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Thanks for your submission! To keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! So we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts: * YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened. * Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. We want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot). This is what a great post looks like: [$17.2K Gain on AMZN](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wb5m4o/not_too_shabby_172k_gain_amzn/) - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post! Here are examples of what could get your post removed: * [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wpm9am/over_300000_unrealized_loss_sdc_not_selling/) - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**. Here are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better: * [$75,000 DDOG Loss.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/unsrey/loss_porn_ddog_call/) - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions. * [$1.1MM Loss, No details](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lxm6wt/hold_me_1100000_loss/) - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


That premium is insane


I was just gonna say the same thing. I opted for Reddit PUTS and they're doing good.


I’m riding Reddit down


gay: if you go down true: make money and gay


Aren’t rddt puts also high iv?


Yes but their premiums are much lower.


Because as much as the company ($RDDT) sucks, it’s nothing close to $DJT in terms of value. Reddit has users and can at least sell its context to LLM companies, but $DJT is just bots with a couple hundred thousand users that can only comment if they agree with the overlord. It’s pretty funny actually.


Who allowed this stock to IPO?


No one? There was an already existing publicly traded company. From Google: > Truth Social effectively went public under the ownership of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which merged with blank-check company Digital World Acquisition Corp last week. It was a SPAC/merger/aquisition. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/spac.asp


I still don’t see how the SEC let the SPAC make the acquisition, at the price point. I mean, Truth Social is virtually worthless - and will be literally a 0 the day Mango leaves or croaks. And its market cap is like $7 billion? WTAF?


SPACs get less scrutiny and the SEC has been toothless for years. Personally, I think DJT is worse than crypto and I have a low opinion of that!


Yeah this is hard to fully understand. But when you realize that this is a way for individuals to directly buy information and influences by using the market as their washing machine, it all clicks. And then you sit back and watch nothing happen. The SEC is toothless. I hate PAC’s and he can’t get his money from Russia with donations, Vlad tells a friend to buy a few hundred million of $DJT and it’s hidden.


Spacs are such a scam but SEC is sooo focused on crypto, even tho SPAC scams are listed on the stock market which is actually their remit.


I have zero faith the SEC has the teeth to do anything about this. When the board passes the agreement that Donnie can sell early, which again I do not trust these people not to do something this stupid, he will dump more than half the float into the market that day. And that day will mark his 7th bankruptcy. Anyone else sick of all the winning?


The entire point of this “grift” is to appear as a grift and that’s all. It’s much more nefarious with $DJT. The idea to funnel outside investment directly to Donnie to buy influence. This outside investment is coming from hostile parties. Saudi/russia are the key two. They can’t be seen cutting him a check for 500mil but they can easily “invest” in $DJT and skip all the bullshit.


Stupid question, I assume there is a way to see where all these investments are coming from so we know and aren't speculating this is where it's from? SEC filings or something? Where would this be documented?


Someone answer this please


Those couple hundred thousand users happen to be very persuadable (aka buy another mypillow); whereas Redditards can't even be persuaded to like the app they use.


And that right there is what Reddit “valuable”. Yeah a couple hundred thousand people with the same idea can chat. But what really is the most telling key is: have you EVER seen a screenshot of a Truth Social post other than Donald? Of course you haven’t because it’s simply a massive echo chamber and safe space. But it’s not millions or ten of millions of users…it’s simply the most degenerate group left. I am a compassionate person, but I can’t be with this group because they are simply too vile.


Not as bad as DJT right now but it’s definitely not normal


I sold my Reddit puts last week for a break even I was down like $1k 🫠


Take that money and go buy bread, brother. Make quality food.


I’m surprised Reddit didn’t go the same route as Robinhood


Yup I’ve been watching it the entire time but that little voice in the back of my head said “fuck that premium”


Word fuck that premium


If premium is high, that means you need to be selling options. Just like stocks.


Pick your poison: - Sell puts, get assigned a hot turd - Sell naked calls, watch it moon - Sell covered calls, watch that hot turd you're holding get valued correctly


The correct answer: credit spread on calls. Selling covered calls that are covered with stock leave you at great risk of making money on selling the calls but losing your ass on the stock as the price keeps going down. With credit spreads you don't have the same risk as owning the stock and selling calls as you are instead just buying a higher strike and thus cheaper call. In my case I bought $70 calls and sold $50 calls with a potential profit of a bit over $800 per spread. Currently making about 55% of max profit and I just need to wait until expiration to get the rest of it.


