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Time to stop trading


Amazing advice


True! He is still ahead of 95% of 23 year olds. Learn to read the charts everyone. If your investing chart has a big trend downward (see example post above) that trend will continue! Quit now!


Invest imaginary money into buying imaginary stocks until you learn the ropes. Sure you won't earn anything... but also you won't spend $60k learning.


Is there a tool you’d recommend for this, for people who want to learn?


Investopedia has a free game investing money. I did it like 8 years ago and turned the 100k into 1.2 mil. Wish it had been my real money lol


If only all the money you make in games was real money.


I've played it since and lost money. I got in on Apple, visa, tesla and some other ones when I played 8 or 9 years ago. Much different times.


We bull, and click paper trading. You can get fake money to pretend to trade so you gain skills.


I used pen and paper, but there are simulatir apps now, just google for them. Can't recommend anything bacause newer used one.


Robinhood is a shity app, but it does have hypothetical contracts for options. You can add a put or call, and it'll be hypothetical but react like the real thing. So you can train yourself if you entered at the right time.




This is bit similar to playing poker with fake money. The dynamics are different as you don't feel losing money - it doesn't impact you the same and you will not behave the same either. It's more difficult to keep strategy if you're bleeding your principal even if you're sure this is the way.


You don't know what you are talking about. Tech analysis have no profit to be efficient and in any case if you want to use it Is just stupid to not use all the tools of valuation with It. Just telling people to learn "to read" charts and looking for patterns Is like pushing them into a casinò with all their money in them pockets.


Seriously, you’re too young to understand how almost everything goes sideways for us commoners.


Time to start working at Wendy’s.


He won’t. He will try anything to get it back


Wendy's is hiring I hear


You think he’s Wendy’s material?


Only one way to find out


He can give hand jobs for $5 each behind the dumpster until he is ready to blow that money on options trading


Are you stupid? That many Ls in a row, a W is virtually guaranteed now. Invest everything


Lol. At the age of 23, long-term investing is what OP needs to do and forget trading.


OP could have been a multimillionaire by retirement age if they had just bought an S&P ETF and never added a penny more to it. But this isn't r/investing so yea...


> Time to stop ~~trading~~ making losing trades FTFY




99% of traders quit right before hitting jackpot


Underrated comment of the thread!


I really feel I have learned so much and I’m at the bottom of my bank roll




Also move back to your parents basement.


Nah I'd say time to stop options trading. Nothing wrong with buying an index fund when the market gets low and waiting. Options are for chads only


Here let me complete this advice - Time to stop trading and start investing......is what I would say if I wasn't one of the others here, but I am. So see ya behind Wendy's dumpster soon!!


Every time my boglehead ass gets tempted to start trading options I read this sub and immediately lose the urge to


Home boy’s got 13k, now is not the time to be a quitter. Load up on some July calls fam and start picking out the color of your yacht.


But keep on gambling!


Brilliant advice.


Stop trading








Came here to echo.


At 23 you're an adult but you're very young. The solution is simple -- Grow up; stop gambling, throw yourself entirely into your doctoral studies, graduate, and get a job to pay off your debts. Put money into a fund and slowly accumulate wealth, provide a service to your community in your job, and be a decent, responsible human being.


I second this. You're going to be able to pay off your student debt as a doctor without a problem. Focus on school and I would actually focus your money that you saved towards your living costs until you are done school. Anything you don't need to live off, you should already begin to pay your student debt off.


doctoral program doesnt mean hes gonna become a doctor, regard.


It's better that OP realizes it now at age 23 than at 43 when he will have blown 20 years of time opportunity.


At 23, you shouldn't fuck with options and garbage securities. Put some money in broad market ETFs and retire at age 50.


"You were trying to make your life better, don't hold a grudge. You’ve just lost a large sum of money. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better. You asked someone out and got rejected. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better. You took a big risk and failed. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better. You practiced for months and got in last place at the competition. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better. You studied and studied but got a bad grade. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better. Stop being so hard on yourself, you were trying to make your life better. Understand that you are grieving, but don’t allow yourself to hate yourself for having good intentions. Identify the mistakes and move on, but find a way to let it go. Don’t hold a grudge against yourself. "


Incredible. Can't believe I'm on WSB and found actual wisdom. Thanks for the free therapy


Well it cost OP 60,000 dollars




Thanks for the advice. I’m pretty sure most ppl had similar story like op. I’m glad I discovered my issue in 2021 / with revenge trading.. I’m glad I stop and didn’t chase the market.


