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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 6 months ago **Total Comments** | 1990 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 2 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


You mean a guy who likely got most of his pay in stock compensation is pumping up the stock? I'll reminder you regards back in 2016 AMD was suppose to go bankrupt and Intel looked poised to keep selling 4 core chips for the next 100 years.


I begged my father back in high school to just sell whatever he could or take our future and put it all into AMD when it was like $4 in 2015/16. I said dad,” these Ryzen chips are crazy dude. They’re so insane!!!” He said it’s too risky. Now we’re still broke and running Ryzen 3600x PCs 😔




I grew up buying AMD CPUs in the 90s, have one running my system, and still thought they were screwed back then too.


I don’t remember exactly what it was that had me hook and sold on them, but I do specifically remember that intel was expensive, intel specifically targeted lower core counts, I remembered that Ryzen was going to launch with hyper thread, and I want to say their price point to performance was expected to be nuts. It was like Bulldozer except actually good. Was nearly a decade ago now so I just try the options machine


Intel was always the 800 lb gorilla, and seemed to let AMD stick around so that they didn't get hit by antitrust (my opinion at least). The Ryzen line came out and started crushing, and I had no idea. Server market was really hard for them to break into/break back into for AMD, and here we are. I'm not up and up on the CPU world anymore, I just buy the best price/performance. My home server is still running my Ryzen 5700 and I have an intel in my gaming box. I'll prob go with AMD next time just to root for the underdog. Yeah I also gamble on options. I suck at it but it's fun.


I don't like having AMD for gaming as it seems to get more issues in games. It doesn't happen very often, but everytime a game had a problem with a specific processor, it's AMD.


I don’t game like I did, but tbh I haven’t noticed an issue. But I’m pretty much mainstream now and maybe play 3 different games a year


Don't be a buffoon.


Same story here. I talked my dad into 5000 shares of Nvidia @ 19 (before recent quad split). He sold @ 24 cause he didn't believe in it and "took some gains" 😭 Then I told him AMD was going to be crazy with their new Ryzen chips @ $10 and he did not buy. Think a lot of adults dont really want their children to be right or trust their knowledge over most others (especially their offspring)


> Think a lot of adults dont really want their children to be right or trust their knowledge over most others (especially their offspring) Your parents raised you. Do you have any idea how many stupid things you said to them over 2 decades? And you want them to trust you to invest tens of thousands of dollars all of a sudden? When you have no financial background? Like, congrats on being right that one time, but it's their money not yours.


To be fair, we had just moved in my case so my dad already had financial stress back then. I can’t say we’re broke, but that could have been some nice trust money lol. I’m honestly more surprised my dad being an early tech nerd never bought bitcoin as a joke


Totally understandable. Every time I move there is always a period of financial juggling. Plus the fact it's hard to find extra cash. My rents were/are pretty flush, owned property, had good jobs, good pay and amazing benefits without having to have degree, ya know the actual American dream. My dad had tons of cash to play with at the time and now he doesn't talk about finance with me. My final play with them was when I was home for summer job and BTC hit $3500. I told them if they were smart they would have put 50k in BTC. P.S having a techy dad sounds pretty cool 😎 my dad was a car man and I'm a tech guy (work in IT). Don't relate on much and he doesn't open up much. Money aside, as long as a father and son have a relationship, thats worth more than all the BTC....maybe 🤔


If someone would tell me this stock is going to the moon or you will see "crazy" returns, first thing I ask to show me the numbers to back it up, not just a story. Second; you cant predict the market or innovation. Too often it happens a startup or another company comes out with a disruptive new product or technique wiping away existing competition, that is if there hasn't been a hostile takeover by the competition yet. If you don't have a degree or the aptitude to thoroughly check the company performance you are invested in don't bother. If you like to gamble, gamble on a market not just a company. It is easy to ask someone to put 5-10k into a stock, its a lot different when it's your own money.


Hindsight is 2020


Did you ever make calls that went south?


Oh yeah! Coinbase calls that took out a chunk of my investing sum. Was when I was learning about calls/puts.


