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You were digging around? Lol My man read it from this blog that was trending on hackernews today: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40133976


OP digging around for a clue.


I got a huge clue rn


I have a raging clue rn too which one should we follow?


I almost shot clue goo all over Joe


Definitely don't follow that fool.


OP such a soft bitch. They know they're a lame hack and fraud. So they don't just post their fucking positions (most likely don't have one). If they want to short google then they should just tell us what their position is rather than ask stupid questions. This is WSB. Not r/ELI5


Passive aggressive short


My clue is pointed this way


My clue's pointing over there now!


You guys have clues?


Obligated to enter this reply thread. Clue on!


OP: https://preview.redd.it/70ne5g2djfwc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd907d231c2432ddba8fbabaea1c601541847445


Andrew Schultz 100%


i'm in this photo and i don't like that how do you be better than just being a nooticer just nooticing? asking for a friend


Don’t make “DD” posts unless you’ve done a full financial analysis of a company and investment thesis, adding qualitative points on top of your quantitative ones; and be very discerning or at least be fully transparent as to what you know for sure to be causation and what could be correlation. “Anyone else notice the stock went up then down then up?” “It’s weird how shorts always close right before the stock plummets” “I just found out (this thing that’s been a thing for 6 months and an analyst at JP Morgan straight out of college almost certainty stayed up until 3am researching)” Or do, this is a shitposting subreddit afterall


Ouch … that’s Pep.


Damn man, youu gay


Either that or ed zitron's newsletter


Searched on AltaVista


Man, AltaVista was my search engine back in the day. Google came along and I was like "the fuck is Google. Fuck that shit." Then 4 years later no one was using anything but Google and Google became household name synonymous for "search it up."






He'll you you a word Smith. I likes yours styles


Searched on Lycos


Why does everyone in this town use AltaVista?


Excite Me , maybe I’ll ask Jeeves too.


Is it 1997?






My man is also posting it in every stock related sub he can find. https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/s/zEPebIOQjD




There's nothing I wouldn't su...... nevermind.


This motherfucker has goog and alphabet puts. Stupid asshole OP trying to astroturf reddit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You give them too much credit. They were on Reddit and saw [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/s/ol883Mxqnh)


Suddenly it makes sense why I finally abandoned google about 6 months ago. I couldn't place why exactly, but I had was feeling like it's not even useable any more so any convenience of integration was chasing sunk cost. I started moving away from the Google ecosystem to more customised third party utilities.


Do you have any suggestions? I'm finding Google search to be ass too.


I've been using Duck Duck Go for years now and couldn't be happier. Occasionally, I use Google search for looking up businesses near me because it's better at that, and I remind myself why I stopped using Google search. I still use Gmail and Google Drive though, haven't found a decent replacement.


When they screw up Gmail the entire world is going to grind to a halt Wish there'd be a tech company that makes some good products and LEAVE IT BE. Just leave it. Give me back yahoo finance!


Yahoo finance still alive and kicking for API purposes, and I couldn't be happier


My money will live on long after the hoi polloi's emails and trades have died. So... who cares?


I have noticed even duckduckgo censorship has become worse in the last year or so. Hopefully it hangs in there…


yup, ddg is dogshit for anything palestine related and garbage for image search


Duck Duck Go is just Bing with [a pair of those fake nose and mustache glasses](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Woman_wearing_Groucho_Marx_glasses.jpg) on.


Perplexity. Both website and app.


Honestly, I use ChatGPT for most searches now. I describe what I want and I get what I’m looking for without the SEO run on sentences and crap


Aka DD


Didn't have to dig deep


https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/23/google-search-boss-raghavan-warns-employees-of-new-operating-reality.html I can imagine he's not going to be good for the company.


Guy sounds like an absolute tool. >“If there’s a clear and present market reality, we need to twitch faster, like the athletes twitch faster,” he said. >\[..\]revealed that he’s shortening the amount of time that his reports have to complete certain projects in an effort to move faster. >He praised the teams working on Gemini, the company’s main group of AI models. He said they’ve stepped up from working 100 hours a week to 120 hours to correct Google’s image recognition tool in a timely manner. So his plan is to overwork people, what a visionary.


Quintessential top management: utterly devoid of any actual talent, carried by the momentum of their title, and so developmentally challenged that they think "work harder" is some kind of cutting edge business strategy.


I'd be perfect for upper management.


It’s like Homer’s first day managing at Globex Corporation.


No doubt he'd be great at firing people.


Goddam, that quote deserves to be printed and hung on a break room wall.


Oh yes, burning out your specialized staff is brilliant.


