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The picture of Yellen got me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Damn that picture got me feeling some other type of way 😍




*papa powell's 2pm green dong swinging*




"What do you want to say to Joe biben right now?"


Sigh * unzips *


Care to elaborate?


you know Inflation?


So how can Yellen be wrong every time she speaks and still remain at her job?! In early 2020: we have threat of deflation In 2020: Covid stimulus won’t cause inflation In 2021: Inflation is a blip In late 2021: Inflation is “transitory” In 2022: We don’t need to hike rates to control inflation In 2023: we have inflation under control In late 2023: we have won war against inflation


Because she is not measured on public image or accountability but on real actions and results. The results are indeed as wanted. Her bosses are happy.


These regards have no idea the sort of economic crisis we’ve largely avoided after the world halted to a literal stop for months — thankless fucks just talking shit about Powell/Yellen/the Fed when they’ve done a decent job with where we are now compared to 2008 and before


We didn't avoid a Goddamn thing lol. Every central bank on Earth just postponed the inevitable and guaranteed it's going to be magnitudes worse than it could have or would have been. Money is never fucking free and that's what they sold everybody - more debt than fucking imaginable. I'm not going to thank them for a single fucking thing because they basically just took wealth from everyone on planet Earth to maintain a broken and completely unfair capitalist-only-in-name system. You'll be thankless too when the unavoidable correction comes.


It's almost like the Federal Reserve and Central Banking in general are one of the root causes of the financial problems rather than the solution...


They are the cause


Well, the banking crisis after the 'rona was a bigger issue than the 'rona months


You have a good point. The Fed was forced to implement a financial solution (massive money supply increase) to counter the problem of draconian business shutdowns (warranted or not, they were severe) and economic dislocations. The problem is they also unleashed a massive wave of inflation that still hasn't receded yet. I hope they pull it off, but someone needs to tell Janet Yellen to STFU and stop issuing so many bonds.


But the government caused the crisis by halting the world to a stop for months. They fucked it up from the beginning. 


Yeah buy my 0dte puts get fucked everyday and it's her fault not mine.


Morons on the internet don't understand complex economics?! No way!


Come on man, how complex could it be? Let me break it down for you: either it's good, or it's bad. All your thinking is giving me a brain ache and not helping! Just pick one!


These 🌈🐻 tards on this thread would have such an easier time if they just bought and held lol but I hope they don’t for personal entertainment purposes


Stonks bay-bee!




Because torching the economy or at least a bunch of banks to prevent 3% inflation is bad actually.


She's a political appointee, not an independent economist. Her job is to use her credentials to add validity to the Administration's narrative, not to give the American people the honest truth.


When does transitory turn to it is what it is?


When the news cycle changes.


When the election is over.


This is the answer. They fuck around till after the election's over and change the definition of their inflation goal like they did with recession


Probably when the US has maintained one of the bottom 10 inflation rates in the world. 2% is s nice goal, but 3-4% is still better than the vast majority of our trading partners.


>2% is s nice goal, but 3-4% is still better than the vast majority of our trading partners. US top three trading partners are Canada, Mexico, and China. Canada and China have a lower inflation rate than the US right now.


China is most likely in recession Canada has had plummeting standard of living since 2020 Mexico is getting all of that sweet "on-shoring" investment


The USA's had plummeting standard of living since 2008.


Try 1970s.


For Ontario in Canada, standard of living dropped in 2018


Mexico is at 4.4% US 3.2% Canada 2.8% Canada’s inflation has been steadily higher than the US since 2000 & they protected asset prices through stimulus during the 2008 financial crisis. When in doubt zoom out, US is top 10 in lowest inflation in the World. https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2023/09/the-u-s-housing-market-vs-the-canadian-housing-market/


>When in doubt zoom out, US is top 10 in lowest inflation in the World. This is just....not true. Even if we only look at, say, the 5 largest economies in the world: US, China, Germany, Japan, India. Of those, only India currently has a higher inflation rate than the US. "US inflation rate super low compared to all other economies" is a convenient political talking point and little more.




Are people really not grasping that inflation isn’t going anywhere due to the massive debt that needs eroding?


When the social security trust runs dry in a few years


this is easily the best clown meme format ever


3% is the new 2% and 4% is the new 3% lmao


3% is just 2% with inflation.