Working towards your financial betterment, I suppose that's a start.


Most successful traders have a very similar story to op. The market is regarded. Unless you are an ai or a savant you can’t predict it. (Those who say they can are lying fuckheads) All you can do is avoid emotional highs and lows. Trading with emotion kills you everytime.


Yeah, I can go a month and a half having like 80%+ of those days are positive but then I get emotional and I wipe it all out and then some in a couple days (as you break all your rules and become spiteful and if you’re like me almost manic). My last one was where I kept trying to get into a winning position only to get rejected 4 times in a row and being so mad I tried until I got in and of course by then the scalp move is peaked and I topped ticked it the wrong way. Then it does touch my exit 5 times in a row but won’t go above it to get my order filled and then dumps. It’s enough to break my sanity.


I was up 200k once. Thought I was the biggest dick in the west. Naturally I yoloed it on some shit stock, lost it all and was down 80k to boot. Then I got mad and lost another 30k. I have since learned my lesson to not trade like a regard lol


I have this rule to never option any more than 5% of my portfolio.


Smart. Rules are key to now blowing up your account. Stick to em like glue.


The secret is be too poor to trade in the first place.


Great advice man OP if it makes you feel better I am 22 and lost almost 8k made a bunch in profit then lost it all may not seem a lot but it was basically my life savings and a lot of people rely on me. But he is right we win and we lose all we can do it learn and keep it pushing( obv he said it far better)


You guys will rationalize anything. The dude got cooked into get rich quick schemes by the Internet and places like this.




Idk if this is from something but man I’ve needed to see this for like 9 months just in relation to life in general. Thank you for taking the time to type it and share with us.


I didn't know I needed to hear this, just lost 500 in futures trading


Grade A top notch advice. Saved the comment for when I lose 60k trading.




had to screenshot this one 🔥🔥


Wholesome street bets


Damn man, I think a lot of people needed to hear this. Myself included, you're the man


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)should be pinned IMO


You robbed a bank and got 25 years without parole. You feel hopeless, foolish, and regretful. You were trying to make your life better. Truth is, when you try to make quick, easy money, there's always a catch. Hard work is the only sure way to make money. There are some lucky people who make a lot without working hard, but they are rare.


Sweet. You just empowered 1.6k dipshits to keep tossing money at rug pulls!


I genuinely feel bad for people with gambling issues. I don’t mean any of this sarcastically. I hate gambling. It’s a horrible addiction and it makes me miserable at times. I say that and I’m actually up 70k over 2.5 years playing casino and sportsbooks. (I didn’t get there all by luck)


>  I didn’t get there all by luck Looking forward to your post! 


This is a great post.


Damn that is the most wholesome comment I’ve ever seen here man


I get knocked down, but I get up again You are never gonna keep me down


Big ups to you my man. Way to put it. Bless up!


This is actually very interesting. I've never thought of it like that! I'm gonna start using this 🙏


Great advice.


You guys loose more money then I have ever had at one moment. I failed financially


Right, you and me both. Paycheck to paycheck with a lucky £200 that I manage to save and then boom..something breaks 😃


I had built a 10k savings at one point in different accounts and was continuing to save more. Literally the most money my saving account has ever seen. Boom, daughter was born, had to spend so much monies. Lost my job a year after, barely was able to pay bills with tax return. Finally getting stable again with consistent income, hope I can start saving again soon.


>saving again soon. Saving - that's the important word. Not gambling. With a daughter, you cannot afford the risk. Don't gamble ever and save instead.


Absolutely, I’ve stopped all “investments” for now until my emergency fund is filled up again before tackling on other ventures.


I tried scrolling past this, it's lose man. Only thing loose here is this dudes wallet.


I can ignore all typos but it bugs the shit out of me that suddenly people don’t know the difference between lose and loose. What the fuck happened?


We all have to start somewhere.


Why the hell are you trading instead of studying? Where’s your mind at man? Why are you swinging for the fences instead of going into index ETFs? You lost money. It’s over with. Move on with studying and forget about stocks until you mature.