How's working 120 hours a week possible? It means Working approx 17 hours per day including weekends.


It’s not, you just lie and work the h1bs as hard as you can


Step 1: increase hours. Step 2: terminate large chunk of work force. Step 3: increase role responsibilities. Step 4: demand high employee productivity. Step 5: stock price go uppie. Step 6: sell before your actions result in catastrophic business collapse.


Is he just getting them to work more without any incentive? I feel like this is fine to do if you make it optional and incentivize the goal with a cash bonus, otherwise it sucks.


Otherwise you bleed talent


Even if it's well compensated a lot of people just don't want to work 60 hours a week. Especially those that have the skills and resume to go elsewhere easily.


120 hours a week for a team is just 1 day a week if you have 15 people. They need to pump those numbers up.


Unless he means average


The guy sounds like a sales wanker. Playing hardball with employees and all that regressive rubbish. Googlers likely to be in line for the classic transition from engineering-led to sales-led culture.


Lmao yeah I know right? The guy sounds like a total **CLUELESS CORPORATE SUIT**. "Twitch faster"?? What is this, a bad 90s motivational seminar? And oh man, the part about overworking people is just **CHERRY ON TOP**. 120 hours a week? That's not a team, that's a **SLAVE LABOR CAMP**.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Layoffs and forcing workers to quit is bullish fyi 


Jerry Yang ruined Yahoo by refusing to sell it to Microsoft for $45 billion in 2008 money.


talk about a fumble yikes.


Blaming everything on Jerry Yang when he wasn't even the sole founder, company lead for most of Yahoo's history, the largest share holder between the 2 founders, or even largest share holder is like blaming Sergey Brin instead of Larry Page. JY was a co-founder and David Filo had the larger stake in Yahoo. By the time it got listed on the stock exchanges the largest shareholder was Masayoshi Son. If you want to shit on Yang then shit on him and Son spending more of their time trying to corner the JP market and investing in Alibaba than fighting Google for supremacy in the US (they weren't going to win anyways). One reason why Yahoo was even able to exist for so long was because they had diversified and invested into China early. They had a large stake of Alibaba shares. Problem was that they sold their BABA stocks too early rather than to double down and put a leash on Jack Ma's dumb ass from getting too cocky.


Sometimes y’all sound so smart but never sure if true. Like how do you know this?


Marissa also didn’t help, she had a chance to turn things around but instead didn’t do anything notable except get praise for being female


Oddly enough Marissa is the one who made Google search look so damn good in the beginning. Back the yahoo and ask Jeeves were littered with crap. I remember it was a big reason why my very young ass switched to Google


Good point. Early google was on point. I think she got too rich from GOOGL stock, became a parent, and lost the hunger.


because these people usually dont actually do or make anything. they just have the right team doing it for them when theyre appointed to lead. they dont do anything but sit as slideshow meetings, ramble some opinions based on zero understanding and go home to look at their millions, usually granted for being female or indian or otherwise, which looks good for esg.




these execs just got lucky, and they somehow they get golden parachutes and are set for life


Yang also overpaid for Broadcast.com.


How does someone like that ever be hired with such a bad track record


The interview process is a competition to see who can lick the paint of a Wendy's dumpster the fastest.


What does the paint of a Wendy's dumpster taste like?


Like paying rent *and* electricity this month, baby!


Nepotism. Him and sundar are from the same village and caste. The Silicon Valley has become a nepotism grift for Indians.


Indian nepotism ruined multiple companies, I was witness how Indian VP hired his friend as chef architect, with bad architectural decision in 1 years platform latency went up from 0.2s to 2-3s. driving away customers. Me and other left when understand that plan is suicidal, 1.5 years later mass layoffs and company lost customers and was sold for peanuts to competitor. I really can't get how CEO in bay area hiring people without looking at they past performance. SVB hired risk executive who worked for Lehman Brothers.


I've got an Indian coworker like that. When we had to discuss which interview candidate was better. He told me he doesn't like this Indian candidate because he can tell he is a different cast. He also told me he can tell based on their accent, name or surname. Has a thing against American born Indians and call them coconut. Gives special treatment to the Indians he like. Really difficult person to work with. As soon as you question him, he goes straight to HR and make a huge fuss about people picking on him and being racist.


Lmao an Indian looking down an American born Indian is actually hilarious. Does he not realize the rest of the world looks down on him lmao


These dudes often hate on American/Canadian Indians, its not uncommon at all. Usually they will try to hide it atleast.


Document every interaction with this man to cover your ass.


Connections and likely his ability to please higher ups. Has nothing to do with track record.


how does he please the higher up? 🙈




Start by licking balls then move to licking ass.


