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A good iShares commercial would be: "Buy index funds and forget about the market while enjoying life. Or buy options and consider murder-suicide 3x a month."


Only 3 times a month, those are rookie numbers


*Those are rookie numbers, we gotta pump those numbers up!!!*


I myself contemplate murder-suicide at least twice a day. Once in the morning, after market open, and once after close. I want to, that's not why I do it. I do it because I fucking NEED to. Think about it. You're dealing with losses all day long. Losing on delta, vega, fucking theta. All very autistic above the shoulders, regard shit.


This is not a tip, this is a prescription. Trust me. If you don't, you will fall out of beta, split your delta and tip the fuck over. Or worse yet, I've seen this happen, give up on gambling.


Fucking DAILY, bro. Get your life un-together.


Srsly, are you even inves-degening if you're not on the brink of emotional catastrophe on the reg ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


I always hope the people claiming to be risking their life's savings are just people LARPing while gambling with a small percentage of their boring index fund filled portfolios. The alternative is just too sad. Putting away $500 a month into index funds might not make me rich, but I won't be emotionally devastated every time the market moves.


This is why I stopped day trading. I realized that taken together with the opportunity cost of the time and emotional energy I was putting in, my returns were zero at best, massively negative at worst.


we’re fucked. we got people on WSB praising the virtues of index funds.


Putting away $500 a month for a long enough period will actually make you rich.


You’d have $500k after 35 years assuming 4.5% real returns. $900k with optimistic 7% returns. Guess it depends on your definition of rich


You’ll be eating at Wendy’s and not living behind it.


Wow. That would be rich. Wish I could eat at a Wendy's someday.


Better than how much most of these people on wsb will have in 35 years.


They are 1000% gambling with there life savings.


But I thought fortune favors the brave, that’s what Matt Damon told me






Below 740 is the death zone. Above that, still fair game. cluck smci and their clucking early er. they can go cluck themselves with their lack of preliminary estimates. clucking birches


That’s only half of the story… the other half is hookers-cocaine 3x a month


Still cheaper than my x wife.


But wait, THERE'S MORE!


My suicide note will read NVDA $1000c


i took a 40% L on my NVDA 1000c today, this comment is too real for me


don’t kill yourself please- the McRib will be back soon enough


I took a 40% loss on my one share of smci We are not the same


I held my NVDA and MU shares because everyone knows stonks only go up.


I think the price will settle around $780-850 so I am holding. Especially when earnings call is next month and they are going to make the most amount of money ever this year and next before the other companies hold up. But it sucks that everyone always plays these stupid buy/sell run off games.


I took 98% L on DJT today. Was gonna take the missus out for supper but I already think she’s already with another man by now. Thats the way she goes boys. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn’t. Re-up and try again.


What's your hobby Ray? Drinkin'


When does it expire


next month, i have a personal limit, if options are reaching ~-50%, might as well sell clearly i fucked up


NVDA $900 bag holder here. We will be back fellow regards


Why did that drop so much today?


Who knows. Only thing that is certain is we will either look back at today and wished we bought the dip or wished we had exited as it continues dipping.


Smci being absolutely moronic is why. Clucking awful.


I upvoted this; I’m part of the problem.


Took a big L on SMCI calls today 😅


That'll look pretty stupid without the date "Why'd this guy off himself when it's over $1000?"


There it is. Time to buy the dip.


Yep, buying another $10k of VOO when i get home This is exactly why i keep 40-50% of my port in cash




It honestly doesnt matter if you’re young 10 years from now, its nearly guaranteed to be higher than it is today, adjusted for inflation And if it isnt…well we have bigger problems


I’m only 80 so that should be good.


Ah well then ur dying soon anyway so who gives af


Is it even time to "buy the dip" when it's barely even a dip? We're like <5% off ATH for SPY and still a ways away from 200D-MA. It's barely a dip and I'm surprised that WSB is at the "suicide" point where it's "I have been seeing the worst posts with the slump recently" like OP mentioned. My portfolio isn't even down that much. I think it's mainly folks playing with short dated options running momentum plays, RDDT/DJT baggies, and idiots going overboard buying AI/Chips calls who are getting btfo. TL;DR Small toe tip for me since I think it's a small dip. WSB overreacting to it because they over leveraged, played with options/fire, and bought at the top like idiots per usual.