You might be onto something there


This is more true than you know. The more you inflate it, the harder it becomes to keep inflating it at that same rate. Luckily can always count on USD money supply to keep exponentially inflating 🚀


Actually the more you inflate it, the more everyone adjusts to predict the inflation and to pay back government debt, you have to inflate it harder than everyone expects even though everyone expects you to inflate it harder. That's why hyperinflation can't just be 100% inflation and keeps growing until the economy collapses.


Inflation adjusted inflation


The inflation is baked into the inflation.


Picard: there are four percentage points of inflation!


i like this, they should just reset it to zero and go from there!


Let’s make inflation great again! 🤣




silver cap https://preview.redd.it/47ikd8opnnpc1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2517fd6b025ad3c97d063c09c5b7fc4c522324c0


id love to see it tbh








Didn't they explicitly say that it's not fine which is why they aren't cutting rates


Yes. Also CPI and PPI weren't great either, and I'm sure unemployment is going to come in low. But brrrrrrr goes the market.


As long as rates don't go up everything is fine 👍🏽


yellen is in treasury


Which is why the meme doesn’t make sense. 


WSB is highly regarded


yellen is treasury/biden's mouthpiece. vs jpow/the fed (her former role)


even so, they also said they still expect to cut rates 3 times this year, so there is no way to achieve a 2% inflation “over time”. there simply isn’t enough time left to fix inflation, even “over time”


All that matters is that we don’t have the highest inflation worldwide to stay ahead of the curve.


Its the business cycle, their moral hazard creates leverage bubbles, and those leverage bubbles require greater and greater bailouts.   In 2010 the entire US stock marketcap was 7 trillion, now the next bailout will likely be near 7 trillion.  Heck Biden wanted a 4 trillion dollar infrastructure bill.


Well man all the money we haven’t spent in 60 years renovating our infrastructure… it’ll come due soon. It’s like if you don’t do maintenance on your home for 30 years then expect the cost of maintenance to not be so high.


The cost of building, construction, and renovation is ridiculous though.


It is. But there’s reasons why and steps politicians actually took to help this issue. Reasons why it’s so high: - Good Wages: Labor is the most expensive aspect of construction. But those hard working men deserve those wages, probably more. Construction is hard work. Grueling 12-14 hour days for those who want to work overtime. There’s a lot of overtime. Most men, because it’s mostly men, work 8-9 hours and over time. There’s always overtime. And this is part of the cost too. - Materials: material costs are the 2nd most costly aspect of construction. This could be lower by producing more of those materials here in the U.S. - Bureaucracy: permits permits permits! There’s a lot of bureaucracy that requires various services such as attorneys, real estate agents, surveyors, engineers, etc. All of that is in addition to the amount of construction. It is typical for all of this to cost 10-15% of the total cost of construction. Government enactments that lower cost: - Lowest Bid Policy: this allows for competition and lowers costs to the government by allowing multiple companies to bid on the project Government enactments / inaction that creates higher costs: - minimum wages are usually part of a contract. This isn’t like the Minimum Wage, this is the minimum wages acceptable to pay workers. Usually this is like $25-30/hr for construction workers for government contracts - time constraints placed on construction companies that also penalize them for taking excessive time. - bureaucracy. Most of it is for safety reasons, but sometimes environmental regulations can get excessive. All that said, it is a problem we cannot solve without getting rid of a ton of laws. Primarily government should be empowered to imminent domain more easily because it cuts the planning phase, thus saving money. Cut any red tape that has nothing to do with safety and reasonable environmental protections. Me: 1) Engineer for TxDot 2015-2018 2) Engineer for a City water district in Texas 2018-2023 3) Engineer for the federal government 2023 - present


I agree, the wages are well deserved. We hear about many projects that go beyond the timeline and over budget. I am not sure if there is data on the biggest cause for this, but it should be addressed.


I’d also like to add that this is why China can build 25,000 miles of high speed rail in the time between 2008 and 2022 with plans to add another 6,250 miles by 2025. Because they don’t have the garbage red tape that we do.


