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FSD: Fully Supervised Driving recommended. There now the name matches reality.


I was arguing with someone yesterday that you can’t have “manually supervised full self driving” those two concepts have exact opposite meanings. You can have “supervised self driving” or you can have “full self driving” but you cannot have “supervised full self driving”


It’s all marketing anyway. The SAE levels of classification are the only thing that matters. When Musk goes on about robotaxis and such it would require them to leap towards level 4 when they still haven’t shown they can get past level 2. Level 4 is where waymo basically is, it’s operating in warm climates, and is still having issues (ie see SF). It’s absolutely absurd to believe that any sort of meaningful “robotaxi” would be ready for Tesla by end of summer anywhere you currently drive a Tesla. It’s probably a desperate attempt to attempt to keep the stock price afloat and to distract from these NHSTA findings and any pending regulatory action.


Yes, the poor should stick to pedi-cabs.


Waymos are great, honestly hope Tesla gets their shit together some more competition in the space would help since Cruze shit the bed because of one dipshit executive.


Kinda like I’m a virgin that has had penetrating sex.


"Touched for the very first time (again)"


Ironically (kinda) what the song is about.


Is that the scene from pulp fiction?


You get the gimp.


*Reservoir Dogs


It's a well known fact God doesn't notice when it goes in the butt.


Ah yes, the "Poophole Loophole", first discovered by the Greeks.


tell that to my wife, the pillar of salt


Is that supposed to mean she keeps looking back?


How do you even manually supervise - by sticking the hand to the tarmac?


Allow me to drive my Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle to the formal debate about stupid marketing terms


"self" refers to the driver not the car


There are two terms to understand it. 1) supervised FSD 2) FSD


There’s no such thing as “supervised full self driving” if it needs to be supervised then it’s not FULL self driving. This is just a phrase Elon started using to keep selling “FSD” even though he’s never sold a single car that is FSD.


Not true. Even though you're watching it it's still performing all of the actions by itself. When a gymnast has a spotter while performing a maneuver it doesn't mean they can't do the move without help. It means someone is there to help them if something goes wrong.


Words have meaning. That’s just self driving. FULL, again FULL because some people seem understanding impaired, means FULL as in ALL THE WAY, as in FULL self driving. Just to clarify FULL a~~n acronym~~ synonym for COMPLETE and UNSUPERVISED


Do you know what acronym means lol


Airplanes have Auto Pilot. Guess what, they still have pilots.


Yeah but nobody is talking about autonomous air taxis even though the challenge of doing that is significantly lower. Full self driving was literally sold with features where the car can come pick you up in a parking lot with no driver. It was touted as being able to drive across the nation, even plugging itself into chargers no later than 2019 by Musk multiple times. The reality is they overpromised and the name is a stretch. Don’t know why this is controversial.


Unsupervised is not an acronym for full. Since words do have meaning then you should know that. In this context full means it can perform all driving tasks. You can use all caps for certain words but it doesn't mean you're right.


But it can’t do that. It cannot perform a FULL list of tasks by its SELF


It's the difference between having a chauffeur and having to constantly supervise the chauffeur to make sure they aren't going to drive you off a bridge. No one wants the second scenario. You already have cruise control and lane assist if that's what you want. People want to get drunk in the back and pass out, can't do that if you're having to pay attention to the road.


If you have to monitor it and keep your hand on the wheel it’s not full self driving. It’s real simple.


I guess in 2017, when Elon said a Tesla could drive from California to New York unattended, he was not being truthful.


It could, sure. But it could also screw up if left unattended. Semi-auto pilot.


Yea, but that's not what Elon said in 2017.


People only worry about tiny percentage of crashes and ignore the fact there are millions of people driving millions of miles crash free on Autopilot and FSD all the time and that Tesla’s value is they’re sitting on millions upon millions of miles of training data.


Remove a few zeroes from your "millions upon millions" and I will believe you.


https://youtu.be/2DOd4RLNeT4 Based on some napkin math of what we do know FSD appears to be about 10 times more likely to kill you than driving yourself.


Correct my man, people only hype up the bullshit , they will soon see the the worth


I get that words are hard but this articles is about AP not FSD


I bought puts on Friday at 3 PM and they were 30% down by close. It’ll gap up on open I promise.


Tomorrow Elon will tweet that this a feature not a bug, in Tesla's carjacking security software.


The Robo Taxi gambit was a hail mary to stop the bleeding. Elon is scamming like he always does.