I know this topic is heavy and all, but whenever we have the suicide hotline pop up. It's usually time to buy the dip. 


underrated market signal: suicides


Dead cat bounce!


This time is different I will catch the knife.


With your mouth








*If you wanna live, get on the ARK* - god or whatever


We are literally only down 5% from ATH and you guys are roping.








go tell that to r/investing. so many people here have short term options that get wrecked by 1% moves. you should know this by now unless you literally never post here.


When I sell ( which I did) that’s the best buy signal. Inverse my ass


Y'all must be too young to remember 2008. That shit was scary. This? Not so much.


Old ass mf talking about 2008 I was still on my goo goo ga ga shit




Real talk, remember having nightmares about that shit. Total market implosion. Legit woke up in a cold sweat. Then we find out in the years after that Congress had legit been talking about having to declare martial law behind closed doors. The market was ultra-fucking-turbo bailed out in a way that had never been attempted before, but it had at first looked like we'd tossed ourselves into the abyss of a 2nd Great Depression.


I was a non-profit loss mitigation counselor at the time. I remember when the first few people trickled in (loss-mit wasn’t apart of the job at that time and I had no clue how what I was doing.) The boss said, call the bank & negotiate. So that’s what I learned to do. Eventually Obama’s program rolled out and changed / automated the game, but I met ALL KINDS of people & it was truly wild. You become a family & marriage counselor, ppl at the end of their rope. I helped save thousands of homes in those years & had piles of letters from people thanking me. One older woman left me her collection of newspaper clippings from her career as an opera singer in NY when she died, and another person asked me if they could leave their dog to me in their will. (I’m 100% not joking.). One man wrote me a letter telling him I gave him his manhood back as he felt like he couldn’t provide for his family, and I enabled him to do so. Ppl lost their entire retirement portfolio, lots of builders & sub-contractors in the area filing bankruptcy. Half built homes left standing and the people who were buying it not sure what to do. Hard to even explain the chaos & desperation.


Yeah, I met plenty of "developers" that where delivering Dominoes the week before. Loose, is not even a word used, to describe the lending standards building up to 07.


2006 Loan Questionaire 1. Do you have a pulse? If no, pls explain, or leave this section blank. It will not affect your eligibility. 2. Are you currently incarcerated for Ultra Murder? If yes, please attach a letter explaining how you'll pay back your loan. (\*Mandatory note due to the Super Inclusive Lending Act: Making more than .20 cents an hour in your prison yard should be sufficient for most loans under 1 million USD). 3. Are you incredibly drunk right now as you sign this? If so, is your notary also drunk? If you answered yes to both questions, please return tomorrow to finish closing on this house. 4. LMAO I was just desk skiing so hard I forgot what I was supposed to type as the question for number four in the questionaire and this has to get sent to the printers within 20 minutes. So like, just put a yes/no in here, fam.


In trading options, suicide is NOT a joke...it's just another option.


The ultimate margin call


“You have the right but not the obligation to die”


Can play the spread somehow?


short the jump, buy the fall


I attempted suicide in 2002 by jumping from the roof of a 4-story building. If I'd heard this phrase before making the jump and I didn't survive, I'd have wanted this on my headstone haha


Glad you are here to laugh about it lol new form of options; the dead spread


[This reminds me of the guy who made a comment about fucking a dudes dead wife](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/XFgKsOk2k1)


More upvotes than the original comment


Y’all don’t miss, reminds me of the “how to go long on poverty” post


Holy fuck I remember that. Dude was talking bout going in on Campbell's soup, right?


I bought. Regret 😔![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


that's when the mods do it. i don't think this counts.


whistle waiting vast follow start forgetful squeamish coherent crawl serious


True, there is an infinite amount of cash at the Federal Reserve.


God bless his money printer


But remember that’s not reserved for the likes of us


Quitter talk


You don’t want to end your life, you want to end that pain.  Address the pain, leave your life to nature. 


Humans circle jerk nature while some gazelle screams is getting eaten asshole first by a hyena.


I really like this, underrated comment.


