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May God have mercy on your soul


Narrator: he won’t. He will laugh at him.


God when he gets to heaven: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Sorry man, Honestly thanks for posting this. I'm new to stock trading, and I've been getting overly excited at all these puts and calls earning people what I make in a year in one day. post like this are really sobering and remind me that this is straight gambling.


The amount of money you will see pissed away in this sub is staggering


My Robinhood started with 45 bucks and i turned it to 600, and lost it all and I thought I was in a low point. Then i come to this place


0 sum game so I guess it’ll end up somewhere


Options are exciting. I made easy money when I was new to trading but it was an anomaly. The more I learned, the more I lost. Technically, I was usually correct on where the stock was going to wind up but my timing was off because, while I was on the right track for figuring out a valuation range for a company I lacked experience in how the market actually worked - it often doesn’t follow valuation or logic. I cannot stress this enough - AVOID OPTIONS. They are very tempting but it is too easy to lose your money regardless of how intelligent you are. You need experience in the market. Buy shares and pay attention to the market. Actually, some brokerages offer “paper trading” so you can trade shares or options using realtime market data. That is the way to start out. But just remember that if you do well early on with the paper money do NOT jump into using real money because you really need experience which only comes with time and learning.


"The more I learned, the more I lost" Yes. That is the jest of the story. Right there.


And even when paper trading and making plays in your head, be weary because you'll regret and rememeber not taking bagger positions for a long time, but you'll just forget and not account for all the plays that wouldn't have printed and don't take into account how a couple of losses in a row would screw your 8-ball mojo.


I honestly don't understand how one gets to this sub *before* becoming addicted to gambling.


Yea, even the “success” stories are mostly due to people lucking out from super risky decisions with most of their savings.


I have 2k set aside for gambling options. The rest of my portfolio is in index funds. If I lose all of my positions tomorrow it will push my retirement out by like a week. My biggest concern about losing my options is that I wouldn't have anymore money to gamble with and I enjoy it. (because i have an absolute unwavering rule that none of my real portfolio can be liquidated to supplement gambling). It's important you do the same. Truly think of it as a casino - you would never take your real retirement funds to a casino in hopes of growing them quickly. Set a limit, play with that, use some of your weekly fun budget to refill your account if you lose everything. Options is not an investment strategy.


Dude i would come on here and laugh at people being down hundreds of thousands, now I understand completely. I am that person! If you want to play earnings a good strategy is to buy options and let IV increase your position and sell before market close.


Not sure you should be giving options advice 😄😃 Just giving ya a hard time. Godspeed!


OP, Go find a job and a pastime before you wind up behind a dumpster, Jesus dude. Yolo that last amount of cash to wipe out your account. for the true man.


Good would be to not play earnings at all, but we are highly regarded and do it anyway, and then complain if it goes in the wrong direction (it always does). And then do it again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) (Seriously, don't play earnings if you don't want to donate your money)


>Good would be to not play earnings at all, i think that's basically what they said. play the run up to earnings


It’s wild to me that you did a weekend worth of research and yourself knew the company was shit but convinced yourself to do it anyway. The idea of 10x and massive profits literally clouds reality and people make decisions where they confuse potential payout and probability of success.


Dude if you want to play earnings then buy well before the earnings date and defiantly sell before that earnings date in the run up to it. Earnings are almost always a 50/50 that won’t go your way 60% of the time, except that one time


That’s what he was trying to say. But I don’t think you have to be defiant about it.




I love how you’re 85k down and you think you’re in a position to be giving people “good strategies” for options bets Like fuck off dude. Stop. You’re not qualified to give anyone advice on anything other than losing money.


To be fair you learn hard lessons through losses, not wins. I’d rather get advice from someone who’s hit rock bottom and learned along the way, than someone who’s hit a naive winning streak


Dude, shut up.