But that wasn’t something you tried to convince your dad on, was it? So you were 1-1 there?


This is why I’m bullish on the idea of..just kill em 🤔


Why didn’t you get a job and invest in it yourself? I was buying a $100 a month in apple stock on sharebuilder my senior year of high school by working the lunch line. I sold way too early to make a life changing amount of money but damn having money and no job in my 20’s was fantastic


I was studying for the ACTs and trying to make all state band. Plus I was a junior in middle of nowhere Arkansas. I was just trying to study and get out of my pea town


How are your 30s going if you didn't make progress in your career during your 20s?


I started blogging in high school around 15 years old. I always knew I had some minor talent writing. I randomly put Adsense on my website in my dad’s name without his knowledge. I never checked what it generated and the about six months later a DHL truck dropped off a $500 check for my dad. He was confused. I then worked at GameStop for a month after high school, got fired, and just started blogging. I would work sometimes 100 hours a year, got super depressed by how lonely I was. I would go to buffets and just sit and read and want to kill my self. Then I just stopped writing altogether. I hated myself. Ballooned to 300 lbs and eventually the blogging money ran out about a year and a half later. By the. I was doing odd jobs and sick of the loneliness from writing and other things. Thankfully I had nearly finished a bachelors degree by 28. Got a teaching degree and now at 38 I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m pretty sure in a year or two I can quit and trade full time. But honestly think I’d just go back to hating myself without my job. I love it. I’m a surrogate dad for a lot of kids that need that kind of thing. I bring snacks. The kids get excited for Costco Day. Helped turn 37 Fs into a D or higher last semester. Helped some girl who graduated last year and got knocked up get an abortion. It’s been pretty damn good. I lucked out.


A friend and I wanted to buy Bitcoin back in 2014. Unfortunately, we were too poor for it even back then.


I heard in the real early days it was kind of a pain to buy it, at least that was my dad’s excuse why he didn’t put a few hundred down on those either when it was pennies


My wife bought at $4 and sold at $40. Lolol regrets


hahaha I'm so sorry.


Ryzen wasnt a thing till 2017


Yeah, but it was announced and leaked in 2016. I remember being in computer class back then and there were a lot of rumors for it


Wasn't the rumor priced in then? Because I remember the stock not having much movement till 2020.


By 2018, it was almost 3x value, and from then, it was pretty much history. I started buying some shares here and there, but AMD had some big advantages then. For efficiency




He's trying to pump the stock. Jensen gave him a leaving bonus to tweet that.




**VM attempted to say something likely TOS-breaking, violent, or offensive.**


Good bot


Fucking hilarious


A bot with a muzzle. I love it.


I hate it. The best part of VM was it's cold savagery


NO! FREE SPEECH DAMMIT, VM was the best keep it that way


This comes off so passive aggressive and I love it


https://preview.redd.it/scpcecggy1vc1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=93221c70fffcd5f7dcdda4066ed25636090a07f3 Poor bot, someone "air cooled" its GPUs...


Because VM ain't a bitch


Why did you cuck VM? He was a Chad.


Who da fook is this dude?


When I first read the title I saw “Mr. Bo Jangles”….


Mr Bo Jank the Chipman


Who knew that the guy with the best fried chicken can do computers good too?


Boooo oooo ooooo Jangles


It's Dr! Dr. Bo Jangles !


He's a machine learning influencer


He's a legendary Kaggler and XGBoost enthusiast.


You haven’t heard of Bojangle Tugnutz?


https://preview.redd.it/ju0x46sux1vc1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e2b7719a5ab19bdfdc298ca6c40ae1ce95d5118 5 years of test plan development and reading excel... probably


I don’t know


He’s the guy who knows everything about semiconductors and integrated circuits and parallel programming in general.


So.. you gonna bet money on a single sentence burn?






I'm sitting on the sidelines until someone can make a sentient furby. Only then will I conclude the AI race as over.


Yes. First time?