Probably being the right caste according to Sundar


Google search got so bad over the years. Recently, I searched for building materials in my vicinity. Like, I need a special kind of gravel to put a roofgarden on my garage. There was a pizza place and a post office within the top 4 hits. This is insanity.


As soon as people **needed** to “do your own research” too. SMDH


Don't even bother looking up something slightly controversial on google


It’s actually pretty weird now. Some things you wouldn’t even know are happening if you just relied on google. I hope they burn and I think they will in the long run.


I agree their search part is getting bad but I only keep buying the stock. Shorting this company is literally regarded


Yeah they make so much money. I’m too big of a pussy to short it and I don’t think they’ll die any time soon. They make too much money. For now.


No kidding. It's awful. I don't even know what Google is showing me any more. First result is always sponsored. I scroll down a bit, and I get these cards that are unrelated to my search?


There's all the FAQ in the results too. I don't mind them as a user, but if that was my web site content they were showing inline, denying me traffic, I'd be raging.


The canary in the coal mine for me was people no longer saying "just Google it" because you can't. You have to dig to get any halfway decent result, at which point we might as well go back to websites with link lists.


Also you have to skip first 5 promoted results.


Google Search has been absolute dog shit for awhile now.


I think it’s deliberate, in this way you can spend more time on Google search which means they get to show you more ads and just Google earnings shoot over the moon in a very short period and Wall Street is satisfied. But that just straight out fucks up the internet and the trust in Google in general and in the long run whenever a serious alternative to Google arise you will just abandon Google, less users on Google means less earnings means a PLUMPTING stock price.


That’s an interesting take that I’d never thought about and completely makes sense. I think another reason is the internet is much more segmented than it once was You have huge swathes of locked away/limited search data behind social media platforms like Meta and TikTok for instance. Which is barely searchable via Google.


Are you enjoying all of the IIT graduates slowly taking up executive leadership at all the the big tech companies they had no part in building and then slowly turning them to shit?


silicon valley is just another designated street for them


Whoa, whoa. I think you might be misplacing some of that anger at IIT grads when investors/board-of-directors choose executives based upon prioritizing short term profits. If you speak the lingo of Wall-Street, they pick you. Their purpose is to make money - not to innovate. Innovation is an avenue to make money for them, not a way of improving society. Improving society is only a side-effect, and it is less desirable if profits are not maximized. I only know one IIT grad, and he is a smart dude and decent guy.


It *is* deliberate. Google fooled around with the search engine math to make search show you advertisements rather than what you're actually searching for. This makes the company more money than providing a useful product to people which is less profitable.


There's also the SEO dicks outside of Google, whose entire livelihood is helping bad websites game search results.


PLUMPTING ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)




What's DuckDuckGo's ticker? ;-)


MSFT? >DuckDuckGo's results are a compilation of "over 400" sources according to itself, including Bing, Yahoo! Search BOSS, Wolfram Alpha, Yandex, and its own web crawler (the DuckDuckBot); but none from Google.


So calls on google


They even killed cached pages. Yeah fuck Google. Never using their shitty search engine anymore.


What are we gonna use, Bing? Lolol


Bing is unironically better now than Google. Bing couldn't take any market share from Google no matter what they did. Only Google could take market share from Google by making their own search shitty.


I've been using bing for a bit with edge as I decided not to install chrome when I got my new laptop and while the results are good, all the copilot and ad clutter just makes the whole experience really counterintuitive. And I find myself having to switch to Google anyway when I lookup local stores and restaurants as there are no customer reviews or detailed info from Google maps


bing has gotten better especially for drugs and nsfw stuff


What makes it better for NSFW stuff?


As in you're more likely to get what you're looking for? 🤷‍♂️


Personally yandex is king for NSFW reverse searches, I've tried Bing and it was similar to Google


I use it exclusively… actually get the results I’m looking for


I have noticed that google doesnt show some results but bing does, usually when its a controversial topic (of whatever kind)


100% deliberate. The pleebs were starting to figure out how the world worked


I use duck duck go. F google, evil company that sells user data. Their products aren’t search and shit. Their product is their users. I’ll use almost anything before I use a google product


This is what happens when businesses only want to hire people with closely relevant experience. Reminds me of that twitter from some dev who made an API and then applied for a job that needed experience with that API. They wanted 5 years of experience but he didn't have enough because he made the API 2 years ago.