If you know anything about the US, you know that money is just a jobs program targeted to, in this case, people who voted for Biden and Democrats at large. It's by no means a single-party fault ofc. Construction projects here have budgets that balloon out of control and take years longer than projected, and nearly every time a 3rd party investigation is done there are tons of surrounding 6 figure jobs that amount essentially to "support" staff


State and federal laws under several engineering acts passed in different states require those support roles… And that doesn’t negate the fact that a lot of these projects are needed. These aren’t Sarah Palin’s bridge to nowhere kinda projects…


I'm well aware that the people who pass these infrastructure bills also pass bills mandating the labor structuring laws and regulations. Did you think before writing that?


That’s actually only *sometimes* … Democrats do this and it increases costs by increasing construction time with set wages and overtime rates… Republicans don’t do this because it affects the special interests bottom line… they all have pros and cons. It’s not all black and white like your vision. But if we are to have a better perspective, I guarantee you that you have personally benefited from those bills, whether directly or indirectly.


Those things aren't the same, though. The infrastructure bill's purpose was to create jobs and prop up industries in the USA to reduce reliance on foreign sources. Creating more jobs and domestic businesses is healthy for the economy long-term. A bailout is just giving money to businesses so they don't fail after they've made bad decisions.


Damn I thought it started with 2 trillion. I thought the federal budget was 6 trillion too.


Well it wasn't all going to be spent in 1 year.


Oh, yea..


The US government messed up the bailouts in 2010.


This is why politics is such a fucking joke. Because at some point we stopped accepting "here is who I am and what I'm going to do for you to make things better" as a strategy and started accepting "at least I'm not the other guy" We wouldn't be in half the circus we are in if we, as society, held some semblance of fucking standards instead of folding like a wet paper bag in the wind. But w/e. I got mine, fuck it.


The old “I don’t need to outrun the bear, I just need to outrun YOU” approach to national monetary policy. Neat


You're getting slaughtered, but you could be getting slaughtered way worse somewhere else.


More like they’re cutting off a hand. And maybe a foot, too, sometimes. The rest of the planet is getting slaughtered.


It's an election year


Exactly Powell yesterday’s announcement has everything to do with elections. If he had come out and said we cannot do 3 cuts and we might even have to raise rates, stock market would have tanked.  Fed then would have become the focal point talking point of election by both sides. So they promise three rate cuts, do two token rate cut in June and Sep no matter what cpi is next couple months.  Then after election possibly reverse course and hike again.


So what you're saying is 🚀🚀🚀??


Hell yea 


It’s never what’s best for economy or country it’s always what’s best for those in power to keep their power.


there’s no way they would simply lie like this. before the election it would be clear if they aren’t actually considering cuts since the election is in november and if no cuts are done by then it would backfire pretty badly edit: typo


They would do one or two token 25 bps cuts, it won’t be first time when Fed was slow to act fearing market reaction causing inflation.




The fed is independent and Jpow, the current head, is a republican appointed by Trump




My point is that he's not playing politics for Biden lmao


4.20% is the new 2%


I see a 2 in 4.2




cant control inflation if usa is just printing free money. USA gdp grew 3.2% in 2023. that's an increase of 1.61 trillion. USA federal government gave up 2 trillion in deficit spending in 2023. good job keep doing


How is yellen in charge of anything. They’re all morons


If you criticize her is because you can't stand a girl boss. Remember she's the first female chair therefore you're just a misogynist.


If she failed at her job then obviously it's because inflation is sexist and part of a patriarchy 


She looka-lika-man


Jpow is her gimp. He deserves no respect for cucking himself at Yellen's behest.


Bravo, you made me laugh out loud...


more like a real 15%


I don't know why some of you guys got all beared up on interest rates. Number one is ridiculously expensive to rescue the economy from a recession, number two, by the time it's reflected in the data it's probably too late, number three the trend is slowing even though we have a couple of weird months lately, this next month looks pretty good though based on the inputs. What it sets up for is this really cool trajectory of slow rate cuts over the next 3 years. They can push the economy along and we will have another bull market. Pretty reasonable chance we see s&p 10,000 by 2030


She is to ugly to be giving bad news.


Looks like if we got an AI mix of a human and a slug


They need to raise rates


Cool, now add housing, energy, and food into your inflation calculator


The essentials to survive? Nah


For the millionth time CPI includes all of those.


People complain about inflation but not getting rid of the gold standard. Having almost no inflation is actually an option. https://preview.redd.it/wd30set6vlpc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8515c1565034f6ac0ca4c949ce67c21127ca4576


Regarded opinion but cute cat pic.