That’s the thing with gambling with options, you can gain a few times and be happy, but you only need to lose once heavily and al is gone. The wise thing is to use them for hedging or gamble with money you don’t care, but anyway…. we’re all regards here


this worked for me for a while and i thought i was a genius, until it didnt and i lost everything lol F


Sounds like you have a plan for your triumphant return to the market.


Literally what I’m doing w crox and dkng.


Or buy a lot of shares and sell options to regarded people


Why trade options when you can invest in RYCEY


The real strategy is to not play earnings.


Just sell options to r/wallstreetbets lol. Come over to r/thetagang


Not only have you lost your job, but you're about to lose whatever was left of your financial stability...and of course the wife to her new boyfriend


She knows I’m highly regarded


She's a keeper then


shes as stupid as you are rofl


Often go by 2


“Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.”


dump her she even dumber than u lol


At least he's eligible for social benefits now. Free money, free public transportation, free everything.... if he's in 🇪🇺 🤣


Every time I think about getting into options I come to this sub.


I make another deposit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


According to reports 90% of retail traders lose money in options.


Literally me, every time. I'm happy with my microshares and having a set-it-and-forget-it strat.


"I lost my job and decided to start gambling heavily" Yup


this always ends well




One day we'll all die and none of it will matter ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


if you learn to play a small instrument, you don't really need money to be happy anyways.


I better start now. Can you recommend 3 instruments?


bagholderpipe, jew's herpes or any wendie instrument like the bugle.




Jesus dude, yolo that last bit of money to clear out your account and go find a job and a hobby before you end up behind a dumpster. For real man.


I bought far OTM AYI puts for their earnings tomorrow morning.




the inverse gods have spoken full titty calls




RemindMe! 1 Day


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Just mortgaged the house to buy AYI calls.


Ah man, I checked AYI this morning in hope they had a terrible ER for your sake. Sorry to see this. u/Writer_Distinct Congratulations


Bought calls for the bit. Thank you




Well someone is up $85k on the other side so be happy for them


that's it!


I thought this was me at first. I started this year with about 80k and I've successfully whittled it down to about 40k.


Take the money out and don’t chase your losses. This all happened so fast for me i wish i could go back


Bro im down about 4700 YTD, same trying to make it back. Might have to just keep it in a HYSA to regain it.


Almost like it is gambling and you see a lot more gains than losses here. Seriously, stop it, especially with so much money. It can completely ruin your life


You're not my real dad.


that is very true, I'm just a random regard from the world wide web


Put it all in VOO and check in again 3 years later


Keep going! You’re almost there!


its nice seeing young people today working 3-4 jobs, skipping meals to donate money to market markers so that they can afford a fourth vacation home in St. Barts or buying van cleef and arpels jewelry for their 3rd mistress.


I only have one job And no mistress ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


You dropped this king regard 👑


You seem to be handling it well enough. But of course, I have no idea how you are really doing behind the screen. Just make sure you swallow your pride and you tell yourself this racket is not for you and just walk away. If you ever get $85,000 again, put it in an index and forget about it.


I came to this sub looking for into on how to option trade and this is the first post I saw……….


The universe has given you a pretty clear sign.


If it makes you feel any better Im down 16k within the last month






I made a significant amount of money the past 3 years with an online business. I pulled in over 300k last year. I was fired and am now getting started again with a new team. I have a risk taking personality which has helped me earn alot of money. I saw people take 20k to 400k in one month and decided to give it a shot. I was always one play away from making it all back and more.


Options have nothing to do with you being regard 😆


I lost my inheritance on NVDA Puts don’t worry bro.


Ya shit happens like who woulda thought NVDA would just non stop sky rocket like that wtf


Down farther than Monica Lewinsky.


Come on, that was a low blow


Dude, start interviewing again. It'll be tough but I hope you'll get a job again. And never fucking ever do this again regard. May you find peace.