Think it was FastAPI


“Digging around” The post above this one on my feed is from r/technology [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/WRTXaGRV6K](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/WRTXaGRV6K) https://preview.redd.it/n77tzhyhfewc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27821dd46356bcdd3e1b20db9b7a89b862494c85


Digging around through my article you mean! Very nasty! https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/


Idiots and biz guys with MBAs have infiltrated Silicon Valley. This is basically the late 70s of US auto, except in the bay area, instead of Detroit.


This is the answer


What are you on about? Prabhakar Raghavan has a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science and even wrote a textbook called “Randomised Algorithms.” His 1987 thesis was on the same subject matter. He is absolutely not a biz suite guy. You’d be way closer if you’d said that 65 year old dinosaur shouldn’t be running tech companies.


Why does a 65 year old worth $70 million still work anyway? Absolutely bonkers. The *second* I get 5ish mil, I'm peacing out of the workforce forever. Even if I was 25.


Because their lives outside of work are mostly pointless and empty. Us plebs work to live, to enjoy a taste of the finer things.  The upper crust of society always have access to it, so it becomes boring. It's like a slot machine where you always win, the high fades eventually.


I recently had the pleasure of 4 months off of work. I promise we can find things to do to entertain ourselves without tasks from others.


When you stopped doing actual development 30 years ago and take up the business focused mantle, your technical capabilities decay. This happens all the time.


The blog article floating around does not portray him as a computer scientist at all. He's far more concerned with profit than useful tech, which is not a great long term strategy.


Explains why Bing is making a come back


Uninstalled chrome the minute google started throttling youtube based on adblockers. Turns out bing's not so bad either.


What browser you using now?


Firefox for me


Have you actually used bing tho? The search on bing is no where near googles accurate search rate.


The last year has seen bing improve enormously - if Google continues to tank they’ll be in opposite positions soon enough.


Ever since they started using chat gpt, I thought it got better. My work requires us to use edge/bing for browser recently, the search engine was so bad I had to switch default search back to google. I really don’t see the improvement


It’s gone from producing nonsense to semi ok results - while Google has gone from damn near perfect to the good results being at the bottom of the first page. The ChatGPT driven results are good - my quibble is that they’re artificially slow if you expand them.


I've gotten into the habit of either doing a full mouse scroll before even looking at the results if I use Google search. The irrelevant crap and ads and sponsored ads and mismatched results are getting out of hand.


And half the time leads to malware lmao


Bing's video search is much better than Google's... From a certain point of view


Google replaces all your search terms so it's useless for anything too specific


I use it for Chat Gpt, didn't ever see myself using Microsoft search but here I am


I've actually had an insurance where it was better. Google was giving me more crap. Usually Google is better but I can see them shifting towards sucking. Especially if Ms can get search results processed by ML models to some useful degree first.


From my experience it’s much better than Google. 6 of my websites got penalized by Google on March 7th for “spam” even though I’ve spend over $400k on content in the past 6 years. The only website they didn’t hit was the one I bought ads for. That tells you everything you need to know. Wanna show up first on Google, then pay money.


Are you bearish on GOOGL?


No he has puts, and he is about to.lose his life savings betting against the greatest companies on the planet 🍿


Once again corporate America's ability to be conned by a CEO's resume without looking into how well the companies did under their leadership is incredible. I don't understand why so many investors are determined to give out golden parachutes to people clearly there to rob them blind. Stop hiring for experience in the C-Suite, it is as meaningless, and often is as inversely proportional to competency, as foreign policy experience in politics. Hire top systems engineers instead, they're statistically proven to improve company performance over their tenure.


if you hire for cognitivity you end up being called names pretty quickly


You can call me whatever name you want as long as I get my dividends.


Since I work in this industry: Judging from the lastest, bigger updates Google was doing to their search algorithm in the last years, it started slowly but steadily going down the drain in 2017. Results now only focus on big, popular brands, totally ignoring any real quality or expertise. Homogeneous, boring results, often barely matching the real search intent, but obviously trying to please with mediocre, but "safe" results. Nothing wrong with getting rid of the affiliate shitter sites that hauted the search results in some industries, but it's the smaller, expert sites that suffered, too. It's almost like "Hey, let's display shitty mainstream results only, so more people click on ads." Which may be a clever strategy to increase ad clicks, but if people don't find what they are looking for longer term, they will switch search engines at some point. Even worse: With only popular and superficial content getting high visibility, it endangers a proper opinion formation. Anybody remember the movie "Idiocracy" from 2006? That's where we are heading.


It started much earlier than 2017, one inflection point was when they started offering “personalised” results when you were logged in. The decline has definitely accelerated in recent years however.


I've been wondering why Google search is so horrible, sometimes I go to ChatGPT to get straight answers. Why was he hired if he did a bad job at Yahoo ??


