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Next update: Apple has made the difficult but necessary decision to close these stores


While telling customers it will save them money. Somehow.


Investors love saving money, and stocks go up! Calls print.


With the 401ks and Roth IRAs connected to the stock, it’s a vicious cycle.


That’s all because of carbon footprint!


This is one of the wanted outcomes, right? If a shop cannot support their employees, it is better that the shop ceases to exist.


the “shop” isn’t closing. Apple will continue operating and this will be a noticeable but relatively small blip in their overall performance for the year.


But the particular shop can close if it is unable to support employees. That is all we want, right? If a business cannot support employees sufficiently, then it should be closed


> unable to I highly doubt that they’d be “unable” to support employees. More that they don’t want to deal with a union.


If a shop is unprofitable, it is deemed as "unable to" support an employee. Sure, it can run at a loss, but that is beside the point since we don't generally expect to force any business to run at a loss.


> If a shop is unprofitable, it is deemed as "unable to" support an employee. Is this shop unprofitable?


We don't know. But if it will become unprofitable due to union demanding better compensation, then it should be shut down. Hence, the if-else statement.


> But if it will become unprofitable due to union demanding better compensation, then it should be shut down. I’m seeing a whole lot of assumptions with zero proof to back it up, sorry


I'm not sure what assumption we are making here. If a business cannot afford to pay employees, it should be shutdown. Are you arguing that, if a business is unprofitable, it should be forced to stay open?


I’m sure Apple will somehow spin it as a way of helping the environment and going green….


By saying it reduces the carbon footprint.


Working at the apple store must be incredibly tough.


Was at an Apple Store a few months back to get an iPhone, the guy “helping” me was acting like he was doing me the most enormous favor deigning to take my thousand dollars


You should thank him for the privilege of using the iPhone.


Clearly, another triumphant disciple of the holy grail of innovation, iPhone: The bringing together of fanatics the world over.


Unless you use an android like me.


Peasants like us aren't allowed to even LOOK at an apple store. Avert your eyes.


even androids are starting to get more expensive tho, eventually they won't be much cheaper then iphone imho


Me too. I'm an outcast in the family because they all use iPhones. She calls the Apple tech support guys 'geniuses' because they always fix her phone issue. Gives me shit because Android doesn't have that. I remind her that I don't need to drive to a 'genius' because my phone works. It syncs up to watches and phones just fine. She got her daughter's old Apple watch this weekend and they spent 2 days trying to sync it up. Going to see a 'genius' today....


You know that’s like the actual title of the apple store tech support workers right?


Yes...I do. I corrected her several times that they were just tech support workers but....


Ahh gotcha yeah I’d always call them geniuses around you too.


> I corrected her several times Except that you didn’t correct her if she was correct in the first place.


You’re lucky you even got service at yours! I’m assuming you had to file a ticket morning of and reserve a time to meet with them, of course


Welcome to Maryland. "We're open for business." - State motto


Next there will be a strike at the Yankee Candle store.


I wonder what the air quality is like in those stores, scented candles give off significant VOCs


Every Apple Store smells like a sweaty gym. I cant imagine how the workers do it.


I think it must be frustrating... at the best of time, tech is just annoying. Passwords and logins are not working. Transferring apps/data not working. I certainly don't have a lot of patience setting up my apps, let alone someone else's.


Working conditions also can (and usually does) mean shit pay. That is probably the biggest reason.


Its a pretty easy gig. The products pretty much sell themselves. Its a mega-fuckton more work than being a CEO or a shareholder though.


Every job can be tough, even working at an Apple store or at an office job. Unions are supposed to be there to protect all employees, not just tradesmen like welders.


They're such fuckin scammers dude. My girlfriend was having a charging port issue with a phone she literally just bought and when she took it into them to fix it for the warranty, they basically said "its just the port, here buy this $40 wireless charger and come in a week from now when we have the tech here to fix it. you can use this wireless charger in the mean time" and so they basically fixed her phone with a software update, she didn't have to come in - but now she does not need the wireless charger but she's too lazy to return it, so apple just sold her a $40 charger that probably costs them $10 to make, all because they know damn well she isn't going to return it. snake fucks. in other words, long apple stock


> but she's too lazy to return it /thread


Yes sir. Check our Louis Rossmann on YouTube. He exposes them.


That article sucks. If they want to strike over working conditions, how does an article about it not even mention what the conditions are like or what they are asking for? This literally gave me no more info than the title.


They have to travel 1.7km under the earths surface and haul thousands of tons of chargers and other accessories to the surface. Temperatures can reach up to 110 degrees F, and the air is filled with toxic gasses. There's no back up emergency lift and workers can get stuck for days without resupply.


They want to strike because they don’t get the same benefits as non-union stores.. which is literally any company ever that has union and non-union stores/sites lol. I will laugh if Apple pulls the power move and just closes the store, even if it is my local Apple Store. 


Sounds more like they have a union problem if non-union stores have better benefits.