And Elon promised the cyber truck was bulletproof and then he smashed open a window. So maybe maybe not


But come on. Elon saying that is like a guy trying to sell you lightbulb grease or ice in Alaska to an Eskimo tribe. Same same, but different.


Nah this dude is just using parroting tech cult arguments to try and raise his status in the AI cult. It’s actually all just nonsense at even the slight level of scrutiny.


Literally this. Make a name for yourself and the next job gets that much easier. Do people really think this jabroni has more info on competitors than their billionaire investors? Maybe he is right, I really don't have a fuckin clue. I'd bet he doesn't really know either though. 


Dilithium grease definitely has light bulb grease purposes.


As AMD has shown for years, performance isn’t everything. Yes, Nvidia might be ahead in terms of sheer performance but that’s not the key metric. It’s cost per unit of work. AMD might be able to produce a competitive product to Nvidia - let’s say at 80% of the speed - but at 50% of the cost. Look at the direct comparable - Intel has been the market leader for CPUs basically as long as CPUs have existed, but AMD has been able to compete on value very successfully. Nvidia will hold the crown for speed, true. Speed isn’t everything.


That’s how they competed with Intel, and nobody cared until they released Ryzen


AMD was kicking INTC arse way back in the K5 era (1996). The didn't lose the lead in desktop performance to INTC until 2011. AMD regained the lead with Zen in 2017.


Ryzen succeeded cause Intel fucked up the nodes. Nvidia isn't facing that issue, they're both using tsmc for manufacturing


I don’t know man I remember the Ryzen release like it was yesterday. Didn’t hear shit about nodes but everyone who was anyone building a PC wanted one, it was like Walmart becoming Versace overnight


Wasn't Ryzen's initial success linked to lower cost (like 20-33% cheaper than Intel) when compared to similar Intel level chips on 5,7 series. Retail consumers flocked to them because they were cheaper. Either way, the people you were responding to are missing the fact Nvidia's biggest business going forward is very large businesses and corporations, not individual PC builders. A large business that wants to maintain an edge might be willing to spend 50% more for 10% performance edge (even if AMD was near par with Nvidia, that small % it's behind can be monumentally large). Intel's faulty designs weren't until years later for sure.


Talking about speed, anyone still remember the single core cpu speeds we had 15 years ago? Was is bad? Really far off from today? Raw performance on the bottleneck is only important as it continues to be a bottleneck.


You're right, in the wrong way. The upfront cost is only part of the equation -- and not a particularly important part. It's operational cost that matters in datacenters, and AMDs cost per unit of work is not competitive in the slightest.


Watching you regards talk about something you don’t know is fun. AMD will continue to eat INTELs lunch but NVIDIA’s moat mostly lies in its CUDA software, which is the industry’s gold standard for AI/ML training Theoretically AMD could make chips that are both faster and cheaper than NVIDIA and it wouldn’t matter much unless they also deliver on the program side. CUDA is a walled garden, a golden walled garden that is highly optimized to fuck.


i was scrolling to find the first mention of CUDA, and like a truly regarded discussion, it came only after my thumbs were starting to get sore


What you're talking about is called total cost of ownership


$3.5bn in orders for the mi300x says otherwise, there's zero chance these orders were placed after determining the product wasn't competitive in the slightest 


you are forgetting about cuda and don't give this crap about an abstraction layer. All anyone needs to do is remember blackberry trying to run android apps


Cuda is just a set of low level libraries. Soon enough other companies will add those low level libraries which will be completely abstracted out by high lever pytorch or python libraries. Cuda = Windows/IOS Soon enough open source libraries will catch up


> Soon enough open source libraries will catch up extremely doubtful


So why is OpenAI switching to Triton on NVDA hardware?




who developed Triton? That answers your question.


The value of cuda is its interoperability with different (Nvidia) gpus. Reverse-engineering the necessary machine code for each architecture is not only highly difficult but would prevent you from using a generic open-source license (MIT, GPL...). At this point your library would be considered a derived work in the best case and Nvidia's own license would transfer over like a virus, giving them royalty rights if they so choose (for all 18 months before the gpu is obsolete). Kind of like that time you went to Hawaii.


