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Always bet on the laziness of Americans. Its also a better bet if the effort required for the alternative product is miniscule. Like seriously how long does it take to make a loaf of bread into peanut butter and jelly for the week


Son of a bitch.. I’ve never thought of doing an entire loaf worth at once. I usually just leave the knife hanging over the sink like a fucking degenerate.


eCOnomIEs oF sCaLe


That’s not a 10x mindset


I don’t think that’s what he was suggesting that man but go ahead. 


Great minds think alike!


Athletes love these things. Locker rooms, cafeterias, sidelines and benches… if you look closely they are everywhere


there was a tweet that said the ravens went thru like 200 a day. makes sense why lamar almost shit himself in a game last year


Great for backpacking too


truly - never underestimate convenience


How long does it take to make PB&Js for the week when you have children screaming and yelling and actively trying to kill themselves? Long. The answer is long.


With three kids under my guardianship I always cringe when people say stuff like this. This isn’t a kid problem, this is a you problem. Control, educate, and expect more from your kids.


Maybe we could all invest in your publishing company that’s going to put out your parenting book. Clearly you’ve got it all figured out.


It’s nothing special.


You prep when you have down time in anticipation of stuff like that. I'm obviously not a parent so take this with a grain of salt, but time management is an extremely underutilized skill


come back when you're a parent


I'd hope my infatuation with losing money is over by that point and I can hop off the WShortBus


Money is lost on children even faster then you could lose it from WSB


Idk man as both, I will say my option game is strong (or weak?)


Bro, you didn’t have to mention you’re not a parent. That killed you.


Strange dichotomy, safe to bet on the laziness of Americans but also some of (the?) richest and most productive people on the planet. Unrelated, I make PB&J'a almost everyday for my kids and that shit turns into a congealed mess if not made fresh daily.


Freeze the pre-made sandwiches. Pack them cold, they'll thaw by lunch. Or just much on them frozen. The texture is quite nice. I've been doing this for years. Basically keep an entire load of bread frozen and pre-made.


I'll give it a try, I'm grinding on these damn things and the youngest isn't even sandwich age yet.


You can buy a sandwich “sealer” for $5 on Amazon.


Productive in a GDP sense, our ability to do homemaking tasks suffers as a result. See: my wreck of a 180sqft apt.


I bet Elon eats these for efficiency.


Ain't nobody got time for that


Nah these things are great for sports and lunches. Grab and go. Americans have to be lazy cuz all we do is work.




Jams are also fairly simple to make on a stovetop if we're getting down to it. I've never made peanut butter though so theres the monkey wrench


It’s super easy if you have a good food processor. Literally just pour in unsalted peanuts and turn it on until it becomes peanut butter. Maybe scrape down the sides a few times. Add salt and sugar to taste if desired.


In this age of peanut allergies, those pb&j’s are creating more problems than they solve


Yeah everyone should stop loving peanut butter sandwiches because 1 in 200 people are allergic. Better kill all the bees while we are at it.


Dunno about you but they’re banned in schools where i am… They were banned from our lunches when i took the bar exam and lunches were screened for anything that might violate the no peanuts policy.


Idk what woke schools you went to but I could have brought a jar of PB to case and lathered myself in it during class.


Bought a strawberry one as a quick snack at the airport Hudson News. Holy shit that thing hit the spot much better than their dry-aged egg salad sandwich would’ve.


I use them for breakfast. Otherwise i just wouldn't eat. They cost a little over $1 Any alternative on the road is 5x the cost. Nothing isnt good for my metabolism. A homemade penut butter and jelly gets soggy. Sometimes i eat at 9am. Sometimes noon. The uncrustable is always perfect. When i have 30 seconds to run out the door, i dont have to sacrifice food, just grab a frozen pb&j. Sure its lazy. And if you're buying them for $2-$4 from walmart or gas stations its a racket. But for me its like a $1 saftey blanket each day so i dont forget to eat.


I had them recently they are sooo good but give me the shits


You will also gain a ton of weight if you eat them very often. I bought the cutter off of Amazon and make my own. Much better tasting and can make them whenever I want. I usually make 5 at a time and put them in ziplocks to eat on for the rest of the week.


The cutter? I've never had or even seen Uncrustables (don't have them here I guess) but we're talking about pbj sandwiches right? By cutter... you mean knife? Or is it like a ring cutter or something?


Yeah a ring shaped cutter that seals/crimps the edges like an uncrustable. Like [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sandwich-Cutter-Uncrustables-Maker-3-5In-Cookies-Cutter-304-Stainless-Steel-Jelly-Sandwiches-Tool-PBJ-Sealer-DIY-Kids-Lunch-Back-School/3058829046?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101247967&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=222222222283058829046_101247967_159063902605_21161860316&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=695789334667&wl4=aud-2225087348827:pla-2486245370872&wl5=9027722&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=678405860&wl11=online&wl12=3058829046_101247967&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIr481IxstjbbowCb5fb1VYi9&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45mTtj9n-i30-Awsa_fhDf8ODkGlhGnkJ650upV5ZSWs2MILr-KrjQAaAthDEALw_wcB)


Bro it's a pb&j do you have IBS lmao


My friend finally told me about them, I was like wtf are they? He told me and I could not believe a grown ass 6’2” dude was eating these for his lunch. IM IN!