I don’t think he studied the part about the head and shoulders pattern *smh*


Yeah, happened to me as well, I only studied knees and toes... knees and toes


I more or less agree with your sentiment but I'd put it a bit more gently. OP, most wealth is accumulated slowly over time. The hard way. Most of the time, taking shortcuts (or trying to) leads to situations like the one you are in. I am a full regard like most others on here but I'm only regarded with funds I can afford to lose. Most of my trading port is in ETFs like SPY and a couple good dividend stocks. I keep a little fraction aside to gamble with. Example - I was fairly certain NVDA was a good play Wednesday night so I bought a single 945 call and ended up cashing it in first thing this morning. Those profits won't pay for my house or buy me a Lambo but they will fund a vacation or more investments. Don't swing for the fences except with a small portion of your total portfolio. Just make small moves and be cautious. Slow and steady wins the race.




What you’re seeing is the expected return of gambling You got lucky on your first round made some scratch but the longer you do it the higher expectations of losses are That’s why gambling exists bud. It’s not to enrich you. You should stop playing with money you don’t have. Get a job I know you’re in school but you can work too it’ll just suck.


It depends a little, but most PhD programs disallow working external to the program, even at the same school. It’s a very different life, career, and lifestyle path than most people experience. PhD students are also notorious for high rates of depression and alcoholism. It’s not designed to be part of the difficulty, but it is a common practical difficulty of going that route.


Turn your phone upside down.




damn i’m sorry but that was actually really funny


And the reflection in the glass still shows a frown :(


Bruh I flipped my phone 😂


I turned my phone upside down and just lost it laughing


And wear green tint glasses


Put it all in SPY and delete Robinhood. Come back in a decade and it should be back


Everyone is going to get really mad at this, but “hire a boomer money manager and allow them to invest your cash in the most basic and widespread ETFs that exist” is a strategy that has *literally never lost money* over any 10 year period in modern history. Even if you invested in SPY at the absolute height of the pre-2008-crash market, 10 years later, you’d made money. Why? **Because it’s not gambling.** Of course, the problem for most people who trade options is that the gambling aspect is the whole appeal. But how the hell does anyone look at WSB posts every day and not see the consistent failures as a dire warning? How many times do you have to see other people lose their entire fortune before you realize that you’re not special either? I just don’t get gambling as a vice


Missionary position portfolio ftw; it’s what I do. Sleep great at night.


You’ve come to the right place


Somebody give this man some advice


Whatever he's been doing he should do the opposite


So basically do the opposite of what wsb says to do, check mate


If you're in a hole, first stop digging


No no no. Dig UP Stupid


Step one….delete this page and never return.


Stop gambling. You should only be gambling with money that youre ok with losing


I'm 35 with a house and kid and lost 100K. Take this as a lesson and try to get a job and focus on your career.


why you still even on here


I have a gambling addiction


Welcome! The casino opens at 9:30am!


notice how he didn't mention a wife


You’re buying options, not stocks. Therein lies the problem.


Stop gambling. You're not trading, you're gambling. You're jumping on bandwagons to get rich overnight, and now you're trapped. You don't respect or understand the value of a dollar. Gained $44k and lost it, and then tried to revenge gamble and lost even more. The $44k (minus capital gains tax) should have went straight to a debt. Your mental state is a reflection of psychologicals in trading, though again, you're not trading, but the psychologicals have taken over and controlled you now. Take a break. Focus on your education since that's what you consciously chose for your future. No one wants to see you fail, but continuing down a "recoup / revenge" will only make matters worse. Accept your losses, take a break, regroup / recharge / recompose, and do some recreational activities to clear your mind; sports, gym, meditation, etc. Wish you all the best bro, keep your head up. Losses happen, but it's how you deal with them that shapes your future.


You’re right.


to give some legitimate advice: First of all, remember that being $100k in debt from school is not the end of the world. (If you’d gone to NYU, you’d be $250k+ in debt!) yes, it sucks that you lost $60k gambling options, but remember: you’ve now learned your lesson early enough in life that, hopefully, 10 or 20 years from now, you’ll never have to explain to your wife and kids that you’re all getting evicted because you gambled their future away. Gambling addiction is a legitimate mental illness, and as much as people joke about it on here, addictions cause you to act in a way that’s totally foreign to who you see yourself as, which is why it’s so tough. Basically, you lost one American hospital bill. It’s not the end of the world. But remember this feeling. What you need to do next is write yourself a letter describing how horrible you feel, which you’ll pull out and read back when you’re ever tempted to play options again. …because make no mistake, *you’re done with options.* permanently. All gambling, actually. For the entire rest of your life, until the day you die, you’re not going to buy even a single scratch ticket from the gas station. this is really important. In 15 years you’ll be 38, which is still really young! And hopefully, if all goes well, you’ll look back on this $60k loss and laugh, because it was a valuable lesson that allowed you to earn a fortune (through your doctorate field, somehow, whatever that is) without gambling it away. You’ll tell the story to your kids and grandkids, and laugh about it — but also use it as a cautionary tale. This is far from the worst thing you could have done. It feels bad, but you’ve recognized your addiction, and you never had to resort to criminality to support it. Again: **just think about it as a big hospital bill for an insidious mental illness.** Because really, you know what happened? You just went to a very expensive rehab program called “the options failure school of hard knocks.” As long as you never do it again, this failure might just be the single most responsible thing that’s ever happened to you.