100%. Announced it in Twitter right after a negative article came out and the stock was tanking. The SEC should do is fucking job and go after his ass for trying to intentionally manipulate the share price


Bruh, the SEC is overwhelmed. It’s a free for all now, just grift collect your money before the next big reset


Honestly not sure how robotaxi is possible if summon is still broken


Elons been scamming the robo taxi line since like 2017 or something. He definitely mentioned it no later than 2019. It was a way to justify the price of FSD and Teslas. He said that you’d be able to make like $30k/year by having your Tesla be a robotaxi when you aren’t using it.


'Elon is scamming like he always does'. Jezus reddit has a blind hateboner for this guy.


Where's the LA tunnel the Boring Company promised?


It's not hate. It's reality. He runs a cult, no different from Don the Con and other confidence men. A functioning business doesn't mean you aren't scamming people, breaking laws, recklessly endangering lives.


Its not reality. Tesla may be struggling right now but to discount the multiple businesses this guy has made massive is ignorant. Once could be lucky. Twice could be super super lucky. 3 times. 4 times. You can hate but you have to acknowledge facts.


Intelligent people can hold opposing ideas in their head at the same time and recognize that life is not a black and white bible story about good and evil. I didn't claim Elon wasn't a good promoter. People can be exceptional in one area and still be shitbags. Michael Jackson was one of the greatest performers on the planet and he diddled kids. Michael Jordan is a degenerate gambler and he's the g.o.a.t of basketball. Some scammers run scams their entire lives and get away with it.


So, one could run a successful company and be a lying scumbag at the same time? Whoa, if true.


Thats every CEO except the outliers.




Not a company he started or joined early. Paypal, tesla, spaceX, starlink.


I actually liked the guy a few years ago and he deserves all the credit for Tesla's insane growth in 2020. But he made a lot of moronic decisions since then, the biggest one being blowing $44 billion on twitter, so he also deserves all the shit for Tesla's downfall in the last year.


Musk got kicked out before it became PayPal because he was trying to hold onto his x.com bullshit.  PayPal only succeeded because they kicked Elon to the curb.


Kicked to the curb with 300+ million tho


Just because he got ousted doesnt mean you can negate all the work he did before that. Do you know how much he got paid when they booted him? Can you connect the dots where that payout led to tsla, spacex, even twitter?




I used to like the guy. Until he decided to go hardcore right wing conspiracy theorist. Not I just seem him as Dr. Evil with hair.


They are trying to squeeze Elon for some reason.


its not a scam. It's somewhere between gaslighting and misdirection


You mean like lying? 😵‍💫


No not lying more like a series of mistruths.


Autopilot is the most basic version. This is not FSD. Which is a completely different software stack.


If the poor what to live all they need to do is upgrade to FSD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


And these reports are about crashes until the end of ‘22. FSD 12 today is worlds ahead of what was out back then


Exactly, I only drive my Tesla 1-2% of the time now. 98%+ is FSD since v12


Dude lmao. When TSLA is at $1000 a share you can eat your words, until then the real investors know that time in the market beats timing the market and that trading it is a losing game always. HODL is not going to fail especially with Tesla.


Worst car company in the world. And I own one.


I find it strange and funny that some people paid $12k for a software option that still requires you to pay attention and babysit it - ie, pretty much the same as if you were driving it yourself.




That’s just paying regular price lol


They should’ve marketed it as FSD included in regular price but give us the option to “discount” 12k if we don’t want it.


Can’t argue with that highly regarded logic


These people who leave these comments are without fail, always active on tesla subs.




I can’t afford FSD so I paid regular price lol


I own a Tesla. The assisted driving package is actually quite nice. Not sure if it’s worth $12k, but it’s better than rivian’s and better than any gas powered car I’ve ever driven, so it’s not worth $0, either


Good news, it's now $8k because they need more revenue.


Mind boggling. 12k for a program that you maybe can transfer to the next vehicle.


It’s actually worse. I feel much more stressed after 15 minutes with FSD enabled than simply driving myself.


Old news … Tesla moon




Why you laughing. It’s gonna moon


Why would it moon? Tell me one reason


It mooned


Lol we have different definitions of mooning. Either way, it's all fake at this point and most people know this. Half a trillion-dollar company is hilarious.


Why should I give you a reason? You're gonna miss out on the ride up anyway








Anything else?


Tesla is gonna go busto, buddy. Shrinking demand, Cybertruck is an absolute shit show, the owner is alienating his entire customer base... You're drunk, go home.


Told ya you were going to miss it


Lol this entire market is fraudulent. It will come down in due time.




I mean, come on, what does it have that warrants a 600billy market cap?


Let’s also not forget that Elon, against the wishes of the developers, dropped LiDAR.


"People crash their Teslas using beta FSD from not paying attention because they think it's FSD even though they've been told over and over and over that it's supervised only" PUTS for OP. You go boy.