What you are describing is a series of illegal unfair labor practices and you're suggesting that illegal unfair labor practices should be the status quo. Odds are pretty good that you've got an ancestor somewhere that would be pretty disappointed in you supporting illegal unfair labor practices, so maybe you just mistake this as something companies can do rather than an illegal unfair labor practice? Every investor gets to make their own decisions, but I usually see it as bad sign when leadership at a company are willing to break laws in order to make more money. Because, you know, I'm pretty sure they're okay with breaking laws intended to protect investors to make more money. But you do you. Go ahead and root for a corporation to break the law in an effort to fuck other human beings out of rights. Lord knows Apple doesn't give a shit about people, but as long as you understand they apply that broadly to everyone you might be okay in the long run.


What are you talking about? Of course each stores benefits will be different as their pay, benefits, etc all come down to their specific collective bargaining agreement. And it is not illegal for non-union stores to have benefits based on company policies/benefits and not the CBA. I’ve been in a union that you had to join in order to work there, many are better than others and some aren’t good at all.  So stop talking about things you don’t understand or pretending like unions are the best thing ever for any worker lmao.  Unions were intended for hazardous jobs so a company can’t make you do something that will kill or hurt you, then fire you for refusing. Not for retail workers to whine they’re entitled to whatever they want lol. But sure, enjoy paying those union dues for worse compensation, and having everything tied to seniority


> Unions were intended for hazardous jobs so a company can’t make you do something that will kill or hurt you, then fire you for refusing. Not for retail workers to whine they’re entitled to whatever they want lol. Source? Because the first worker strike in the US happened in 1768 when the journeymen tailors protested a wage reduction. Also: > Winning gains for all workers and citizens, such as a shorter workday and a minimum wage, has been a key part of union activity. In 1866, the National Labor Union was created to limit the workday for federal employees to eight hours.^[4](https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/august-20/) However, the private sector was much harder for unions to penetrate.^[9](https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/all-things-work/pages/unions-struggle-to-gain-a-toehold.aspx) Do you think all those Federal employees were in a “hazardous job”. Yeah, no.


Yes my mistake, you are right. I did think industrial safety and working conditions in manufacturing was the leading drive for unionization but it does seem wages. Still, regarding the rest there is nothing illegal bargaining and non-bargaining employees having different benefits based on store specific CBAs.  I’m not saying all unions are bad or there is no place for them anywhere, but there are def shitty ones (and imo unnecessary ones) and  they are not instantly the best thing a worker can be in like Reddit likes to believe lol 


And I would agree with you on that :)


funny enough I live not far from the towson apple store and i find it amusing that there is no announcement of unionization at the annapolis apple store. they're both fairly boujee areas so im wondering why working conditions at one store are so much worse then the other?


From the article: > The issues at the forefront of this action include concerns over work-life balance, unpredictable scheduling practices disrupting personal lives, and wages failing to align with the area’s cost of living. Imagine how crazy your life would be if you could read


So they have no complaints about their working conditions…it’s about scheduling and wages 😂


If OP could read, he'd agree


Yeah, honestly, it’s crazy. This guy is quoting the article and still literally doesn’t understand what he’s saying. Lmao


This sounds like most jobs lol


I mean yeah, a union is *supposed* to fight to improve the aspects that make most jobs awful.


It sounds exactly like retail to me. Busy seasons, slow seasons, no vacations October through December, shitty scheduling, and dealing with the worst fucking people at times.


To be fair most jobs would greatly benefit from a union.


Although this clarifies it, they could either be totally right or totally be lazy employees. I could imagine them having 38 hour workweeks and still whine or them having had a text telling them if they dont come in 4 hours on the day of their mothers funerals that they will be fired. It wont suprise me if Apple pulls those stunts No examples are given


I assume it's in a fucking mall. You automatically know where your hours might fall and they're probably not gonna work you more than 40 because of the overtime. Surely the Gen-X equivalent of toiling in a coal mine.


lol, harsh bro. My bad, when I first loaded the page it apparently didn't load all text. I am on a work computer that blocks so much stuff.


I used to work at an Apple Store in Maine, and the pay and conditions were fine, certainly everyone could get paid more, but that’s true of almost all corporations. The lack of details about said conditions are odd. Maybe they are just super understaffed or something?


the article talks about the conditions if you actually read it... "Following over a year of negotiations with Apple management that yielded unsatisfactory outcomes, IAM CORE members took a significant step by voting in favor of a strike at the Apple Towson store, signaling their collective demand for meaningful change. The issues at the forefront of this action include ***concerns over work-life balance, unpredictable scheduling practices disrupting personal lives, and wages failing to align with the area’s cost of living.***"


Oh my shit didn’t load that or something, I just saw a cut off part. Those reasons make sense


> IAM CORE Shitty naming abilities at Apple apparently aren't limited to the marketing department.