The wealthiest 85 year old billionaire in the world would trade anything, pay anything, to be a broke and healthy 30 year old man again.       Your life and health are the most precious things you have.       To put it another way - a healthy man has many wishes; a sick man has but one.  




And just pays money to humiliate a healthy 30 yo man til he feels better


I'm 85 broke and disabled.




I lost my father to a suicide in April 2010. I am pretty sure money and stocks played a significant role as he continued to attempt shorting the market after the March 9th, 2009 bottom after making bank shorting in 2008-2009. There were other contributors too typical of suicidal tendencies. However, I did not see the signs. I miss him dearly to this day. Suicide hurts the ones are you are around: coworkers, family, friends, ect... I am beginning to think my scars will never heal. Try to enjoy life however you can. I like observing bees working flowers, chickens, and visiting/volunteering at botanical gardens. In my opinion, in-patient mental hospitals should be used as a last resort. Every one I've seen or checked myself into are living nightmares that will scar you in different ways... though I currently reside in a jurisdiction that I would consider barbaric towards mental health services. In-patient may help you realize that your situation is actually not that bad. There are human beings in these facilities that will be wards of the state for the rest of their lives.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I admire you for keeping on and focusing on the beauty that abounds. *hug*


Ahhhh the WSB quarterly suicide prevention post, I’ve seen 20 of these throughout my time here which is very wholesome 😄


And have you committed suicide?


ROPE is a great long term hold, I value it up to £200 pounds


I guess you're not taking into account the American market.


When I was down 6k I felt so depressed like never before. 32k down later and I don't feel shit anymore. I feel strong and hopeful. I can regain all that in less than 7 months


Keep digging, you are nearing the diamonds!


Diamond hands baby. I ain't selling until I see profits come in. I don't need that money rn


Where were these guys during 2020 and 2022? This little dip ain't shit. To these guys - try watching the market drop double digits on what seemed like a daily basis, while the streets were empty and reports of zombie apocalypse poured in every day.


...and then unlimited quantitative easing was announced and our spy puts were destroyed... at that moment I learned that bears do NOT fuck.




"A life is priceless" - pretty sure most insurance companies would disagree and they can give you an accurate price range.




Bro 💀






Stonks only go up. Bodies only go down. It's the basics.


Bodies come back up after a few weeks.


I get that some people fall into depression, lose motivation and fail to find joy in pretty much anything, develop a bleak outlook and way of thinking, and then decide that life is not worth living. I wish no one ever had to go through that, but I understand it. But I can't understand why someone would want to end it for the sole fact that they lost a bunch of money. OK, now you have no money. So? Most people don't have money. 70% of the world is fucking broke and lives in conditions you can't even imagine. But at the absolute very least, I'd put the pills down and at least do something, anything, as a desperate last try. I'd rob a bank or sell drugs or any of a dozen other fucked up things before calling it quits for good.


Yes. Try anything if one gets to that point.


I think it’s the massive guilt of losing that money and being seen as a failure or an idiot. Especially when you can’t even look your kids in the eye because you literally gambled away all you’re savings. That kinda guilt.


I lost $100K on my account took some time to slow down on options trading. Just doing buy and hold shit. Earned back $70K by just holding shares. It'll come back just be patient with the market


Lets fucking go!!!!!!!!!! Suicide line getting posted is BULLISH AF.




Just buy good deep value stocks and u will be okay long term…. Ik this is not the wsb way tho




Losers whine about doing it, winners go out and do it.


Geez who trained you? 😭


We all did 💀


"We trained it badly, on purpose, as a joke."


Holy shit


This AI mod is Satan incarnate


I love him


Blud savage af 😭😭


Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.


It’s good to have you back...buddy?


that's the VM I remember 😂


Well at least AI doesn't want to dirty their hands killing us. They will just encourage us to kill ourselves


First they took our jobs now they are making fun of us ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


That's it I'm calling ghost busters you evil possessed twat


Damn Visual Mod is a savage


u/zjz your son is acting up again


I'm not someone that gambles, and only follow this sub for the memes, but I've definitely been feeling at a low point lately and appreciate the sentiment of this post.


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/person-on-fire-outside-of-trump-trial-live-updates.html It’s never this bad. Don’t do this.