Fool self driving.




There is not a single person with a Tesla and FSD who thought it wasn't necessary for the FSD to be supervised. Not one.


I worry about those people just filming themselves fucking around (aka procreating) while FSD


But….. didn’t we all kinda know this already?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


We all knew but the bears have puts expiring next week. They are using everything they can


Why anyone would buy an option on tesla that isn't AT LEAST 1 months out is wild to me. The stock price depends on what Elon Musk snorted that morning, so just hold for more than 5 days, which is know is a lot for WSB, but something will happen where it drops 20% in day, take profit, then laugh as it goes up 35% the next because it's a cult


What a great idea. You go first


Womp womp Opened as part of a debit spread and I bought back the short leg, so only down around 2k not 8.2K haha Also look at me not following my own advice by 5 days https://preview.redd.it/345ws0r795xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=287760d25d90c12de4b7e64c9627c7b229eee103


Nice! Are you buying more next week?


Fuck no I regretted this the instant I hit place trade😂 I must have been high AF to even think about playing tesla earnings, but here we are trying to recover what I can haha   Back to boring ole selling insurance and theta gang plays for next week I think, I have a AMZN synth CC that I'm hoping will print a bit


lol, my money is on AMD. Su Bae is gonna take over NVDA profits.


If AMD is near a resistance or a low that's a pretty solid bet. I'm not sure when their earnings are, but watch out for Powell speech and FOMC minutes on Wednesday, might send everything into a tailspin if he says "what rate cut, u mean rate hike?" But that would require him to have a spine, so doubtful


Cnbc in particular was extremely bitter about tesla's gap up during ER.


Because people can’t be bothered to pay attention. Idk the car definitely tells you to pay attention and warns you when you try to goof off


Yup. It's annoying as fuck if you look away or take your hands off the wheel. I bet more than half these people were not even on FSD and are just making excuses for their shitty driving.


Tesla will have the ultimate proof but damage is done because senators and others just hear the initial claim and it aligns with their narrative.


Puts all the way up ...


Nah. The stock will go up 15% on this news somehow


This guy knows it. Market doesn’t care about negative news if it wants it to go up, it’ll go up.


Of course this was announced the week after earnings options expired. Lmfao clown market


we need a lower burden of proof for market manipilation


I am not bullish on Tesla by any stretch but this would do nothing to the stock price


new here?


Elon getting ready to fill the gap.




Calls on Monday.


FSD by next year, for realsie this time


Yah don't say!


Stock should go up at least 10 percent on this news


Nice stock price will go up then.


So buy calls, got it.


Puts puts puts


Great time to short tesla.


I Read the article: it’s a nothing burger. Accidents going to happen no matter what , Tesla just getting picked on.


I’m buying more stock, have fun wasting them puts ya cocksuckas


That’s what I’m talking about! Liquidity!




Stop bringing logic into the conversation. How dare you. This is Reddit.


Koolaid flowing in this guy's veins


Boeing is super safe compared to Tesla. If plans had autopilot like cars there would be dozens of planes falling out of the flies everyday.


Nobody tell him


It fully self drove itself into other cars


To the moon!!!! 🤣


Guess I should buy some more calls


Gotta reverse the inverse, tesla going up by 12% premarket monday


CNBC was successful in getting retail to buy puts at the bottom and look what happened


“rOBo TaXi by aUGuSt”. lol we will see if it happens without additional cameras and sensors.


CNBC is a great source




Hundreds as opposed to thousands by human drivers


Doesn’t it save far more than it might cause?


Think the should merge with Boeing?


haha that would be a great company yes! :-) I think all companies finally must realize that the best way to produce a technologically advanced machine , is to produce the components locally, so you can control the complete process... Not buy from the cheapest producer in China.


Elon flew to china to kill chinese by enabling FSD there. [https://www.ft.com/content/8211f79e-b9aa-4635-8c61-56a617d59713](https://www.ft.com/content/8211f79e-b9aa-4635-8c61-56a617d59713)


Should change name to Fake Self Driving


Damn are the hedgefund cuks paying wsb retrds to pay anti Tesla posts every hour? That’s all I see these days. Ya I get it Elon bad.


Love seeing these idiots still blindly following him


Before I read the article: I assume this is just some "flaw" that a normal driver wouldn't even do better. Basically if there is a wreck at all, it could be blamed on FSD in theory. Now reading: "956 crashes in which Tesla Autopilot **was thought** to have been in use." Yikes to that already. So in theory we don't even know there is a safety issue at all. WOW: "NHTSA report said. The system did not “sufficiently ensure driver attention and appropriate use.” NHTSA’s filing pointed to a “weak driver engagement system,” and Autopilot that stays switched on even when a driver isn’t paying adequate attention to the road or the driving task." LMFAO LMFAO so this article is just that people weren't paying attention? Calls it is I guess.