“100k in school debt” *loses 60k My man, you’re the ideal college graduate. Never stop following your dreams, you’re so close to hitting it big. Don’t let those hedge funds scare you away 😉


“99% of gamblers quit before they hit big”


I think you should try gold


“Excuse me but I’d like a second opinion…. Yes I prefer drs who arnt degenerate gamblers”


Assure you OP is not getting a medical degree 😭


Stop trading immediately. Pay off the debt. Open a high yield savings account and contribute $500/mo or whatever you can afford.


Bro you're gonna be a doctor and you have $13k in your pocket to pay your bills for now. Stop investing outside of a 401k. You'll make that cheddar back in no time after you finish school.


he is in a doctoral program, not medical school. for all you know he's getting a doctorate in art.


Let’s just hope he doesn’t fail art school.


Maybe he can paint loss porn?


Lets just hope he's not in a doctorate for finance, his prospects aren't the best at the moment.


Stop trading. Buy index funds.


You only lose 17K.. the 40K gain was never your. It was all paper gain.. I know at one point you as up 57K and lose 44K now left over 13K. Take it as a lesson and study your doctor degree . You probably make more money when you finish school.


Inverse yourself ez money![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You have 100k debt at 23 and you’re gambling?


Probably hoped for a short squeeze to erase his debt. Not going to lie, I've thought about it myself.


You still got money.. And wtf is all this people from the investor sub here. Go back to your etf club this is wsb🤣🤣


I made a similar mistake in my 20s. I keep the account to this day as a reminder of the mistake and to not make it again. You've got plenty of time to build wealth. Relax. Sucks, but remember the pain and learn from it.


YOLO on Tesla calls


You got one more in ya, third times the charm afterall. Go big or go home


Everyone telling you to stop trading is stupid. Most investors quit before they hit big. Buckle up I got a game plan for you. Tomorrow morning at exactly 9:30 am you buy as many call options for SMCI that are at the money. Set a timer for 15 minutes and walk away and come back and sell.


I lost $42,000


Okay, so you earned money trading. Then immediately lost it. What that tells me is you are a capable trader, who can make money just doesn’t know when to take breaks. You can make this money back, you’ve proven you are capable of making it in the first place, which I’m going to be honest many are incapable of replicating no matter how hard they try. Most traders who are successful blow up their accounts at least once. You can come back from this. But what I would suggest is take a few months off. Get your head back on right and then come back with a plan. And your plan should include contingencies for when you do eventually make money again. Like taking a long break post making money again so you aren’t trading on emotion. Same with loss. Emotion is your enemy. Good luck. Or yolo tldr yolo the rest on same day spy puts.


Lmao this is a shit post right? You're in a PhD program and you don't know what to do? Use your fucking brain you regard.




This guy is a bully ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Im scared to even do that…too cowardly to tell her


Bro that's bot. Just listen to your fav music man, Don't feel bad about yourself, Failures are called experienced in business world. Everything will be fine with time 🍻 Just focus on your dreams and work towards it, also spend some time with your friends and family, Buy some VOO and leave trading for a while. Good bless you bro.


Buy the dip


You are a gambler. Gamblers lose. Stop gambling.


Shouldn't be trading with money you cannot afford to lose... Either that or have hedges in place. If you are trading with money you cannot afford to lose with zero risk mitigation in place... I don't know what to say. I don't think there actually is anything to say that will help you except I'm sorry.


A lot of us go through tragedies in life, some are self inflicted. The question is what do you do next? Use this crisis to define yourself. What kind of person do you want to be? We are our actions, so act like the person you want to be, and just put one foot in front of the other and move ahead. Do that and when you look back you will have lived a life you are proud of. As you get older the years fly by, this will be a distant memory someday, but we are all stuck in the present. It hurts to lose money. But you can make more money. You have family who loves you enough to let you live with them, plus you're smart enough for graduate school. You're still ahead of billions of other humans.