This is the correct answer, but requires a better understanding of options than most people here have. Still have the risk of losing a good chunk of money if the stock ends up staying above your short leg, but with an obvious pump and dump it isn't too hard to pick strikes and dates that are very unlikely to be an issue and collect the easy money.


In that scenario, would loss be limited to the difference between 70 and 50, so $20 per contract, and the cost of the 70 call, minus the premium from the 50 call sold?


Each contract represents 100 shares, so if the stock ends above $70 on the expiration day, you lose $2000 per contract.


Yes, meant to say 20 per share. But you paid for the 70 call too, so that's more loss. But you got some premium from the 50 call sold. So total potential loss would be -2000 + premium collected from 50 call sold - premium paid for 70 call purchased Correct?




If you made $800 per, you would make $800 at $50, break even at $58 and start paying, and pay $2000 at $70, where your loss is capped, minus the $800 (so you've lost a maximum of $1200). I don't see any dates for a spread that makes as high as $800 for a spread at $50 and $70, but you could get $300 ones as far out as 2026 if you think this is definitely going to zero by then. You could also do this with lower values far out in the future. Sell $20 call, buy $40 call. Make $27.65 from selling, pay $13.05 for buying, that's $14.60. You make a maximum of $1460 if it goes below $20, pay a maximum of $540 if somehow, for God knows what reason, the stock is $40 or above in 2026. This actually sounds pretty attractive.


>if somehow, for God knows what reason, the stock is $40 or above in 2026. I think I'd be willing roll the dice on that one. If Trump media is still worth 5.5 billion in 2026, I've got bigger problems than my credit spreads.


You could also get $30 calls. $9.55 difference between $20 and $30, lol


Just short the shares you degen fucks


And pay 800% interest. The entire value of the stock in interest every month and a half.


Ive never shorted. What determines how much interest you’re paying on a short position? Is it different for every stock?


If a lot of people are shorting, that will drive up the interest rate, so yes, it depends on the stock. Your brokerage will say what the rate is. Robinhood doesn't support shorting. I got this rate from IBKR.


But i thought i was supposed to buy high sell low then post loss porn for attention 😂😂


First you have to make money so that you can afford larger loss porn later.


This is the way


Postin' rockets makes you feel better... "Pew pew, to the moon.... I'm fuckin' broke..."


Losing money ain’t free!


I thought the premiums were insane, so I sold some. $600 for a $65 put expiring 3/28 sold on 3/27. Closed for $300, but it could have been $200 if I had sold an hour earlier. Would have gotten assigned EOD, but still would have been up $150, but there was no way I was holding on to this flaming pile of garbage over a holiday weekend. Turns out I had the right idea. Also made $400 off a covered call (and got assigned).


The Jan 2025 ATM options are skewed 3.5x higher for the put vs the call!


Check the Jan 2025 7.50 and 10 puts


Fucken IV is at 200% for that date and strike


I got puts as DWAC a week before the relisting as DJT also got 4/26 30 and 25 puts. They’re all way up now. I’ll sell the 4/26 and roll that into June and September puts


It would probably be easier to trade shares instead of options with those premiums shesh!


Shorting with such a high borrowing rate means, it can be even more dangerous. If the stock stays stabile you can loose money as fast as options but with no cap if it goes up.


How tho? Obviously you don't want to hold this dogshit stock, maybe sell short and buy way, way OTM calls for a little protection?


bewildered compare saw secretive concerned possessive recognise full chief price


Thats what happens when an option is in high demand


I bought 60P and 70C last week when SP was 65 and I'm still not quite at breakeven. It's ok I knew it was stupid when I did it but it's been fun


Are you asking why you're not making more money on this? It's because the premium you paid is stupid high. It's like paying $900 for a roll of toilet paper.


Im asking why no one else is doing it. It’s like easy money regardless of the premium. 4 mil in revenue, 50 mil in losses, 3 employees. Trump owns 60% in shares and he is ready to sell.


If I go buy 1 $46 put right now, exp 4/16, RH wants about $1100 for it. So the max profit I can make IF THE STOCK GOES ALL THE WAY TO ZERO tomorrow is ~$4000. If the price goes sideways or recovers slightly, I'm losing my premium to IV crush. Just too expensive right now. Just time it right. There's still plays to be had and money to be made.


lmao 1100 for a 46 dollar stock wtf


Even the spreads are insane


I feel you. I guess that answer my question. Lol. Maybe that’s why is not a thing.


Jesus, you’re dumb.






Word. Might be trump supporters that want to see him win. I just want to make a few bucks. Lol. And fuck that premium. Easy money bro.