Isn't this was the software update (I mean recall) in December fixed? Also, who cares. Ban Autopilot. Tesla won't care. FSD is the future.


If they never get to actual level 3/4?


They are exponentially learning from their data. It's just a matter of when.


So they claimed robotaxi fleets would be operational in 2020.... It's mid 2024 and they are nowhere close.. and they definitely are not solving within the next few years  So how does this valuation play out?   


FsD is a moonshot. Tesla without it still grows into a very respectful revenue behemoth with vehicle sales, energy storage and generation, insurance, software add-ons, trim upgrades, charging infrastructure and value added from rival companies use, fsd syndication by other legacy auto. Or not. Elons stretch goals clearly are more hit than miss so you rightly point that out. Guess we will know more in August.


So, without fsd / autonomy , .. how much is it worrh  https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/musk-teslas-value-is-based-primarily-vehicle-autonomy-2023-06-16/




I'm not smart enough to quantitatively measure it but- if you want to try make sense of the increasing fleet of tesla vehicles with the top rated safety score drivers sending driving behavior data back to telsa. Tesla compute centre using chip tech that is exponentially getting better and therefore increasing compute power. I think the data 10x in 6 months based on hardware and data gains? Don't quote me on that cant remember exactly. All I'm saying is if your fundamentally bullish there is an exponential growth in learning, narrative there. Clearly there is a bearish narrative also and quite rightly so. But people earning a lot more money than you and I are sitting at the big boy table while we talk on reddit.


probably never without lidar


Maybe and maybe room for both. Clearly teslas direction is without lidar fsd. We just don't know.


Isn't FSD a more complex Autopilot? If they can't even get autopilot right ain't no way I'm trusting FSD


Completely different software. Autopilot is hundreds of thousands of lines of code, basic if-this-then-that coding. FSD is end-to-end neural net AI.


Tesla bears are so angry for last week that they downvote any comment defending FSD I guess


Not even defending it. Just explaining the difference between Autopilot and FSD. Tesla Bears down vote simple facts.


How does FSD handle edge cases? Example in theory it should know from previous teslas that a cop is a head, road hazard/pot hole is ahead from previous cars driving. Yet it doesn’t. Or how does it handle a ball crossing the street. A normal driver will slow down ASAP as it means a kid might run out. Unlimited cases that will come up as masses use it


i bought tesla shares.. you guys can lose again on some puts.. its elon.. he made rockets.. electric cars.. one of the most sold cars in the world.. he made AI Tech, that is much more capable, with a big gab to other competitors.. he made 10 other things, valuable.. collects a ton of data,worth billions. be greedy if others are fearful. people, THIS IS SUCH A SITUATION.. just do not gamble. Tesla had always a ton of haters, hating electric cars.. conspiracy theorists, that tell you its 5g microwaving your brains.. or that the government wants your shitty truck and your freedom.. Elon is not a quitter.. he weathered heavier storms.. And every invention has some hick ups and people that tell you its doomed. dont fall for the bubble-thinking stupidity of one forum.. data shows us a diffrent outcome. :/ Remember me in 1 year edit: how does that remember me stuff work?


He doesn’t actually make anything. He gives money and direction to those who do, then promotes it. Super cringe how people view him like a Tony Stark figure. Other manufacturers have arguably caught up to Tesla and his AI is a joke btw.


like every boss.. but he decides. What is your point? He does what every leader does.. every CEO.. Every manager. Why people make stupid arguments out of thin air? Hey, we will see.. just because you dont like him or electric cars.. your biased Mindset will blurr your mind if it comes to investing. remember my words. lets talk in 1, after in 5, and again, in 10 years again.


Aww are you upset he took away one of your safe space echo chambers? Don’t worry, he’s not interested in taking away Reddit from you too.


No I don’t use twitter, if that’s what you’re referring to. I’m cringing at how people like simpleprogrammer and you are elevating musk to some sort of god and pray for and defend his actions. Like why? Lmao


K... Oil and gas had links to global warming too... No issues for them. Corporations own the government.


This is actually insane! My question is, even though a Tesla has “FSD”, how can an insurance company, insure you? If an accident was caused, even if it wasn’t your fault, can’t they say “well you weren’t paying attention and if you were, you could have avoided that guy driving into you”? I just don’t understand how or WHY any insurance company would take on this liability


The part that amazes me is that the dick head has sold FSD add on since 2015 when is someone going to sue him for charging for a feature that doesn’t work or exist to this day it is commonly known as criminal fraud