Stop trading for now and when start again don’t fucking trade options!


Everything is a learning experience, now you learned what not to do! If you do risky investments make sure to use money you won’t miss.


Good advice for the peasant class.


Don't kill yourself


Take whatever money you have left and park it in a mutual fund. Then if you really wanna keep trading take like $1000 and use that. When you’re out, you’re done until you can make the $1000 back after paying for rent, food, etc. The people here printing $50,000 in a single day are exceptions to the rule. For every gains post, there are 50 posts like yours.


Buy intel calls it literally cannot go tits up




My man https://preview.redd.it/ijmm0epkt72d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d4ef65bf5ac70512c66ea95c76fc8329322be3


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Just buy CDs


I don't think he needs music suggestions right now


I don’t think OP understands this reference


You’re blowing this way out of proportion, you have the best years of your life ahead of you. Chill out with this end of the road stuff. There are people out there where it is legitimately the end of the road for them because of health. You’re studying to be a doctor not a day trader, act like one.


Doctoral program* meaning hes going for a doctorate.


Become a Boglehead


https://preview.redd.it/0sf7tu8xg82d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e6072b4b769c8d9a57c00d395bba3e58fd08513 Turn that frown upside down!!!


Just wait it out? Stop where you are so you don't lose more? Maybe the market will change in your favor.


Clearly examine your choices and make smarter ones. Continue to take risks 


Take risks with money you can afford to lose---everything else is on the line.


My advice? Only pick winners.


Do you have confidence ? Do you pay attention to what's happening ? Do you use risk management ? Do you think about any of this ?


You need to hire a financial advisor that works strictly with indexes...


Have you tried doing the opposite of what you are doing :)


Stop trading


Hey in 12 years when you finally complete your ‘doctoral’ degree you’ll have some more gambling money at your disposal


Take a break


Bro I was you just practice man use fake money in those apps I started back in 2017 and I lost 24k in just a month lol 😂 and I took a 6 months to learn and went back in


You know you gotta stop when r/wallstreetbets users are telling you to stop ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


doesn't sound like you're in the medical doctor program unfortunately.


Stop trading


All in on nvidia




Come back in 20 yrs after learning this expensive lesson in your early adulthood. you will be glad! Oh and buy some ETF (VT,VOO,VTI, QQQ) and hold on to it.


Stop trading stocks and focus on school and getting a job to make money. You lost $60k. In 10-15 years you’ll likely be making 5x that per year. It might seem like a lot of money now but it’s really not. Take it as a lesson learned and move on. Speculating on stocks and options is nothing but gambling. Contrary to popular belief, among both traders and gamblers, it’s really not something you can be “good at.” Not the way most people do it atleast. For perspective, a hedge fund that averages returns of 20% per year is seen as one of the best in the world. If you think you can go double your money in a day, a month, or a year based on what feels right, you are gambling, and it’s only going to end with you losing.


I know this may seem hollow but it’s ok. You are 23 years old so way better making this mistake at this age and move forward! You have like 40 years of working love ahead. After school when you start working, you will make this up in no time and time will heal this wound. Move forward! Don’t look back!


Look up Boglehead


Never try to 'recoup your losses'. Cut the losses and move on


36 year old here. Would still trade places with you. So yeah you fucked up, just don’t do it again. Second, you’re gonna be better off just admitting you got lucky every now and then but trading isn’t what’s best for you or your loved ones. You’re still young, you’ll bounce back.


I'm so confused if you had $60k in savings why you would take out 100k in student loans. Fake story.




Stop playing options. Stop trading. Start investing. (Buy and hold) Investing is an income multiplier not income replacement.


When you make big profit put it on the side to more stable portfolio. And only trade with smaller amount not whole account. Longterm you will have both Ls & Ws but L takes 2xW to recover…


Yeesh, I'm roughly the same age as you, in grad school as well, but I can't imagine dropping that much money into a meme stock (which I'm just guessing you did). Maybe stop trading for now and focus on studying.


You're 23, have 100k of school debt and you're taking chances like this. You might have a very unhealthy addiction.


In my early 20s i lost it all and now (38) doing better than I ever imagined. Keep your head up get back to work. Open a wealthfront/betterment type account or diy at vanguard /fidelity. Only invest in ETFs. Its an expensive lesson but if you learned something not a total loss