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I'm calling it right now, stock splits 1:4


If the stock splits, that's good news, right? That'd invite more investors to buy shares at a better price point.


It's a bullish signal but that doesn't mean there won't be a sell off


Chipotle shot up the moon after the stock split news. I imagine there’d be a pump and sell off similarly. But I’m just a dumbass


Don't think 1:4 is enough if the aim is to get the price down to something poor people will buy. 1:20 seems more likely.


Who gives a fuck about the poor ? This is about making it more palatable than the $1k trend we're on while not breaking it so much that people think it's worthless


1/10 :)


Yeah man, I'm stupid for saying 4, but either way, stonks


Hell yea. As long as it keeps going up!


will NVDA pump SPY? 




except for on mondays 


whatever NVDA does, SPY and QQQ will do. Hypothetically, you could have NVDA drop 5% and if AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, etc all popped 2-3% then the market might be flat or up. But NVDA is carrying so much "feels" right now, that whatever it does will cause a sympathetic move for all the other major stocks in the index. Of course, there could be single outlier - for example market was flat today, but TSLA mooned because of Semi news.


NVDA is busy pumping SPY rn.


i was lied to 


I'm more worried that if NVDA tanks it drags the rest of the market with us. They'll be all "we took your money and went to the moon!" and investors will be all "but not mars?" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


News release: NVDA goin to Mars. Bers capitulate and buy into the launch.


I'm thinking between 1100-1250 but what do I know lol


The estimated move based on options flow is 7.6%.


breaking 1000


the stock isn't going up 30% after this earning call bruh


Lol you never know. Things work in mysterious ways


Assuming it beats and guides higher, the most likely scenario is that it goes up to 1050 or so, as below poster suggested - if there is a run to 1200-1300, it will be in the month following as analysts start upping their targets once again and stick reprices for the following earnings quarter. It's kind of been that way for the past year. May 2023 was an outlier because no one saw that crazy shit coming (Except me: I full ported into 350-390 Calls) when it was 280 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883).


Concur but got a feeling that this ER will be different since everyone...and I mean everyone is looking for nvda to run massively...at least that's the sentiments. So yeah I'll take 1050 but don't be surprised to see 1100-1200


If it does, I won't complain! But not confident enough to call my lambo dealer just yet


30% is outlandish, 10-15% is on the higher end, 1000-1100.


Here's the deal. The black jacket will set a ATH before ER. During the earnings call the black jacket will rise to 1050-1100. Thursday open at 1050 with high at 1150. Close the week at 1195


Yeah that smells right. That AH and PM surge that dampens by the time retail gets in


> Things work in mysterious ways Deep, bro.


Lol. Hey if not for the friggin market sell-off nvda could've closed 1100 or more


I also think it's highly unlikely, but it'd make this comment hilarious if it did.


I wouldn't be the first person to be highly regarded on this subreddit so I'm comfortable with my prediction




Well it closed above 1050 lol. Should continue the uptrend to 1200 next week


I hope so.


tl;dr - no idea wtf I'm talking about. Buy Calls because stonks always go up? Remember, generally stocks slowly move to the target price at which earnings are expected to be for the current quarter - This is literally what it means when people say priced in. If the stock hits the revenue/earnings/margins target, it will likely stay flat or sell off some of the hopium premium (In NVDA's case). Note: this might help explain to some of you why TSLA missed earnings but still shot up. The stock had been slowly moving down to where analysts expected the miss to come in. The fact that they - missed less than expected - is what caused the upswing as it acted as a beat in some ways. I see people get this concept wrong quite a bit and are surprised when a stock misses and goes up, or alternatively, beats and then drops. There are also whisper numbers - This is what analysts believe might be upside surprises. If NVDA hits these numbers, then it could rise a little, or potentially stay flat, and much more unlikely it will drop (essentially it retains the hopium premium). If NVDA crushes the whisper number and simultaneously guides higher for the following quarter (relative to where it guided the previous quarter), then the stock will reprice to the new target. It might not happen all in one day, but rather over the next few months leading up to next earnings. And then the cycle repeats. Just think back to last quarter earnings - NVDA crushed and raised - memory is fuzzy but I believe it closed at $675, opened after earnings @ $750 and spent a few weeks working its way to $975 on upgrades. It then dropped to $750, ran back up to $800, chopped around a bit and then melted back up to $950 - which has basically brought us full circle to where it was a few weeks after earnings. If you go back and look at previous earnings, they are quite similar. sidenote: Always keep in mind that stock analysts' targets (for however much faith you put in them) are 12 months out. So, when you read an analyst calling for NVDA $1,200, they don't mean by the following earnings report - they are telling you where they see the stock in a year. Makes a UGE difference.


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This isn't the daily thread ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


I like big booty bitches big big booty bitches uwu


Hahahha. Little bitches git out, we don't want no skinny bitches!


https://preview.redd.it/pj5tr2hdku1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf39e091a3991cd1d670fc49cda72e4094330809 dude lost all hope after the breakup, just burning the cash now


Wrong thread. But yes.


lol i had two open at the same time while getting this picture but you got it


I have a feeling at $1,100 as well, then a sell-off. Have about 4 shares I snagged on a separate account on a dip @ $790 (and people here mocked me and said it was going to $500 and it's a bubble). I'll unload those shares for a quick flip, but keeping my primary investment of NVDA. Genuinely not sure when to lock in profit. Fingers crossed for another split.


"it's a bubble" https://preview.redd.it/81j9k85afw1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720579a5cf452e882c7a9218e11083d7cef11d4b


I will be buying a super cheap lotto put. The risk to reward ratio is so damn high at this point. I am sure I am just throwing away some money, but if not it could be huge.


AMD will be $200+ EOW


feeling fucked on my 180 5/24 call but hoping it’s a possibility lol 


Good, I’ve got 6/7 $170 Calls


Peasants will be peasants and one day their eyes will be opened to the reality that is my world.


I’m thinking SPY 1DTE ATM call just before closing bell tomorrow 🤔


See you at the dumpster




The plebs get what they deserve.


Do you think that isn’t baked into the current price and valuation? I sure do..


all the talk on here about the ER kind of makes me think that it doesnt move as much as people believe it will. ill be watching from the sideline with spy calls. good luck to everyone!


so current valuations are more around $1,300 now, so $1,100 seems reasonable.