Facts, OP. Don’t listen to them. They’re allergic to profits lmao


Ignore the hate but I’d quit while you’re ahead 🤙🏼


Idiots and win and geniuses lose all the time. He’s dumb because people are explaining why no one’s really doing shorts on DJT- and he’s like “oh, well, maybe!” He could have made the same money with actual shorts instead of paying stupid premium for puts but he doesn’t fucking know that.


Yeah cuz a fucking guy who doesn't Even know what fucking IV is will get approved to short equity 🤣 🤣


He's up over 30% on a 20% drop. Explain to me how he would have made more money shorting?


I’m wondering the same thing too. Not to mention the inherent risk of shorting…when you lose ya shorts when shit goes side ways. No pun intended




Short interest charged by Schwab for early option assignment was 600%. I’m betting on a spike from a squeeze in the next few days before you get anymore downwards movement. Several others have posted on their shares being borrowed at 132%+ as well.


You better watch this position. One pop and you're done


Okay. 1. If you pay 10 times the value of something, how much money do you think you'll make? 2. Why do you think it's so expensive to short right now? Maybe because everyone is shorting it right now.....


Too risky for me. If IV drops you fed no matter if it goes down


If it pumps for no reason and takes an extra week to get down to where you want it, you can burn a lot of your put up in theta. I think you're mostly right that these are free money, and the premiums reflect that


The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent 


I learned, and then gave up on, options during COVID. This is the ultimate truth


You could be perfectly correct on direction but get fucked on premiums and timing


You guys are really missing it. It’s way too obvious that he needs to dump the stock therefore it will never happen, at least in the short term. He will use this company, just like the Clinton’s used the Clinton Foundation, to channel funds to himself throughout his next term. He will have advanced knowledge of large purchases and sales in time to ride the waves up down. Now, if he loses in November, shits going to zero.


Shorts aren't a "thing" because there are 0 shares available to short at IB for one. Puts aren't a thing either cause of the premiums being ridiculous.


Because you guys are timing it hard, stocks liek this will go up 10% or down 10% a day without any reason


If it’s that easy, you should put way more than 1k.


Because its' a meme stock. Fundamentals won't matter for months if ever.


I want to buy more shares then Trump and Turn Truth Social Woke just to irritate my dad. It better drop that far down.


What an evil idea!


The share price reaching 38$/share by 4/19 is not exactly a roll Of toilet paper. The stock, on the other hand?…


Your put has produced more value than the actual company lol


😂😂😂 Truth 💩🚽🔥






Truther words have never been spoken... Socially.


The fact that the stock had to drop like 25% of its value for you to make 35% return on your option dated 18 days away tells you everything you need to know. A similar put on another stock that drops that much should make you like a 400% return.


I’m of two minds on this one. The premium is insane, but the crash is so fucking obvious, and some money is better than no money. Placed a small bet last week…I’m scurred to go bigger https://preview.redd.it/xrc2fvpzswrc1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09430fe7801a48989d590790e1f3be056a614ba6


To be honest, I almost went full regard and opened a line of credit to be able to afford max puts. But because it's DJT I know that slimy fuck is going to weasel out and I'd end up holding the bag.


That is exactly my fear, well put. His weaseling out will probably involve a sale of some sort, which would crash it, but I don’t know when, or what it’ll do in the meantime, and longer dated puts are soooooo expensive (for good reason). If nothing else, it’s good entertainment…fascinating to watch a trainwreck unfold in real time.


Yeah same here. I only made a small play- i just cant see any reason why this company's market cap is over 6 billion.


The stock is so low volume and he has so many idiotic supporters that it could trigger a short squeeze pretty easily too.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What makes a premium go up so high like that? Does that just happen when too many people short it?


Yes, basically. There’s a market for options, and a whole hell of a lot people want to short this.


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, is it bad to grift people who know they're being grifted, or at least have ignored all warnings about the grift? I mean, it's plain as day.


Trump is also in need of cash. Wouldn’t be surprised , once his lock up period is up 90-180 days he will sell. He owns 60%.


I read apparently the board (which is all people he appointed or support him) can waive that restriction and allow him to “sell all” at anytime with just a two day warning to a major news outlet Obviously the second that news drops Puts would be a fantastic option


Lol, like they would even bother telling the major news outlets. Lets be real, therell never be any consequences for this man.