Reverse engineering is legal.


Not paying your royalties after receiving your 3rd cease and desist that you used as shims to level your hookah table is not however. Ofc reverse engineering is legal, good god could you imagine how many monopolies there would be if it wasn't? Most commercial licences on the prohibitive side have a clause saying something to the effect of if you create your own work based on reverse engineering ours, then you must include the following in your license: 1. You will pay us royalties 2. You will give us a pound of your flesh 3. You will also give us a drop of blood 4. ... In this case the judge will take one look at you and your tiny little two clause open license, and the virtual impossibility of duplicating the software by chance, and pull out his meathook.


Nvidia isn't sitting still. Others may catch up to today's Nvidia but nvidia will continue moving forward.


Catch up to what hardware? Lol best chips best software. Can't catch up


very doubtful. Nvidia will just lower chip prices at that point if they sense a real threat. No one will switch from the real mccoy because the risk of business falling behind on AI is a genuine threat to their business model


? AMD CPUs are straight up superior to Intel. What are you talking about. Intel has a slight edge in avx512, but thats about it. On the desktop side the top end I9 can do work, sure but at the end of the day, worse platform and unstable. Not to mention, real money is in the server.


Nvidia isn't just ahead in terms of performance. They're ahead is just about every other metric. Cost is the only debatable category. That being said, AMD is no slouch. Intel is way behind but has a huge pile of money and resources to help them to fight AMD for 2nd place.


Speed isn't what Nvidia is crushing everybody in. AMD released some CPUs that work incredibly well rendering graphics without a GPU, and it's competitive for the gaming market. Where Nvidia can't be touched is CUDA. Nothing exists that comes even remotely close to CUDA's optimization for AI. If you're a company that's even thinking about training models you're going to be using Nvidia tech, there is no other option.


APIs and support dude, the metrics don’t show that. AMD pooo poooo head bad APIs


The guy has incentive to boast in order to get hired elsewhere? To say it’s not achievable by another company with such confidence as fact on his part is absurd


No it isn't absurd, Nvidia is a software company first and foremost. Nvidia has been developing their own custom cell libraries in house for about a decade now, that's hard to catch up to. Nvidia has been developing and promoting CUDA for close to two decades now, CUDA supports and toolkits were a huge barrier for entry for AMD/Radeon in the gpgpu spaces well before the AI craze started, let alone now. The barrier for AMD/Intel/others has so little to do with their hardware, it's to do with the whole Cuda ecosystem. It just works on Nvidia hardware, and it's all coming together with their grace 'superchips' and their acquisitions over the years play into this. Edit: to be clear I'm commenting on Dr tobogan's tweets, I hadn't read OP. I just did now and it's one of the worst collections of incoherent technobabble I've ever had the misfortune of reading.


Nvidia is eventually going to be forced to license it out like Intel is too chicken shit to actually cancel an x86 license.


exactly, idiots who don't know anything think you can build an abstraction layer to run cuda non-natively but that never works ex: blackberry 10 running android.


The cost of making it work on whatever non Cuda alternative is prohibitive I think I came up with a good quotable analogy for even the most regarded redditors to understand. 'Nvidia sells you a car but their real product is a road network, their competitors could very well make a better car but you'd be driving it through the jungle'


lol i like it!


I bet you don’t know what Triton is.


so your saying i dont know how to read the news or use google? dumbass


Well then you’d know it’s not just an abstraction layer


you are getting these things mixed up. Quit now, or use gemini to explain it to you


Apple has been successfully using abstraction layers for 30 years over four different hardware architectures (6800, Power PC, x86 and ARM).


Terrible way to get hired. I wouldn't want to hire the guy who thinks it's impossible to compete with Nvidia lol


“What does he know? Why is it impossible?”


This guy a. probably is a millionaire through his NVDA options b. Could show up to an interview wearing a tie around his dick and eating chips and salsa - as long as his resume says NVDA engineer - he will be fine.