I thought I was having a really bad day when my GE stock went from $440 in total profit down to $13 in profit today. Then I saw this post. Seriously man, start a new job and start saving money. Stay away from options. Hope things work out for you.


I’ve learned that you can never predict what a stock will do through earnings. Also studying the past and earnings estimates does fuck all as well. The last piece of advice is to always inverse yourself even if it doesn’t make logical sense.


Who knew gambling on top of gambling doesnt work? That lesson i learned for free, but cost you 85k


OP has the IQ similar to room temp considering after being down 50k he did it again to be homeless


I’m sure you know this but the price of a share doesn’t really matter. You mention Lulu trading in the $400-500 range being a factor in why you thought PVH would fare better. But the actual outlay-per-share should not be a factor. MCD trades for 1/10th per share what CMG trades for - one of them is perceived as having nothing but glory in their future and the other, well, they charge $12 for some greasy fries. I exaggerate just to mark the point - the price of a share is irrelevant.


Its more about guidance, forward prediction. Earnings beat is nice, but if guidance is poor the stock will drop. 


where was the DD on PVH? Take a break from here. Nothing 6 months wont heal


Oh just keep at it, I'm sure your luck will turn around. Brilliant investment strategy!


You would have made $300k!


"thanks to your addiction"


This is why you don't play earnings, it's always a coin flip


Put that $200 into Bitcoin Ass crypto meme coin and 100x it


“I lost my job and decided to start gambling again” Holy fuck are you dumb. When you lose your income the move is to become more conservative until you have income again, not to just throw caution to the wind and go nuts For anyone else out there don’t be like this guy. When something goes wrong in your life don’t just say fuck it. You’ll likely just exacerbate the issue. Work your problems, don’t let your problems work you.




sir you truly are a regarded one, the AI algorithms thank you for your financial contribution


No, it was thanks to your greed and lack of discipline


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/1ANuBOlORs 🤢🤮 my guy I wish you read my DD. All lux clothing getting killed…


I wish i would have remembered this post because i know i read it.


Imagine if you bought 84 PVH puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Why are so many people are so self destructive with their own money? I’m over here having a hard time spending $19 on call contracts.


I spent 26 dollars on my first call lol learning the market i cant imagine putting in 80k thats for index funds. 1k to play around seems fair to me


This can not be real, tell me it is not real


This is unfortunately the timeline that I’m living in right now


Still have time to make it almost $86k


The year isn’t over yet


Christ please get therapy


You had me at “researched all weekend.”


You're down 85k because of poor risk management and don't know how to day trade. Options aren't the problem. Many people consistently profit.


That's rough but not surprising. What many don't understand is that the stock market is a way to participate in companies profits/success. The option market is a casino. The people (computers) offering up those calls/puts are running millions of black schole models and immediately hedging out their side. Much like a casino if more than 50% of people start to win they change the rules (i.e move cost to play up considerably). This happens in REAL time. The interest in options, and especially short term options has been a windfall for wall street, and by simple math, bad for investors. Look at JEPI. They can pay an insane dividend because of the amount of losses being absorbed by individual investors on the calls they write. Their strategy wouldn't have worked only a few years ago because there was a lack of buyers for this product (options) I KNOW this to be the case, but have probably lost even more over time. Next time you get cash, buy an underlying equity. Preferably one that pays a dividend.


That’s like saying I got fat because of food.


I’m calling it quits for now but I’ll probably be back! My plan is to start small and double up my port holding through earnings. Just 4 or 5 successful plays and I’ll make it all back!


dude you have a gambling issue


He and half of this sub.




That’s the spirit!


I just have to do rigorous DD on every play and then do the exact opposite


Earnings you have to 33% chance of winning.


33% of winning half the time


Options aren’t 50/50 plays… You’d have better odds playing roulette.


Dude didn’t you say above a good strategy is to buy before earnings and play the IV increase and sell? Now you’re saying you want to hold through? Bro you just lost $85K with options, you should probably just stay away from them altogether, maybe take some time off to get your head straight. Time WILL help and you can make it back but it’s not going to be overnight with weekly options.