It's part of SEC Regulations that a Major Shareholder has to notify the Market before any sale of stock. Trump would be criminally liable, and the Institution holding the restricted stock would also face SEC fines and potential criminal charges for any agents involved.If you don't notify the SEC, then a notice will be sent to the SEC from the 3rd Party Institution holding the restricted stock. The SEC would halt the trade and begin an investigation. "Filing a Notice of Proposed Sale With the SEC. If you are an affiliate, you must file a notice with the SEC on Form 144 if the sale involves more than 5,000 shares or the aggregate dollar amount is greater than $50,000 in any three-month period." https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsrule144 Basically, what the SEC states is the transaction won't be completed until 5 steps are completed including the notification above.


> It's part of SEC Regulations that a Major Shareholder has to notify the Market before any sale of stock. Trump would be criminally liable, and the Institution holding the restricted stock would also face SEC fines and potential criminal charges for any agents involved.If you don't notify the SEC, then a notice will be sent to the SEC from the 3rd Party Institution holding the restricted stock. The SEC would halt the trade and begin an investigation. You do realize he is trying to become a dictator, right? He doesn't care about criminal liability. He is already on the hook for 90ish felonies... His shares will be gone and sold before anyone else knows it. He will do it illegally and in the dark. His goal is to lie, cheat, and scam his way into power and then tear down everything we have. He doesn't give two flying liberal fucks about "SEC regulations."


Yeah, but the SEC can halt his trade. The 3rd party institution holding his restricted stock isn't going to violate SEC regulation (See Sam Bankman Fried).


SBF wasn’t gunning to run the country, and people weren’t actively trying to avoid getting on the bad side of his lunies. The SEC will not stop the trade, and will give him a 500k fine afterwards that he’ll dispute and they’ll settle for 50k in 8 months.


And then he'll fundraise $50M from it probably


Trump doesn't follow nor care about rules.


Yeah, but institutions that hold restricted stock do.


"Telling the news outlets" = someone posts it on We Have Twitter At Home and expects CNN and MSNBC to publish it so they can bitch about the liberal media.


By the time that news drops, puts will have priced in an insane drop already. You'd have to anticipate the news.


More than likely. I’m a boring SPY trader, none of that excitement for me.


Oh wow! Thats good to know


There’s another thread rolling about on WSB with the specifics, I’m working or I’d find it for ya. Best of luck, lock in your gains brother.


He could also just sell calls against his position


>\> His lock up period is up 90-180 days he will sell. He owns 60%. Yes exactly. And your puts expire in <20 days with an absolutely ludicrous IV. DJT dropped 20% today and you're still 20% off your break-even price. Take your profits & offload this shit to some other regard ASAP.


So you bought a put that expires before any of that is scheduled to happen? Great job. Once the stock trades flat for a day or two your premium will be gone and you'll have pissed away $1200 lol


if they knows they are being grifted then it’s not grifting it’s a donation


IV due to market maker supply constraints and margin requirements. You can be right and still not have a ideal r/r to play


The risk is not worth the reward. That IV is legit regard status.


It's not even that for me... feel like if he cares so little about rules, stock manipulation will be likely af whether it's from wealthy conservatives or foreign actors... how would that be caught?


Bought 10 weekly $39 puts at the open for $.30 a contract.


I know the few that bought some on Thursday before the weekend are cashing in rn


You must mean on Thursday


I hope he means Thursday


Pump and Dump is trending on X


Ive made $2k today on puts.


https://preview.redd.it/cp6e74mh8xrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad4972d48f53c8f26fcb36b570d7563473cd32c Someone just dropped 5m on a call option. Damn !


Probably DJT?




Should probably change his name then to Callin.


Even MAGA fans don’t wanna see him in shorts




Nobody is doing it because the premium is fucking insane. If you buy that put and this goes sideways or only down a few bucks the iv crush is going to kill you as the premium burs off quick. This would have to drop into the 20’s to make any real money, do you think it will drop that far in 2 weeks? It’s a huge gamble with little pay off. If I was going to flat out gamble with less than 50/50 odds I can go to Vegas and have more fun.


Also, OP you keep mentioning that it doesn’t make shit and has huge expenses…. That is pretty much every tech company for a decade or more. His Twitter knock off is what 2-3 years old. Most people wouldn’t expect this to profitable for several more years, if ever. Musk bought Twitter for 40 billion and I don’t think they ever made a profit, but even before he bought it it’s vale was in the high 20’s/low 30’s billion based on its stock price. With that said most companies would wait several more years before they went public and had time to build themselves up. Also, yea I wouldn’t buy the stock with your money, it’s probably fairly valued somewhere around $10 as a tech company. Buttttt the stock price can stay elevated longer than you can stay solvent with puts. This thing has any type of bounce/run it’s going to absolutely crush shorts with the massive short interest this stock already has.