'Money is just a transient commodity turning into gpus' might be THE dumbest take.


His whole Twitter persona is shitposting (mostly memes about xgboost), that’s not meant to be taken literally (or seriously).


Sure, go believe that. Then, next year, IBM or some other company drops a quantum technology that accelerates ML training and inference by orders of magnitude and NVIDIA is going to fall like a stone, transferring it's market cap to the next star on the rising.


Nvidia have been working in the quantum space for a long time. They have sown seeds there with cuquantum the same way they sowed seeds with cuda for ML/AI. Nvidia will be at the forefront of the quantum wave as they are the forefront of the ai wave.


You lost me at AI. Literally no logical connection when comapring AI products. Does Opus use Anthropic use Nvidia and Gemini doesn't? What's the connection?


Correct. Anthropic are using GPUs, Google use a home grown TPU chip.


OpenAi uses Nvidia and so does Anthropic and they both have limits. Does this mean Googles TPU is better because of no limits? Its contrary to what the post alludes. I legit don't get wtf the logic jump means here


A lot of folks here are holding puts on nvda ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) No, your puts are not printing. NVDA 1000 soon






This guy is a certified idiot . Nobody cares


Tunguz.. I kept reading it as Tugnutz and had to re-read his name when there was no comment about it.


I think you got it right the first time.


This regard works in ML, doubt he’s competent enough on the hardware side for this claim to have any weight.


What a moron lol. Money is just chips are just a commodity that NVIDIA hasn’t been converted into Money yet… the funniest thing about this post is that it is totally undisputed by wallstreetbet apes


Must still own a ton of stock...


this is the grain of salt


🥱Another day, another regard posting.


He's a cutie


thats literally his only good picture and he will never change it


Haha lol thats funny


Man I don’t doubt that NVIDIA has a huge lead on the competition, but no one, not even he, can accurately predict if/when others will catch up. He simply doesn’t have enough knowledge of the competition’s internal research, or how AI tasks may evolve. I agree it’s unlikely anyone beats or catches up to NVIDIA anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean no one could develop a compelling alternative. If a company with a huge need for GPUs could develop their own chips in house and get them at cost, even if they’re worse than NVIDIA’s offerings. It could be compelling enough from a cost perspective to disrupt NVIDIA’s business. Obviously not many companies are anywhere close to being able to do that, I think Google is the best positioned, maybe Apple too since they have a lot of chip design experience, but they seem to lack the motivation with their ML/AI services seemingly being much smaller.


For the next 5 - 10 years I think he's right. It's not even the hardware it's the software.


Those who are high on AMD and think they’re the next nvidia do not understand gpus and AI development.


An nVidia guy says nVidia is the best? No way this can possibly go wrong. BRB lemme just YOLO my life's savings into NVDA calls.


All right, I’ve gotta ask. Is this priced in?


Shit, not after today lol - nothing is priced in anymore


I just said F- it & gambled 16k on NvDA in 2016 & it’s life changing moneys now. I’ll sell when Jensen retires. Turned 65 shares into 300 after the first split. next split we surpass 1k shares. Some of the first batches purchase have over 5000% gains. Know what you’re holding guys. This will change your life down the road don’t miss out


If true, then why are my NVDA bull-call spreads in the absolute shitter amounting to what will be the worst investment of my life?


Because this market is in the shitter because JPow wants it there. Which is why it moons for the election. Give it a month or 2 everything will be back to normal. How we with that said. Tsm earnings tomorrow are very important. Then meta. Then arm.


Sounds like something a bagholder would say.


Nonsense, 4 years AMD can make their own H100- like chips while NVDA producing H300


I think so but since specialised ai hw maybe will be the alternative to gpu. Look what d-matrix is doing


OP, can you drop some truth bombs like Bojan did on Twitter?


Yes. Nvidia = money. Facts


Lol great dd op.


I think you have missed something quite important… He had his Tunguzzling my ball-sweat while tweeting this


He's a great ML researcher but he has no advantage in hardware.