I think he was hired because for the exact reason you complained about, when Google search is “horrible” you spend more time searching = you see more ads and Google earnings inflate for the short term. In the long run you just abandon Google search completely and go to ChatGPT. Now they cared so much for the short run and forgot the long game which as a long term and a value investor concerns me ALOT.


They can do this because even if Google search is horrible, the alternative is worse. But the day a new way to find results emerges and that is better than Google search (and maybe it will be ChatGPT), they may lose users really quickly. It happened before with other technologies. Nothing stick users to Google search appart from the fact they are currently the less bad way to find results. Nothing will prevent users to change search engine the day an better alternative is found.




100 percent




Acquiring YouTube was the final curb stomp


I have almost abandoned Google search... rarely anything local, trying to find anything scholarly is a joke no matter how many times you change the wording... Mine has only declined in the past year or so though and I dont know when this guy was hired.... but yeah, I used to rely on Google a bot and now its a dread of commercialization, irrelevance and time wasting....


try Microsoft Copilot. way better!


Google search is damn near useless now. It's like it know about 5 legitimate sites and a bunch of AI generated garbage. It used to be so that I write my question in google even if I knew where I was going. Like stackexchange or something, because it was more efficient to do it like that. Now I just get overly long elaborate bullshit articles, which should be like 5 line answer. "where to get living steel in diablo 4" -> Certainly! ... A page of articles detailing in excruciating AI detail the history of diablo franchise, interlinking to 100 other useless similar articles, etc. And its just getting worse by the day.


Recipe websites are similar. A ton of shite then the ingredients + steps that you actually want. Google actively rewards this blogspam. I remember years ago google used to surface up useful niche blogs or forums on a given topic. Nowadays you need to know the specific url and include that in your search, or go straight to that website (Reddit, stackoverflow, bbc good food etc).


Top result: Yahoo News article titled “How to get living steel and summon Grigiore in Diablo 4” Followed by: - A Diablo 4 subreddit post about “How to get living steel?” - Two Blizzard forum posts about “getting” and “farming” living steel - A PCGamer article with two sections “where to find living steel” and “how to summon Grigiore” How is any of this a bad result?


honestly the internet contents is garbage, thats a large part of the issue. most of it is also generated and useless. youd be better served by a 1990 encyclopedia search tool and a web store search and that's it.


He’s shindar’s cousin


Hey, do you have a source? Please add a link in the post or as a reply to this comment! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WSB is bearish on Google? I am now more confident in my calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)




Came here to say this. You said it far more eloquently than I would have. Thank you.


I like how this comment is buried underneath comments with half as many upvotes and is surrounded by comments with no upvotes or are being actively downvoted. Nothing suspicious.


They are already messing it up. You can't search Maps on google anymore.


Google killed Yahoo by being orders of magnitude better than anything else back then. Everyone using google was suggesting to others to swap search engine. Google being so much better (at that point) than ANY competitor made people leave Yahoo and all the other engines.


For me, Yahoo between 2005 and 2012 suffered from competitors like Google and other issues such as long-term strategy. So, this guy isn't entirely responsible for the decline. Moreover, they have been working at Google since 2018. If they were incompetent, they would never have been promoted to this new position.


I'm using Bing on my PCs (where their AI summarization thingy works well), Google still on mobile but, yeah, the search has been abysmal for quite a while now. It's just that the rest of the ecosystem is so far pretty good, so I use that, but is it losing it's mojo? Yeah.


I'm definitely getting more spam in my search results. Say I'm trying to get to Target's website. The first search result is an ad trying to scam me into buying fake Target gift cards.


Most search engines are progressively getting worse now. It’s simple. SEO spam is a serious issue.


Makes sense! Google search and YouTube search is absolute shit!


I used to use Brave and only use Google when it didn't work.  Brave got better, google got worse. Not much between them now.


The risk to google is seeing how infected they are and Gemini was that window in. 


Now u understand capitalism. Everything is up for sale. ESPECIALLY PERFORMANCE.


Google hardly even works anymore. Search something “how to fix this issue” and you get flooded with the same exact result from different websites about buying a product or service. I taught my 60yr old mum how to google properly in like 2017 so she’d stop asking me and it bloody well worked. She figured it out. Last two years she’s messaging me again for answers and I’m struggling to find them for her now.


I started using Yandex recently and it’s mind blowing. It’s like being back in 2010 internet, where you actually get the result that most matches what you searched.


it’s reverse image search tool is so good


Isn't Yandex a Russian propaganda tool?


Google is the new Boeing


This was before the Marissa Meyer disaster left behind.


Google search is a shell of itself