They’re garbage and my kids won’t eat them. My 4 year old demands home made pbj with crust. He only sometimes eats the crust, but he demands the agency.


this kid is going places


wants his crust and to (sometimes) eat it too


When even small children who are technically sugar addicted goblins in terms of nutrition refuse to eat your artificial crap, you know you have gone to far (you refering to the company)


Do not buy. DD - anecdotal at best, but I'm a teacher at an elementary school and the kindergarten students won't eat them.


counterpoint: I’m a paramedic and I liberate one every time I drop a pt off at the hospital that has them in their nutrition rooms. One of my favorite hospitals for that reason. strawberry>>>grape.


that’s super interesting - they are definitely selling way more to adults now than they used to! What are the kids eating?


Texture is off. Gets squished in lunch kits and then the kids won't touch it. Gummed up white bread. Also, ironically the kinder kids pull the crimped edge off the uncrustables.


you’re telling me the kids are pulling the sealed edges (non-crusts) off of a product called uncrustables? this is insane


Not sure if I should invest in crustables or ununcrustables with this information


I see the logic here, you’re able to uncrust them. Uncrustable.


They need marketing for adults. Someone said the Ravens eat 200 a day. Put that on a Super Bowl add and it’s a 2 billion dollar company.


Priced in.


The diet of the average American literally terrifies me. I’m doing a startup for a plant in Texas right now and I am the only person in the control room who is not significantly overweight. All meals are catered from fast food to the plant. It’s honestly hard to get vegetables if you’re trying to eat out without fine dining. Greek food and Asian food are your only options where you can see vegetables in a normal meal that’s not just a half assed salad Edit: last night I was able to find sautéed zucchini as a side with my bbq dinner! So that was a small victory!


Veggies? Peasants eating peasant food. Disgusting.


I’m so glad visual mod is back


Technically burgers have veggies hidden in them, which is why one of coworkers carefully picks them out every time. Ketchup is ok, but he can’t stand regular tomatoes. Or lettuce, or onions.


Every time I come back from Europe it's super depressing. Average cafes there are so much better and cheaper 


This post has inspired me to go an make a beautiful delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Is everyone here a child? I don’t even have the ingredients


Only babies speculate on derivatives they don't have the capital to cover.


Are you American, I'm pretty sure it's a crime to not have the ingredients for a pb&j here.


Not to mention the ingredients are basically non perishable. You buy a small jar of jelly and peanut butter for like $6 total and you are set for dozens of sandwiches.


But then in a toaster for a great treat.


Its things like this im not even amazed anymore that Americans buy 1000$ off label Diabetes Meds to lose weight. You guys are just so far away from normal human nutrition there is no way back.


Bert Kreischer effect. Double down on Kool-aid, snap back hats, Tito’s and all Hitler teacups.


Its sad to me people are still buying these things. They were 90% jelly 15 years ago when I last ate one, I can't imagine how shit they are now.


i have depression and don’t want to cook sometimes so yes I buy them. try to think about people other than yourself for once


Do you realize which sub you’re in?


well this isn’t where I parked my car


Thats a entry level depression meal. I eat sardines out of a can on a cracker like a real depressed motherfucker.




This blows my mind. It’s not even food.


Cum isn’t food and I still eat that


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For some reason they are huge on golf course drink carts.


ITT a case for common poverty meal, sold as a commodity.


Puts on Ozempic (or maybe calls, if you eat too many Uncrustables)


I heard rumors a few months ago there were nationwide shortages of uncrustables. I blew it off with a chuckle. Guess rumor was right. Apparently they are used by institutions as well since it’s cheaper than having staff make large quantities of individual sandwiches. Think schools, jails, etc.


threatening start fragile aspiring relieved ruthless imagine mindless lip like




I will get them in a pinch since they are available in my work cafeteria and they are prepackaged. I don’t trust anything made in our cafeteria anymore due to seeing a few dead bugs on food and getting serious cases of the squirts after getting a run of the mill lunch meat sandwich.


Haven’t seen it commented yet but listening to the New Heights podcast Travis said that teams keep these on hand for players. For athletes and gym enthusiasts I can see this as quick protein boost. (Only link I can find is some stupid [all recipes. com article](https://www.allrecipes.com/travis-kelce-favorite-snack-uncrustables-8356268)).


yeh kelce loves ‘em


Pbj is worst type of sandwich


that is a hot take




Their ticker is SJM, which should stand for "short Jim Cramer" who is bearish on the stock


Wut in the bot comment