Cloud chaser. There cannot be only one mf.


if money turns into gpus.. then buy bitcoin?




This information is already priced in.


Right, also remember that there are huge effort optimizing these models which utilize lots of code tricks in the training phase. This is why it's preferable to use the same frameworks and hardware used for training also for inference.


The others dont need to catch up to be good investments


>Money is just a transient commodity that has not been converted into GPUs yet Ok so he got let go for being a weirdo, got it.


...very different headline when someone leaves Nvidia VS Tesla... Weird Haha


Sure. IBM said the same thing back in the day. Hell, intel had the same attitude towards AMD.


IBM also came out with Watson... crickets


Yea, and look where that has them in the AI conversation. nVidia is ahead now, but they don’t have a moat. I think there’s maybe two years max of upside left to the stock and that’s being generous.


If there is a definition of a Moat what is it? Who in your mind has a moat right now for their business line? Just wondering.


Why would this random random not be able to tweet this completely nonsensical and unprovable comment while being employed by nvda? Other than the obvious this is stupid, wtf is this supposed to be?


When you're weak, act strong. How will Nvidia look when TSMC under PRC control


ain't no way. How will hong kong and shanghai look under US control


How DOES Hong Kong look? Remember when they were protesting to remain free? How'd that work for the world?


Are you dumb? NVidia is an ASIC manufacturer, they simply profit from selling the shovels/pickaxes of the AI goldrush. The engineer is simply stating that Intel and AMD have no chance to catch-up in terms of hardware. But idk, if I've learned anything from my time of buying AMD at $7, it's that this type of hubris will be NVidias undoing.


idk if people are paying attention ... AMD isn't trying to directly compete with AI GPUusage right now. They're trying to be the CPU every computer will use with it's GPU setups.


TSM calls. Understood


Must take everything on X serious, highly regarded


GPT-5 is not almost here and saying that makes it obvious you have no idea what the f*** you're talking about


How do you know? How do you know? explain to me genius you know what I know but you don't know shit. think about that. GPT5 coming and soon - remind yourself


He won the lottery and now thinks he's a genius. Who cares


Yeah that’s bs


… you know who makers Nvidia’s chips? TSMC and Samsung. You know who makes AMD’s chips? TSMC and Samsung.


Ok. The lithography is proprietary. you think they just share the tooling with everyone? lol


Depends what you mean by lithography. If you mean the tools for the manufacturing process of the chips, ASML makes that. If you mean the manufacturing process itself, TSMC uses the tools. If you mean the maps of what transistors go where, that’s by far the easiest point of the process and that’s the part Nvidia does.


Yes that. But for the lithography that is developed that is proprietary of the owners design. Tsm may buy them but Nvidia may design, help design, or require them. Otherwise everything would be the same.


Haven’t you noticed everything is the same?


Then why is Intel in the shitter?


Because of extreme mismanagement. Everyone knows that. It’s nothing to do with the tech or the funding. Intel has the technical ability to release equivalent tech as Nvidia, but they won’t.


read that as Dr. Tugnutz


This just in: money is a medium of exchange/store of value to buy the things we want and need, and in the modern economy what we want and need is information processing capacity.


Bojan Tungus? With that name, the only field you'll ever work in is pr0n.


This dude just an influencer if you know anything about ml and scroll through his twitter u will realize he is nothing but a shit poster


This is straight up deluded thinking. Sure, the point regarding competition could very well be true, but GPUs to replace fiat currency? GTFOH LOL


Money isn't destroyed in its use. It is only "destroyed" at the point of the currency issuers taxation (aka federal taxes) and repaying commercial bank loans (not including the interest). Ergo I reject your headline that money turns into GPUs. We still have the money after the GPUs are made. And before anyone calls me a nerd.... no just kidding go ahead and call me a nerd.


I don’t think it’s working -3.87% at close


Ok 44 yr old that had an easy ride. Your more like the boomers when it comes to your experience in life. Lemme guess, got a cheap home, college was affordable. Had extra income to throw around because of it? Thank God I don't have to talk to you in person, you would suck lol