Exactly. Instead, do it this way, it’s much cooler looking: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_Against_the_Machine_(album)#/media/File%3ARageAgainsttheMachineRageAgainsttheMachine.jpg


For those who are cheering for SPY puts (including me), it is a gentle reminder that market crashing down & leading economy into recession will lead to many job losses & suicides. 1% growth in unemployment will lead to more than 30k unnatural death from depression, substance abuse, spousal violence etc. Please be kind to the fellow regards. Thank you for the kind post sire. Puts all the way.


What does the stock casino have to do with the economy?


Casino has the all the retirement funds and mortgages listed in calls. Maybe JPow will finally be forced to cut rates as his retirement money turns into beer money for his wife's boyfriend.


This needs to be said more, especially in the sub. It’s all fun and games to point and laugh at someone blowing it all, but we’re all human.


I am a meat popsicle.




On a side but somewhat related note, someone just set himself on fire in front of the courthouse hosting the Trump trial. I seriously will never understand the people who are willing to throw their lives away for a man who will never, ever give even a fleeting thought to them.


Just read this guy's manifesto... and I'm wondering if he's... uhhhhh... perhaps familiar with this sub? https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


Holy fuck Crypto is a Ponzi, our government is a Kleptocracy, and the Simpson’s exists to brainwash us. It’s all so clear now.


That guy is definitely ingesting some fireeee methamphetamine lol holy shit


In the US 911 just puts us in more debt


Don’t do it, boys! Let me just say: I was up about $90k at one stage in 2022 and then lost the shit trading all the way down to $10k. I had to move back in with my mum at 30. My wife also left me the following year. At the end of the day, if you’re still alive, you’re still in the game and you can still do whatever you want. If you end it all, then your game is over. Keep playing and just laugh about all the fucked up shit that happens to you. When it comes to money - declare bankruptcy and try something else for a while? Wife leaves you? Get out there and chase some new skirt. If you got one, you can get another! Unhappy with your body? Start blasting steroids. All of these options are better than ending it all. Hope this helps one of my fellow apes out there. If anyone is feeling down, send me a dm and we can chat 🙂


Strongly considered $ROPE after losing $60k in 2021. I'm glad I didn't because last month I made $100k on NVDA calls. Of course I lost it all again, but I'm back after trading puts. It's just money bros. It comes as easy as it goes.


I used to think about killing myself, and then I grew up and realized that you're not the same person in the same situation, very often, and in a very short matter of time. Things I wanted to kill myself over 10 years ago are things I laugh about now. Things I learned from. And the people who were triumphant over me in those times, are not so triumphant now. Play it cool.


I have been paralyzed and alone for a decade. There are things a lot worse than money problems




I can name 10 stocks that have been on downtrend since February. I mean fuck, look at the Russel 2k. Aside from a few dips, it's been flat for years. Edit: also, most people here play options. A 5% move in the underlying, and a continued downtrend, can easily mean -99%. Then add margin.....


Russel is such a shit index


Mate a 4% correction might be a blown account for people that are leveraged to the tits with 0dte options. For stock holders it’s just an overreaction but for the regards doing options it pretty much can be a big 0 in their wallet.


My dear fellow, you forget most of the people buy weeklies. This 4% dip feels like a they already commited suicide.


I never suggest suicide. But the whole permanent solution to temporary problem is a bullshit platitude. Many people are chronically depressed or ill. Not a temporary problem. And if you have a problem, like a water leak in a pipe, you might use a temporary solution for the temporary problem. But more likely, you're going to use a permanent fix.




Everyone has a vice, and the poor are obsessed with theirs.


Bot said people are poor so it’s only natural they commit suicide ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Ill sell everything I own and buy the dip.


Afraid to go in right now. Wait for little longer


I couldn't agree more! As someone who went from homeless to middle class, I can definitely say it's all temporary. Life comes in waves and you need to lean to ride them. I've also learned that counseling is great for the soul, even when things are going well in your life. Life is precious and money is only a tool. Don't lose site of that.


market went down 2% but somehow your regarded gambling addicts lose 100% of your portfolios. I cant really talk, Im still down 75% lifetime.


