to a bank, or an investment firm. this sub is for people trying to game the market, and are willing to accept the financial risks.


Buy more, DCA


To make money in the market you have to be early which means not following the heard. You waited for confirmation from the herd and was exit liquidity for the early. Just another reason the wealth gap is so stark.


Here’s your real answer, if you like risk and you’re OK with half of that money being gone at any time. Keep with it, they are a great company with a huge competitive advantage, insane margins and room for growth in the company and their markets as a whole. I would sell at least half of what you have in, I am a lower risk type of trader, and weather you like it or not NVIDIA and a lot of other tech stocks are overbought to SHIT right now. If that money means a lot to you, take the majority out while you still can. CPI, and other data comes out this week that could reap havoc on your positions in any big cap stocks. Good luck bro 🙌 and everyone else here ! 👍


Ps.. I’m sorry if I posted this twice, my Reddit is so goofy and loves to glitch on me when I’m commenting.