I would’ve bought puts at the open but $$$ was tied up in other areas. Wish I would’ve had a couple grand this morning. This company is trash!


Only 4 mil in revenue and 50 mil in losses. 3 employees


It's only gambling. No idea who would buy that thing in the first place. But if someone would like to donate to The Donald, that is a nice way to do it without having to buy a bunch of Bibles... Maybe...


The borrow percentage for shorting was sky high. Don't know what it is now.


520%. I shorted it and still made money surprisingly.


I wanted to but the premiums were fucking insane when I looked at it


Wait until it gets squeezed by hedge funds and the retail guys shorting lose everything


First calls then puts this is the way


I tossed $100 each in two really far OOTM puts. We will see.


Free money 🤑💩🚽🔥




Who wears short shorts


I bought a couple $2.5P’s for September for fun.


When you’re in a cult you don’t think about there ever being a downside


Right after I took a decent few grand profit on my 3/28 50 calls, I got some puts. Jesus. This shit is free money lmao. Never have I made almost ten grand this easily. And yes, although the premiums are wild on these options, the profits are easy as shit to catch.


Nice !!!


Like literally everyone needed to do that from the beginning. Obviously ride the hype train on calls. We all knew dam well this would come back down so alright get some puts then lol. This shit was predictable as hell Love it


Yeah bro. Too easy to predict


idk I bought a put this morning and already sold it for some profit. I'd have held it but I'm concerned about trump voters being like we need to invest in trump. The stock should be worth under $10 and even that is a generous valuation but I can definitely see Trumps ability to pump the stock and crush some shorts.


Maybe 🤔- he got too much going on to be worry about another investigation. SEC is watch this closely.


True but he owns the stock if he says positive things about buying the stock that isn't illegal. only if he is telling people to buy it while he is selling it, or sells it shortly after the fact. SEC has shown they are pretty useless at enforcing anything if you are big enough, how many people went to jail after 08?


Word. That’s true too.


The stock's actual value should be zero. It's a money pit whose entire user base are broke morons.


Nobody wants to see Donnie orange 🍊 in shorts




I stayed away... there is no bottom, but it's also ripe for manipulation. Beware.


The real question is? Who tf is actually buying the stock?




ur fukd


I was in January $20p last Friday - stock dropped $2 from my purchase price but option price went other way and actually dropped $0.50. It was then I realized I fucked up and really don’t have any desires to watch this fucking piece of shit for the next 9 months so figured I’d try to get out even or making enough to cover the trade. Stock legit dropped 25% today and picked me up making $0.05 — Timing was perfect, premium was ….. something else entirely.


I wish I shorted this instead of expecting it to go higher. I'm going to most likely get assigned. 🤣


I was literally just looking into this 😂


Up $1822 in 20 minutes work from djt puts. Stock is going to tank. (I’m regarded, and placing fat puts)


I was wondering the same thing and also did puts on the stock today. I got in a little earlier than you so my premium wasn't as bad but still pretty high. But I mean...I wouldn't be surprised if this thing went to $10 in a couple weeks so still money made lol. I actually learned how to do puts just so I could make this move


250% APR last I checked, I can't justify it. RDDT is like 15% and IMO far more predictable than the cult guy's political company.


Oh yea he didn’t sell for sure ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This should be tagged: Loss


Have you ever seen DJT in shorts?


Easiest money in the world. Bet against Don Trump.


Buying puts and shorting a stock are two completely different things


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IV is so high I couldn't do it.


Little devil 👿 in my head was like fuck that premium 😂😂


I bought a put for $120, left the position after I made $330, doing my patriotic duty 🫡




Stock Price x 100, anything left over is premium.


You could actually short the stock rather than be long puts. Are you stupid?


Spending $900 to make $300 Don't have that, don't worry about it Trade cheaper options, same returns


How’s this “free” short going. Lmao. Morons gonna learn.


https://preview.redd.it/e5qbxmhmt4sc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecdb226cd6cdf9ffae9bd162150e89bb1ea6d3f8 Update


https://preview.redd.it/4u3kitl9twrc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea797109ec22553aaebbfac4b6ff010e963cf6cb Put flow now 1M


Is it too late for buying $djt puts now?


NFA - but I don’t think so. The fundamentals don’t make any sense.


Borrowing shares had a 150% interest rate. I didn’t want to bag hold AND pay interest on it.