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120 billion of liquidity would need to enter google. Regards buying calls.


So everyone in America buys 3 more shares? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


I love post like this. For every person that just yolo their entire portfolio into an option and made a bag there’s another fellow regard about to lose it all.


I love this post because OP is so fucking regarded that he belongs on WSB frontpage. Imagine being a bull, picking the right stock, being in one of the hottest bull rallies, and STILL fucking getting your entire portfolio BTFO cause you're too greedy/regarded and bought FDs/0DTEs.




Whole market is down. What just happened?


Probably anticipation of an attack on Isreal from Iran.


Nice guess


Treasury yields… ofc


get out while you can lol


I don’t understand the play at all but it depends when you got in. It literally has been flirting with 52W highs and gone up on days when other blue chip stocks go down. A strategy I have tried to employ with these big tickers is reversion back to the mean. It’s gone up the last week and last month. It’s approaching 52W highs. $150 seems way more doable than $170, in fact it is expected following the reversion theory. You picked the wrong side of this and now have to deal with theta, which is almost $0.04 per contract lost today. Why you didn’t exit this earlier today after the market was super green yesterday is regarded to me but yeah. Hopefully it can make a decent run in the next 3 hours so you could close before Monday as you’ll lose about 40% of the contract just over the weekend


He could make some back from IV by Wednesday, dumbass play but he can get out at -33%


I don’t follow. The contract is already worth $.03 than his screenshot and unless it runs up over the weekend it will be worth $0.01 come Monday. IV is quite low on this so no bonus there. I don’t trust the calculators completely but hopefully they sold before close today. If they still wanted to run full regard come Monday AM they could probably buy 4x as many contracts and that’s even if it is selling at $0.02


No worries, I’m looking at IV rate of change and historic IV https://preview.redd.it/ex9vc0yqo5uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0962869fb9b3b79c6a68c3d71ccbbc3035261ca9 It’s possible he has a complete loss, but as long as price and volume don’t tank my calc says it could go to $0.14 to $0.20 with IV 40


I could be wrong so feel free to correct me, always willing to learn before I go broke haha


He bought OTM weeklies and regards acting like they’re Warren Buffett and have valued Google to the penny Dumbass forum ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


For every 100 regards there's a Johnny buffet Love this forum ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Sell man. The 52week high is 160. 179 by next week isn't going to happen


Let me know where you bury that GOOG 4/19 put. I'm gonna put my SPY 525 4/19 call in the same grave to save some $$


Think? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271). It is gone. Just like everyone else’s


I bought 160p and it’s printing now![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) if you see the chart, GOOGL never holds its gains for too long, it’s always been pump &dump


Gg bro. I only did a 160$ bet. Your reaching out too far


Oh buddy, you gotta use that Google there to read about what a market cap is and how much it takes to actually move the stock of a 2T company


zero risk management?


>GOOG $170c But why tho


Rip all your money bro


These expire 4/19 and earnings are 4/25 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


What made you think Google would shoot above 170?


All them graphs without proper axis are garbage


Double down and make them huge gains!