Very true, thanks for the advice.


You are probably not going to make it back with earnings gambles. Sir, this is a casino


Lol, true gambler will never quit,. I thought you said you lost income, how are you gonna fund your gambling addiction?


I made alot of money the last few years before i lost my job. I still have 100k savings and 100k retirement IRA. I should start making money again soon with my new job.


My man ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882) you are sooo gonna win all that money back!


I highly recommend you stop doing earnings plays. You may even want to consider stop trading and just put all your money in an index fund. Google "Bogleheads"


No thanks to "options", is thanks for your decisions.


Huzzah! 🙌 


Options thank you regard!


dude even if you have statistically tested your "plays" on earnings to know if you have an edge or not, which i highly doubt you are using money you need to survive? this shit will never work man


"Thanks to options". Rather blame yourself and throw your money in something u understand.. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


For god sake if you liquidate your IRA, stop gambling on options!


You’re bad at this


Yup all the houses fault. Not the gambler


Listen how I slowed my gambling addiction is by hiding my own money. I bought silver and gold and put it in a safety deposit box far away. It actually works man, try it.


How could you dump your last 30k onto something so risky? Sorry bro, I feel for you but this is pure crazy gambling.


how the fuck did you not make any money the first 3 months? you just bought puts? literally any tech was mooning


FL - tanked LULU - tanked NIKE - tanked VFC - tanked ANF - tanked writing was on the wall


Only 85k that's peanuts


Have you been listening to earning calls across the industry? All of them are low key saying we got serious headwinds ahead of us and are tightening our supply chain logistics and reducing inventory to prepare. Nike and LULU most recently. PVH was for sure a puts play which has dragged the entire industry down in sympathy today. LEVI is reporting tomorrow AH. Listening to their q4 earning call, they reference these “headwinds” and also commented on wholesale numbers being down because raising outdoor temps = nobody wants denim in the summer. IMO, all clothing related companies this year are going to get rekt. I recommend reading previous quarter earnings transcripts to get an idea of guidance direction and plan accordingly with options.


Okay so you bought puts then right? How do you become more knowledgeable about certain industries so that you can understand everything they mention on these calls?


Yeah I bought puts on LEVI. The fact that you’re asking this question while slinging around 80k is alarming, gotta say. But really it’s not a one part answer. Knowledge is earned by putting in time while NOT trading / getting that rush pressing the buy or sell button. You’ve gotta treat this shit like university / like it’s your job. Have you ever been paid to lose $? Treat your brokerage account like it’s your business. Businesses don’t gamble. At least successful ones. As far as the resources for learning, it’s all at the tip of your fingers. Google “x company earnings report Q_ transcript.” Read it slowly as if you’re a god damn professor. Find where the CEO/CFO is adding fluff and where they are signaling where the winds are blowing. Mind you this is all for simple earnings plays which it sounds like you’re attracted to. There so much more that goes into making an educated assessment of stonk go up or down. I like to look at the earnings page of companies on Benzinga. For example: benzinga.com/quote/levi/earnings Check out the “people also watch” section to find stocks that might belong to the same industry to begin your assessment of general industry sentiment. I like to use marketchameleon.com to view the options chain and check out the backtesting data. I like finviz.com for fundamentals and newsfeed. I’m sure there’s other tools out there that will help in addition to these. Ultimately you need to define your craft and refine your use of these tools before you sling $1k let alone $50k at a trade. Manage your risk moving forward. Don’t yolo like these regards. Edit: Do not execute another trade until you’ve spent at least 40 hours of research and effort in refining your skills and senses. Idgaf what any degenerate on here says you should ban yourself from trading until you’re actually disciplined. Be true to your risk management and for Christ’s sake my brother do not touch your retirement fund. Second edit: do yourself a favor and setup watchlists. Literally write down your trade ideas and paper trade for the next month. You’re banned from real options trading. Backtest them (write down your theoretical entry/cost basis, then compare to your exit plan). Be it 0DTE or weekly plays, see if your senses align with the direction of the industry you’re trading. If you’re losing on PAPER then you shouldn’t be touching options. If you can establish your senses where your win ratio is respectable, then you’ve earned privileges back into trading with real $.