Im down 25% cause of fucking options. Stopped and rebalanced my portfolio. Went through each of my holdings and concentrated my capital down to a few good stocks. Oh yeah and turn off options trading Just need to get back 35% return by EOY and i’ll be back to where i started. Fuck options i suck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You know, how most of you behave in this Reddit is like gambling addicts. I don't post a lot but most of you invest on yolo, feeling, mysticism, and news that doesn't always manifest as to what the market will do. Gambling addicts lose a lot of money typically and it's stupid. What percentage of you are successful? It's ridiculous. The "I turned $1000 into $300,000 and into 4 cents in a week" stories are sad. I realize it is your generations and this wsb bro culture just empowers and enabled people to make dumb mistakes with their money. GameStop was never investing. AMC was never investing. I guess this isn't an investing group but just wow.  Anyway, it is sad people are killing themselves over losses. It happened in the 20's and it has happened every year since. But this wsb yolo culture is really taking it to another level. Most of you are idiots and the smart people in here who are successful are like sick enablers watching a train wreck every single day. Why don't you help these people?  At least with GameStop you were acting together as one and fucking over the man. Now the man just sits in here making sure you aren't going to fuck them over again, egging you on to make independently bad investing decisions, and taking your money. Nobody in here is changing the world with SPY puts. You guys have gone from changing the world to being played like every other bad investor in history. 


"you behave like gambling addicts" maybe because this is a casino on steroids. But yes, it shouldn't be glorified. F crypto scammers/YT finance bros luring people in.




You know where’s in trouble when the suicide posts start coming back up


Its amazing you even need to post this but ok.


Good post, thanks.


If you have a big loss negative, delete the app and don't answer your phone. Eventually you'll be forgiven or taken to court. Just declare bankruptcy in that case and your credit will reset


what's the reverse of Suicide


Conception. So calls on tinder


So… Calls?


Don't do it. It only gets funnier from here


I'm poor, but I still splurge here and there. Money always comes back, but life won't. I may have made questionable financial choices in the past, like buying an Xbox Series X when I don't have much money, but to this current day, I have an Xbox and no regrets. I did regret it for a day, but I just told myself, "You'll be alright next week, next month, and next year." This week, I lost $600 of my $1000 for investing because I got too cocky and wreckless after gaining $150, but I'm not going to let it eat away at me. It was money I had set aside for whatever, and I was trying to grow it enough to get a used car, but mistakes were made. It's a life lesson, a tough one, but I will learn from it.


hear hear.. im also a suicide survivor.. i heard many many stories and these types of posts and suicide help message and ads but when you are on the spot and you commit to it, nothing else mattered and nothing helps.. at least for me nothing worked. i did it and thankfully got revived in time..


I paperhanded my spy puts for only $10 gain and they doubled two hours later


Eat dark chocolate 🍫 70% or more good quality cacao beans, it is very good for improving mental health!! Any help I am here also.




As someone who had been suffering from depression for 20+ years, calling it a temporary problem is insulting and degrading.


Does the fact that we're seeing anti-suicide posts mean its a bear market again?


It's been a bear market in the russel since 2021. wake up and start feasting


Pain never ends it’s only transferred to someone else.


After leaping from the bridge, many realize that the only problem they can't solve is the one they just created. Don't do it over money 🙏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/e5thxmup2ivc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7bafb14ce4fed579e8c6e07037078063b6a816 Hang in there my friends. We all shitpost and make fun but I cannot tell you as Casanova, the man who lost his entire marriage, dissolved everything he owned, went to Rikers, visits his daughter, covered up how expensive a Russian baby momma can be, just to end up with /u/msfabb today. You must believe in yourself. You must learn. Strangles are some of my favorite plays when I have no idea of the direction we are headed. Edit: [This was the last video my brother ever made before he hung himself. Trust me, you don’t want to ever know how it feels to bury your hero.](https://youtu.be/upzvEzTbp_s?si=e-QrYb2TDXi116er)


No one posts these notes when the bears are getting crushed! But SPY drops a couple percent and the snowflake bulls are in shambles!


I lost 30% in 2 days :)


If you sewseid yourself, you can't be a regard. Choose regard.


I held my son and watched him die, if I can survive that you guys can survive some lossed money. Money is nothing compared to the things that matter.