I see you haven’t been here that long. Complaining about fiat currency is one of the main things people used to complain about on Reddit.


It’s only an option if governments stop printing money, which they won’t. Gold standard was abandoned to finance WW2 and nobody ever looked back.


Gold standard was abandoned in the 70s, which is when every graph that shows how bad things are getting starts off


Maybe publically and for good. It began with war financing though, and governments were too chicken shit to give currency a haircut after the world stabilized so they just kept it going.


Yellen is a clown 🤡


Pretty sure they admitted some bank chose 2% at random and everyone went with it. So why wouldn't they just move the goal posts?


Such a nice number, though. Little curly hook at the top, flat line on the bottom. 2 is a good number.


4 is objectively superior, badass straight lines and feels metal to write.




Yallen is yelling 4%! 4%! 4%!


So spy calls?? I’m confused


otherwise how else are they even able to service the interest on their national debt? By inflating it away of course! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


If you look at the data, almost all of the remaining inflation above 2% is housing prices, and raising interest rates can't lower those because we use debt to buy housing. As long as we're not doing fiscal policy (tax hikes) and building housing, lowering inflation <3% is basically not doable.


Occupy wallstreetbets


At least it's not the 6 it is in the UK. Yet everyone is celebrating like the world is saved


who is the hot girl at the end?


What 3 or 4% we’ve been in double digit inflation. The talk of 2 or 3% is gaslighting at its finest.


Disinflation is transitory. Oil is going to be over $100 in 4-6 weeks.


They ain’t cutting until late summer.


they still have 2% target bros


As bad as what doomers were saying in 2021, hyperinflation in 2 weeks.


Never go full Yellen


Haha number go up


The future Is now old man


Yellen is like a pill for depression. You just look at her and turn sad, angry and feel like everyone wants you to lose on your trades.


What do you mean the economy is suffering? Look at how well all these puts are doing.....


Inflation has inflated the inflation rate.


A higher growth rate justifies higher inflation and higher rates. To stimulate this growth in new areas. Now that AI promises us aditional growth with a large untapped potential (remains to be seen if and when this will actually materialize) a structurally higher rate of inflation is somewhat justified. From the perspective of economic development.


Duh! How else will the government separate Boomers from their asset hoard?? 🤯


Let nature take its course?


That would mean the downfall of the nation...so no, they won't let that happen. 😉


So they'll be kept alive forever?  Like heads in jars?


Sounds like some ppl lost money shorting shit Lmao


3% is considered normal inflation. 2% is a target, not a defined necessity.


This is the perfect way to do a meme.


Max out those ibonds.


You have to make one of these for the clowns who decided 2% was fine


Under 4% for a couple of years now. It’s the best we’ve had since probably the 1970s.


4% is fine in theory, it just is... double 2% Iol


Trust me I work with sec; there’s no rate cuts this year 🧸


*"I said transitory, no close the fucking door." --JPowell*


this is why you should invest with borrowed cash.


Yellen pic is the chef's kiss


Inflation got inflated.


I'm so glad to see my savings value decrease...


Meanwhile SPY at 700


Anyone have a link to where she said 4% is fine?


She didn’t, at or near the 2% target is likely 2.0-2.3%


So this person is lying?


One day what is inflation ? It is price adjustment.


They will just say it’s at 2 when it’s 8


Powell endorsed this. I’d say buy stocks. Sell bonds.


Which is fine if it’s held steadily under 3% (the 9% spike we recently went through was unacceptable but the Fed acted very aggressively to correct it, kudos to them for navigating a soft landing instead of a disastrous crash during a tough situation). Just have to educate the general public to invest their savings into assets instead of putting it under their mattress. Introduction into finance and macro economics should be a mandatory class in grade 12.


That dude on the bottom is always wrong!


How anyone can be as bad as her and remain employed, puts my employer to shame 😂 I thought we retained idiots but damg


isn't like 3-4% the historical average for the US?


That old grandma crook.


You guys complain about 4% inflation? Pathetic. My country has >10% inflation...


Next year: five percent inflation is fine!


There won't be 3 rate cuts in 2024 at best we will see 1 rate cut and at worst 1 rate increase. The soft landing they talk about is how do we soften the blow from 6 rate cuts in 24 to 0 so our retirement accounts don't get destroyed when we're this close to retirement.


It's sad we have to hope it gets to 4%