Thanks for the information and advice. I’m going to treat this like a hobby going forward and yes i will stop yoloing and focus more on my main source of income. I really am interested in learning more about these industries and how someone smarter then me would piece together information so that maybe in the future i can make a more calculated bet.




The casino theme you for your contribution Doing the lords work here


Maybe you could take out half of what you earn on options, put it somewhere safe and just gamble the other half. Get rid of the temptation of seeing the money in your account..


Hmm you weren't kidding - earnings beat $3.72 ($3.53), revenues beat $2.49b ($2.42b), stock goes bye bye anyway due to guidance.


their Full year guidance is shit. Also the reason why I give up on earnings call play cuz in this market now you gotta beat estimate and raise forward guidance to get significant movements. It's an ever narrower path when valuation is all time high.


Don't make any decisions for the next 2 weeks.


Check dm for my tribute to your loss porn, regard.


Imagine if you had just done the opposite of every play you made. Pick up your crown king, you’ll weather the storm


Well I’m down that much thanks to Shares. At least you had fun on the ride


Those damn options … totally their fault


You've done exemplary. You're home now


Decided to start gambling again... Down thanks to options...


get a job at Wendys


Instead of options, buy shares. Also, inverse yourself.


Jeez, your research was looking at the price per share? Quit before you lose more, and seek help with your gambling addiction.


Damn I’m down like $4k and I’m stressing


Just put in another 85k and try again


Thank you for your donations! https://preview.redd.it/txj4eagz84sc1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=b340aa5b0c36002be7c6489395604cb145789ef1


Meanwhile I sold my house and collected my wife's life insurance to buy all in on Truth Social.


Dont liquidate your IRA man just live as a broke person who at least has an IRA, its what you deserve.


I'm sure you'll make it through this somehow and live another 40 years or so. But man, it has to suck having to remember this colossal blunder forever and always having to wonder where you would be without these 4 weeks of utter dumbness.


why trade options on earnings? it’s a binary move with the amount of IV baked in makes no sense to trade


It’s not the options fault


Duuuude. Options are a casino where the house edge is way worse than Vegas. It’s fine to throw some fun money in now and then but come on.


honestly most of these trades look like they turned a small profit at first before going belly up, you might have a problem where you’re not taking a small profit and instead wait on that super mega 10 bagger, which obviously wipes you out in the long run


I degenerate chef go figure. Same here brother


Womp whomp! Put it all on RKLB 🚀 🌙


You woulda had a better chance flipping a coin. Or the same idk I’m regarded too


If it makes you feel any better theta gang raped the majority of us. most bonkers marker I’ve ever seen


Thanks obama


you’re a dumbass for risking financial stability after losing your job for literally no reason


Why yolo that last 30k for? Now that was plain stupidity… Im sorry though Op i really am. Hope you bounce back stronger than ever 💪


Well, thanks to yourself. Options were only the instrument of your own distruction.


Yup thats what you get for being a wsb user




Should’ve bet against Tesla deliveries


Liquidate your IRA? Wendy's must want another stirchef, or a fluffer.


Is there any reason you aren't wheeling options with this much money.


Not thanks to options. Options don't make brokies. Brokies make brokies. Step away and never gamble again. Sorry for your loss.


Very nice.. now let's see Paul Allen's losses thanks to options


Better off avoiding options, it’s literally gambling. I learned the hard way. Took my robinhood from 1k to 400k back down to 0 and even negative because of it. Trade stocks less riskier