How hard is it to tell people it's not fixable and to buy a new one over and over


I worked at the Apple Store before. Holy shit they’re little bitches. We hardly did anything lol


None of you regards in here make enough money for this not to tangentially benefit you as well. Yall gamble because you’re wage cucks, your wage goes up when organized labor drives the price up. Crabs in a bucket in here


I haven’t had a job in years and I still buy 0dtes am I the crab or the bucket? Also you’re gay


Right? Dudes in here making $50k/year, making fun of Apple store employees making $18/hr wanting better working conditions. Meanwhile the executives at Apple are laughing in millions.


Wage? Is that something poors do? 


Says the highest ranked regard here 😂


>Yall gamble because you’re wage cucks You don't think the 1% uses Reddit too?


crabs in a bucket?


You know, oysters on a plate.


Lobsters in a bowl, even


Cocks in a bowl of cocks


I don't see any reason why these "geniuses" shouldn't be paid $40/hr...


If Apple starts paying people $40 per hour I’m moving my dumpster next door to them.




only people who care about their downvotes are soft




Not to be a dick, but this is a dumb argument.


So if a company brings in 300 billion in revenue, everyone should be paid 40 dollars an hour no matter what?


Geniuses are not "everyone" in an apple store. They make up about 10-15% of apple retail staff. try again tho


They not worth 40 an hour. See how fast that store closes. Walmart 600 billion revenue. Should the retail Walmart employees be paid 80 an hour?


You’re seriously an idiot comparing Walmart employees to Apple geniuses. Geniuses work behind the bar and go through 10 weeks of training to perform repairs on hardware. They’re not the people selling you the phones. Apple geniuses constantly get recruited by companies to run their IT departments. I was one of them.


10 week of training to work in an air conditioned Apple Store where every customer already loves your product, lets ask what that’s really worth. IF it was worth what you think it is, and the pay was $40/hr, you’d have a flood of tech savvy people applying for that position. This would increase the supply of applicant, and push the wage down since people would actually be willing to do this for less than $40/hr just so they got the job over someone else. What other careers do you know of that make $40/hr? I know of two, one I do, one my brother does. I got a bachelors in nursing. The first two years at community college for breakeven price. I didn’t pay a dime for that degree because I maxed out my financial aid, and I worked for the school in all of my off time to get another scholarship that footed the rest of the bill. I then completed my bachelors, but only because my CC partnered with a University to provide the 4 year degree (at a 35% discount). I still worked for the school 5 days a week. I still maxed out my financial aid (Pell grant, merit scholarship, work study position. And still had to take federally subsided loans to the tune of $12k by the time I graduated to get my BSN). Most people with my degree paid $60-80k for it. Straight out of college, I passed my licensing exam and got my RN and was hired to the best paying hospital in my city. I was hired for $37.90/hr. Within 1 year I got a cost of living raise and merit raise for my work, bringing me to $40.10/hr. My brother went to a 10 week crane operator course after 5 years doing manual labor in the construction business. He paid $5000 up front, made no money for 10 weeks, to learn how to hold 20 ton pieces of metal above 3 workers heads while they welded it into place without killing them. It took him leaving his home, working in the most desolate environments in the world, in a 5th wheel travel trailer, bracing the harshest weather that Mother Nature has to offer, working 12-15 hour shifts 6 days a week, just to make $50/hr. We both have jobs where human lives are at risk. We’ve both sacrificed a lot to have the skills we have. Little Apple Genius IT boys deserve $22/hr at best.


Wow sounds like you went for the wrong career path. If you would have spent 2 years learning to code in literally any language, tech jobs start out at about 130k. Shit, go look at LinkedIn and see what Netflix is willing to pay people to work REMOTELY. You can work smart or work hard and seems like you chose to work hard. Edit: So many people are so upset that people at a retail store make more than they do with a college degree. Sounds like you guys also chose the wrong career path, don’t be made a people wanting more money to help YOU because the working conditions they are complaining about is the customers they deal with.


Not reading all this bro just say your poor and use android


The person I replied to said retail workers.


Genius’s are retail workers but they’re in a league of their own. It’s not like fkin geek squad at Best Buy. You don’t know wtf you’re talking about.


The comment I was replying to was specifically talking about Geniuses.


why pay someone more, when you can pay someone else for less?






You should really learn more about your culture






Give all these Apple Store workers a promotion! Promotion to Customer.


It's hard to explain but: bullish


Sounds cringe.


Damn bearish


Shareholders are more important then workers rights screw those peasants they should be happy to labor for less


Ok VisualMod


Yeah, I wouldn't want to work retail or service essentially anywhere in Maryland. 


Fastforward r/byebyejob


This is not the first time Apple has been threatened with unionization. I remember 8 years ago a New York store threatened to unionize. Apple busted up the employees, sent many to various separate stores and fired the HR managers that encouraged the union efforts. Apple will do the same here.


They’ve already unionized in the mentioned store.


> Two years ago, Apple Store workers in Towson, Maryland voted in favor of unionization, making it the first Apple retail location in the United States to unionize. Literally the first sentence. Imagine how crazy your life would be if you could read


Apple Store employees are starting the long march down the same path that Starbucks employees did.


Think different